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Would you live in California, USA?

johnny reb  46 | 7613  
5 Jun 2018 /  #151
and make the kind of profits or and still pay them over 20 an hour cash

I wouldn't be bragging about breaking Federal laws on a public forum in fear of a knock on my door by the I.R.S. & I.C.E.

I know tons of poles who became citizens that way.

Oh lord yes, many of my Polish friends came through Canada illegally before 9/11 and became U.S. Citizens.
Nobody cared back then.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Jun 2018 /  #152
I wouldn't be bragging about breaking Federal laws on a public forum in fear of a knock on my door by the I.R.S. & I.C.E.

Those guys happen to be legal as far as I know and actually they're Honduran - all brothers too. Also, when subcontracting a contractor has less liability. It's up to the subcontractor's firm to know whether he's got illegals on the payroll. A lot of white guys don't want to take the risk so one Latino dude that's legal will set up a firm in his name and then employ a bunch of family and friends - especially in the landscaping and construction business. And besides, the IRS and ICE are the least of my concerns. ICE will NEVER round up all the illegals nor prevent more from coming in. They may slow it down a bit, and perhaps deport thousands - to enormous costs to the taxpayer with one of the reasons being that illegals are held in private prisons. Private prisons have a minimum occupancy oftentimes 90-100% and if they aren't filled up the taxpayer pays the difference.

ICE mainly goes against easy pickings. They don't go into the barrios and round up all the illegals who are committing crimes. No, that's too difficult for them and its far more dangerous and they're scared. They only do it when its an absolute must or when its time to make the news again. It's far far easier for them to go after the Mexicans who are working in restaurants, farms, etc. There was a huge raid recently in Chicago at a large upholstery shop. That **** just sickens me - these people come here to work and break their back for minimum wage and are grateful asf to be in the US - even if illegally - and do the dirtiest work that US citizens would never do... only to be deported because ICE takes the easy way out instead of rounding up illegals with felony records.
6 Jun 2018 /  #153
I live in San Diego. The main problem is illegal mexicans, that drive without insurance and when they hit you, you won't find them and you're stuck paying the bill. Mexicans also steal from stores and when they catch them, they let them go because they are illegal and they don't speak English. Everywhere you go, you see black hair and hear Spanish. It feels very uncomfortable because I refuse to learn Spanish. That is the thing I hate the most about living in California. Feels like a foreign country and Americans are second class citizens, even though we feed and support them through out taxes.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
6 Jun 2018 /  #154
- especially in the landscaping and construction business. ICE will NEVER round up all the illegals

Not to say they aren't putting any effort into it every day.

SANDUSKY, Ohio - More than 100 workers at an Ohio gardening and landscaping company were arrested Tuesday when about 200 federal officers descended on the business and carried out one of the largest workplace immigration raids in recent years.

The operation was part of the White House's increasing focus on businesses that hire people in the country illegally amid a broad range of immigration crackdowns under President Donald Trump that include stepped-up deportations, targeting of sanctuary cities and zero-tolerance border policies.

This is why we need to get the Trump Wall built.
Trump Making America Great Again !
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jun 2018 /  #155

Even in California conservatives are starting to win seats lol

I bet soros hates it that despite all his millions he lost to an underfunded conservative

Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
7 Jun 2018 /  #156
Feels like a foreign country and Americans are second class citizens, even though we feed and support them through out taxes.

Americans feel like second class citizens becasue they are. First class citizens would fight using all available legal means, including demonstrations, calling congress, writing letters, posting on forums, boycotting Mexican restaurants, etc. They don't because playing second class is safer. They even lower their voices when talking about illegals at public places.

And that's in a country with the 1st Amendment, unlike in the Soviet Republics of Germany and UK.

People usually get what they deserve.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
7 Jun 2018 /  #157
This is why we need to get the Trump Wall built.

But you are of course okay that it was most likely a Trump supporting business owner who hired the illegals, right? Bend over, goober. Ha ha ha.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
7 Jun 2018 /  #158
More "I hate Trump" no matter what parroting. 'sigh'.... listening to your squeaky wheel.
Now you are projecting what I am o.k. with most likely......lol
The facts are that the Wall will get built and Crooked Hillary did lose the election.
Two things that you refuse to accept.
Now do tell where does all your hate comes from ?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
7 Jun 2018 /  #159
Always an excuse for not having to use their brain. Don't you love our goobers...
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
7 Jun 2018 /  #160
Now the nasty hateful name calling starts when they lose a debate.
So typical of Liberals.
Don't you just love their predictability.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
7 Jun 2018 /  #161
This is why we need to get the Trump Wall built.

