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Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
24 Feb 2011 /  #511
Soon time to rrrrroll up the rrrrrim!

I remember, goo luck:)

If one doesn't wake me up, the other surely will!

too much information:(

During my time that's what they called it. I beg to differ. You can't do it badly-it's fool-proof. :)

you are just sentimental and you memory fails you re: Polish Turkish style coffee - it was and still is like drinking mud;), but when you visit you will have the opportunity to drink all the mud you want;).

being sick in Poland
well, it appears that I have been working too much and I have a cold. It is a good opportunity to get some attention among my friends and my family members.

I send the youngest one to get me some hot and sour chinese soup, it always seemed to work in Canada, but there was Chinatown.

My boss takes me to the drugstore and tells me that I am not suppose to take antibiotics. NO,NO, NO - advices pour through.

Instead she suggests some OMEGA something shark blah, blah which is good for the brain function, well, I only have a cold - is she suggesting something to me? I don't want any shark products.

Regardless, I buy the OMEGA, rutinoscorbin - which pretty much the whole Poland is addicted to, sick or not, in order to get rid of my boss and go home.

I have my own way of dealing with the cold. Do not disturb me. They keep calling from work with some unimportant questions. Leave me alone - I think. Wrrr.........Do I need anything btw?- they ask. Yes!!! Peace would be nice.

Noce to finally be noticed and I am gonna milk it for sure;)
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Feb 2011 /  #512
to finally be noticed and I am gonna milk it for sure;)

Typical polish girl mentality.
s2good2  1 | 72  
24 Feb 2011 /  #513
Do you mean there is much less of a "coffee culture?"

Gosh, I am going to miss my coffee!!! accustomed to have my machine grind the beans right before brewing all in one machine! the fresh taste! (Cuisinart Burr Grind ( holds 1/2 pound of beans on top)) Can not take with because the transformer to make it work in Europe costs $ 179.00, not willing to pay ! :(Maybe I will find something close or will like a "New" type of coffee that I like... All part of the adventure RIGHT? :)
convex  20 | 3928  
24 Feb 2011 /  #514
You can get all kinds of coffee over here, even raw beans to roast yourself if you're into that. I've got some nice Guatemala Antigua that I roasted and a bit of Blue Mountain that was already roasted.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Feb 2011 /  #515
The best is greek frappe.It makes you like a missile.Suggested for picking up Polki.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
24 Feb 2011 /  #516
Suggested for picking up Polki.

nah, thanks. I am into men.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Feb 2011 /  #517
For women the best is greek coffee.It causes them to gossip endlessly.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
24 Feb 2011 /  #518
you are just sentimental and you memory fails you re: Polish Turkish style coffee - it was and still is like drinking mud;), but when you visit you will have the opportunity to drink all the mud you want;).

You're not supposed to drink the sediment aphro! haha.....my memory's just fine and I am looking forward to visiting. Maybe we can exchange notes over a glass of mud? lol
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 Feb 2011 /  #519
best is greek coffee

Ena kafe, parakalon.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Feb 2011 /  #520
Right.And then women start predicting the future from the remants in the coffee cup.Ugly.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
24 Feb 2011 /  #521
I remember, goo luck:)

My first one was an invitation to play again...

too much information:(

Not me! Southern is the one usually providing too much information!
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
24 Feb 2011 /  #522
My first one was an invitation to play again...

I have got many of those:D.

You're not supposed to drink the sediment aphro! haha.....my memory's just fine and I am looking forward to visiting. Maybe we can exchange notes over a glass of mud? lol

who said I did;). Well, I will think about it and maybe I will even bring my french press lol you prove the beans;)

Not me! Southern is the one usually providing too much information!

actually he doesn't and that's the blessing;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 Feb 2011 /  #523
Get well soon and keep up the posts, this is the 'new' Omnibus, since Sir Cumference fell into a Guinness pi maker.

