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Do many Polish people in America hate Americans?

Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
13 Nov 2009 /  #211
It will be interesting to see if there is a surge in passport applications once the teleprompter in chief starts making mince meat out of the country. :)

He will leave before we will. He and his cronies are the endpoint of an ideology that has led to failure, The Chemo for the cancer is mixed and treatment is near. They have tried guilt, threats, and even pitting us against each other. The people know what they know and all the govt is doing is destroying its own credibility.

sledz  23 | 2247  
13 Nov 2009 /  #212
Americans travel a lot... but within the states...
they just don't do international traveling a lot...

Its true, We dont need to leave the US we have it all right here:)

Only 10-15% of Americans own a passport. Thats a fact.

More google facts???
Why should we leave, to get treated like $_hit when we travel to Europe?

My passport was stamped perfectly equally until some Jagoff Immigration officer at the Dublin airport looked at me and went to the last page, then stamped it and tossed it at me.

Perhaps he didnt like my last name..lol

I could care less as it didnt phase me, it just reaffirmed everything my cousin told me to expect at the airport
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Nov 2009 /  #213
We dont need to leave the US we have it all right here:)

that's exactly how Americans think...
sledz  23 | 2247  
13 Nov 2009 /  #214
If Poland is so great why didnt you stay there when you went back??

It surely must be better than hot sweaty redneck Texas..nie?
F15guy  1 | 160  
13 Nov 2009 /  #215
Our middle class is under constant threat by loss of jobs and an unfair tax burden. The only part of society that has increasing income are the rich. Thanks to the last eight years of government, their tax burden has declined.

Jobs are constantly being eliminated by consolidation of companies. People without jobs cannot buy goods, so I think you will see a very significant decline Americans' consumption of consummer goods.

Congressmen and women are a joke. They have been bought and paid for by corporations. For example, Liberman, the "independent", says he won't vote for health bill with a public insurance option. How independent can he be when he has accepted in excess of $3,000,000 from the health and insurance sectors over the course of his career. How does a campaign contribution differ from a bribe?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
13 Nov 2009 /  #216
If Poland is so great why didnt you stay there when you went back??

It surely must be better than hot sweaty redneck texas..nie?

zmień płyte, śledzik... to zaczyna być nudne... why Americans can't take any critic...? is that also too hard...?
F15guy  1 | 160  
13 Nov 2009 /  #217
A vast majority of Americans think the US is best country in the world and in many ways is. Hard working people can become very wealthy, although most don't.

There are paradoxes. The US has excellent health care, if you have money. About 1/3 of its citizens don't have health insurance. Lose your job, your health insurance goes with it. Overall, the US ranks 37th in world. It is the only industrialized country without universal coverage.
krysia  23 | 3058  
13 Nov 2009 /  #218
We dont need to leave the US we have it all right here:)

There is more to traveling abroad. It is very expensive to travel, not every country is tourist-happy. Americans don't have as much vacation time to travel as Europeans do.

We are lucky to get 2 weeks of vacation after 10 years of working and in that short period of time we have to work around the house or go for a short trip to visit family. Retired Americans after age 65 finally have a chance to travel, if health allows them. Even after you have a baby, you have to be back to work in 3 weeks. In Poland you can get a whole year off. Women in Poland retire earlier than men. Many Americans travel to South American and North American countries as they are closer to travel, but not everyone is interested in traveling to Poland. Not everybody is rich enough or has the time to travel to every country in the world.

Some Poles have a belief that Americans don't travel abroad but how many, many Poles have never left Poland?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
13 Nov 2009 /  #219
My passport was stamped perfectly equally until some Jagoff Immigration officer at the Dublin airport looked at me and went to the last page, then stamped it and tossed it at me.

He was doing his job.

More google facts???

Aussie Sheila  - | 13  
13 Nov 2009 /  #220
Average Full Time Wages (PPP)

Rank Country 2007 $
1 Luxembourg 49,663
2 United States 49,483
3 Ireland 44,013
4 Switzerland 42,980
5 United Kingdom 42,560
6 Netherlands 42,514
7 Australia 42,019
8 Belgium 40,591
9 Norway 40,177
10 Denmark 39,143
11 Austria 38,682
12 France 35,430
13 Germany 35,292
14 Sweden 33,586
15 Japan 31,773
16 Finland 31,211
17 Italy 29,198
18 Spain 28,871
19 South Korea 27,587
20 Greece 26,929
21 Hungary 21,161
22 Czech Republic 18,922
23 Portugal 18,300
24 Poland 15,446

Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Nov 2009 /  #221
It's very similar to the situation between the UK and Poland. You have to take the bad with the good though.
loveMYcountry  - | 19  
13 Nov 2009 /  #222
Yea I'm very sure! I know a lot Poles who hate Americans!!! But never as much as GERMANS
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Nov 2009 /  #223
I guess Polish people, through their perceived higher education level, think Americans to be dumb and below them. However, the dumb Polak jokes make you wonder. Also, Americans have the best universities in the world statistically.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
13 Nov 2009 /  #224
I know a lot Poles who hate Americans!!! But never as much as GERMANS

Hate? In what century are you living?

Americans have the best universities in the world statistically

Just too difficult and expensive to get into.
krysia  23 | 3058  
14 Nov 2009 /  #225
I guess Polish people, through their perceived higher education level, think Americans to be dumb and below them

Poles don't start school until 7 years of age. in the US we start first grade at age 6. in Poland once you finish grade school , you are not required to continue your education. In US you are required to attend 4 more years of high school. Maybe they just jelous that we have more education than they do.

Just too difficult and expensive to get into.

Lot easier than getting into college in Poland.
Babinich  1 | 453  
14 Nov 2009 /  #226
Now with globalism, the middle class is under attack, and is shrinking.

