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Do many Polish people in America hate Americans?

pip  10 | 1658  
12 Sep 2011 /  #361
Americans, as a generalization, do think think they are better than others. I have some great American friends and they even think this. They are taught in schools that America is the best country in the world to live in, it is modern day propaganda, but of course many of these patriots have never experienced life outside of the U.S and their cultural vacation is disneyland.

America does have some bizzare traditions- but so does every country- however, in America you are considered important by how much t.v. time you have, so the rest of the world gets to see it. Case and point--Jersey Shore, the Bachelor, Rock of Love, Girls gone Wild.....I could go on and on. It is sad to me that a society values something as pathetic as a Snookie over somebody who has success through education and hard work.

America is also seen by many foreigners as the way to becoming rich. Immigrate and you will be guaranteed success. Of course, this is not reality- and even though many immigrants 100 years ago became successful and wealthy with very little, times have changed- this is not the reality.

America is an egocentrical country. They think the world revolves around them. In some ways it does but with the recent state of the country, I think perhaps its people are starting to question their lives a bit. And blaming Obama for something that has been spiraling out of control for quite some time is pathetic. He has been left to pick up the pieces of a mess that has been going on for 8 years. America is lucky to have Obama.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
12 Sep 2011 /  #362
i'm not sure he's doing the right thing - there are extremely rich people in America - I can't see Obama making them to make more contribution to the country
pip  10 | 1658  
12 Sep 2011 /  #363
I don't think the ultra rich do pay their fair share. They have the means to hire accountants who are able to find loop holes and tax cuts and manufacture abroad so they don't even use American workers.

Canada and America were settled at roughly the same time. How did the U.S. create such a mess for itself but Canada has been relatively stable through the entire economic down turn.

I think that Obama is trying to do what is best for the middle class- which is a majority of the population. Unfortunately, the right wing come along and preach that he is trying to take away the money of the people of the U.S. and people are stupid enough to believe this. What the majority don't know is that the previous 8 years under Bush allowed the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer- and the middle class are on the poor side of middle.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
12 Sep 2011 /  #364
to be honest i don't know too much about Obama's policies - the ones that I know of is further increasing deficit and also initially trying to 'win' the war in Afghanistan which costs zillions - I don't think withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan on a short notice was and is a reasonable and right thing to do (though one would be tempted to do so) - still if it was planned a couple of years ago and measures taken to strengthen the moderate political forces in Iraq and Afghanistan (by the means of helping the populace more than waging a war) America would perhaps be now out of there and/or the financial burden of the campaings would be significantly reduced

as for Republicans - yes theri credibility is very much limited as long as they don't admit the Bush policies were all wrong and often cynically partisan - I have read an interview with a sort-of ideologue of the neo-con good couple of years a go (before Bush junior) - and what he said is they were going to indebt the state as much as possible among others by hand-outs to technology sector (I think we should read 'military industry') that the Democrats and whoever who would like to do that do not have money to develope any social programmes (like the medical) - in hindsight I think the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are a means to do that - I guess some of these people are simply idealogically blinded - it's enough to believe the state should not have any social programmes to be idealogically blinded
3 Dec 2011 /  #365
Well They would stay in America because its not under dictatorship and America is a free country Poland your not free like us in America I think if someone said something bad about the dictatorship there allowed to come and kill you if you live in Poland or any other country under dictation
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
4 Dec 2011 /  #366

i think u need to get out a bit more, or at least change your meds. there is no dictatorship here.
legend  3 | 658  
4 Dec 2011 /  #367
Well They would stay in America because its not under dictatorship and America is a free country Poland your not free like us in America I think if someone said something bad about the dictatorship there allowed to come and kill you if you live in Poland or any other country under dictation

This is a perfect example of a typical American. They are stuck in their own bubble (and quite ignorant of the world around them).
grubas  12 | 1382  
4 Dec 2011 /  #368
This is a perfect example of a typical American.

I doubt this person is an American.
tygrys  2 | 290  
4 Dec 2011 /  #369
This is a perfect example of a typical American. They are stuck in their own bubble (and quite ignorant of the world around them).

He's not American. He can't even spell correctly. Must some sort of immigrant.
amcapol  - | 12  
7 Dec 2011 /  #370
I'm Polish- American and I love my adopted country like I never felt about my birth-country...Poland.
I admire Americans for their hard work, sense of humor, respect to each other, ingenuity...and on and on...
I felt extremely lucky to have a privilege to live here, to work, to be a part of this wonderful Country.
Most polish immigrants, legally here, feels alike. Chicago or Greenpoint is unique ....unfortunatelly in negative sense.
8 Dec 2011 /  #371
Im Polish, in America for a few months, I don't hate Americans but i hate ignorant ppl and all this propaganda "we are no. 1 in the world" its so arrogant. I found it pretty present here, also many Americans (on this forum) are very sensitive to any kind of critique of their country. I don't want to glorify ether Poland or U.S. just wanna be objective. Fortunately most people I've encounter have pretty decent concept of what's going on in and out side.
Meathead  5 | 467  
8 Dec 2011 /  #372
Canada and America were settled at roughly the same time. How did the U.S. create such a mess for itself but Canada has been relatively stable through the entire economic down turn.