I am sure you don't get enough "helpful" advise so here you are:
Plenty of hot whiskeys! aphrodisiac and you'll be right as rain (how right is rain, how right can rain be?).
jonni  16 | 2475  
24 Feb 2011 /  #524
predicting the future from the remants in the coffee cup

Northern English do that too, but with tea leaves. It really works, if the right person does it.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Feb 2011 /  #525
English do that too, but with tea leaves

English and their tea.I had no doubt about that.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
24 Feb 2011 /  #526
Get well soon and keep up the posts, this is the 'new' Omnibus, since Sir Cumference fell into a Guinness pi maker.

I know, he is too much into whatever he is into, but he'd better make sure I am getting my money for replacing him.

I am sure you don't get enough "helpful" advise so here you are:
Plenty of hot whiskeys! aphrodisiac and you'll be right as rain (how right is rain, how right can rain be?).

hm, whiskey you say: hot Toddy then? I have no whiskey in the house, although apparently there is a Tavern in Szczecin (of all cities in Poland) that stocks a quite nice choice.

thanks Sean:). The last time I had Hot Toddy was in a Scottish restaurant in Canada.
my first time at the doctors
hmmmm.....I stopped pretending that I am not sick. Cancelled most of my classes this week and went back to work today, only to realize that the dry cough was sounding a bit too worrying. I sounded like a homeless dog. So it was time to see the Polish doc.

Few minutes and 60,_ PLN (could not be arsed to see a regular doc- picked this expression from the British posters on PF) I was sitting in front of a smiling woman in a white coat. She was wearing a nice shade of purple eye shadow applied this morning lavishly, non- descriptive age and started to ask me about allergies. Well, I am allergic to southern, but I kept it to myself since she didn't look like a person who would want to know the PF story and all that jazz......

I also noticed that her computer typing skills had much to desire, but she was quite funny and entertaining. She spent a good amount of time trying to figure out my life habits and to make the story short, she told me what I already knew a long time ago.

Finally she said the word I was fearing to hear: virus - er, so no antibiotics for me.

Garlic, onions, tea with lemon, lots of rest and she wanted to know how much time off I wanted since this is virus. I took off till the end of the week. I am nicely stuck at home with PF and Testosteron and Ladis movie CDs. Had a garlic sandwich already, er, it was all righ:(

I wonder if my virus will like the movies.
JaneDoe  5 | 114  
24 Feb 2011 /  #527
I sounded like a homeless dog.

Aww, somebody needs a hug. :)

my first time at the doctors

Yay! Somebody needs a HUGE hug!!!! :)

Testosteron and Ladis movie CDs

You'll enjoy them. I did! :)

Get better, missy!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 Feb 2011 /  #528
he'd better make sure I am getting my money for replacing him.

I am sure his entire fortune is being signed over to you as I type.

there is a Tavern in Szczecin (of all cities in Poland) that stocks a quite nice choice.

Lucky you, I have to go to the big smoke (Krakow) to get a nice one, round here they only have Johnny walker, Jack daniel's or some other awful urine coloured perfumes.

*scratches head, not because he is wondering if they actually use urine to colour them but because his head's itchy*

Hot Toddy

Be careful, that's also a euphemism :)

she didn't look like a person who would want to know the PF story and all that jazz......

Which begs the question, what would a person have to look like to want to know the PF story?
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
24 Feb 2011 /  #529
Get better, missy!


I am sure his entire fortune is being signed over to you as I type.

what fortune?

Lucky you, I have to go to the big smoke (Krakow) to get a nice one, round here they only have Johnny walker, Jack daniel's or some other awful urine coloured perfumes.
*scratches head, not because he is wondering if they actually use urine to colour them but because his head's itchy*

we can swap since I am not that big of a fan, meaning I can survive without whiskey, you, on the on the other hand might become dangerously irish - like melancholic ( just made it up) and THAT (the made up Irish melancholia) might result in eating too many pierogies.

Be careful, that's also a euphemism :)

my Goodness, I checked it in the Urban dictionary - indeed it is, but within my context it cannot be taken for anything but a drink. Well, unless some Irish - melancholic like dirty minded, slightly disturbed individual (or a healthy male in some parts of the world) thinks otherwise;).

Which begs the question, what would a person have to look like to want to know the PF story?

well, if you listen to what my co-workers are talking about, then you might change your mind;D. People are the same anywhere one goes.

