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What do Polish people think of the USA

Kaczor Duck  2 | 95  
29 Sep 2007 /  #91
Sledz Sledz hes our man if he cant do it no body can!!!

Yes forget ClintonCare we want Sledz Piwo!!!!!
sledz  23 | 2247  
29 Sep 2007 /  #92
That will be my platform a piwo in every house :)

I'm sure the visa issue would be solved quickly!

Yes indeed, amnesty for kobiety
Kaczor Duck  2 | 95  
29 Sep 2007 /  #93
That will be my platform a piwo in every house :)

you got my vote!!!
krysia  23 | 3058  
29 Sep 2007 /  #94
That will be my platform a piwo in every house :)

And if you can't afford it, you get a goverment grant.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
29 Sep 2007 /  #95
And if one grant is not enough, then you get two, or three, or four, or a few grants to meet your needs and wants... :) Yeah.
krysia  23 | 3058  
30 Sep 2007 /  #96
Right, as long as there's piwo in every citizen's house.
Glad I ain't running for president. I would make sure everyone has a dog in their home and if you're allergic, you get the mexican hairless.
randompal  7 | 306  
2 Oct 2007 /  #97
what do you think of America?

Its a nation started by opportunisitc bankers who took a good (bad) example from other Europeans and smote the natives into submission (American Indians). As a liberal free-market domain it is run by banks and big business, and the will of the people is either disregarded or manipulated so that they themselves don't know what they want (example: healthcare). The women are fat and the men are clueless and arrogant and they love telling dumb-Polak jokes even though most of them couldn't find Poland on the map. (just generalising). Also, interestingly Americans are convinced that they are the only free"democracy" on the face of the Earth and have a duty to spread this good word to the rest of the poor ignorant masses around the globe. But other than that, it's a swell place, great people, but I wouldn't really want to live there.

most Americans want to fight the war on terror

Terror is a tactic not an enemy, and that's not liberal propaganda - it's simple logic, which I am a great fan of. Fighthing a war on terror is like fighting a war against bad haircuts. It's nothing more than an excuse to extend America's power and make a lot of money in the process. A loooooot of money. That's great that some Poles consider themselves "patriots" because Polish troop presence in Iraq gives them a boner. But if you don't see the parallels between the US invasion of Iraq and Hitler's invasion of Poland, then go open a history book (you don't even have to read between the lines...)
Uncle Sam  - | 2  
2 Oct 2007 /  #98
OMG... the reason Hitler invaded other countries was "Lebensraum" or "living space" in order to expand the German population abroad. At least that made sense in a twisted way. Bush, on the other hand, doesn't even have a reason for the Iraq invasion. WMD's ???

Nope!!! Terror training camps??? Nope!!! A way to make Halliburton Corp. rich beyond Cheney's wildest dreams??? ----- A personal vendetta against Saddam by Bush??? (after all he DID say he would not rest until Bush the 1st was dead)

Nobody here wants to move to Iraq.... this is NOT an expansionist campaign, just a really stupid war waged for greed and revenge.
Power and money- you are correct.
Parallel to Hitler--- No way...this is wayyy worse!!!
PS Bush is definitely gunna go to hell and Hitler is saving him a seat.
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
2 Oct 2007 /  #99
He was one of the best presidents.

wow.. do you like snowballs?

people who are not US citizens do not have the same rights afforded to by our constitution.

technically you may be right but if you don't then you're stooping to their level.. and that's not what america is all about.

and please.. they? who are they? they all don't want us dead.. you bought the shrubco bs hook, line and sinker too. please open your eyes and mind. you're giving america a bad name.

shrub is an idiot and one ofthe worst things to have happened to this great nation. it's going to take decades to fix all of this mess.

PS Bush is definitely gunna go to hell and Hitler is saving him a seat.

nope.. it's the great menaceand it's very much the same in both cases.. shrub = hitler in more ways then one.
randompal  7 | 306  
2 Oct 2007 /  #100
Bush, on the other hand, doesn't even have a reason for the Iraq invasion.

