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Golota facing deportation back to Poland

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
26 Jun 2012 /  #1
'Golota pleaded guilty in a 2006 Cook County involving a dozen firearms found in his home. Golota's firearm owner's identification card was temporarily revoked at the time. He also pleaded guilty in Will County in 2003 to impersonating a police officer. Golota was accused of flashing an honorary New Jersey police badge when he was pulled over in the Chicago suburbs.' The decision for this case is expected in September.

MoOli  9 | 479  
27 Jun 2012 /  #2
Good the bugger needs to leave!
27 Jun 2012 /  #3
^ What a strange thing to say about somebody who wants to become your countryman.
MoOli  9 | 479  
27 Jun 2012 /  #4
What a strange thing to say about somebody who wants to become your countryman

ESP who is a convicted and admitted criminal sorry u can have em back!
27 Jun 2012 /  #5
" sorry u can have em back!"
Why are you using the word 'you' to refer to Poles/Poland? Weren't you recently telling us you are a Polish citizen who lives in Poland?
MoOli  9 | 479  
27 Jun 2012 /  #6
Golota was accused of flashing an honorary New Jersey police badge

Its not a honorary police badge it was a PBA card that some privileged people get from Local or state PD legally is called courtsey card and is just to avoid traffic tiks or really low petty voilations but are not recognised in the book of law depending on the officer incharge at time and his respect to the community:)

Golota's firearm owner's identification card was temporarily revoked

I was involved in a situation like that temporarily and I did surrender my firearms,having them is a serious felony!

Why are you using the word 'you' to refer to Poles/Poland? Weren't you recently telling us you are a Polish citizen who lives in Poland?

legally when im in US IM US citizen and when I am in Poland I am Polish citizen(I enter and leave as one and show authorities documents for).Dont you Brits get to understand International law?Then again English teaching for years will do that:)
p3undone  7 | 1098  
27 Jun 2012 /  #7
MOoli,so he got busted with some guns,misdemeanor btw and flashed an honorary badge to beat a ticket.He has no felonies.I don't think this

makes him a dirt bag.Let him stay.
MoOli  9 | 479  
27 Jun 2012 /  #8
Personally, I would:) as owning firearms over 4 in number tends one to forget how many you do and usually people surrender some and forget about some(in his case he forgot it all(Imagine in Poland getting caught with an unlicensed firearm forget semi automatic)Now with Homeland security laws one can be deported even for a DWI conviction even if it wasnt lethal.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 Jun 2012 /  #9
What a strange thing to say about somebody who wants to become your countryman.

He's a freaking criminal and doesn't deserve to be our countryman.
MoOli  9 | 479  
27 Jun 2012 /  #10
lol! explain that in simple english to a english teaching brit in Poland:)
27 Jun 2012 /  #11
Let him stay.

Please do keep him: Poland doesn't need any more criminals.

when I am in Poland I am Polish citizen(I enter and leave as one and show authorities documents for).

That is interesting. Only last week you said

You have to enter Poland by showing your polish passport and american&Polish one exiting.

I do wonder why you are now pretending to have a Polish passport. But if you are going to, try to keep your lies straight.
MoOli  9 | 479  
27 Jun 2012 /  #12
I do wonder why you are now pretending to have a Polish passport. But if you are going to, try to keep your lies straight.

Are you sure harry that you are getting worse as you are getting old?To begin with make your point here and once again I will tell you clearly...I am a dual citizen and if it bothers you do something about it......Like in the past what happened to your law suits etc you were bragging about?

Anyway back to the topic Golota should be deported and I wish he is your neighbour:))keep your dentures home:))
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
27 Jun 2012 /  #13
Its not a honorary police badge it was a PBA card that some privileged people

I know what it is my friend has it. Family members of Police officers get them for 'special treatment' like when getting pulled over for speeding or drunk driving, showing it may may result in the cop letting you go.

He's a freaking criminal and doesn't deserve to be our countryman.

That's why he fled Poland, supposedly was 'collecting money' for a gang, beating people up sticking them up with a gun. Then there was the fight outside a hotel in Poland a few years back. Since he retired and is older now he doesn't do dumb things like that anymore. He's a family man now, invested his money in properties in New Jersey. I'm sure he's paid millions in taxes to the US government, so I'd keep him any day over some border hoping illegals who don't pay a dime in taxes and send all their money back home.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
27 Jun 2012 /  #14
everyone and their brother has a PBA card. anyone can get one and cops don't give a rat's a$$ whether you have one or not, but people try getting out of tickets with them all the time. it is NOTHING like a badge, not even an "honorary" one. it's a piece of cardboard.
27 Jun 2012 /  #15
That's why I'd like him to be able to stay in the USA.