Oil exports

Im Polish, in America for a few months, I don't hate Americans but i hate ignorant ppl and all this propaganda "we are no. 1 in the world" its so arrogant

Poland and US are polar opposites
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
8 Dec 2011 /  #373
as are Canada and America. comparing the two countries is foolish.
amcapol  - | 12  
13 Dec 2011 /  #374
Calliegal235 , your post are pretty amazing. It takes an American loving Polish man and being open minded to have your perspective and understanding of PL.

I was born there so maybe I'm less objective but reading your post I found myself agreeing pretty much on 100% with you.
I'm nTuralized Californian too ( probably like your husband) I love this land, I love the climate, variety of ...everything. From extreme temps ( Death Valley) to everlasting snow ( Lassen Park and other) . I'll never get used to beauty of San Jacinto Mtn covered with snow while I'm sunbathing under the palm trees...etc. Maybe if I'd be living in the North States I'd thnk differently about PL?

Who knows?
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
13 Dec 2011 /  #375
calliegal235 wrote:

If you know of a nation, who as a people in general, through thousands of charitable organizations, gives more money to foreigners than Americans do, please let me know.

I'm surprised you haven't heard that classic rebuttal from the peanut gallery yet of, "well they do it for their own gain".....

If America stopped handing out money to other countries in need, the world would be in shock. That also goes for Americans that volunteer themselves and their own time to help foreign countries in need.

pip wrote:

Case and point--Jersey Shore, the Bachelor, Rock of Love, Girls gone Wild.....I could go on and on. It is sad to me that a society values something as pathetic as a Snookie over somebody who has success through education and hard work.

"case and point" of what? do we "value" watching people make idiots out of themselves? no more than anybody else in the world that finds it entertaining to watch a bunch of clowns in action, so yeah, i guess you could say we "value" comedy. you make it out to be like this crap is our prized possession. and don't worry, I'm sure Poland will eventually have equivalent shows at some point. It's only a matter of time before Poland rips off yet another stupid American TV show.

pip wrote:

America is an egocentrical country. They think the world revolves around them. In some ways it does but.....

Oh that just says it all now doesn't it. You have no idea what you're even arguing about.
jeremyborn1  1 | 6  
17 Dec 2011 /  #376
I hate Americans and I'm American,were not very likable people yah know XD
amcapol  - | 12  
28 Dec 2011 /  #377
Hate...its a strong word. I came to USA 23 years ago and I fell in love with Americans. Fantastic people. i wish my co-patriots would be a little like them. Polish people are getting better but they still have a long way to go in terms of tolerance, sense of humor, everyday strength and courage , optimism.
28 Dec 2011 /  #379
If America stopped handing out money to other countries in need, the world would be in shock. That also goes for Americans that volunteer themselves and their own time to help foreign countries in need.

You need to be honest with yourself, where ever you go chaos and exploitation follows. As for the volunteers the whole world knows how that works loads and loads of them taking a vacation on Uncle Sam’s dime borrowed from China. The amount of men, material as well as funds flowing that endeavor is truly astonishing but can you honestly call it foreign help? I doubt that. To land money you need to have it.

It's only a matter of time before Poland rips off yet another stupid American TV show.

How pathetic, Yank talking out of his ar** as usual, I guess you haven’t heard of licensed international version or what that means. Ripping off? LOL. Look on the bright side, there are plenty of TV which you probably think of as your own but in fact have been ripped off.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Dec 2011 /  #380
How pathetic, Yank talking out of his ar** as usual, I guess you haven't heard of licensed international version or what that means.

you know what I've heard of? turning on Polish TV at night and every single show is a total rip off of an American/UK TV show. admit it and cut the crap.

You need to be honest with yourself, where ever you go chaos and exploitation follows. As for the volunteers the whole world knows how that works loads and loads of them taking a vacation on Uncle Sam's dime borrowed from China. The amount of men, material as well as funds flowing that endeavor is truly astonishing but can you honestly call it foreign help? I doubt that. To land money you need to have it.

yeah, the typical response. "they do it for money". i guess that's every American's curse. no matter what you do, no matter how selfless it may be, it's always looked at as a ploy for financial gain. no matter, we all know it yet we keep on giving our time/money.
28 Dec 2011 /  #381
yeah, the typical response. "they do it for money". i guess that's every american's curse. no matter what you do, no matter how selfless it may be, it's always looked at as a ploy for financial gain.

If the shoe fits, that selfless generosity only exist in your brainwashed mind of yours others simply call it business opportunity nothing is for free.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Dec 2011 /  #382
Who's brainwashed?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
28 Dec 2011 /  #383
you know what I've heard of? turning on Polish TV at night and every single show is a total rip off of an American/UK TV show. admit it and cut the crap.

Ah and your point is ?
Havok  10 | 902  
28 Dec 2011 /  #384
They complain about their own country and their government (that they voted for), they leave, and they set up "Little Polands" all over the place, stick together, and b*tch that nothing's like it was back in Poland. The average Pole is chronically unhappy, stubborn, argumentative and continuously whining.

