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Polish man's visit a nightmare - Welcome To Canada

atomati  1 | -  
24 Sep 2011 /  #1
Polish man's visit a nightmare

Winnipeg kin kept in dark as Immigration held him in jail

COMING to Canada for the first time to visit family and see the Rockies turned into a nightmare for a 54-year-old Polish man and his relatives in Winnipeg who were waiting for him.

And it was only this week - five months after the ordeal began - that he finally got his passport back following a hearing in Winnipeg.

When Henryk Brzezinski's flight from Warsaw landed in Toronto in the spring, immigration officials detained him for 10 days.

"They put handcuffs on him at the airport and took him to jail," said his sister-in-law, Miroslawa Mikolowski, in Winnipeg.

BBman  - | 343  
27 Sep 2011 /  #2
Meanwhile illiterate arabs, pakis, africans etc get in without any problems.

Well, at least the RCMP didn't taser him...
legend  3 | 658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #3
Many of The RCMP and whatever police they have in western Canada are just scum. Not much better in the rest of Canada either.

The fact is that even today many "Canadians" look down on many Slavic people. They will make fun of your lastname, they will say you are a commie, you are behind times, blah blah blah. The Cold War didnt help either.

The police originally seemed to dislike 'third world immigrants' and non-white 'minorities'.
But now that any idiot can pull the word racist they are more scared to arrest those peoples.
This led to more minorities being hired in the police forces. Police had to be more 'careful'.

A complete joke of a case was the Dziekanski case...

The hearings and trails were too long, the cops should have been arrested and imprisoned for years, banned from the RCMP for lifetime, and never allowed to hold a gun again. Instead they were given desk jobs. More like a promotion than demotion.
BrooksG  - | 2  
27 Sep 2011 /  #4
Outrageous! Sounds like the kind of treatment you might expect in the third world.
modafinil  - | 416  
27 Sep 2011 /  #5
Meanwhile illiterate arabs, pakis, africans etc get in without any problems.

And you, don't forget.
legend  3 | 658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #6
Meanwhile illiterate arabs, pakis, africans etc get in without any problems.

Well, at least the RCMP didn't taser him...

What will happen more and more is this:

Visible 'minorities' will start getting more power. The people in power will allow MORE multicultarism/diversity/WHATEVER hell you wish to call it.

Instead of closing the borders and allowing Europeans to visit more easily the governments wont allow the cleanier folk in.
People who would normally easily get in will have to waste their time so that more colored people will invade the lands.

Its not much better in Europe. EU has opened the borders, Negros, Jews and god knows what is being aloud in by the millions.
This will get worst in 50 or 100 years. White Europe will be a melting pot or zoo. And a huge portion of libies will just let it happen

"Oh who cares".
WHERE there is more diversity there is more crime.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #7
The fact is that even today many "Canadians" look down on many Slavic people. They will make fun of your lastname, they will say you are a commie, you are behind times, blah blah blah. The Cold War didnt help either.

This is complete *******. Totally. This is not true at all- do you have any stats to back up this claim?

If you follow the Robert Dzienkanski case you will know that the RCMP are now facing charges for what they did to that poor man.

Here is a link- I am not sure how accurate or up to date it is as it is only wikipedia.


The people that work border and immigration are not rocket scientists. They are a-holes. I have had the worst experience of my life in Chicago O'Hare- and I am not Polish nor a visible minority. They are all a-holes on a power trip.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
27 Sep 2011 /  #8
Visible 'minorities' will start getting more power. The people in power will allow MORE multicultarism/diversity/WHATEVER hell you wish to call it.

how does that comment relate to the thread at all? eh?

Instead of closing the borders and allowing Europeans to visit more easily the governments wont allow the cleanier folk in.
People who would normally easily get in will have to waste their time so that more colored people will invade the lands.

another general statement from you. The truth is that there are many illegal Poles working in Canada and the immigration knows THIS. He was a victim of the situation created by his folks who are staying illegally, well not only Poles, other nationalities too,but as long as Canada keeps their borders sealed, it is going to happen.

