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Moving from United Kingdom to USA. Is it worth it?

legend  3 | 658  
27 Jul 2011 /  #61
If that happens, I hope your country gets invaded the very next day. Maybe try giving China a call, they'll come help out.

I think you are a bit paranoid.
Americans seem to think without them the world is a lost place.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Jul 2011 /  #62
legend wrote:

I think you are a bit paranoid.
Americans seem to think without them the world is a lost place.

it would be a worse place.

Piass Poland seems to think the USA is some vile disease that needs to be exterminated. have you read his posts?
legend  3 | 658  
28 Jul 2011 /  #63
I think the world would both be better and worst because of it.

Yes I read the posts in this topic anyway.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Jul 2011 /  #64
legend wrote:

I think the world would both be better and worst because of it.

i think the same could be said about every country.
f stop  24 | 2493  
28 Jul 2011 /  #65
I hope more people realize that America is not what they see on TV. TV is not mainstream anymore, it's the lowest common denominator.
Zloty  6 | 16  
28 Jul 2011 /  #66
The US economy is in the doldrums. Official unemployment is 9.2 percent but many economists & labor analysts believe the true number is closer to 16 percent. You might be better off in Canada or Australia...

Ditto. I'm a perfect example. No job here in the US. I'm going to Europe to find something to do! if you want, we can trade citizenships and you can be here and I can go to Europe and pay EU tuition rates and not have to get a work visa.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
28 Jul 2011 /  #67
U.S. is still grate country, it is becoming police state and fascist state but still better then some European countries, the economy will collapse everywhere in the world so it does not matter where you at.

if you poor health stay in Europe if you are concern about economy stay home with family if you want to own a gun and be in riots come to U.S. there will be civil war soon.

is it worth it ? if you a banker sure if you just working class no.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
28 Jul 2011 /  #68
intimate knowladge of the jewish quaters of London..

<Shrugs> The only frame of reference I have about St. John's Wood is that Keith Richards had a crib there so I figured it wasn't a ghetto. Also it's sung about in their song "Play With Fire".

Actually, I think you're the secret yid on here.. you keep dropping all the Jewish holidays all over the place.

Tisha B'Av

.. this is literally the first time I've seen the words in my life. However, they slip off your tongue nicely.

But muzzle tov and nice try anyway, limey!
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Jul 2011 /  #69
Yeah.. things will look rosy when he's what? 67?

Indeed it would. In 10 years Polands GDP per capita will be the same as most Western countries. If he bought now in five years he could have paid off the loan on a house in Poland based on his UK salary.

St John Woods is a upmarket area to live, next to Regents Park and Lords Cricket ground, pretty expensive obviously. But go ahead and make ignorant comments about things you don't know about. The cap fits.
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
28 Jul 2011 /  #70
If that happens, I hope your country gets invaded the very next day. Maybe try giving China a call, they'll come help out.

No one is going to invade Poland. You can just keep writing sh!t while I laugh at the US and the pathetic situation its in :D
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Jul 2011 /  #71
Piast Poland wrote:

You can just keep writing sh!t while I laugh at the US and the pathetic situation its in :D

i don't know which is worse....a country having economic woes due to mismanagement of funds.....or being completely dependent on other countries' money to keep you afloat. when your country achieves even half of what the USA has achieved in technology, innovation, manufacturing, medicine, sports, entertainment.....then we'll talk about who is "pathetic".

i dig poland, I really do, but if people are gonna spout trash like this, amma keep it real, son.
f stop  24 | 2493  
28 Jul 2011 /  #72
I laugh at the US and the pathetic situation its in

Which pathetic situation are you talking about? US is still leaps and bounds ahead of Poland.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Jul 2011 /  #73
i don't know which is worse....a country having economic woes due to mismanagement of funds.....or being completely dependent on other countries' money to keep you afloat

You are talking about the USA here arn't you? becuase both of those apply to the US. What is it, 40% of US government spending is borrowed. Any sane country would slash the Trillion dollar defence budget.
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
28 Jul 2011 /  #74
The usa is the s h i t stain of the earth. Enjoy your economy :D may your country fall so hard that it never rises again.

You are talking about the USA here arn't you?

Exactly but yanks are stupid and too stubborn to give up some of their power which ironically will cause them to lose it all in the end :D

F Stop: read above.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Jul 2011 /  #75
peterweg wrote:

You are talking about the USA here arn't you? becuase both of those apply to the US. What is it, 40% of US government spending is borrowed.

because of a mismanagement of funds. the money's there, it's just going to the wrong pockets and has been for quite some time, especially when GWB took the helm.

Piast Poland wrote:

The usa is the s h i t stain of the earth.

Exactly but yanks are stupid and too stubborn

it's amazing how you can categorize 300+ million people like that so easily.
f stop  24 | 2493  
28 Jul 2011 /  #76
Exactly but yanks are stupid and too stubborn to give up some of their power which ironically will cause them to lose it all in the end

That previous comment about people that get their info from TV and generalize about the entire population applies directly to you, Piast.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
28 Jul 2011 /  #77
The usa is the s h i t stain of the earth. Enjoy your economy :D may your country fall so hard that it never rises again.

so you would wish hardship on people.. well says alot for you , I hope that a large quanity
of cloth eating beetles invade your underwear drawer and devour your fruit of the looms!!

and that you have nothing left to eat but toe cheese.. add that to your soup bud!

