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Would you live in California, USA?

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 May 2018 /  #121
California is not the only state where social problems abound. It's the whole country.

Nice try but no cigar.

Other states don't like social problems. California creates them and is proud. That, my dear friend, is a sign of a major mental disorder.

BTW, did you know that liberalism is a birth defect?

Just google "california 5th largest economy on the planet" and pick one from over 5 million hits...

Before you pop that cork to let the fizz out, consider all of California and the US to include what they borrowed.

If you add all the debt - national, state, corporate, and private - and divide it by 80 million US households, the result will be 350,000 bucks per. For a household to be flat broke, it would have to show 350,000 bucks in assets just to be at an even zero.

Also, GDP numbers, just like the unemployment numbers, are fake. When Califiornia spends 20 billion dollares on the illegal scum (schools, hospitals, prisons, etc) they most likely add it to their GSP. The 20 billion they don't have, of course so it has to be borrowed or stolen from the taxpayers.

By that logic I can live like a billionaire for a month if some bank were stupid enough to loan me a billion or two.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 May 2018 /  #122
China's growth is funded by the US that stupidly allowed its manufacturing base to be shipped there by the greedy and long-term stupid Americans.

The sole purpose of a business is to generate as much profit as possible. Since labor is by far the biggest cost factor, corporations will always export jobs to low wage countries. If you disagree with this, then you question the American economic system. What do you have in mind instead? Communism? Fascism? Been there, done that, didn't work. The only alternative is a European style social democracy, but for most idiot Trump voters that equals communism.

When Americans will finally stop buying cheap crap from China and when American corporation are finally willing to manufacture in the U.S. and pay a living wage, then maybe ... just maybe we'll be able to reduce our trade deficit. I wouldn't bet on it, though.

consider all of California and the US to include what they borrowed.

Cut the military budget by two thirds and you won't have that problem.

did you know that liberalism is a birth defect?

Your generation must've had really bad genes then, because it was your offspring that turned into liberals...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
28 May 2018 /  #123
If you disagree with this, then you question the American economic system.

I do. The US government, if it wasn't as corrupt or stupid as it is, would allow the greedy bastards to take their factories to China and make them pay all the costs of supporting the unemployed they so conveniently left behind. The US model: profits are private, losses and liabilities up the taxpayers' rear end. Some system.

You see, every system should be tested at its extremes. If ten factories moving to China is OK, then what if all of them move to China? What do we do with the unemployed? Who is going to pay for it? Who is going to buy the imports if nobody is working?

Aren't you impressed with my explanation?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
28 May 2018 /  #124
GDP includes only new products and services produced in a specific year (so a 2017 car that sits in a lot for a year and doesnt get sold till 2018 doesmt count) or in more detail private consumption, investments, government spending and exports minus imports, of that year if going by the expenditure model of measuring gdp.

So yes, that 20 billion spent on building schools, hospitals roads etc would be included in California's gdp as it is a government expenditure. It would be G in the formula gdp = c + I + g + (x - m)

What is not included in government spending and hence GDP is transfer payments - unemployment, welfare, disability etc. Income and sales taxes are not counted in gdp either although subsidies and business taxes are if using the income method to calculate gdp.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 May 2018 /  #125
Aren't you impressed with my explanation?

Not really, because you haven't delivered on your idea of a better alternative to the capitalist system.
cms neuf  2 | 1810  
28 May 2018 /  #126
Surely your method of dividing debt by number of people is a huge double or even triple count - lots of personal debt is to corporations, lots of cstate debt is to corporations or even back to households and pension funds.

Surprised an experienced engineer would make such an obvious mathermatical mistake
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
28 May 2018 /  #127
I love our us economic and business system. The income and corporate gains tax may be high, but there's a lot of opportunities to make that money back. Plus theres a lot more stupid people in the US willing to pay exorbitant prices. My very first job i worked in the medical waste industry i was told i could sell contracts for whatever price i wanted. Some of my customers paid a fair $100, others paid $1000 or even more the same service - a cardboard box that costs us $60 to treat once its filled with waste. My most profitable customer was a famous hotel chain named after a certain famous blonde sloot. I could never get away with that in the eu. People are too smart even if they're not informed, they'll get informed whereas many americans are just lazy or they don't care to even bother educating themselves.