Its not much better in Europe. EU has opened the borders, Negros, Jews and god knows what is being aloud in by the millions.
This will get worst in 50 or 100 years. White Europe will be a melting pot or zoo. And a huge portion of libies will just let it happen
"Oh who cares".
WHERE there is more diversity there is more crime.

well, in EU people from other countries move freely as well, like Polish people who travel all over for pleasure or for work and this is great. That was the idea behind the free movement within the EU, so you, as a Polish citizen would be able to purchase a summer house in Spain etc.

More diversity ,more crime? Do you have the statistics to prove it? Looks like you are happy with Steve Harper's government, but as far as I know many Canadians aren't. The cost of keeping the border sealed it the teaser happy security, immigration officers who arrest innocent people and this:

legend  3 | 658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #9
This is complete *******. Totally. This is not true at all- do you have any stats to back up this claim?

First hand experience.

If you follow the Robert Dzienkanski case you will know that the RCMP are now facing charges for what they did to that poor man.

Its been a long time since and they arent in jail yet. Like I have said the only thing they got so far was a deskjob. Thats hardly a punchment... more like a joke. There is no excuse of killing an innocent man. The bureaucracy and time takes way too long.

More diversity ,more crime? Do you have the statistics to prove it? Looks like you are happy with Steve Harper's government, but as far as I know many Canadians aren't. The cost of keeping the border sealed it the teaser happy security, immigration officers who arrest innocent people and this:

Plenty of statistics. If you want more ask but its common sense.

In February 2010, an investigation of the Toronto Star daily newspaper found that black people across Toronto were three times more likely to be stopped and documented by police than white people. To a lesser extent, the same seemed true for people described by police as having "brown" skin. This was the result of an analysis of 1.7 million contact cards filled out by Toronto police officers in the period 2003 - 2008.[20]

Look at the largest cities in Canada and the United States. Where there is lots of COLORED people there is more crime.
Vancouver has lots of Asians. Its crime is quite awful. Toronto isnt much better although Vancouver ranks worst on crime reports.
Winnipeg has problems with the Natives.
Chicago, Los Angeles, New York have many colored people who live segregated. And the crimes are seen more than an all white city.

Toronto has the Jane and Finch area and Scarborough. High gun crimes are commited there. I wonder why? Spare me the poor negro argument

I do not like Harper at all. He is a clown and his policies are sickening. Instead of helping people he bought a bunch of goddamn fighter jets. He supports Israel and doesnt want a Palestinian home land. His conservative ideas are almost all out of this world.

I agree most Canadians dont want him. The political system is a joke. It should be mixed proportional voting or proportional voting.
The fact is Harper has less than 50 percent of the vote and somehow he has the office as a majority.
Now Layton is dead and NDP will lose some of the voters. Liberals and NDP will be stealing each others vote while Harper gets the last laugh.

Heres more...

Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are
three times more likely.

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involv-
ing blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.

Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-
five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are
Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are

Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against
a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes
against whites than vice versa.


I am not gonna bother arguing with far left mindsets who say
these polls are inaccurate, bias, racist, etc. Ive heard enough of that in my lifetime.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
27 Sep 2011 /  #10
Negros, Jews and god knows what is being aloud

God knows what you are.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
27 Sep 2011 /  #11
Plenty of statistics. If you want more ask but its common sense.

don't be so patronizing please. I could have pulled the stats myself, although I am not a Toronto Star reader. It is not enough to pull the stats, one has to find the link between the poverty and crime, which effects all races, not only darker skin, therefore your post is not racist, but ignorant to say that least. Also, you kind of shoot yourself in a foot there since those police reports could be a great case of racial profiling, which I am sure you are familiar with.

Toronto has the Jane and Finch area and Scarborough. High gun crimes are commited there. I wonder why? Spare me the poor negro argument

Sure I am going to spare you an argument, I don't waste time on people who already made their minds up.

