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Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.

FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
21 Jan 2011 /  #391
aphrodisiac wrote:

I am happy to report to FUZZY that the weather inPoland lately is indeed masakra;)

if you ask me, masakra is just skimming the surface of ridiculous polish words used on a daily basis out there. "super" still blows my mind.
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
21 Jan 2011 /  #392
Did you see that now in Poland your views have changed and gradually you move towards more european mindset?

Nooo... Keep her positive!! The weather is much worse in other parts of the world...! Take the North Pole for example... :S
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
21 Jan 2011 /  #393
"super" still blows my mind.

that might have been borrowed from German, but I don't know for sure. Years ago I overheard the convo between a German and an American at theBerlin airport. Everything was going well until the American lost it saying to his German friend: everything is SUPER with you guys!!!!!!

Nooo... Keep her positive!! The weather is much worse in other parts of the world...! Take the North Pole for example... :S

it is not so bad, just a gloomy, overcast overcast skies and no sun in sight, but the spirits are high in Poland and I think I have gotten used to the gloom;).

No wonder Poles seem to be angry all the time;)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Jan 2011 /  #394
Its a nice thread ...

Welcome back to Poland (:D ... little too late?).
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
23 Jan 2011 /  #395

Pitu pitu - I just found this and I think it is really well written.

coming up soon: Polish Misiu aka Polish Man.

I am finally ready to write about HIM.

I have to explain that I had to meet one in order to describe him. I finally did, although his character and behaviour will be a compilation to a larger or lesser degree of other men I have met recently.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
28 Jan 2011 /  #396
"He is an enigma. A frustration. A male of many parts"

THE COMPOSITE MAN - coming to a cinema near you.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
28 Jan 2011 /  #397
I have to explain that I had to meet one in order to describe him. I finally did, although his character and behaviour will be a compilation to a larger or lesser degree of other men I have met recently.

Hussy!!!! gid on ye;)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
28 Jan 2011 /  #399
here is the whole thing:

I am finally ready to write about HIM. I already have written about the Polish Girlfriend.

I have to explain that I had to meet one in order to describe him. I finally did, although his character and behaviour will be a compilation to a larger or lesser degree of other men I have met recently.

Misiu is big, literally and not literally. He is either big in posture, although most Polish men are in a fairly good shape, or in spirit.

The teenage Misiu is stilll unaware of his pimples and the greasy hair. He is highly intelligent, but he often doesn't know about it, or he knows about it and doesn't think much of it, or, he knows and he is secretly laughing at YOU behind your back(mean streak Misiu type)).

He has dreams and is often romantic and most of the time unaware of the dangers of the world. His grandma cooks for him and gives him money, his mother gives him money and leaves him alone and depending on the case, Misiu has a very happy and easy life, full of computer games, millions of moments of staring at the wall without a purpose -some say that it enhance creativity (must have read it in some American Pseudo - psychology google find). He is suspended in a dream world and due to lack of any problems, quite nice and easy to manage, unless you give him a job to do.

The young Misiu (age 20- 30)
is tall, dating, looking for date, getting married or already married - depending on the situation. He has a car, loves his mother and his girlfriend, wife, to - be- wife and a JOB. He is not that fashionable because he is attached or to be attached and I know that his girlfriend or a wife to be or a wife make sure that he doesn't stand out because he is to be taken, taken or other variations. He knows technology, but is still this naive, good natured boy or a man, who smiles, has a round face, takes the garbage out and is happy to have sex with his woman and be attached. Often he has children and he makes a good father. This Misiu is content with his life. He often is a smart ass, or a smart Alec, but overall, he is a good guy and has more positive characteristics.

The 20-30 Misiu is tall, tries to impress with some fashion, but often wears mismatched clothes, although it is getting better and overall is fairly confident and sweet. He does not possess the sarcasm and the bitterness/smarts of the his Western counterpart. Regardless, Misiu is sweet and he often gets away with murder with the sweet smile on his face.

Misiu after 30.
Well, that all depends where he really is in life. He could be a really happy working and married men, because most of Misius are married by that age, unless according to everyone I have spoken to and not spoken to, but overheard, there is SOMETHING WRONG with him. I have heard it so many time but thus far nobody has been able to provide me with any details regarding that matter.

Misiu might be working too much and making some money which is enough for the upkeep of the household, the car and the apartment payments, the private school lessons and the vacation to Egypt once a year, but he is starting to work too much. He is still in a good shape due to his age, but if he is gonna continue this way, he will be out of shape, which will not show, because Misiu is not usually overweight. Overall Misiu is happy and progressing one way or the other. He goes to church on sundays with his young family, unless he lives in a big city and is single because he spends too much time at work and does not have the urge to merry and other strange variations.

Misiu close to 40,
still married, but overworked - sex is getting boring, children are growing up and don't want to talk to him anymore or spend too much time on the computer and he has little contact with them, his wife gained a bit of weight and his single co-coworkers are still fresh, chatty and perky and like him a LOT.

