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Would you live in California, USA?

dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
25 May 2018 /  #91
bromide which no matter what you, with time gives everyone a big lardy bottom.

When I was in texas gas came out of the water tap, you could set it alight. I did wonder what that might do to ones helath
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 May 2018 /  #92
Acute hydrocarbon poisoning most likely...

On the bright side you couldve filtered out the water quite easily and filled your car up super cheap and use the savings for bottled water. Or even resell it on the low....
Sylvio  19 | 154  
27 May 2018 /  #93
Actually you could have a point. Seeing how my water boiled in a saucepan in my time in Dallas TX, (didnt own a kettle ;) I often wondered how the steam srangly 'weaved its way' hrough the air,..smoke-like, so differently to how I remembered it doing it in back in Europe. Goodness knows wha the reason could be. Tasted ok though.. :)
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 May 2018 /  #94
I have ask several of the much older Polish that live in America why they chose to live and settle in the upper Mid West and Mid East.

Their reply was all the same, "because the landscape reminded them of Poland."
Maybe that is why so many Polish live in the Chicago - Detroit areas.
Joker  2 | 2211  
27 May 2018 /  #95
I have ask several of the much older Polish that live in America why they chose to live and settle in the upper Mid West and Mid East.

I have new PolAm neighbors from California. They seem like a really nice family, his grandparents emigrated from Warsaw to Chicago after the war. Then his parents moved to San Diego when he was a young child and they lived there most of his life until now. I had to ask him why they would move back to Chicago? He told its so bad there now with the illegals taking over and living in the streets, its like being in Haiti.

People are leaving California in droves!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
27 May 2018 /  #96
California is no longer USA. It's a cancer that spreads to Nevada, Texas, and beyond.

Exactly one half of "Californians" are Latino invaders who occasionally boo the US anthem at the soccer games to remind the remaining Americans that they, the Latino illegal garbage, are now in control.

I remember attempting to buy something while there and, eventually, asking: is there anyone here in this f******* store who speaks English?

No one did. I wonder if they understood "f******".
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 May 2018 /  #97
Like I previously said, "Silicon Valley & Hollywood supports California, remove those two equations and see what's left to pay the taxes."
Why should America be supporting Spanish speaking schools ?
Why should I have to push one (#1) to speak English ?
How about I push one to speak Spanish ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
27 May 2018 /  #98
How about an Israeli style wall with sharpshooters? I would volunteer today.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 May 2018 /  #99
Maybe that is why so many Polish live in the Chicago - Detroit areas.

The main reason why so many ethnic Poles and Germans moved to the Detroit and Chicago areas in the 1800s was that there were plenty of jobs available there. One family moved in and others followed.

remove those two equations and see what's left to pay the taxes

Here, educate yourself:

California is no longer USA. It's a cancer that spreads to Nevada, Texas, and beyond.

I'm sure you're missing the days of the Klan and white supremacy when the ne*groes and women knew their place, right? What's wrong with some of you PolAms?
Joker  2 | 2211  
27 May 2018 /  #100
The main reason why so many ethnic Poles and Germans moved to the Detroit and Chicago

And now they're returning back to Chicago because California has become a total disaster.

How about an Israeli style wall with sharpshooters? I would volunteer today.

If Trump were to give a "shoot to kill order" Im sure the illegal crossings would immediately cease to exist. Other countries enforce their borders, why dont we? Oh yes, The Democrats see them as potential votes, thats all they really care about.

I'm sure you're missing the days of the Klan and white supremacy when the ne*groes and women knew their place,

Crawwacaww...The race card is getting old, thats all you got? LoL
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 May 2018 /  #101
If Trump were to give a "shoot to kill order"

Nice of you to endorse Communist ways of border protection.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
27 May 2018 /  #102
Communist? that is the way borders were perfected always until recently, nowadays few countries are somehow not allowed to do it.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 May 2018 /  #103
Nice of you to endorse Communist ways of border protection.

Our Trumpanzees are quite a pleasant bunch, aren't they? They love all things Russian... :)


Remember the East German border with mine fields and stuff?
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 May 2018 /  #104
If Trump were to give a "shoot to kill order" Im sure the illegal crossings would immediately cease to exist.

Hell yes it would.
Take all the battle hardened Vet's returning back home that have already been trained to kill and give them a job on the border.

Anything going South let them go, anything coming North let the air out of them.
Problem would end in two days, three at the most.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 May 2018 /  #105
Our Trumpanzees are quite a pleasant bunch, aren't they? They love all things Russian... :)

One can only wonder how long they would actually last in Russia. I'd give them 24 hours before they ran to the American Embassy begging for 'my rights as an American citizen'.

that is the way borders were perfected always until recently

Which borders? Even the hard border regime of Franco's Spain didn't shoot people on the border. Murdering people in cold blood on borders was a Communist thing, nothing else.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
27 May 2018 /  #106
I'm sure you're missing the days of the Klan and white supremacy when the ne*groes and women knew their place, right?

Wrong. I am not missing what I never saw or touched.

There is no such thing as the days of white supremacy. Whites have been, are now, and will be a superior race.

You are not by any chance going to suggest that whites and blacks have made equal contribution to what is known as progress, are you?