I think you've taken things a little off topic.
urszula  1 | 253  
29 Jul 2011 /  #79
May it fall fast and hard. War mongering cancer deserves all thats coming its way with the crises.

What did the American people do to you? many of us don't like Obama, don't want wars, we want our troops back, we could care less about fighting wars in other countries. We want to raise our families in peace, go to college, get a degree, buy a house, lead a normal life.

Watch what you are saying here, it will come back to you.
legend  3 | 658  
29 Jul 2011 /  #80
Maybe he just means the US as in the government, people in charge, military and horrible foreign affairs?
Because then I would agree with him.

But there are many fine US residents who are normal people. Some of them dont want wars. They want simple life to sustain their families.

Unfortunately as is true across the globe the governments do not represent the people.
f stop  24 | 2493  
29 Jul 2011 /  #81
I've been searching for a better country to live, and believe me, I've looked far and wide, and I have not found a better place yet. Granted, the weather is a big factor, but still, this is very nice, and if, like everywhere else, you surround yourself with good people, it is hard to beat.
29 Jul 2011 /  #82
.....of course in some locations there is nothing wrong with a wooden house,but,Im not talking "war" here,Im asking,why on earth do Americans still build wooden houses in Tornado Alley?

It doesn't matter how the house is constructed as the tornado lifts the roof off first and than the walls collapse. One way to prevent tornado damage is by the shape of the house. A geodesic dome works well due to the shape of house which deflects the wind.
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
29 Jul 2011 /  #83
I think you've taken things a little off topic

No. I wish peace and freedom to all peoples. But if someones has to pay for it then there is no one better than the people responsible for oppression and violence.

mod: its ok I dont get offended by idiots blindly attempting to insulting me. At most its pathetic and I just laugh. Laugh like I do at the US :D

Unfortunately as is true across the globe the governments do not represent the people.

The american government are imperial terrorists. The people are for the most part stupid, brainwashed and even apathetic to anything that is going on. There are of course some smart people who see through the lies and denounce what their terrorist state is doing. Unfortunetly the US government has grown far too powerful and has no limits to its crimes and lies. You are right, all governments are unrepresentative mostly but the us is something else.

What is that suppposean?

Watch what you are saying here, it will come back to you

peterweg  37 | 2305  
29 Jul 2011 /  #84
've been searching for a better country to live, and believe me, I've looked far and wide, and I have not found a better place yet. Granted, the weather is a big factor, but still, this is very nice, and if, like everywhere else, you surround yourself with good people, it is hard to beat.

The US is one of the last countries in the world I would choose to live. Granted, I'd exclude the entire continent of Africa and most third world countries. But the US is closer to a Third world country than a First. Its a depressing place.
pip  10 | 1658  
29 Jul 2011 /  #85
I think the u.s. would be a good place to live if you are ultra rich.

But, if you are hopelessly middle class (and there is nothing wrong with that!!) a better bet would be Canada, Australia, New Zealand or out of London. This is of course you speak English. I would move to Stockholm in a heartbeat if it was possible- Sweden and Scandinavia in general really take care of its citizens.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
29 Jul 2011 /  #86
I think the u.s. would be a good place to live if you are ultra rich.

Wikipedia has the charts, if you are middle class, you real income has been stagnant for decades. Most people are not getting richer.

pip  10 | 1658  
29 Jul 2011 /  #87
Wikipedia has the charts, if you are middle class, you real income has been stagnant for decades. Most people are not getting richer.

but even being middle class has its difficulties- too much money for some things and not enough for others- by this I mean health care.

I think it is more difficult for the middle class in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world.
vato loco  - | 15  
29 Jul 2011 /  #88
I've traveled to 5 continents and know how lucky we are here in the USA. But having said that, unless you're very wealthy, our quality of life lags behind much of the developed world.

As others have pointed out on this thread, the problem is wealth inequality and the widening income gap. One percent of the US population controls about 24 percent of the national wealth, a number not seen since the late 1920s. Middle-class wages have been stagnant for at least a decade, if not longer.

Frankly, the mood in this country is downright scary. Many Americans are terrified of losing what little they already have. They've jumped onto the Tea Party bandwagon, even though this populist movement is manipulated & control by powerful business elites, who clearly do not represent the best interests of working Americans.

Despite the rhetoric of change & hope, President Obama has done little, if anything, to improve the lives of ordinary Americans. In fact, he's moved from the center to the right, and has allowed the Republicans to frame the debate on the economy, e.g., the current nonsense regarding the debt ceiling. Sure, the national debt is a concern in the long-term, but right now what is needed is job creation, a fact sadly lost on Republicans and most Democrats.

So, if I were an educated & skilled worker looking for someplace new to live, the USA would be the last place on my list.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
29 Jul 2011 /  #89
I agree with you but if economy collapses as it is 100% sure it will, it will collapse everywhere so to have a fighting chance to survival I would choose U.S. as I can own a gun and I can hunt not may countries you can own a gun and have lot of land you can hunt on.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
29 Jul 2011 /  #90
So, if I were an educated & skilled worker looking for someplace new to live, the USA would be the last place on my list.

I've traveled to 5 continents and know how lucky we are here in the USA.

??? So you're not educated and skilled?

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Moving from United Kingdom to USA. Is it worth it?Archived