This made me laugh so hard I almost choked on my coffee. LMAO, good old times.
Crow  154 | 9260  
28 Dec 2011 /  #385
Do many Polish people in America hate Americans?

i don`t know for hate but i know that Polish Americans don`t like USA torture of Slaveno-Serbian Christians, on the behalf of pro-Turkish Greater Albania and pro-German Greater Croatia.
28 Dec 2011 /  #386
FFS, doctor without borders is an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The arrogance with which you try to take credit for it is truly astonishing, no surprise there. You were talking about US Foreign Aid and how others would suffer if your selfless generosity ever stopped. When you do that than FFS man, call it for what it is.

A third of all that so called foreign aid goes to Israel and Egypt, those in turn spend vast majority of that money on armaments which they buy from you, I don’t know about you but I call it government subsidy protecting certain sector of your own economy and certain business that is vital to you, nothing wrong with that btw. The other so called aid is simply spent a bribes; Jordan for one, to leave Israel alone, once again this serves the interest of some lobbying group of your friends in Washington and their security, after all someone has to pay for it and who’s better suited for that task then you. Colombia and Bolivia yet another example, for drug abatement and just who do you suppose declared the war on drugs way back when? So the program continues. Commodities and services which you desire so much are also a big part of that so called foreign aid, here Indonesia springs to mind for the right to exploit their oil reserves, Pakistan? To help you chase terrorists around and not supply them with small arms or at least that’s what you think, stupidity is not cheap you know but a lesson well learned from the Soviet involvement there. For all your bit***** now money well spent too, you haven’t experienced nearly as many casualties nor equipment loss as the Soviets did.

So who are you kidding? All of that so called US foreign aid serves your own self-interest. You desire those things so you pay dearly for it, I’m simply pointing out the error of your ways. Expand your vocabulary and called it for what it really is. Foreign Aid is a generic term concocted by your own government to make you feel good about yourself but far from the true intention for which those funds are allocated in the annual budget under the misleading name of foreign aid, it’s only sold to you the tax payer as such and you in turn naively believe it to be so. All I’m saying no dice here buddy.
28 Dec 2011 /  #387
The bottom line is this; illness, homelessness and disease don't discriminate! Why then are certain Americans whose names are Gates, Zuckerberg and the usual suspects entitled to a higher standard of medical treatment and housing than the rest of us??

Silence from the peanut gallery up there, guys, 'cuz nobody's got an answer for it, 'cuz there AIN'T none!! It's flat wrong. Always has been, always will be.
Havok  10 | 902  
28 Dec 2011 /  #388
Cuz they have a sh1t load of money and they can afford it. Who is going to pay for your health care and a roof over your head? Me? The Government with my money? Have you heard of Communism and did you know that it doesn't effing work?
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Dec 2011 /  #389
"In 2007, MSF-USA raised $152.1 million and sent 200 aid workers to work overseas."

How much did yourcountry give in 2007?

How much did any other country give in 2007? It's not about who owns it or founded it, it's who's footing the bill. That's what we're talking about here.

Hell, even Brad Pitt and AJ donated a cool million last year.

"New York, June 11, 2007 - The international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) today expressed its gratitude for a gift of $9,136,000from Bill and Sue Gross of Laguna Beach, California, generated from the sale at auction of a portion of Mr. Gross's rare and extensive stamp collection."

Sandra Bullock donated 1 million last year.

The list of huge donations to MSF from US citizens goes on and on.

and who could forget Mr. Gates if we're talking about donating money to foreign countries:

Melinda Moree met plenty of naysayers who dismissed the prospects of a malaria vaccine. Then she encountered Bill Gates.

No one had developed a human vaccine against a parasite like malaria before, and the monetary incentives simply did not exist for pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs targeted at poor children. Development would require cooperation among scientists, drug companies, health groups and international governments -- an alliance so large it didn't seem possible, she recalled someone telling Gates.

"Of course it is," Gates countered, according to Moree, now director of the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative in Seattle, which along with other groups has received nearly $500 millionfrom the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop, test, manufacture and eventually distribute a malarial vaccine.....The co-founder of Microsoft has given $25.9 billionof his personal wealth to the foundation and has pledged to give billions of dollars more to devote to several dozen specific programs, such as minority scholarships, clean water initiatives, updated computer systems in libraries and the development of a variety of vaccines.

And to cover our own tails, we've got American Red Cross. But that's obviously a bunch of a-holes in it for the money.

Donated American cash changes the world whether you like it or not.
21 Mar 2012 /  #390
I am Polish, I speak Polish, I live in chicago and i do everything polish from dancing, to church ... just everything. We work for everything but there are plenty of stuck up polish rich kids in Chicago also, its only because we miss out land and not the busy work there is here. You would understand if only you went there. You are right, we are not chained down, but we came here for a better life, to get more money, you do not understand, and we do not think that of the brits, do not single polish people out when you some to say our whole populate "hate" Americans or brits or anyone else. We are human. You can ask the Irish, Mexcans and Americans the same question.

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