I like the Wall. I would volunteer to build it if they let me.

My concern is what's behind the wall. Same bs as now? Catch and release? "Asylum" crap? Visa overstaying without penalties? Deportations that take years?

Why do we have any immigration? Why don't we have penalties that actually deter multiple violations of the immigration laws? Why can a low-end judge stop the president? This is insanity.

The US is beyond repair.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jun 2018 /  #162
Not to say they aren't putting any effort into it every day.

Yeah by arresting pizza delivery guys dropping off food to hungry soldiers...


Like I said, bunch of pussies who are too scared and lazy to go after violent criminals breaking immigration law, those are the people who commit tons of felonies everyday as thats what you have to do in a gang to survive and gain respect.

But no they go after landscapers and pizza delivery guys who are actually doing something for the economy and country. Trump thinks he's handing jobs back to Americans except the fact is these latino immigrants tske jobs that no american wants

Idk I just don't see the wall as something that will stop the flow of people and drugs. It'll maybe put a dent in it at first but ultimately the organized groups will just change tactics and its cost hundreds of billions to make the entiee southern border look like the DMZ in korea
TheOther  6 | 3596  
7 Jun 2018 /  #163
Now the nasty hateful name calling starts

Little wuss... :)
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
7 Jun 2018 /  #164
As I've said before.
I wouldn't live in The USA,let alone California.
You Yanks go on about Europe's problems,and you're right,we do have plenty of problems.
But do you seriously believe The States are any better?
I think I prefer it here in The UK right now.
We'll just have to wait and see how it pans out.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jun 2018 /  #165
But do you seriously believe The States are any better?

Atlwast we have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and people aren't thrown in jail for reporting on court cases of Pakistani rapists and we don't have thought crime police.

UK would be literallt the last place id live in Europe. Very close last place with france and sweden, and that's coming from someone who's been to London several times and has family in UK studying at british unis. I'd sooner chose russia or Bulgaria or UK because atleast cost of living is low and theyre slavic countries so no diversity quota multikulti enrichment b.s. UK has become an overpriced multi kulti socialist police state with a thought crime division. No thank you. I'd be fined there merely for citing statistics and facts on migrants and paki gang rape squads like many others have.

Poland isnt perfect but at least its safe, has a booming economy, is homogenous, socially conservative, hasnt had a single terrorist attack and theres plenty of good jobs and opportunities. With UK there is too but it doesn't matter because the cost of living is so outrageous. My buddy bought a small condo and paid something like arlund 800k pounds just to be in an area where there aren't ninja women and bearded men snack baring all day living off benefits.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
7 Jun 2018 /  #166
for chrissakes dirk would you ever just shut the F.CK up.
You are not smart. you are not educated, and you just whine on about the same stuff over and over.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jun 2018 /  #167

UK cops helping enforce sharia law. Polls show Londoners dont trust cops at all to protext them from spontaneous cultural enrichment. Zero protection for people entering the no go of tower hamlets.

Question is what's worse, uk cops protecting radical imams and allowing the no gos in UK to thrive, or California esp San Fran being an open sewer with poop and dirty needles and hobos everywhere
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
7 Jun 2018 /  #168
this thread is about California Dirk. Are you actually stupid or do you just write like it?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jun 2018 /  #169
I know that's why I'm asking people whats worse uks sharia no go zones of london or the syringe and poop filled streets of San Fran California

Why do you get so mad whenevr I talk about the UK. Are you working for the thought crime division?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
7 Jun 2018 /  #170
Dirk you recycle stuff that other people have said, you repeat yourself endlessly like someone with Alzheimers, you use offensive racial terms, and you know jakshite about living in the UK. I do not care if your cousin goes to the university of Luton. it doesn't count.

There are no 'no go' areas, this is total fiction, that you just keep regurgitating thoughtlessly.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
7 Jun 2018 /  #171
There are no 'no go' areas, this is total fiction,

That's not what the ladies in the video from NGO Pax Europa are saying...

you know jakshite about living in the UK

Thank God I dont.. I'd definetely be culturally enriched by now... But at least id be dating a sexy ninja (I swear she's a 9!! Even if you can only see her eyes)

Roz im just playing dont take it so seriously.. part of the reason why I make fun of the UK, or slag as atch calls it, is just to poke a little fun at our uk colleagues here who in turn slag poland and us.