Look at the largest cities in Canada and the United States. Where there is lots of COLORED people there is more crime.
Vancouver has lots of Asians. Its crime is quite awful. Toronto isnt much better although Vancouver ranks worst on crime reports.
Winnipeg has problems with the Natives.
Chicago, Los Angeles, New York have many colored people who live segregated. And the crimes are seen more than an all white city.

analyzing crime is a bit more complicated then you are trying to portray:).

Toronto has the Jane and Finch area and Scarborough. High gun crimes are commited there. I wonder why? Spare me the poor negro argument

yes, this are gets a LOT of coverage in the local TO press and when I was living in TO, my aunt used to worry about me, because she was reading the fekking news all the time. She was scared of TO, so I guess the media did their work. I, on the other hand did some studies in this area and I felt safe aka- nobody shot me and I saw almost no people because they were probably at work. Life experience vs your limited internet research on crime in Canada.

His conservative ideas are almost all out of this world.

so are yours to be honest. First you say that he is very conservative and then you say this to me:

I am not gonna bother arguing with far left mindsets who say
these polls are inaccurate, bias, racist, etc. Ive heard enough of that in my lifetime.

So please, make up your mind, will yah.....

Also the link provided is on the US, not Canada.

Stick to the Canadian theme at least.

Most people know that police stats on crime are always a bargaining chip when the new budget is being negotiated, so you have to dig a little deeper my friend:) and don't sound so scared. I lived in TO for some time and it is a safe city, but some areas should be avoided - its common sense.

The topic of this tread is: is the Canadian immigration force a bit to jumpy? If that is the case, why? This is not the first example, it is said that such a great country has such strange people guarding their borders. I have always been convince that Canada is a police country.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Sep 2011 /  #12
Many of The RCMP and whatever police they have in western Canada are just scum. Not much better in the rest of Canada either.

many are complete scum but you wouldn't know what the "rest" are like in Canada so don't pretend to know.

The fact is that even today many "Canadians" look down on many Slavic people.

You are officially full of sh*t on this one.

Its been a long time since and they arent in jail yet. Like I have said the only thing they got so far was a deskjob. Thats hardly a punchment... more like a joke

Overlooking your spelling, you are correct on this imo.

analyzing crime is a bit more complicated then you are trying to portray:).

unfortunately, he is correct when it comes to street crime in Canada but how that has become a topic is due more to his personal agenda imo.
lisa_xxoo  - | 3  
27 Sep 2011 /  #13
If you follow the Robert Dzienkanski case you will know that the RCMP are now facing charges for what they did to that poor man

They should be criminally charged!!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
27 Sep 2011 /  #14
unfortunately, he is correct when it comes to street crime in Canada but how that has become a topic is due more to his personal agenda imo.

not the topic of this thread imo

the topic is: an innocent Polish tourist has been arrested at the airport in Toronto;), held in jail for 10 days, because the immigration was suspecting him of illegal attempt of immigrating to Canada, which was not the case. The only reason I can think of is the fact that there are many illegal Polish immigrants in Canada and they immigration is a bit oversensitive- part of their job- it seems?
PWEI  3 | 612  
27 Sep 2011 /  #15
The fact is that even today many "Canadians" look down on many Slavic people.

No, they look down on you; and that is not because you are Slavic but is entirely because of how you behave and the utter rubbish which comes out of your mouth.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
27 Sep 2011 /  #16
well, he might be actually right - I experienced some cases of being judged based on where I came from in Canada - it had nothing to do with what was coming out of my mouth, but that is NOT the topic of this thread. Prejudice exist everywhere.Fact.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Sep 2011 /  #17
The only reason I can think of is the fact that there are many illegal Polish immigrants in Canada and they immigration is a bit oversensitive- part of their job- it seems?

that and it's ok to do that to white men in Canada, if it had been any other combination then it would likely not have happened.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #18
prejudice is everywhere and it effects every gender, religion, ethnicity--etc etc.

As a generalization- border security is a joke. It is run by people with minimal education and minimal personal and language skills. And to top it all off- they are all on power trips because they can yeah or nay somebodies entrance into a country. I have seen this first hand in Canada, US, UK, France and Germany.

