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Do many Polish people in America hate Americans?

johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 Sep 2015 /  #571
Some people are critical of the US because of its fairly aggressive foreign policy.

And those people get to enjoy their freedom because the United States made it possible for them.
There is not a country in the world that compares to the United States.
The younger Polish people, like the rest of Europe, don't like the United States.
I wouldn't go as far as to call it hate.
They are jealous, resentful of the freedoms, see how capitalism has built the most successful economical country in the world,
how the women walk in their high heels, the most powerful military on the face of the earth, grow every fresh fruit and vegetable
there is, most generous people in the world with foreign aid, just about 'most' of everything.
I don't want to sound like I am bragging, I just want to explain why Polish people as well as most of the world doesn't like Americans.
Marsupial  - | 871  
27 Sep 2015 /  #572
Althpugh I am fond of the usa most of us certainly dont see it as the best.country im the world at anything bar military. As for the social structure and society you don't make the top 10.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 Sep 2015 /  #573
So the Americans believe, anyway.

You do struggle with the facts don't you delph.

They have little time for the way that the US behaves.

You think it's bad now just wait until a Republican gets in office in 2017.
Somebody is going to get blown up for sure.

where they can keep people in frankly diabolical conditions, where even health care is regarded as a privilege and not a right by half of society, a failing school system and so on...

It was those people's free choice to be in those diabolical conditions when they broke the law knowing the consequences, everyone has health care as NO ONE is turned away at an emergency room at a hospital, insurance or not (as if you would know that), the only failing school systems are in the Hoods Bro. but catch my new cellie.

I guess you have never been with a clean sweet smelling college girl from the U.S have you.
The mission wasn't to defeat, it was to teach the world that if you f*ck with the U.S.A. you are going to get an ass whooping.

European Food ! YUK, it is tasteless which any article on the net will tell you.
Europe is limited to fresh fruits and vegetables. Go brainwash the children with that one. lol

Yes, America gives more than all Europe put together.

We don't like America for one simple reason :

Then why do you always come begging when you have your tit in a wringer and depend on our military to protect you ?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Sep 2015 /  #574
I guess you have never been with a clean sweet smelling college girl from the U.S have you.

Things have changed since the 1970's, JR ... :)

johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 Sep 2015 /  #575
I wouldn't call that a clean sweet smelling comparison.
Besides when the European girl opened her mouth most likely her choppers would be all rotten and her fingers would be stained yellow with cigarette nicotine.
Marsupial  - | 871  
27 Sep 2015 /  #576
Talk about unappealing examples from both sides. The fat epidemic isn't just usa now, the lard they call food has seeped world wide.
f stop  24 | 2493  
27 Sep 2015 /  #577
Most sane people form their opinion of others on case by case bases. Anyone that says something that starts with "Americans are ...", or "Aussies are..." will be politely ignored at an intelligent gathering.
Marsupial  - | 871  
27 Sep 2015 /  #578
F stop.....Australia, America and Polska for all their differences have one thing in common. We can all say what we like and we don't have to care if everyone agrees.
15 Dec 2017 /  #579
I do love comments by Ironside. Every chance he gets he sinks to name calling no matter what the topic. Doesn't matter the topic you can bet it will end with insults.

Stop watching American TV and believing that is reality. It makes even Americans cringe. Most of what they produce is TV for idiots.

Are the American public schools a mess? Yes, that is because they now have to be politically correct. That is why I sent my son to Catholic school. No, we do not pay for your college, but we do not pay the taxes you do either. I fully paid for my son's college and never asked for a penny from the government. Want to go to university forever than work hard and pay for it. We are not Socialist or at least not yet.

Why don't more Americans travel to Europe. Websites like this don't exactly make me want to travel to Poland. I have been to Germany, Scotland, Wales, England, France, Morocco, Tunis, Egypt, Bonaire, Mexico, Canada, Denmark, Sweden and Russia. Half I have spent a month in. Is that enough traveling. Europe can fit inside our country. Not bragging, just fact, It can take a lifetime to visit it all.

I won't lower myself by calling any nationality names, especially Polish. Some may get annoyed at we who call ourselves Polish Americans. We don't care.
Joker  2 | 2211  
15 Dec 2017 /  #580
Are the American public schools a mess? Yes, that is because they now have to be politically correct.

Political correctness is the devil in disguise it has already destroyed England, Germany and France. Im glad we woke up and elected Trump before it was too late!

We are not Socialist or at least not yet.

Never in my lifetime:)

Its too bad some of these millennials never bothered to pick up a history book at snowflake university to read about what socialism and marxist has done to the world in the past.

Some may get annoyed at we who call ourselves Polish Americans. We don't care.

The ones that get annoyed on this forum are the Brits. And yes, we don`t care!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
15 Dec 2017 /  #581
Political correctness is simply a not so bad idea gone haywire through over- as well as misuse, that's all. Pupils who don't learn a subject as easily as the rest were once deemed "stupid", "dumb" or "backward" aka "learning disabled". Nowadays, it has been established that in far too many cases, it wasn't a matter of said pupil being learning disabled as it was of the teacher being "teaching disabled" and the administration being a bunch of lard asses, more focused on generous pensions and vacations than on all kids learning equally.