Misiu is having a mid life crisis, his libido is decreasing either due to stress, or decreasing testosteron. Misiu is not happy. He doesn't know why he is not happy, or he might even not know that he isn't happy. He still feels young, and has the energy to drink and dance on the weekend, but he notices that after such an escapade he has to recover for 2 days and when he finally does, he gets a text message from me, so he has to dig through piles of information in his brain to backtrack who I am.



to make the story short I had NO idea Misiu was married, so when he started back paddling (pretty creative stuff) with excuses I ceased the contact. Misiu is history:).

On the serious note: many Polish couples cheat and they see nothing wrong with it. I heard it from the Aussie guy I work with too. He noticed that he gets a lot of interest from other women even though they know he is attached.

PS. another Misiu paid a visit today, he is a professional men - fixed the radiator in a second, send me a wild smile and was moving around my apartment with the speed of light. That was Misiu from Spoldzielnia Mieszkaniowa:). I love the efficient problem fixing of Polish men, that is why I am able to overlook the greasy hair, the dirty hands and the begging for wash uniform;).


The Polish Girlfriend got married few weeks ago:).

a little visual aid to go with my post-unfortunately it is in Polish:)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
1 Feb 2011 /  #400
On the serious note: many Polish couples cheat and they see nothing wrong with it. I heard it from the Aussie guy I work with too. He noticed that he gets a lot of interest from other women even though they know he is attached.

Is that true? Is that your own observation or something you've heard from others? Pretty sad but I guess that's the way things are nowadays. Sad.

Is your "Polish girlfriend" summary within this thread? Must have missed it.

PS. Never got your text.

Keedin' folks lol
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
1 Feb 2011 /  #401
Polish Girfriend is shortly described in post #102:).
I have not spent that much time on the issue and I don't know to what degree it is spread,but I spoke to friends and family members about THIS Misiu who flirted heavy with me all night and they said that it is COMMON. Some said that they don't know what I am talking about because he didn't do anything - true, but the fact that a married man goes and flirts with other women is a NEW concept to me since in Canada it is a BIG NO, NO and it is not acceptable in most circles.

I got some strange reaction from some people though. One was: well, that is OK that he is married, don't worry about it and go after him.

The strangest of all was the fact that we were in a company of other people including my family members and nobody seemed to mind. They seemed to enjoy the little drama,while I had no idea:(
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Feb 2011 /  #402
You usually find a bit late that your Polka is actually married.It is after the bad thing has already happened.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
1 Feb 2011 /  #403
You guarantee you would never do something like that?

THIS Misiu who flirted heavy with me all night

Such flirts can be found in Canada too I'm sure :) ... you can never really generalize with one MISIU of urs ;)
Marynka11  3 | 639  
1 Feb 2011 /  #404
It's been a while since I dated a Polish Misiu, but I remember one thing they all they had in common: they wanted to treat you like a child. They would frown when you swore, didn't want you to smoke and drink, even though they enjoyed all of those things themselves. And the teddy bears. Ughh.. I'm 24! Why on earth would I want a teddy bear?!!!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
1 Feb 2011 /  #405
Why on earth would I want a teddy bear?!!!

I sent my girl friend (now my wife) a teddy bear myself :D ... and she liked it :) ... she still says she liked it ... she still have it! :)

About smoking and drinking ... whats that got to do with this? ... I don't get it. I didn't smoke and drink myself (well ... once I drank when I was in school, but didn't like it and that was the first and last time I ever put alcohol in my mouth). I would prefer my other half to realize the potential negatives in such habits ... although these might sometimes be personal matters, but when it comes to share a life, who not be more transparent to each other about personal preferences?

About swore ... well its not a good thing anyways!

You really can easily and straight away say that a married man is not only sinning but doing something really stupid, selfish and disgusting by cheating his wife and flirting with someone else ... rather than bring those stuff up which unmarried men do aswell, depends on person to person values! Everyone got a right to express themselves specially to the person with whom they might plan a possible life together!

So lets not stereotype anyone like that ... specially align it with a disgusting creep person!
convex  20 | 3928  
1 Feb 2011 /  #406
Matriarchal society, that's why you have the machismo as well to psychologically counterbalance...
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
1 Feb 2011 /  #407
Polish Girlfriend

Very pessimistic view ... its not always the case. Maybe more materialism in some ... but its not the case as always :) ... I've known many of the better ones, although yes I had my other choice ... but those with whom they settled are surely the lucky ones, because they've proven to be wonderful wives! ... I know my sister's and cousins... and I've known some of my friends from school and university ... who've done very well in their married life, and their husband are always smiling ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Feb 2011 /  #408
Why on earth would I want a teddy bear?!!!

It depends what's inside the teddy bear.
Ironside  50 | 12312  
2 Feb 2011 /  #409
They would frown when you swore, didn't want you to smoke and drink, even though they enjoyed all of those things themselves. And the teddy bears. Ughh.. I'm 24! Why on earth would I want a teddy bear?!!!

