what they won't tell u is that the rest of the world know it as Armistice Day.
still have no idea what it is;)
Yikes!, I thought you were gonna say suicide. (dark humour helps me in winter:)
sense of humour helps in Poland in general.
Anyways, I tried whiskey this weekend and it helped a bit but the morning after was quite cruel and I decided to parade in szlafrok until noon.
When I was standing on the ladder (my father just loves to ask me to climb it to change the bulb or close the another window) I was feeling dizzy. I don't think I found a right solution for winter blues yet.
You have to wait until the snow falls and then go skiing/snowboarding, it's the best fun you can have with your clothes on!
I hate skiing. Almost killed myself years ago on Kasprowy and I am still traumatized. Goral saved my life that evening, but I am not going back on THAT mountain ever. Snowboarding is for kids;). How about skating naked - that would lift some brows;)
Still lovely weather here, south of Krakow.
all right. I bet Fuzzy had something to do with the weather in Szczecin because it is dark and gloomy. I already want to escape that. Thinking about Madera.
that is depressing... when i go to work the sun is rising... whan i go home from work the sun is setting... my evenings look like dark nights....
in TEXAS? Yah, right;)
Actually, it was quite warm today and I went for a short walk on the trail around my father's place. We did around 8 km or so and besides the ground being soggy, it was quite all right.