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What do Polish people think of the USA

osiol  55 | 3921  
7 Oct 2007 /  #121
wouldn't most agree that Clinton was relatively well linked around the world?

That doesn't mean I could say too much about his achievements at home because I don't know.

who gives a **** about how popular bush is with other people from different countries

Every country needs friends and allies.
If your leader is very unpopular with countries that are usually your strongest allies, is that not cause for a little concern?
We can't vote for other people's leaders, but they can affect what happens in our lives, therefore, their actions are worthy of foreigners' criticism.
marek s  - | 269  
7 Oct 2007 /  #122
that's not a healthy outlook.. that's not winning us any friends.

weather it is or not, its a true outlook

We can't vote for other people's leaders, but they can affect what happens in our lives, therefore, their actions are worthy of foreigners' criticism.

my point is whatever foreigners say, it really doesnt matter here in the states.
osiol  55 | 3921  
7 Oct 2007 /  #123
my point is whatever foreigners say, it really doesnt matter here in the states.


But it matters to people outside of the US.
I see it similarly for the UK.
People abroad may have their opinions, so they may state them publicly,
but it doesn't affect political discourse at home.
1st generation  
8 Oct 2007 /  #124
Clinton was an embarassment because of his sexual antics involving women his daughter's age. The Clintonistas are just waiting to tax the middle class out of oblivion with Hilary's stupid national health plan. It's ok for losers and people who are lazy or illegal aliens. We working people are tired of this. We don't want socialized anything.
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
8 Oct 2007 /  #125
social med is good for business actually.

clinton wasn't dating teenagers dude.. get ovet it as it's been almost a freaking decade. i'd rather see the prez get a bj then go on a killing spree and spend our hard earned moeny like a drunken sailor. talk about a waste.. besoides that your kids (if any) will be paying for this stupid venture. maybe even their children too. how responsible is that?
Kilkline  1 | 682  
8 Oct 2007 /  #126
What is the 'national health plan'?
randompal  7 | 306  
8 Oct 2007 /  #127
she wanted to copy Canada's system but Republicans and her fellow Democrats were paid off by the insurance lobby to shut her up, and she was forced to abandon her ideas. The conventional wisdom is that America has gone too far down the road of privatization and national healthcare systems in the US don't stand a chance. They are even privatizing public libraries in the US now..
Kilkline  1 | 682  
8 Oct 2007 /  #128
Stalin's Russia had state healthcare. Its a slippery slope.
randompal  7 | 306  
8 Oct 2007 /  #129
many countries have it, and yes the former Commie nations had it too. Under the COmmunists the state-run health systems were shoddy but they were there, and they did their jobs on a basic level despite many many shortcomings. Better than no healthcare, as they say. Now allmost all industrialized nations have some form of national healthcare except, as we all know, the USA. Polls show over and over again that most (not all, but still most) Americans want it, but they won't get it because Congress in the USA is bought and paid for by the AMA and the insurance industry.
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
8 Oct 2007 /  #130
What is the 'national health plan'?

good Q as it's an unheard of thing here. :D

Congress in the USA is bought and paid for by the AMA and the insurance industry.

yup and it will be USA's downfall too.
North Pole  
8 Oct 2007 /  #131
what do you think of America?

It`s over.
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
8 Oct 2007 /  #132
what's over? america isn't over.. it's just been discovered.. :D
osiol  55 | 3921  
8 Oct 2007 /  #133
It`s over.

.. there - on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Unless you're there, in which case it's here.
1st generation  
9 Oct 2007 /  #134
Get a job and you will get healthcare. I don't want the government to dictate about my healthcare.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
9 Oct 2007 /  #135
Get a job and you will get healthcare.