Claiming that races are not equally smart is intelectually honest and can be proven. If you are planning to give me a lesson how whites exploited blacks in Africa, please don't even try. The day when the first white racist set foot in Africa, whites had universities while blacks just figured out how to stick a bone through the nose.

Same with the Indians here. They couldn't even invent a wheel with all these round objects around rolling downhill. Just curious: how many of them were actually hurt by a rolling tree or a watermelon?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 May 2018 /  #107
Actually Asians have a higher average iq than whites... even hitler admitted theyre culturally superior and commented how they were building huge cities while germans still lived in forests
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
27 May 2018 /  #108
I'd give them 24 hours before they ran to the American Embassy begging for 'my rights as an American citizen'.

Since you mentioned the American Embassy, I will chime in.

Before I left in 1966, the US Embassy was an open, friendly, and a pleasant place to visit. I would go there often to read, ask questions, and daydream that I am in the States, if only for a moment. The door was always open and that most beautiful flag ever designed was proudly flying above the building.

Fast forward to 2017. The flag is gone and so is the friendly door. Instead, there is a door that is as shut as the door to a public bathroom in a Palatine park in winter. So, I pressed the button. Nothing. Press again. Nothing. WTF? The US closed its embassy in Warsaw?

No, they didn't. Eventually, a suit cracks the door just enough to show his face which said "what?" Frankly, in all that excitement, I didn't notice if it was "what" or "co chcesz". Same thing, though. Can I come in? What do you want?

At this point I recalled that at no time I would be treated anywhere like this before. My pulse rate went up a bit and I moved my nose to six inches from his. Can. I. Come. In.?

The door opens wide enough for me to enter. I have a question about lost passport. What is the problem? Are you going to answer my questions? No, it will be somebody else. Then I want to talk to that person. He dials up some internal number while my heart is ready to jump out of my chest from the excitement that I will soon be hearing that American English I started longing for. Nope. Another Polak with bad accent.

To my credit, I would not allow any of them to use Polish on me. After all, it was they who were in a foreign country that moment, not me.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 May 2018 /  #109
I like the Bulgarian model. They pay citizens to round up illegal border crossings.
27 May 2018 /  #110
One of the most hilarious post I ever read. You're pretty funny for a troll
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 May 2018 /  #111
One can only wonder how long they would actually last in Russia. I'd give them 24 hours

That's 23 hours and 55 minutes longer than you would last in Chicago.
Joker  2 | 2211  
27 May 2018 /  #112
One can only wonder how long they would actually last in Russia

Or you as well. For that matter, with your documented history of running away. I wonder how long you would last on the streets of LA or SF before you tried contacting the Scottish embassy, which doesnt exist, so you would have to go and cry to the British Consulate. lol

that is the way borders were perfected always until recentl

Problem would end in two days, three at the most.

Once the Trump wall is complete we can be free from some of the liberal tyranny and restore order and stability to our borders.

California has been ruined by decades of career politicians like Nancy Pelosi and traitor Jerry Brown, yet the liberal fools keep voting these ghouls back in every time???

They were better off with Arnold Swarzenegger lol
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 May 2018 /  #113
California has been ruined

Yeah, California has been ruined so badly that it just became the 5th largest economy on the planet.

Once the Trump wall is complete

Has Mexico transfered the money already? LOL!
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 May 2018 /  #114
California has been ruined so badly that it just became the 5th largest economy on the planet.

Sources please.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 May 2018 /  #115
Just google "california 5th largest economy on the planet" and pick one from over 5 million hits...
mafketis  38 | 10911  
27 May 2018 /  #116
That says nothing about inequality and societal dysfunction, it's just money. China has the second largest and growing fast... would you want Chinese societal norms for yourself?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 May 2018 /  #117
That says nothing about inequality and societal dysfunction

California is not the only state where social problems abound. It's the whole country.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
27 May 2018 /  #118
By golly you are right !
It is bigger then the U.K.'s economy.
You could have taken a $20 bet from me if we would have bet.
Who would have thought a land of Fruits & Nuts was capable but then again without Hollywood or Silicon Valley that figure might change a tad.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
27 May 2018 /  #119
Actually Asians have a higher average iq than whites...

I didn't say anything about IQ. Very high IQ does not progress. These are the people that put two socks on of different color.

Asians may have high IQ and be hard workers. Their contribition to the world's culture, medical procedures, music, literature, etc. pales in comparison to the same delivered by the whites and Jews. They are mainly thieves of our intelectually properties. There are 350,000 Chinese strudents-spies in the US to study and steal. How many US students study high tech in China that was originally develeoped there.

China's growth is funded by the US that stupidly allowed its manufacturing base to be shipped there by the greedy and long-term stupid Americans. Without the US and equally stupid Euros, China would starve to death. I hope Nixon rots in his grave.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
27 May 2018 /  #120
I like the Bulgarian model. They pay citizens to round up illegal border crossings.

Rouding up is not a solution. They need to be deported asap after being stripped to underwear and branded or shot. Storing them in prisons is too expensive and the scum supply is too close to infinity. Predictably, the US model is the most insane one of them all: catch, release, and pray they will show up in a couple of years to see a judge. Yeah, what a great deterrent.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Would you live in California, USA?Archived