On the plus certain eu countries laws are way more lax when it comes to certain businesses, taxes are way lower in many countries, there's more bank privacy, among a lot of other pluses.

You just gotta find a way to make the system work for you. Some businesses will absolutely thrive in the eu while in the US they wouldn't at all and theyd get seized. A venture im working on now wont work in the U.S. but will be perfect for a certain eu country. Just depends what you want to do....


Of.course it totally inaccurate. There's so many companies with insane amounts of debt. Just look at for they have a debt to equity ratio of like 400.to 1. That means for every dollar in equity theyre $400 in debt. Tesla is around 1:200 and gm 1:70. Yet these companies are in no danger of collapse anytime soon. In fact, theyre taking on even more debt for r and d especially Ford and tesla and banks are more than happy to borrow it to them.

Also unfunded pension liabilities are not included in national debt. If they were, economists argue the truw figure would likely be anywhere from 70 tril to as high as 200 tril.

Plus China and Japan owe huge amounts of us dollar denominated debt. They're not gonna call this debt in one fell swoop. And because they hold so much debt they want to make sure the dollar doesnt fall too much and it remains serviceable. They're not going to just give this debt up and say screw your dollar just to spite us.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
28 May 2018 /  #128
and banks are more than happy to borrow it to them.

Remove the taxpayer bailouts and see how eager those banks would be.
Joker  2 | 2363  
2 Jun 2018 /  #129
Other states don't like social problems. California creates them and is proud.

California now has the highest poverty rate in the US, almost certainly linked to being a "sanctuary state" for illegal aliens. Its supposed to be the embodiment of the American dream, but its turning into a liberal nightmare.

BTW, did you know that liberalism is a birth defect?

I think denial of facts is an side effect along with the make believe "its always sunny in Californy" falsehoods coming from these morons.

Here is video evidence.........


Anyone up for a bike ride???

When Americans will finally stop buying cheap crap from China and when American corporation are finally willing to manufacture in the U.S. and pay a living wage

There you go, you sound just like Trump!!!

Perhaps, there is still some hope for you:) lol

Check this biker out as hes riding through the homeless camps. Im wondering where are all the ppl during the day, sleeping?????

TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Jun 2018 /  #130
There you go, you sound just like Trump!!!

You'd wish... :)

Nobody forces us to buy foreign products - be it Chinese crap, French wine or German luxury cars. It's the American consumer who chooses these products over our domestic ones. Once this country manufactures something that the rest of the world wants (other than services and software!) and our corporations start paying living wages, U.S. consumers might change their mind and and can afford to buy American again. I very much doubt it, though. Instead of looking forward to the future, we are turning backwards at the moment. While America returns to coal fired power plants, the planet moves on to nuclear fusion...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
3 Jun 2018 /  #131
Not really, because you haven't delivered on your idea of a better alternative to the capitalist system.

There is no better alternative to the capitalist system. Nobody sane would argue this point.

What we have here is a one-party, crony, corrupt abomination. How do I know that?

I know because a normal, rich country like the US would not have to borrow from its enemies to exist.

Would not allow hostile countries to buy Treasury paper and use said paper as a blackmail weapon.

Would not have a mind boggling and unsustainable trade deficit.

Would not have a mind boggling and unsustainble federal deficit and unpayable accumulated federal debt

Would not have unfunded liabilities going into trillions. Illinois alone - 130 billion.

And a bunch of other things...

Other than that, "America" is fine and a model to copy.
cms neuf  2 | 1810  
3 Jun 2018 /  #132
I thought you were a scientist and that once the UB had helped you to emigrate you got on your famous train with your science deree.

How abiut there is no better alternative to the capitalist system which has been invented and tested.

I am also generally a capitalist but if the best that mankind can come up with is are Amazon, Trump Tower, VWs dodgy emissions and Kanyes Golden toilet then that is pretty depressing.
Joker  2 | 2363  
3 Jun 2018 /  #133
Instead of looking forward to the future, we are turning backwards at the moment.

Just another liberal talking point that youre parroting again..Carawcraw!

Heres a new fact:

223K new jobs created in May and unemployment is at 3.8% the lowest in over 2 decades!