He did have a reason. One of them was oil. If you don't believe me, even Alan Greenspan recently came out of the closet and said it publicly. Iraq is a huge oil producer and the first thing the US did after it invaded was secure the Iraqi oil ministry, while Baghdad sank into lawlessness. The oil ministry was immediately privatized and sold off in chunks to BP, Exxon-Mobil, etc. The other reason, of course, is that there are billions if not trillions to be made in reconstructing in rebuilding a country that you have just spent months fcuking up.

Now, if you want some coffee-sipping reading, here are the parallels hinted at:

Before Hitler invaded Poland, he spent weeks moaning in public to the Gemran people about how terrible the Poles and the Polish govt. were, and how terribly the German minority in Poland was being treated (Then on the eve of the invasion, he staged a fake Polish army attack in Gliwice as a pretext for invasion, but I'm sure you knew that already). Sound familiar?

Hitler's officer corps gave their various military operations lofty names such as "Operation Free Europe" "Operation Swift Justice" and other absurdities. Sound familiar?

Polish resistance fighters were refered to as "terrorists" in the German press. Sound familiar?

Most of Hitler's sidekicks and generals had business interests in the military-industrial complex (such as Krupps, IG FARBEN, etc) and they directly profitted by invading countries and then rebuilding them. Cheney, Bush, Rummy, Wolfowitz and company all have stakes in companies that are VERY active in Iraq. Sound familiar?

The parallels go on and on. Hitler, like Bush, had dilusions of grandeur and both men were convinced that they are not only fighting to better their countries, but to better the world. Of course if you are a fan of Reagan or Bush, it doesn't make you a bad person, nor does it make you ignorant or stupid. In a free country you can support whoever you like. In Hitler's Germany, lots of academics, scholars, business leaders and other notables were convinced he was a lovable genius until the Red Army was at their doorsteps. Another future parallel? The dollar is now worth less than the Canadian Loonie and China is America's main creditor. I would worry...
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
2 Oct 2007 /  #101
you forgot:

krysia  23 | 3058  
2 Oct 2007 /  #102
The parallels go on and on..

Such BS. Where are the concentration camps? Where are people transported in trains for mass murder? The ones that the US fights are the ones that want the American people dead. If the US did nothing, there would be more incidents like the 9/11.

You cannot compare one to another. It's Stupid.
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
2 Oct 2007 /  #103
Where are the concentration camps?

guantamo bay and all the other secret detention zones all over the world.

Where are people transported in trains for mass murder?

abu ghraib

he didn't say bush is hitler 100% but he maybe 90% hitler.

sieg heil! :D
krysia  23 | 3058  
2 Oct 2007 /  #104
abu ghraib

military criminals who deserve to die, not innocent people, women and children. Criminals who are brainwashed with their religion and who if not locked up would join together and bomb everyone all over the world who are not their religion.
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
2 Oct 2007 /  #105
please look in the mirror.. same could be said about americans. military criminals? is that why they AREN"T POWs? is that why shrubco has to hide behind "illegal combatant" label? what's a legal combatant then? i don't think there is even one of those in IRQ. does shrub talk to jesus? ... ... ...
Lightbulb  1 | 39  
3 Oct 2007 /  #106
guantamo bay and all the other secret detention zones all over the world.

With the minor difference that no one dies. Killing millions for their race vs. inconveniencing a few hundred for "accidentally" showing up on a battlefield in Afghanistan... same thing, right? ;)

Anyway, I'll agree that the president is a stubborn guy, and will never admit that the war in Iraq sort of lost its basis once no WMD were found. However, even the UN weapon inspection team's leader Hans Blix told the British media that he expected us to find weapons once we invaded Iraq. Jumping to a false conclusion is embarrasing, but if we can effect some positive change in Iraq, we might still create a net benefit and trade partner there. The Philippines was much more difficult than Iraq, and nowadays it's great over there, and probably the most pro-American country outside our borders. People who call Iraq a bad situation would probably go into fits if they looked at the Philippines c. 1900 when we fought a 10-year fight against the insurgency there, and that was without airpower, against a motivated Muslim enemy. Nothing is lost yet, contrary to what most Democrats want to believe. :)
krysia  23 | 3058  
3 Oct 2007 /  #107
Good point lightbulb. But there is more to it why our troops are still there.
For example oil.
randompal  7 | 306  
3 Oct 2007 /  #108
If the US did nothing, there would be more incidents like the 9/11.

