The UK state pension is not a state benefit. Care to try collecting UK dole in Poland? Good luck with that.
It is a benefit and mincing words won't change this. Even the British Treasury calls it a benefit:
Collecting National Insurance while living in Poland and posting on polishforums all day long makes you a dole troll.
It was basically the same as Peace Corps, but without the support structure and benefits package. I was doing precisely the same job as Peace Corps and VSO Canada people where I was working.
So you've done nothing. It sounds more like you were living in a drug fueled hippy commune before being kicked out. If you had made a mark it would be evident and you wouldn't need to hum and haw about it.
Now, perhaps you can tell us what you are going to do to help Poland?
US$3 million in direct investments here.
Or will you instead change the topic just as you did when your ignorance of US vs EU banking practice was revealed?
You know banks are there but know next to nothing about them or their relationship with their account holders. Technology changes all the time and retail consumers care little about the technology which goes into their cards. All they want is to buy what they want with little or no fees and get their money back if they are unsatisfied with their purchase or have an unauthorized charge. Banks on both sides of the Atlantic have very similar policies which make the convenience seamless for their global traveling customers. But you wouldn't know this.
That's right : when made to look stupid, resort to attacking the poster!
LOL! You are the poster child for this sort of behavior. If you really believed this then 99.9% of your own posts should be binned.
For what it is worth, I saw an American using a mag stripe and signature earlier. Unthinkable in Europe now.
Earlier where? If you are in Poland like you tell everyone you are then seeing an American using a mag stripe and signature wouldn't be unthinkable in Europe now.