Now, lets see you spin this negatively, like a good little libby:)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
3 Jun 2018 /  #134
223K new jobs created in May and unemployment is at 3.8% the lowest in over 2 decades!

The only number that matters is the labor force participation rate:


It actually went down from 62.8 to 62.7% in the last 12 months. This means that fewer, not more, people are working.

So, that 3.8% unemployment rate is bs. Next time skip that exclamation thingy.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
3 Jun 2018 /  #135
California people have good cause to literally smell.
Now It's Against the Law in California to Shower and Do Laundry on the Same Day
Two bills were signed into law on Thursday of last week to "help California be better prepared for future droughts."
To make a long story short, now that these bills are law, it's illegal to take a shower and do a load of laundry in the same day because you'll exceed your "ration."
Joker  2 | 2363  
3 Jun 2018 /  #136
Now It's Against the Law in California to Shower and Do Laundry on the Same Day

Only in California, the land of fruit and nuts!!

Im waiting for a laundry police squad to be assigned to enforce this law. Meanwhile, 200 more illegals cross the border headed into SD to set up camp.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
3 Jun 2018 /  #137
There's apparently a proposal to decriminalize thefts under $950 in ca. This is meant to help the junkies who steal to get their fix to avoid jail. That's just insanity.

The sad thing is that independent and republicans together way outnumber democrats in ca. They need to get their sh1t straight and turn that around before the California commie cancer infects the rest of the U.S.

It actually went down from 62.8 to 62.7% in the last 12 months. This means that fewer, not more, people are working.

That's actuslly a success lol, if didnt go down more
Pretty sad usa now has less than 2 out of 3 working age people working. And actually labor force includes people who aren't working but are looking for a job and haven't been out of work for 12 months, those who are underemployed, working bs jobs, etc.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jun 2018 /  #138
Meanwhile, 200 more illegals cross the border headed into SD to set up camp.

I'd suggest you take a closer look at the numbers of your Republican "paradise" Texas instead...

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #139
Thats why we need Erik prince and Blackwater to control the borders, both in us and Europe. Private military in international waters wont have to deal with that namby pamby human rights nonsense. This a war afterall

A couple migrants go for a free pinochet helicopter ride and the test will stop asking for one.

Forecast: Partly cloudy with a chance of scattered migrants

Actually they could even use trumps chopper now that he's using air force one
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
4 Jun 2018 /  #140
Meanwhile, 200 more illegals cross the border headed into SD to set up camp.

At least the Trump Wall has been started now in San Diego.
Hopefully Trump will shut down the government to get the money to finish it.
It is a priority to protect American citizens.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #141
Meh Mexicans honestly don't bother me. I work with them daily. They keep the wheels of the economy turning. Every wealthy nation needs a migrant class to do the low paid service jobs. Even poland is realizing that now n thays why they brought in Ukrainians. As long as their working idc. The only reason why trump and the reps hate mexicans so much is because of the enormous prison lobby and the hicks down south who want cheap services and American made dairy and agriculture but will never milk a cow or pick strawberries themselves
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
4 Jun 2018 /  #142
They keep the wheels of the economy turning.

Those are not the ones the Wall will keep out.
The ones you are talking about get legal work visa's and are welcome to come here legally to work.
It's the human trafficking, illegal drugs, welfare seekers and the suitcase nukes Trump wants to keep out and the billions of non taxed cash going back.

What it cost to build the wall America would save on welfare payouts to them in a short period of time.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jun 2018 /  #143
How many American corporations and agribusinesses have they already caught that were hiring illegals? There's a whole shadow economy out there which relies on cheap labor from south of the border.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
4 Jun 2018 /  #144
Sure is a beautiful Wall though.
Now to electrify it .
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jun 2018 /  #145
Sure is a beautiful Wall though.

Sure hope so ... for $147 million for 14 lousy miles. Will that keep the illegals out? Of course not.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
4 Jun 2018 /  #146
Rome was not built in a day, of course Trump wasn't in charge of that job either.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #147
The ones you are talking about get legal work visa's and are welcome to come here legally to work.

Lol no they don't dude... They get jobs by standing in front of home depot, bogus temp agencies, construction sites, etc.

It's the human trafficking, illegal drugs,

Sounds like more like a fun Friday night...

What it cost to build the wall America would save on welfare payouts to them in a short period of time.

