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Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.

southern  73 | 7059  
3 Feb 2011 /  #421
because he lied to me and wanted to take advantage of such and innocent Western girl.

Not western.You are an Ukrainka.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
3 Feb 2011 /  #422
Cool this is now a real diary with characters....
Take him to the cleaners!
*Bites nails waiting for next instalment:)*
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
4 Feb 2011 /  #423
...He wants me to meet him at the skating rink. Wow. I decide to go and him him face to face...

Ms. Aphrodite - if he is a "Misiu" then are you his "niedźwiedzica"?

It takes two to tango (except if you have Geico car insurance ;) ...

...and personally I'd never go out with a lady who's married ...unless her husband was to join us and then it'd be somewhat awkward... ;)

So maybe this idea of you being pursued by a "stranger", the intoxicating thought of a man finding our mighty-aphrodity irresistible is clouding your judgment?

We men are often accused of being less than honest with our female counterparts yet we do not hold the keyes to the golden gates, you women do. Please note, I am NOT insinuating that anything was to happen between you and the married man (and it wouldn't have been any of my my business anyways).

However since you're sharing your daily life with us, the voyeuristic part of me wants to understand why a woman would even accept an invite from a married guy to go skating with her??

If I was you, (and I think I'd look purty good in pink ;) my reply to him would've been something like "I'd love to go skating with you, bring your wife and your kids and we'll have a blast!"

So please educate me on the female psyche as I'm obviously failing the "Women's Intricacies 101" course.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Feb 2011 /  #424
Agree with everything you said. I decided to take the higher road with Misiu and told him I am no longer interested.
slippery sidewalks
I have mentioned them in the past. Yesterday, I slipped and injured my knee.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
4 Feb 2011 /  #425
Yeay, there's hope in the field of romance. :) Good for you, you deserve better better than that. ...and apparently so does his wife.
s2good2  1 | 72  
4 Feb 2011 /  #427

Thanks for the reply! one other thing. While reading the "entire" thread I noted that you said you had problems with your packages you sent to Poland in customs. My question, since I am moving there, Why was there problems? when I send box's to Poland (to my wife's mom) the packages are just delivered. no customs, no problems. Why were yours stuck in customs? I ask because I do not want to have the same problems. Starting to send box's now so when I get there in 2-3 months they will be waiting at my mother in-laws flat for us. Thanx for the info! Love the blog! Really is helping a "stupid" American that is moving to Gdynia! :)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Feb 2011 /  #428
Why was there problems?

I was relocating so my shipment was big- over 500 kg-books, dishes and other stuff. If you shipping one at the time -it might not be a problem. I was shipping so called "mienie przesiedlencze" on which one does not pay duty since it is personal stuff. I did not look after documentation proving that I lived in Canada, such as bills for the apartment, which I discarded. Usually they require such stuff. I also think that the duty people wanted a bribe, which they didn't get and I was able to prove that I lived in Canada after all.

Many Polish people relocate and they probably try to smuggle something into the country without the duty, therefore the initial problems I have had.

Thanx for the info! Love the blog! Really is helping a "stupid" American that is moving to Gdynia! :)

If you have any questions you can always PM me. As for teaching, you might want to get a Teaching Certificate such as Celta or TESOL, unless you have it already or something similar. There are many threads on this forum regarding this topic.

Good luck in moving:)
s2good2  1 | 72  
4 Feb 2011 /  #429
Good luck in moving:)

Thank you so much!! I am soooooooo scared leaving "Everything" behind and moving to a country I know so little about (visited 3 times and have ton a ton of research) but not the same as living there ! but PF has helped a ton. If you have not viewed yet I have a thread in PF under everyday life, 3000-4000 a month. Take a min to look and see what's going on. ANY help would be Appreciated! thanks again your thread has also been very helpful !

FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
4 Feb 2011 /  #430
S2good2 wrote:

I am soooooooo scared leaving "Everything" behind and moving to a country I know so little about

then I'd stay where you are.

moving to poland is not for everybody. in fact, it's not for most people. i saw my fair share of "crash and burn" cases througout the four years I was there. too much drinking, homesickness, boredom, loss of motivation and just straight up depression. if you're not full of **** and vinegar about doing this, you're gonna have a tough time.

it takes more than motivation to come to Poland. you gotta know in your heart that this is the right decision and if you're full of fear, your heart's not in it.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Feb 2011 /  #431
Flirting with a married man ... plain and simple. Now finding excitement in it ... trying to "glorify" it? ...

How, insensitive has the world become. Both the parties now, I feel, are equally reckless ... I feel pity only for his wife. But who knows, maybe she is just as bit of a recklessness in action.

Very very ... unpleasant. What if they have children? ... poor them. Some people love to make a witch/home wrecker out of themselves, and some men love to play the toxic-trash/soul killers.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
4 Feb 2011 /  #432
Did you see the video they made....? very hot...!
Marynka11  3 | 639  
4 Feb 2011 /  #433
Very very ... unpleasant. What if they have children? ... poor them. Some people love to make a witch/home wrecker out of themselves, and some men love to play the toxic-trash/soul killers.

Give her a break Lodz. She confronted the man about being married and flirting with her and broke off whatever contacts they had. What makes me really sick is that they guy was jerk, but of course people never fail to notice it's the woman's fault. I don't see anything reckless in what aphro did.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Feb 2011 /  #434
I don't see anything reckless in what aphro did.

Oh yeah? ... look at the page number 15. She is not done with him yet ... she is as one poster commented "playing with fire" - Oh!!! How exciting that must be ... isnt it?

Fine ... go ahead! ...

Well about the man. I've already said that he is the TRASH OF THE CENTURY. But look at her taste, she loves to keep smelling the trash! ... So this makes her the prominent homewrecker of the century aswell.