He's a family man now, invested his money in properties in New Jersey. I'm sure he's paid millions in taxes to the US government,

Good for him. So let him stay. Does anybody know how much tax he's paid in Poland? I'd imagine it's not much compared to what he pays in the USA.

.I am a dual citizen

Very simply, no you are not. If you are, post a scan of the photo page of your passport. You can blank out your photo, DoB, passport number, etc; just leave the name visible (seeing as you have posted your name all over the net).
peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 Jun 2012 /  #16
He's a freaking criminal and doesn't deserve to be our countryman.

He has a attitude towards the law that probably indicate serious criminal activity. The US attitude towards this is correct, deport non-citizens for petty crimes.
pawian  226 | 27563  
27 Jun 2012 /  #17
Golota facing deportation back to Poland

NOoo!!!! Please, keep him in the States.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 Jun 2012 /  #18
lol! explain that in simple English to a English teaching brit in Poland:)

Is it really that complicated to understand for someone who teaches English? (LOL)
jon357  72 | 23557  
27 Jun 2012 /  #19
Given that he fled Poland, I wonder if the reasons he fled are beyond the statute of limitations?

If not, he could be in trouble here too.
OP PennBoy  76 | 2429  
27 Jun 2012 /  #20
Given that he fled Poland, I wonder if the reasons he fled are beyond the statute of limitations?

No he got a presidential pardon from President Aleksander Kwasniewski.
jon357  72 | 23557  
27 Jun 2012 /  #21
A shame. He sounds like a total jerk.
Britts Titts  
27 Jun 2012 /  #22
Very simply, no you are not. If you are, post a scan of the photo page of your passport.

The answer is NOPE! as I seriously dont give a flying fug what an elderly english teacher thinks.
On topic now you ranting against golota?Harry make your mind:)
johnny reb  49 | 8077  
22 Jan 2018 /  #23
Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard spot for a legal green card holding Polish Doctor to be deported from the U.S.

All because of a couple of minor crimes when he was a kid.
Even though in 1989 he became a lawful permanent resident.
Now he is going to be torn from his American family and deported back to Poland from the U.S. after living here for 40 years.

"He can't be deported," his wife said. "He can't speak Polish. He wouldn't know where to go. He would be lost."

22 Jan 2018 /  #24
You voted for Trump, so whats your problem with this?
johnny reb  49 | 8077  
22 Jan 2018 /  #25
Sounds like more your problem then mine.
I voted for a president (Trump) who enforces my Counties laws rather than an obama that ignored the laws of immigration to allow illegals (future Democrats) to buy votes with.

Back on topic though, my question to the Polish guy would be, "why didn't you just apply for your U.S. Citizenship rather then repeatedly renew your green card ?"

Done Deal !
22 Jan 2018 /  #26
Multiple criminal issues, I have no sympathy whatsoever.

As for his lack of Polish language skills, if he's quick he could get a job in the UK or Ireland.
johnny reb  49 | 8077  
22 Jan 2018 /  #27
Multiple criminal issues, I have no sympathy whatsoever.

Oh, so you must have voted for Trump too and are a Trumpster by wanting to enforce the laws of the land.
Only in America are legal citizens considered "racists" and "nazi's" but illegal citizens are called "Dreamers".
Progressivism is a true mental disorder.
22 Jan 2018 /  #28
Oh, so you must have voted for Trump too and are a Trumpster by wanting to enforce the laws of the land

No, just glad to see medical assets come back home. And glad to see anyone stupid enough to go to that country get taught a lesson. Go to America and get ******.
23 Jan 2018 /  #29
To claim he doesn't speak Polish is the biggest lie I've read in some time.
mafketis  38 | 11207  
23 Jan 2018 /  #30
My favorite comment on the non-citizen doctor being returned to Poland

"Rowniez nie wierze w jego niewinnosc - kradziez, alkohol, przemoc domowa..., cwaniaczek. W naszym kraju bedzie mu dobrze"

"I don't think he's innocent either - theft, alcohol, domestic violence...., a con artist. He'll do just fine in this country"

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