johnny reb 49 | 7911
27 Sep 2015 / #571
Some people are critical of the US because of its fairly aggressive foreign policy.
And those people get to enjoy their freedom because the United States made it possible for them.
There is not a country in the world that compares to the United States.
The younger Polish people, like the rest of Europe, don't like the United States.
I wouldn't go as far as to call it hate.
They are jealous, resentful of the freedoms, see how capitalism has built the most successful economical country in the world,
how the women walk in their high heels, the most powerful military on the face of the earth, grow every fresh fruit and vegetable
there is, most generous people in the world with foreign aid, just about 'most' of everything.
I don't want to sound like I am bragging, I just want to explain why Polish people as well as most of the world doesn't like Americans.