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Living 16+ years in the US. Is moving back to Poland a good idea?

IZA  1 | -  
18 Jul 2013 /  #1
Recently I've been thinking a lot about going back to Poland but I'm not too sure if it's a good idea. I was born in Poland and lived there for the first 7 years of my life, and then came to live in the United States with my family. Growing up I would always say that I'm going to go back but everyone always told me that when I get older I'm going to change my mind and that I won't have half as good of a life there as I do here in the US but 16 years later when it comes to the urge to go back it never went away instead it gets stronger every time I go there for a visit. However I don't want to make any decisions without knowing exactly what I'm going to get myself into.I speak both English and Polish fluently & I'm in process of getting a teaching degree here in the United States but I don't know if the degree is going to mean anything in Poland. Is it possible to find a good job if I do decide to go back?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
18 Jul 2013 /  #2
Well, unemployment is supposed to be 13% or so, and there's supposed to be a slowdown. But right now interest rates have been slashed and the govt may copy Bernanke et al and try to do some stimulus. I don't personally agree with slashing interest rates or printing money, I believe in more conventional economics myself.

Perhaps you should try it for 3-6 months, see if you like it. Get it out of your system or you might always wonder 'what if'.
Meathead  5 | 467  
19 Jul 2013 /  #3
Recently I've been thinking a lot about going back to Poland but I'm not too sure if it's a good idea.

At your age? Why not? You can always recover economically if it doesn't work out.
legend  3 | 658  
19 Jul 2013 /  #4
Its good to have other close family/relatives in Poland.
If something goes wrong you can stay with them in case of emergency.

Similar to what InWroclaw said, try to stay for a season (a few months) and explore your ideas.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
19 Jul 2013 /  #5
I completely agree with that. I also advise to try it for a season (maybe in Winter when Poland is at its worst, it looks too pretty in Spring and Summer :) ) If it does not work out, you can always return to the States.
smurf  38 | 1940  
19 Jul 2013 /  #6
I'm in process of getting a teaching degree here in the United States

Yea, you're young and have got family here.
Why not, you've got nothing to lose and loads to gain.
Re: teaching, contact a few schools or research your qualification to see if it's appropriate to get a gig here.
Otherwise do a CELTA before you move.

& remember too, that there are less native speakers in the smaller cities, so you can earn more dosh living in them.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
19 Jul 2013 /  #7
Your teaching papers probably wouldn't be recognized here. You would have to do some nostrification, which in many cases is impossible. And still I doubt it to be worth doing, because currently demographic causes less and less children at schools. Teachers are fired, many frustrated graduates of teaching have no chance to work in their profession.

As a native English speaker probably you could teach English, but as people write here competition in this profession is also quite big. But In my opinion if you do certificates/courses for English teacher advertised on this forum and get some teaching experience, by working for low paying schools, then you have chance of getting into better payed level as you have big advantage over many native speakers - you know Polish.

You can also try your chances in business as multilingual secretary etc. Check this recent topic:
Sparks11  - | 333  
19 Jul 2013 /  #8
Get your teaching degree in the States and a couple of years experience teaching over there. Come back here and get a job in one of the many private schools which teach children, either EFL or normal subject material, you could even apply to the American school here, I believe that El. Ed. is always in demand. As far as teaching in regular Polish schools, don't bother, the pay is crap. As a certified U.S. teacher you will find work in Warsaw no problem, the fact that you speak Polish and, I guess have citizenship will make it even easier.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
19 Jul 2013 /  #9
As far as teaching in regular Polish schools, don't bother, the pay is crap.

Crap in big cities, but in small towns it's usually place where women can earn the most.

And to teach in American School in Poland I think that her papers must be also recognized.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
19 Jul 2013 /  #10
A diploma level teacher in a small town can do very well for themselves.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
19 Jul 2013 /  #11
I am not familiar with teaching, but I would say salaries in the big cities are higher than in small towns? Or is it because the competition is less?

But then also the money people can /are willing to spend on language schools / private lessons. Or is that a wrong presumption?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
19 Jul 2013 /  #12
we are not talking about language schools
14 Mar 2014 /  #13
o yes you can back to Poland if you want visited to whos or visit around the tourist that's fine because now in Poland have great place you can see, and you want go to school or what I you want just to do is will be fine, but first better you going to Poland just visit on private tourist a few months than u can see what is situation in Poland than u can possible to do okay. by now I just say in Poland have bad situation about hardly find a job and bad economic and still think part of communion but now the Poland are Capitalizm, but probably with old persons still love communion, level of opinion Poland just 50/50 about life of job all are bored and they never made a highest idea, they bored mind like a Russian part, but travel would be enjoyed. I would say for you is good to go to visit tourist to Poland that you would be enjoy it. thanks

By the way In Poland no have a dangerously people and place, doesn't see like in Chcago, because in Chicago people are dangerously than Poland. okay
Cardno85  31 | 971  
14 Mar 2014 /  #14
in the smaller cities, so you can earn more dosh living in them.

Also keep in mind that smaller cities, while hard for a non-Polish speaking expat, could be quite enjoyable for someone who speaks fluent Polish.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Living 16+ years in the US. Is moving back to Poland a good idea?Archived