there is zero percent fact in this statement. I like logic, and there is no logic here:(

Where are the concentration camps?

like plk123 said, what the hell is Guantanmo if not a concentration camp, not to mention the alleged secret CIA jails in Poland? I bet half of the people in guantanamo are there by mistake because G I Joe doesnt know the difference between Hassam Hussein and Husseim Hassam...

Jumping to a false conclusion is embarrasing, but if we can effect some positive change in Iraq, we might still create a net benefit

Randompal loves it when folks talk about a war as if it were a small business opportunity. I hope you're not Polish, because the irony wouldn't be lost on me. Irony as in, Aw **** Hitler murdered a few million Poles but maybe Poland can still be a net benefit...the US has already killed a million Iraqis, many women and their kids, but who cares theyre just stinky muslims!
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
3 Oct 2007 /  #109
With the minor difference that no one dies. Killing millions for their race vs. inconveniencing a few hundred for "accidentally" showing up on a battlefield in Afghanistan... same thing, right? ;)

i don't trust "official" numbers. nothing about gitmo seems legal or constitutional to me.

UNSCOM report says things to the contrary to what shrubco claimed. he didn't even let them finish thier job; which, btw, they were actually doing well.

phillipines: i think that might have been the feeling a while back but it's not so anymore.. i have many phillipino friends and that's what they tell me anyway.

we have no chance of "winning" in IRQ no matter what kind of ideas we come up with.. we messed up from the beginning and now it's really to late to fix it.

Good point lightbulb. But there is more to it why our troops are still there.
For example oil.

what's the benefit really? i sure don't see any. irq isn't producing sh!t.

there is zero percent fact in this statement. I like logic, and there is no logic here:(

yeah, someone is drinking the coolaid.
randompal  7 | 306  
3 Oct 2007 /  #110
what's the benefit really? i sure don't see any. irq isn't producing sh!t.

Iraq has been a steady supplier of crude oil for years.

OP plk123  8 | 4120  
3 Oct 2007 /  #111
for years, yes.. lately.. not much.. well, not much is getting out anyway.
DumbYankee71  - | 18  
4 Oct 2007 /  #112
The Dollar is nothing and the middle-class can't keep the little they have.

.. at least we have a middle class.
randompal  7 | 306  
4 Oct 2007 /  #113
France also has a middle class. There is a middle class in the Netherlands, in Canada, in Portugal, in Poland, the list goes on and on. What's your point?
DumbYankee71  - | 18  
5 Oct 2007 /  #114
A viable middle class? Similar in name only, not by scale. BTW: Are you sure you still have a middle class? The Wall Street Journal listed unemployment in Poland was at 20% last year.

A weak dollar isn't the end of the world; actually it usually kick starts orders / employment over here because our products become cheaper.

Its a nation started by opportunisitc bankers who took a good (bad) example from other Europeans and smote the natives into submission (American Indians).

There may be some fat women over here but at least they took a shower in the past week. (My turn at generalizing) However Poland does have some amazing women, will have to concede that.

Love it when Europeans call us "clueless".. It wasn't clueless that invented the airplane, light bulb, computer, internet, motion picture industry.. clueless wasn't first to the moon.

Arrogant?? No people are more arrogant than Europeans. They just cling to the past. Sit around and ***** all day, dreaming of their next ethnic cleansing escapade... which they will then preced to ask us to clean up!

You're so evolved huh? No corruption in Eastern Europe at all . You may not want to come over here but I've seen a lot of your pals in Chicago first hand and they sure as hell aren't moving back to good ole' Poland anytime soon.

By the way, I don't tell dumb Polak jokes, I can find Slovakia let alone Poland on a map. I know you have Nobel prize winners, I know Kracow has a renown university.
randompal  7 | 306  
6 Oct 2007 /  #115

yes, those were generalizations. thank you for noticing.