The middle class is not under attack. The middle class is left wide open to competition (thiugh unfair in many cases) from other nations.

The door opening the path to globalism has been ripped right off the hinges. There is no going back.
16 Feb 2010 /  #227
Poles don't start school until 7 years of age. in the US we start first grade at age 6. in Poland once you finish grade school , you are not required to continue your education. In US you are required to attend 4 more years of high school. Maybe they just jelous that we have more education than they do

Krysia what a ******** you say. Who told you such rubbish?? What do you mean by "you are not required to continue your education"?? I have no idea what you talking about.

In Poland barely happens that someone drop out of school unlike in USA.
You have elementary education: 6 years
middle school: 3 years
after middle school you can choose between:
- high school (3 years) - most common option, finishing exams
- high school with education of some profession (4 years), finishing exams
- profession school (2 years) and you can continue your education in supplementary school to gain access to collage

If you dont know something better dont say anything.
Krysia why you are a self-hating Pole?

Recently someone told me a story that in Texas they still talk very offensive polish jokes. I was really disgusted to hear an example of one of them.

Ok, maybe you are right that high school is not obligatory in poland but it really doesnt happen that someone doesnt continue an education... if someone doesnt continue education then it means that he is less than zero - absolutely no work in future. So it really doesnt happen...
krysia  23 | 3058  
16 Feb 2010 /  #228
Krysia why you are a self-hating Pole?

Who told you such rubbish??
z_darius  14 | 3960  
16 Feb 2010 /  #229
Poles don't start school until 7 years of age. in the US we start first grade at age 6. in Poland once you finish grade school , you are not required to continue your education. In US you are required to attend 4 more years of high school. Maybe they just jelous that we have more education than they do.

In Poland education is compulsory until the age of 18, i.e. about 5 years after the grade school. So your statements are a lie, or simply uneducated guesses based on whatever you pull out of your rear end.

In parts of the US kids do not to have to attend any schools at all. Average American kids are below the academic levels and achievements by their European counterparts.

Literacy rate in Poland (99.8%) is higher than in the US (99%).
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
16 Feb 2010 /  #230
Most Polish people I know don't hate Americans, there is no point hating them. At the moment Americans don't impact on their lives too much.

Americans are disliked in Europe because a lot think they are better than Europeans but forget that the white Americans are Europeans who live on the West of the Atlantic.
krysia  23 | 3058  
16 Feb 2010 /  #231
So your statements are a lie, or simply uneducated guesses based on whatever you pull out of your rear end.

gee, must be a Polish trait then
16 Feb 2010 /  #232
I tell them they are not chained here and free to leave anytime they want.

very true. I mean where I live there no Poles whatsoever but in general if someone (not only Poles) hates the country he is in, why bother, just get the butt out and go back home.

"why don't they?" very good question, lol
Sebastian  6 | 108  
16 Feb 2010 /  #233
I don't hate Americans one bit. I know a few Americans in my University, they are all cool.
17 Feb 2010 /  #234
It's stupid to argue which country is more literate... It's a myth that Poland has such great schools and USA such bad education. Everywhere is more less the same - if someone don't want to learn, then no one will force such person to learn, even high educational standard.

Darius, Krysia was talking about the old school system (8 years elementary school + 4 years high school)... if so, that would be 3 years not 5.

I've just checked (on wiki) that in Poland it's mandatory to learn somewhere until 18 y. of life. Usually students graduate the high school at the age of 18-19 (or 19/20 if it's "technikum").

I've never been to USA but I heard/read etc. that sometimes Poles are treated really awful in America. That they are disregarded, that there is still a myth in USA of a noneducated, slow-witted Pole.

Recently someone told me a joke he heard while staying in USA: "How do you know that a Pole was in your garden? Your trash container disapeared and your dog got pregnant!" (more less something like that). I wouldn't be suprised if someone hearing such thing, would claim any more great symphaty towards Americans. I think it's quite understandable, isn't it?
17 Feb 2010 /  #235
Your trash container disapeared and your dog got pregnant!"

never heard that 1, lol
beelzebub  - | 444  
17 Feb 2010 /  #236
I did get tired of hearing from Poles how poor education is in the US. I went off on them regularly for this. Europeans in general really want to feel they are smarter than us Yanks and cite some stupid TV piece they saw or something they read online. I can find just as many stupid people in Poland.

Not to mention Poles all saying they have Master's degrees when in reality they do not by our standards. But that doesn't stop them from claiming it. We also have to actually TAKE our exams and not carry in cheat sheets.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
17 Feb 2010 /  #237
Darius, Krysia was talking about the old school system (8 years elementary school + 4 years high school)... if so, that would be 3 years not 5.

In the old school system the minimum was 10 years - 8 primary + 2 trade school.

It's a myth that Poland has such great schools and USA such bad education. Everywhere is more less the same

I've never been to USA but I heard/read etc.

So how do you know everywhere is the same?
convex  20 | 3928  
17 Feb 2010 /  #238
Europeans in general really want to feel they are smarter than us Yanks and cite some stupid TV piece they saw or something they read online. I can find just as many stupid people in Poland.

You take a Leno sketch that has been edited for comedy, and people over here take that as definitive proof that Americans are dumb.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
17 Feb 2010 /  #239
I visited an American University in Marquette in Michigan. The students were not that bright, a few had not even heard of the country called Austria.

All countries have dumb people but a lot of Americans know of nothing outside of America. The students that i stayed with thought the film Eurotrip was an accurate view of Europe.
17 Feb 2010 /  #240
You take a Leno sketch that has been edited for comedy, and people over here take that as definitive proof that Americans are dumb.

Thanks for your correctness :-) I thought you'll never take up for us anymore.

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