To help you while you are under sedation, because obviously you are not quite right in the head!
I blame your parents !
Marynka11  3 | 639  
2 Feb 2011 /  #410
Thank you for the insight, dear Polish Misu :)
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
2 Feb 2011 /  #411
Polish Girfriend is shortly described in post

Thanks, I read your observations, looks like there are more similarities than differences between Canamericans (yes, that's a word :) and men and women from Poland. Hopefully the married man who was hitting on you is the exception to the rule but you never know. Unfortunately, I've seen similar behavior from both men and women on this side of the pond. I guess honesty and truthfulness just isn't en vogue anymore. :(

I like your plain English and to the point daily summaries, feel like I'm visiting Poland there with you, very cool.

FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
2 Feb 2011 /  #412
I sent my girl friend (now my wife) a teddy bear myself :D ... and she liked it :) ... she still says she liked it ... she still have it! :)

oh so sweet, a tear twinkles in my eye :)

About smoking and drinking ... whats that got to do with this?

Wow party on, I've heard those teddy-bear get-togethers are really hopping, awesome drugs, sick music! ;)
Mee  - | 11  
2 Feb 2011 /  #413
the fact that a married man goes and flirts with other women is a NEW concept to me since in Canada it is a BIG NO, NO and it is not acceptable in most circles.

I disagree. Polish men are the same as the rest guys in the world. Most of them are loyal and loving husbands. You can not generalise all married Poles because you came across one disrespectful man in Poland... chatting is not good and acceptable anywhere in the world including Poland!
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
3 Feb 2011 /  #414
Well, I described only one Misiu. I am sure he is more complexed then that, but so is everybody else!!!!!

What I wanted to point out is the reaction, or rather the lack of that I find interesting.

I like your plain English and to the point daily summaries, feel like I'm visiting Poland there with you, very cool.


I take it as a compliment and my English is as good as it gets, although I don't edit my write ups, since they would loose the freshness.

I disagree. Polish men are the same as the rest guys in the world. Most of them are loyal and loving husbands. You can not generalise all married Poles because you came accross one unrespectful man in Poland... chatting is not good and acceptable anywhere in the world including Poland!

where did I say that all Polish men behave like that? I just made an observation based on my limited experience.

Unfortunately, I've seen similar behavior from both men and women on this side of the pond. I guess honesty and truthfulness just isn't en vogue anymore. :(

that was the point I was trying to make. All I can do is report what I see. I am not trying to interpret anything one way or the other.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
3 Feb 2011 /  #415
I take it as a compliment and my English is as good as it gets, although I don't edit my write ups, since they would loose the freshness.

By "plain English" I meant exactly what you said, fresh and unedited. Yes, it was a compliment. :)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
3 Feb 2011 /  #416
\i must be slow today- this is how \i should have interpeted it;)
s2good2  1 | 72  
3 Feb 2011 /  #417

May I ask you if you work for a company teaching English to your students or do you do it by yourself? If by yourself, where did you get your students? what type of marketing did you do?

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
3 Feb 2011 /  #418
I work for a school so I didn't have to do any marketing to be honest. As far as I am concerned the add in a paper might do, also you can put ads online, at unis, get a few hours at the language school, so people have a chance to get to know who you are and this way they might ask you for private lessons in the future. It all depends how good and how friendly one is.

I hope this helps.

Update on Misiu

the poor bugger probably doesn't know that is the HERO of my latest right up.

I am happily teaching at school and I get a text message - God bless the Era connection;). He wants me to meet him at the skating rink. Wow. I decide to go and him him face to face. I have all kinds scenarios in my head: is is with his wife and I will get in trouble? I ask him if he is alone. Thank God he is. So I pack my skates and off I go. Misiu is waving and smiling lots. He even at one point buys me a coffee - how generous, but most of all he is busy with skating. I went to see him, because I wanted to tell him that I know that he is married and I am not interested. He is as crazy as he was the night I met him, he skates with the speed of light, comes with some kind of excuse not to be direct and he feeds me more crap, probably hoping that I would succumb to his Polish charm. I smile a lot and tell him that married men are a big NO, NO. Did I tell you that I ripped the dress when dancing with him? Well, he did. so I complain about the costs and he finally takes pity on me and offers to drive me home. I accept the offer, Misiu gets into the car and is so nervous and confused by the situation ( I am totally in control), that he drives on the sidewalk. Good. I made him nervous. Then he tells me that his wife is very possessive - I smile. He is a nervous wreck by now, drives like a maniac and talks more nonsense.

I get off and he says: I cannot open up to you yet. I almost cry. lol Maybe I don't have the most intelligent look to be honest, but some Misius are so naive to think that anybody would believe their crap.

I think I will have more fun with Misiu, because he lied to me and wanted to take advantage of such and innocent Western girl.

Teffle  22 | 1318  
3 Feb 2011 /  #419
Oh God Aphro.

He sounds like a really bad soap opera character!
f stop  24 | 2493  
3 Feb 2011 /  #420
you're playing with fire, girl... ;)

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.Archived