As a teacher myself of many years, the number of my charges whose ego has been destroyed by the cruelty of uncaring educators is greater than I could shake a stick at!

Any philosophy if incorrectly handled, such as political correctness, can be detrimental. Yet, the alternative of returning to a time when pupils were regularly flogged for the most miniscule offense, is far more horrible than trying to spare the marginalized among us.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
15 Dec 2017 /  #582
Political correctness is simply a not so bad

Political Correctness is a tool to spread Commie Socialism.
Another reason President Trump got elected is because he is not politically correct.

Yet, the alternative of returning to a time when pupils were regularly flogged for the most miniscule offense,

The only thing a spanking hurts is the child's feelings to humble him/her to straighten up.
Today the P.C. have had to create safe rooms so when a child's (Snowflakes) feelings get hurt because they were spoke to in the wrong tone. lol

We are creating a society of a bunch of wimps with P.C.
MERRY CHRISTMAS is even considered politically incorrect by the Commie P.C.
The Polish people that I have met here in America all spank their children when they need it.
Their philosophy is if a child gets spanked for something he/she didn't do was o.k. because that made up for the one the child got away with.

As far as this trolling thread name goes......I know of NO Polish people in America that hate Americans just because they are American and I know a boat load of Polish people.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Dec 2017 /  #583
The only thing a spanking hurts is the child's feelings



Funny how even American scientists discovered exactly the opposite.
Joker  2 | 2211  
15 Dec 2017 /  #584
.I know of NO Polish people in America that hate Americans just because they are American and I know a boat load of Polish people.

I have many Polish friends as well, never heard such complaining until I joined this forum.

Another reason President Trump got elected is because he is not politically correct.

And the stock mark hits another all time high!
kaprys  3 | 2076  
15 Dec 2017 /  #585
Keep in mind, people are anonymous here so they say things they wouldn't probably say in the real life. Some may even not mean them.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
15 Dec 2017 /  #586
And the stock mark hits another all time high!

85th high for this year today with the last two quarters of the economy having over 3% growth in Trumps first year while Obama had zero growth in eight years.

And the Snowflakes are still living in denial.

never heard such complaining until I joined this forum.

It's only a couple of very young immature Poles and every jealous ex-pat.
Consider the sources Joker.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Dec 2017 /  #587
Who cares about the stock market? Trump's boy couldn't even win in Alabama, LOL!
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
15 Dec 2017 /  #588
Just 'cuz ya don't SEE a kid's reaction to a sound thrashing, Johnny, doesn't meant it ain't there, dude!! Guess the kid who shot up those folks in the black church was simply a "bad seed", born bad, ya know, and just couldn't help itLOL You punch, whip, even slap, especially a boy, once too often, wait and see what happens. It won't take all that long either.

BALONEY!! Violence begets more violence and going back to the many old, psychologically-proven bad ways, won't help anybody, particularly society at large.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
15 Dec 2017 /  #589
I disagree, all of us kids in the 50's got a good ass whoopin' when we needed it and the majority of us turned out to be very responsible and accountable.

Maybe that is why this generation of Millenial Snowflakes are so irresponsible and unaccountable is because of the Commie political correctness that teaches the kids to sue their parents if their parents try to correct them.

Do you really wonder why the courts have become the third parent in the America family ?
Spankings are the best thing that ever happened to an unruly spoiled brat and since a crack on the butt have been outlawed we now have a generation of unruly spoiled brats that are unaccountable and run up student debt with no intentions of ever paying it back while they live in their parents basement playing on their computer all day on Face Book.

Now guys can you get back on topic before the Mods give us another warning.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
16 Dec 2017 /  #590
A spanking to my mind, both as a parent as well as an enlightened being, is ONLY necessary if the child is in immanent danger of injuring or killing either themselves or another person, say, running across the road with cars coming and the light is red, having been sternly warned verbally NOT to ever do such!

I got myself once (but once only) paddled sorely on the behind and no, it didn't damage me psychically. Then again, both my folks (enlightened as the day is long) abhorred the use of capricious physical violence as a so-called deterrent to bad behavior. Even back then, they knew separately and together that such Puritanical tactics of "Spare the rod, spoil the child" do not make for healthy, adjusted citizens. Child abuse on a regular basis, both verbal as well as physical, damages both body and soul alike, represses feelings and leads to out-and-out sadism, especially among male children, creating a society of bullying, inured, indeed numb, to the feelings and sensitivities of others. No, Johnny, one size DOESN'T fit all.

"'......got a good ass whoopin' when we needed it....." Fine, Johnny. I then have your assurance that you turned out "allright"LOL
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
16 Dec 2017 /  #591
I got myself once (but once only)

It must not have been very hard as in "Case and Point" below this:

Now guys can you get back on topic before the Mods give us another warning.

I rest my case. lol
pawian  219 | 24792  
8 Jun 2019 /  #592
I saw a post about Poles not liking America earlier on... These are actually a minority.

Or even a small fraction of a minority. Poles have always had a very romantically positive attitude to the USA (but completely out of balance when the opposite direction is considered).

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