That I will agree with. Nonetheless, proportionately latinos take less benefits i.e. welfare, disability, etc than blacks.. and their rates arent too much different than whites, only a tad higher. However that of course doesnt count the illegals as you need a social to get disability and im pretty sure for welfare type programs as well

for $147 million for 14 lousy miles.

That's actually pretty cheap all things considered...

Will that keep the illegals out? Of course not.

**** no. They build a wall to.keep drugs out, cartels use drones and tunnels, they build a tall wall Mexicans use a taller ladder. There are some of the most creative ingenious people in the world. It will abate some of the illegal immigration but it certainly won't stop it. Plus the border is porous as he'll. It'd actually make more sense to build it in Arizona. The illegals that come in through California are mainly people who overstay their visas
4 Jun 2018 /  #148
SF is full of street bums and is filthy as a result; San Diego is nice but very expensive; LA has some decent suburbs but the commutes are a nightmare. I visit southern CA in winter (can't beat the climate) but a lot of the people are kinda weird (I'm from the Midwest).

It still is not anywhere near as bad as Florida. Florida is a very dangerous and creepy place these days. It has been overrun by hordes of undesireables and it seems like every parolee in the country heads there. There are now very few places there I'd feel safe to walk around in. Yes, there are a lot of normal people there but I know a few that are leaving, ones that I thought never would leave the place.

Coastal Texas is nowheresville. Corpus is a dinky place with little interest. San Antonio is OK I guess but getting more Mexican by the year. Not sure if that's necessarily good. Lots of Poles SE of San Antonio.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
4 Jun 2018 /  #149
Lol no they don't dude...

LOL yes they do dude.
I wasn't talking downtown Chicago, I was talking the seasonal migrant workers that come here to pick crops in the agricultural zones, clean seasonal fish, and the back breaking jobs that the lazy ass Americans refuse to do.

Without the 'legal' seasonal migrant workers America would be screwed.

They get jobs by standing in front of home depot, bogus temp agencies, construction sites, etc.

Not so much anymore if you have noticed.
Trump is putting his foot down on these people that are here illegally and deporting them.
I have personally witnessed the State Police and ICE both rounding these guys up in front of Home DePot and hauling them off this year.

I have also witnessed families of migrant farm workers picking crops here legally.
Do it right, you are welcome is what Trump has said.
It's the 15 million that are in our country illegally voting Democrat sending billions of U.S.D. that they have paid no taxes on back home and sucking our schools, health care, prisons and welfare programs dry is the problem.

Just look at the sh*t pit California has turned into and the mess they have.
No way in hell would I live in California where you have to pay for water.
Where I live I have an artesian well that flows 24/7 at 38* of ice cold water that tests pure and it is free.
I am so blessed to live where I do.

Hoover - I must say that you are totally 100% right on about the places that you described in America.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Jun 2018 /  #150
, I was talking the seasonal migrant workers that come here to pick crops in the agricultural zones, clean seasonal fish

Same. And much if not most of those guys aren't legal - especially those working on dairy farms. That's why Ice has a huge center in rural Pennsylvania. Those guys just go to work and back and have their groceries and all their other stuff dropped off by the farmer that employs them bc they know at any moment they can get caught up.

Trump is putting his foot down on these people that are here illegally and deporting them.

Hes not deporting them any more than Obama is when deportations were the highest. Plus it costs taxpayers over 30k to deport a person. Id rather have them stay here and work in the dairy farms and day labor personally. Thanks to Mexicans we managed to tear down and build a deck in one day today which we literally just finished. Id never be able to finish a job that quick and make the kind of profits or and still pay them over 20 an hour cash with any other kind of workers. Those mofos work harder thsn any other nationality i think on the face of this earth, including poles. Plus thanks to them I get to learn another language while dropping off materials, getting them lunch etc.

Do it right, you are welcome is what Trump has said.

Except in reality a Mexican with no education and little to no English has little chance of getting a legal visa, even if he's willing to break his back and pay taxes.

I remember how it was when poles tried to come legally but the unlucky ones would be denied and then were sneaking in through Canada for decades. Your reward if you didn't get caught in 10 years was naturalization. I know tons of poles who became citizens that way.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Would you live in California, USA?Archived