It wasn't clueless that invented the airplane, light bulb, computer, internet, motion picture industry.. clueless wasn't first to the moon.

tell someone who cares, because sending a man to the moon hasn't somehow changed my life for the better. why not go back to the moon and open up a starbucks there? It is well known that America has more Nobel prize winners than any other country, but based on the conversations one GENERALLY (key word) had with the locals...yeah...clueless. Don't brag about how smart you are until you start doing something about those nasty little spelling and usage errors.

They just cling to the past

Just like folks tend to do, even Yanks. That's why an American will never miss an opportunity to remind us how we should be grateful that America saved the world (WWI, WWII, etc..)....yawn....

Are you sure you still have a middle class?

yes I am sure. I see it every day.

I've seen a lot of your pals in Chicago

wow, nothing I admire more than a well-travelled man. I've passed through Chicago also and also witnessed the famous Poles of Milwaukee Avenue. These folks seemed to be the flotsam and jetsam of Polish society - I hope they DON't come back to Poland (more Kaczynski voters, just what Poland needs)...

Don't get so upset, mr Dumbyankee, the original post called for opinions (see dictionary) of America, which by their very nature usually include generalizations. Living in Poland I've met MANY people who just simply weren't happy with the place and decided to come back. After all, home is where the heart is...
6 Oct 2007 /  #116
there is good and bad in every country. I am sick of hearing about Iraq. I could care less.
I say this if you like America live here all you want but if you do not like American or complain about us. then get the heck out.I voted for Bush I am repulican. clinton messed up alot of stuff and embarssed us.I respect all people who come here to make their life meaningful and better.
Lightbulb  1 | 39  
6 Oct 2007 /  #117
Good point lightbulb. But there is more to it why our troops are still there.
For example oil.

I don't doubt that oil figures into the equation, since it is essentially the thing that gives Iraq its strategic value. However, it is possible for the government to have both a good-faith desire to eliminate a threat and help an oppressed people *and* a profit motive concurrently, which is probably the case, just like it was in every other war our country has ever fought, although Iraq will mean debt to us ultimately in any case. We remain in Kosovo and Germany and N. Korea and God only knows how many other places where the benefit is less obvious, which I think leads some newcomers to global politics to latch on to the "war for oil" slogan and fail to see the broader perspective, sometimes, especially in foreign lands where observers are less well-versed in the process of our politics here.

Randompal loves it when folks talk about a war as if it were a small business opportunity. I hope you're not Polish, because the irony wouldn't be lost on me. Irony as in, Aw **** Hitler murdered a few million Poles but maybe Poland can still be a net benefit...the US has already killed a million Iraqis, many women and their kids, but who cares theyre just stinky muslims!

I wouldn't say that about Poland, and I don't think my prior remarks were so callous as to suggest that sort of thing about Iraq. I speak in terms of "net benefit" simply for accuracy's sake. It would be ignorant to think of the end result of our war with Iraq being simply "good" or "bad," "beneficial" or "harmful," however it may turn out. Instead, I use the term "net benefit" to clarify, and to acknowledge the human costs that we've already incurred and the complexity of the situation. We have the resources and the volunteers and the allies and the will to meet the already-long list of harms with a longer one of benefits, but it will take time, no doubt.
randompal  7 | 306  
7 Oct 2007 /  #118
clinton messed up alot of stuff and embarssed us.

wouldn't most agree that Clinton was relatively well linked around the world? even if that is not so, no one is more embarassing than Bush. What is a good indicator of that? I have yet to find a single person (other than the odd American-Republican) that has anything good to say about him. Even in Poland, one of the more pro-US countries around, people seem to be unanimously aginst Bush and everyone I have ever asked regards him as an idiot.
marek s  - | 269  
7 Oct 2007 /  #119
outside of the states, who gives a **** about how popular bush is with other people from different countries.
not like they can vote for him.
OP plk123  8 | 4120  
7 Oct 2007 /  #120
that's not a healthy outlook.. that's not winning us any friends.

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