I am unafraid to say what I feel is right from the core of my heart no matter if anyone likes it or not!

First read page 15 and then you tell me (post#438).
Marynka11  3 | 639  
4 Feb 2011 /  #435
I decided to take the higher road with Misiu and told him I am no longer interested.

That's the latest update on the status of this telenovela.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Feb 2011 /  #436
I think I will have more fun with Misiu

But I read this one ...

In any condition ... it is a very pathetic picture of Poland and ... the men and women of it. Unfortunately I cannot just say that it is not the real scenario ... I'm afraid its nowadays almost the regular scenario.

But if she moves away, its going to do alot better for her than it will do for him.
s2good2  1 | 72  
4 Feb 2011 /  #437
it takes more than motivation to come to Poland. you gotta know in your heart that this is the right decision and if you're full of fear, your heart's not in it.

My heart is in it but still scared. I wont re-type it here but go look at the forum titled $ 3000.00- 4000.00 per month etc and you will see my reasons.

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
5 Feb 2011 /  #438
Flirting with a married man ... plain and simple. Now finding excitement in it ... trying to "glorify" it? ...

don't be silly. He was flirting with me and I didn't know that he was married, He lied to me and tried to flirt even more with me without disclosing the truth. I told him that I was no longer interested in any contacts with him.

In any condition ... it is a very pathetic picture of Poland and ... the men and women of it. Unfortunately I cannot just say that it is not the real scenario ... I'm afraid its nowadays almost the regular scenario.

YES. This is just one of my observations. There are many cases like that and I heard from other people that it is fairly common. The reason it is not that common in Canada, or not as accepted as it is (which I recently find out) in Poland is the fact that there are heavy financial consequences for those who cheat. The truth hurts you and you are trying to blame it on ME.

Don't shoot the messenger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I will have more fun with Misiu meant: I will teach him a lesson., but you miss that. I didn't feel like investing more energy, since I had all the information I needed to make an educated decision, which I did.

Give her a break Lodz. She confronted the man about being married and flirting with her and broke off whatever contacts they had. What makes me really sick is that they guy was jerk, but of course people never fail to notice it's the woman's fault. I don't see anything reckless in what aphro did.

Thank you. I don't think I did. I think I handled an fairly difficult situation quite well.

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Feb 2011 /  #439
I think I handled an fairly difficult situation quite well.

You should have taken him to the cleaners, drove him bonkers, like a cat with a mouse and then reported it all back to us :)

I don't have a T.V and can't watch Fair City or M jak Miłość so your little soap story will do just fine ;p

You made the right decision.

But I read this one ...

Jazus LTB, relax, married man flirts with woman, SHOCK!.
Not exactly exclusive to Poland now.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
5 Feb 2011 /  #440
I think I handled an fairly difficult situation quite well.

You did.
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Feb 2011 /  #441
The reason it is not that common in Canada, or not as accepted as it is (which I recently find out) in Poland is the fact that there are heavy financial consequences for those who cheat.

They have to pay for two women simultaneously?Anyway I found out(to my pleasant surprise) that married polish women have not resigned from granted favors.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Feb 2011 /  #442
You should have taken him to the cleaners, drove him bonkers, like a cat with a mouse and then reported it all back to us :)

of course I should have, but I didn't. I have a feeling Greedy Misiu will be back with more of his games after licking his wounds;0, because he seems to be the type that won't let go. BIG ego. Time will tell;).

I don't have a T.V and can't watch Fair City or M jak Miłość so your little soap story will do just fine ;p

You made the right decision.

what can I say: even the most intellectual minds like a little drama, sorry;P

Jazus LTB, relax, married man flirts with woman, SHOCK!.
Not exactly exclusive to Poland now.

of course they do, Lodz lives in the bubble.

You did.


Anyway I found out(to my pleasant surprise) that married polish women have not resigned from granted favors.

southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #443
Yes,it would be quite unfair that marriage status inhibits natural tendencies.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #444
of course they do, Lodz lives in the bubble.

I have said they do, and this is a shame. There is nothing to be proud about it ... and I read your sentence as if you were enjoying it.

Why don't you just plain tell him on his face that he is sick and should stay away from you?... You can't? ... I think that is the easiest way out of this sick game of "his". Unless otherwise you an enjoying every moment of this despicable matter.

Lodz lives not in a bubble. I am aware, but I love roses more than trash. Trash makes me feel sick, and rightly so.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #445
Trash makes me feel sick

I get attracted to the decadent quality of things.For example I prefer the rotten communist buildings neighbourhoods.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
6 Feb 2011 /  #446
For example I prefer the rotten communist buildings neighbourhoods.

You need to come out in the open and witness the beauty of creation ... all over the world!
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Feb 2011 /  #447
I have witnessed the slavic beauty.I find ugly and dirty races intolerable for my gentle taste.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
6 Feb 2011 /  #448
for my gentle taste.

What? Anything you can pay less than 20 Euro for?
Eurola  4 | 1898  
11 Feb 2011 /  #450
Well, I caught up on reading your thread today. I like the Misiu story :) It looks like you pretty much settled but I don't think you'll stop comparing your experiences from your western world to your current one anytime soon, if ever. Once you live somewhere also you tend to notice the difference and behavior of locals. Something that is obvious to you as different is normal to them. Even a dirty toilet on the PKP train, they've always been dirty and so became a norm - but you noticed. It's the same with the married guy, people knew, you didn't - but nobody warned you whispering to you 'he is married'. Observing the potential drama and taking"see what happens attitude"is more fun apparently. However dishonest. I can not imagine a family member or a friend who knew the marital status not telling me.

Ukrainian broad spent couple of years in Canada and now she is "western".

Like you are not going to play American when you go back to Poland!

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.Archived