Anyway... back on topic...

Do you know why us soldiers and contractors often wear balaclavas in Afghanistan and are told.to never lick their lips? Its because there's so much open defamation that gets mixed in with the sand and gets blown around. Pretty soon thats what people in San Fran will have to deal with.

Already mothers are making their kids wear mud boots to avoid stepping in syringes and poop

rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
7 Jun 2018 /  #172
That's not what the ladies in the video from NGO Pax Europa are saying...

I don't care what 'ladies' from some questionable organisation are saying...

Actually the way you go on about the UK is getting really tiresome. I don't care if you pretend it is some kind of wind up because its not, obviously. The thing is, you have no humour , and that shows strongly in your posts.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jun 2018 /  #173
Who ever thought flushing a big turd that refuses to go down would be illegal? Well if it was going to be illegal anywhere... itd be California


I hope you Californians dont mind stewing in your own sh1t...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
8 Jun 2018 /  #174
Let's cut the crap.

Western "democracies" are unsustainable demographically.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jun 2018 /  #175
For which demographic? I'm assuming you mean whites?
We're experiencing a sort of osmosis with wealth and the socialists who believe in redistribution and exacerbating it. Millions of third worlder are flooding wealthy countries because the left insists that their ancestors were wronged and so they have the right to rape and pillage the western world.

Thankfully countries like poland, hungary, czechy, Slovakia and now austria arent falling for it and Italians habe voted in people who will do their best to reverse the damage. Although its going to be very very hard because of the sheer numbers of africans that arrived. My Italian friends tell me certain parts theres more foreigners than italians. And they breed like rats because their birth rates are 2x 3x higher than europeans who realized a long time ago that you don't have kids you cant afford. With all the benefits that leftists insist on handing out theres no reason for them to stop having kids and get a job to support their familt instead of taxpayers for a change
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
8 Jun 2018 /  #176
I'm assuming you mean whites?

The short answer is, yes.

The longer one: whites and whatever foreign garbage weaseled in as of today.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Jun 2018 /  #177
You realize that you, like me, are immigrants to the US...

Not every migrant is a violent criminal, a benefits parasite, etc. Actually we have it far better than Europe with the migrants. Most of our migrants come from Central America to work jobs that no American will take for that low money - agriculture, construction labor, etc. In Europe the migrants are rewarded for not working - Germany spends 1500 Euro a month on each migrant. They have no incentive to work because their food, housing, education and even some cash are all given to them for free. And to top it off they cause a ton of crime, rapes, terrorism, etc.

Latinos don't do that sh1t in the US. There's no Mexicans massacring 20 people with an AK, there's no Mexicans driving landscaping trucks into a crowd, there's no Mexicans setting off suicide vests... At worst there's Latinos involved in the drug trade and human trafficking. Very rarely do their activities impact the rest of society. Trump talks about the dozen or so cases of MS13 attacking some random people but the fact is that according to FBI stats, attacks against whites that latinos commit are a fraction of the attacks, rapes, murders etc that blacks commit against whites even though their numbers are far smaller. But no politician will point that out because blacks are citizens and it's much easier to make a conservative audience hate people who aren't citizens.

Personally I'm with Putnam (R) on this who I believe is now running for governor of florida. He wants amnesty for latinos that are working - on farms, in construction, etc. I'm for it because these people are actually providing a huge service for the economy. You'll never find an American to do the kind of dirty work that Latinos do - sometimes for minimum wage or even less.... and almost always without benefits, health insurance, etc.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
8 Jun 2018 /  #178
All immigrants should meet these conditions:

1. They would be allowed in with the consent of those born here, not the ruling moneyed elites.
2. They would have to show that their presence will increase the national wealth. Earning and paying taxes is not enough if they draw more in government benefits.

3. No criminal record at home and here. One felony conviction and gone back home forever, family included.
4. Never allowed to be voting citizens.
5. Fluent in English in three years.

Am I missing anything?
cms neuf  1 | 1753  
8 Jun 2018 /  #179
Yes - foreign language restaurants like the Red Apple buffet to have English only menus and no more folk dancing
mafketis  38 | 10911  
8 Jun 2018 /  #180
Fluent in English in three years.

Why should immigrants to Poland have to become fluent in English in three years? Panie Chamie?

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Would you live in California, USA?Archived