What happened to Robert Dzienkanski is pathetic. Absolutely the RCMP officers should have been charged- if you read the article it says that his mother has decided to leave it alone- perhaps she wants peace.

My husband and his parents are close friends with another murdered Pole. His name was Erik Czapnik. He was a cop in Canada, on duty, when an insane former RCMP officer stabbed him from behind while he was writing a report outside the hospital. This man was a teddy bear -he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you are Canadian you will have heard of this man and the parade and funeral that followed. I also have another good Polish story but I can't write anything because it is in the midst of court proceedings.

My point- for every bad Polish story there is a good one.

Canada does not discriminate against Poles- that is a joke. But what needs to be overhauled is border security- there is no reason why this man flying to Winnipeg should have been detained- I thought a lesson was learned in Vancouver. I guess not.
grubas  12 | 1382  
27 Sep 2011 /  #19
F u c k Canada!And of course Polish authorities are not going to do anything about it,******* crooks.I tell you what needs to be done,5 Canadians in Poland need to be picked up at random,locked up for ten days without being allowed contact with anybody and then deported to Canada.It has to be repeated until canadian scum learn the lesson.
AussieSheila  5 | 75  
27 Sep 2011 /  #20
Polish immigration should do the same to innocent Canadian tourist and see how they like being detained for 10 days.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
27 Sep 2011 /  #21

I thought Canadians were supposed to be kinder and nicer. Now they are acting like LAPD or something!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
27 Sep 2011 /  #22
I thought Canadians were supposed to be kinder and nicer.

it doesn't seem the case anymore.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Sep 2011 /  #23
F u c k Canada!

Yeah, Canada did this! Who exactly is Canada, is it a he or a she?

Polish immigration should do the same to innocent Canadian tourist

That would definitely teach those border guards in Canada a lesson, eh?

5 Canadians in Poland need to be picked up at random,locked up for ten days without being allowed contact with anybody and then deported to Canada.

This would also teach those at the Canadian border who's boss, right?

It has to be repeated until canadian scum learn the lesson.

Yeah, it's all our collective fault as we clearly ALL participated in this. I mean I was asked what to do and I was one of the 35 million that gave these guys the green light to treat this innocent man like complete dog sh*t

*sarcasm off*
God damn it there are some dumb mother f*ckers in this world.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #24
God damn it there are some dumb mother f*ckers in this world.

I certainly did. And it is my life's work to screw over every Pole that ever wants to visit Canada.

In all seriousness, I do think that Canada is becoming too American. I think it is more than just our geography. Canada has been bombarded with all things American for as long as I remember- we watch what is good and bad on American t.v.....almost like we don't know where our borders lie. I think Canada should open its eyes and remember what is good about Canada and why so many immigrated there and stop watching the crap that comes out of the U.S.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
27 Sep 2011 /  #25
Remember what Trudeau said regarding the elephant and the mouse?
That is our existence, and it bears keeping in mind.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
27 Sep 2011 /  #26
cleanier folk

What does this mean?
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Sep 2011 /  #27
Remember what Trudeau said regarding the elephant and the mouse?
That is our existence, and it bears keeping in mind.

BBman  - | 343  
28 Sep 2011 /  #28
racial profiling

Blacks and hispanics cause the majority of crime the US which is the only reason they make up the majority of the prison population. Plain and simple. Racial profiling LOL!

And you, don't forget.

ohh, did I hurt your feelings?

The fact is that even today many "Canadians" look down on many Slavic people. They will make fun of your lastname, they will say you are a commie, you are behind times, blah blah blah. The Cold War didnt help either.

This was true 100 years ago, not today.
28 Sep 2011 /  #29
In all seriousness, I do think that Canada is becoming too American.

You know how Canada can fix that? By making the National language French and getting rid of English. This way if all Canadians spoke French as their first language that would be a firewall from scummy American culture. Canadian culture would truly blossom.
pip  10 | 1658  
28 Sep 2011 /  #30
I have no problem with that, however- it isn't really possible, is it?

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