Which reminds me. I have to go to bed. Nite.

PS. the virus has a good influence on my writing, or, I am getting a fever:)

Problems with pigeons
I was hoping it would never come to this, but since the buggers have a party every single morning on my balcony leaving a little piles of white stuff, I have to do something about it.

Nordic walking in Poland

I have seen people walking in various locations, including the middle of the city, beach and obviously parks.
This time around after nourishing my flu in front of the computer and getting into yet another useless discussion on PF, I decided to accept the invitation for a walk. A friend of mine was very convinced that I should get some air. So on Sunday morning I got picked up by 2 other women and we drove off the a nearby lake with a park around it. It appeared that one of them didn't want to even be in the car at such an early hour on Sunday morning, but in her comfortable and warm bed. I can understand that and I was happy to sit in the back and listen to a funny bickering of people who I have never met before. They just carried on and after the car stopped in the woods I finally had a chance to introduce myself;).

Regardless, we got out, stretched and played with a beautiful dog, which belonged to one of the women. Then, they pulled out the equipment. I was offered a pair, but I said: thank you, I can walk on my own and don't want to be seen dragging two walking poles through the woods. I was right, because that way I was faster and could throw the sticks to the dog, who was happily fetching them. Nice.

The sun was shining, the lake was frozen with no snow on it. The wind was cold, but the place was full of other early walkers. People with dogs, people on bikes, people walking other Poles and other people walking with poles. I noticed a group of people in front of the bon fire, having their early Sunday sausage. We stopped by a man who asked if "our" dog can have a chase with his dog. When the dogs chased each other in a playful way, we found out that he adopted his at the animal shelter.

I am walking next Sunday too.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
1 Mar 2011 /  #530
I was hoping it would never come to this, but since the buggers have a party every single morning on my balcony leaving a little piles of white stuff, I have to do something about it.

Damn, the parties I go to, small piles of white stuff are always cleaned out to the tiniest last grain. Were you hoping for a breakfast of the champions? Ha, fat chance!:)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Mar 2011 /  #531
I understand, but how can you compare a post Oscar party with the pigeon party in Poland? I think mine it much more refined lol
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
1 Mar 2011 /  #532
I understand, but how can you compare a post Oscar party with the pigeon party in Poland?

Right, pigeons can snort hence the leftovers, Polska here I come:)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Mar 2011 /  #533

you meant: can't I think.
Polska here I come:)
renew you passport first;) or not........
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
1 Mar 2011 /  #534
you meant: can't I think

yep that's what I meant, thanks:) you know, being an eternal optimist I do struggle with negations.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Mar 2011 /  #535
yep that's what I meant, thanks:)

anytime hon;)

you know, being an eternal optimist I do struggle with negations.

of course, I knew that:)

I have got a cell phone
yah, almost everybody has one, but some people are so attached to it, it blows me away. Especially those who want to feel important.

I have to write a new code vs no code during my classes to HAVE the Fking thing OFF at all times.

What else is new. Well, I am still sick, but hoping that I will look lavishly on Saturday, when the "ostatki" dance is taking place.

I will report afterwards. Hopefully there will be no sleazy married men this time around, and if there is, well, I know how to deal with it. lol A little kick in the balls:D

pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Mar 2011 /  #536
almost everybody

what do you mean 'almost' everybody...???
A J  4 | 1075  
3 Mar 2011 /  #537
I don't have one.

pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Mar 2011 /  #538
do you want me to send you one....? ;)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
3 Mar 2011 /  #539
I don't have one.


AJ - what planet do you live on? LOL

I just ordered the iPad Deux to replace my original one and can't live without my iPhone 4. Granted, I need it primarily so I can Skype in each and every country but I just can't imagine not having my phone with me.

PS. Aphro - I don't feel important. ;)

PSS. No kicks in the balls! Talk first! lol
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Mar 2011 /  #540
I just ordered the iPad Deux to replace my original one and can't live without my iPhone 4.

so you buy a new ipad and an iphone everytime it's on..?

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.Archived