Social Darwinism at its best. Civilisation is overated isnt it?
randompal  7 | 306  
9 Oct 2007 /  #136
Get a job and you will get healthcare. I don't want the government to dictate about my healthcare.

it's not that easy because:
1. you are unprotected when between jobs-sometimes you have a waiting period when you start a new job and you are uncovered
2. low-paid, temporary, part-time, and seasonal workers rarely get health care coverage
3. You can have health insurance but when you develop a serious disease (ie cancer) the insurance company sometimes cancels your policy because the treatment is too expensive (these cases are often challenged in court but the insurers sometimes win their cases anyway)

I for one do want the government to dictate my healthcare...when the private insurers start treating me like an unprofitable piece of meat, I want the government to kindly tell them to F*CK OFF (in the STates often the reverse is true).
zibo  - | 55  
9 Oct 2007 /  #137
It`s over.

he's right. for people who come here for few months to work their ass off and make as much $$$ as possible and go back to Poland, it's not the same country anymore. Dollar is weak as hell, they are better off working in Europe now.
Oscypek  - | 107  
10 Oct 2007 /  #138
She was also wondering where all of the obese people were. She heard that there's an enormous obesity problem, but only saw a few here and there and didn't see it as big of a problem that everyone makes it appear to be. Maybe it's just where we were visiting. NY-NJ-NC.

NY City isn't so bad with the obesity problem--everyone walks everywhere because most people don't own cars. There is a nationwide problem though. The obesity maps are interesting. They show that the biggest problem is in the Midwest and mostly in the South.


1st generation  
18 Oct 2007 /  #139
Randompol, you can buy a high-deductible policy from any insurance company and if you are poor, the state has policies based on income. We like private health insurance because we have choices.
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
18 Oct 2007 /  #140
yeah, the choice to get screwed.. the best choice of all.. 1gen.. you have really no idea what USA is missing out on.. this health care system, the way it is, is the worst of all industralized nations.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
18 Oct 2007 /  #141
They show that the biggest problem is in the Midwest and mostly in the South

seems to have worsened in just the past couple of years
z_darius  14 | 3960  
18 Oct 2007 /  #142
We like private health insurance because we have choices.

It looks like you never had much of a health problem. Good for you and I wish you all the best.

But... ask around and see what people have to say. The insurance company will eventually find that a bad case of flu (you may have had years before you make a new claim) could have influenced your current condition. Under such circumstance, if, at the time of signing up for a new health insurance policy, you did not include every single minor malady you may have suffered your health insurance claims may be worth less than the paper they are written on. Add to that all the treatments that insurance companies may deem experimental and you now have a pretty good picture of your choices: keep your house or get the medical care you need.
randompal  7 | 306  
18 Oct 2007 /  #143
We like private health insurance because we have choices.

not much of a choice I'm afraid, face it America's healthcare system is morally bankrupt and it only serves the insurance companies - you can thank Nixon for bringing it all about..
Oscypek  - | 107  
18 Oct 2007 /  #144
not much of a choice I'm afraid, face it America's healthcare system is morally bankrupt and it only serves the insurance companies

1 Nov 2007 /  #145
I think you all should be deported.
sledz  23 | 2247  
1 Nov 2007 /  #146
Kronx1970  - | 8  
2 Nov 2007 /  #147
The problem with America, is it's full of Americans that have lost the understanding on the foundations of how our country works. We'll sit and point fingers and Bush all day, but tend to leave out the part about the American people voting him or any other politician in office. It's why they are called 'elected officials.' Americans have quickly shifted into 'autopilot' mode and want someone else to do all the decision making for them. We're generally ignorant and all of the major problems we face now are due to our ignorance being exploited like a sleazy car salesmen. But there is no one to blame but ourselves.

Yet, our American culture has caught this virus in the last few decades of "blame someone else." It's why our court systems are congested with absolutely ridiculous lawsuits, because American people have a hard time accepting responsibility for their actions. It shows itself on every level of our culture. Some are more severe than others.

We can't have a government for the people; by the people -- if those people are indifferent to everything outside of their tiny bubble. That's ignorance(not stupidity) and we've got to change that.
2 Nov 2007 /  #148
good post, keep it coming.
regionpolski  33 | 153  
2 Nov 2007 /  #149
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Of the three, Life seems to be trumping the other two. Patrick Henry didn't say, " Give me Life with tremendously curtailed Liberties, which will greatly inhibit my ability to Pursue Happiness, or give me death." I agree with Kronx1970.
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
2 Nov 2007 /  #150
it seams that Czech rep citizens will travel without visa to USA in 2008 ...

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