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Would you live in California, USA?

dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
27 Apr 2017 /  #31
$12,000 for each citizen of California.

Thats interesting British debt is $19000 per capita or $42000 per employed person, not sure if Britain will ever be great again.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Apr 2017 /  #32
We can only hope that California soon has a huge earthquake that breaks it off from the rest of the U.S.

Who would feed you red welfare queens then?


California is a great state to live in even if some rednecks from Flyover Country think otherwise (thank goodness, I should say)... :)
jalleluja123  2 | 6  
6 May 2017 /  #33
I live in the Bay Area. It is very pretty here and tech job market hot but the cost of living especially housing or rent is outrageous. I came here only because of job but before coming here I looked for job elsewhere such as Chicago, Austin or Denver where cost of living is more reasonable.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
18 Apr 2018 /  #34
If no, why?

Hell NO !
First of all because it is a Liberal Blue State run by nutters (Pelosi & Brown) that think they have all the answers.
California should be called the Smoggy State.
Eight of the USA's 10 most polluted cities, in terms of ozone pollution, are in California, according to the American Lung Association's annual "State of the Air" report, released Wednesday.

(Do as I say, not as I do.)
Add that to the millions of illegals and low income residents that are homeless and are living under tarp shelters on the streets and in the hillsides puts a lot of raw sewage, garbage and decease for the public to tolerate.

Add that to the constant wild fires, mudslides, earthquakes and fresh water shortages is not what I would call quality living.
Joker  2 | 2211  
18 Apr 2018 /  #35
Add that to the millions of illegals and low income residents that are homeless

All brought to you by the PC police and decades fo failed Democratic polices that has turned California into a gigantic, broke slum.

Thankfully, President Trump and legal citizens are stepping up, yes thats right! To protect ourselves from the scourge that has been created by the Brown/Pelosi team and those awful sanctuary cities/state that has broken Californias back.

The Revolution to Free California has Begun!!

TheOther  6 | 3596  
18 Apr 2018 /  #36
has Begun!!

Who's gonna pay for your opiates and your food stamps once California is "free"? LOL!
Slavictor  6 | 193  
18 Apr 2018 /  #37
An interesting video on who costs the system in California. I would not live in California. At one time yes of course. Northern Cali for the forests and wine country. I would not live anywhere in the USA any longer, have not been there for 17 years and won't return in the future. All empires crumble and most times from within.

Joker  2 | 2211  
18 Apr 2018 /  #38
An interesting video on who costs the system in California.

$1.4 Trillion thats a huge number! Good video Sal

Who's gonna pay for your opiates and your food stamps once California is "free"

It looks like youre paying the bill right now $2374 for each taxpayer.

Watch the video and try and defend these facts? Or Agree, its messed man, come on?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Apr 2018 /  #39
To visit again sure why not lots of hot stuck up naive girls in socal with no competition

Not san Fran tho... no ******* way... that city should be nuked ill never go back there. I still have nightmares from tripping and walking around market st

If you guys saw how many homeless people there are in Cali esp San Fran ud be shocked. And they have no respect they literally pop a squat and just sh1t n p1ss anywhere they like. Not to mention the tens of thousands of used syringes all over the streets, many of them undoubtedly infected with hiv and hep. You honestly cant even walk around safely in sandals. The rather aggressive fags and drags are one thing although they're waaay too keen on bothering clearly uninterested heteros, but eventually they get it and leave you alone. The hobos dgaf though theyre literally sh1tting all over the city and have caused the fecal matter ppm in the air to reach unsafe levels. Google it theres tons of stories about this.

San Fran - the most libtard cuck city of them all ... now dirtier and more polluted than Kenya and some of the worlds worst slums according to local experts


Even left leaning nbc admits this...

Yeah liberalism is reallt working... a broke ass state thats more worried about harboring illegals and obstructing trump than doing something about all the sh1t, literally sh1t, covering the city's streets to the point where its screwing up the air

And to live in this socialist marxist utopia you have to have atleast 700k to 1 mil just to buy an average 2 story on a sh1t lined street...Not to mention the property taxes youll have to pay

.. ah california dreamin

No wonder people are flocking out of these cities. Even my own city chicago is rapidly losing people to the suburbs and surrounding states. People are sick of the b.s. and having their taxes support bogus democrat programs which only make the city and state in an even worse position than before.
Joker  2 | 2211  
19 Apr 2018 /  #40
San Fran - the most libtard cuck city of them all

Isn't that Nancy Pelosi`s district? She's worth 90 mil, Im sure her house is nowhere near there! I just read the NBC article and it doesnt surprise me at all. The last time I was in Cali was 2001 and I vowed never to go back again. And this is way before sanctuary cities, what a beautiful State thats been totally destroyed by Libs. wow!

No wonder people are flocking out of these cities.

The middle class is leaving in droves.
Just call UHaul, it costs 3x the amount of money to rent a truck leaving California than entering. They cant keep up with the demand.

Cities like Dallas and Portland are seeing increases of ppl from Calexit. I dont blame them for leaving that refugee camp.

People are sick of the b.s.

At least they are finally trying to take a stand, but I think its too late, looks like a garbage dump now.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Apr 2018 /  #41
its messed man

Of course it's a mess - like in most states. Just look at the poverty rates for example. Of the 20 poorest states (excluding the territories), 16 are Republican led. Isn't that telling? Something needs to happen, and Trump is the wrong tool. He divides the country instead of unifying it. I really wish we'd have a strong third party.

CA is still a great place to live in.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
19 Apr 2018 /  #42

Indeed. Now ******* jb pritzker wants to raise illinois income tax... again.. it just ******* went up last july...

Personally i dont have a problem with illegal immigrants. I work with them everyday. Hell tons of poles arrived here as an illegal immigrant. I drive through the south side and I see tons of people just ******* around standing on corners talking or sitting on milk crates drinking 40s. Atleast the illegal Mexicans more often than not actually work and they do the ****** jobs others wont touch. But to make statutes that prevent enforcement of immigration law? That's inconsiderate of citizens and peiple who come to us the legal.

Yes because both the incomes and cost of living is far lower in rural states which are more often than not conservative. Some red state like texas wisconsin and indiana though have decent wages, average cost of living and are financially sound.

Yes california is beautiful but a huge chunk of its cities are flat broke. Theres a big outflow of people too leaving for other states. Theres even talk now of voting on splitting up ca into 3 states becausr people are sick of the same far left, not even left or center left, representation nonstop.

I remember reading an article about how Facebook engineers who are making like 120k a yesr gross were begging zuckerberg for a raise bc they were beginning to be unable to afford rent. Home costs are out of this world and rents are even pricier than in Chicago or nyc. Living there sucks esp for middle upper middle class people bc of the super high taxes and nonstop.bs whether it's migrants or some stupid blm berkley riot (the Starbucks thing was clearly staged fyi) or ridiculously high hiv rates or the worst traffic in us or hobos everywhere yea many parts of ca are unappealing to live in esp San fran and la too
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Apr 2018 /  #43
Yes because both the incomes and cost of living is far lower in rural states which are more often than not conservative

Not only that. You just have to look at the failed experiment of tax cuts and trickle down economy in Kansas and Oklahoma to understand that the real problem is oftentimes the GOP. They ruin the states they govern and the gullible electorate still votes conservative and blames everyone else but themselves for their misery.

120k a yesr gross

Not enough if you want to live in the Bay Area. Affordable housing is a huge problem, I agree.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
19 Apr 2018 /  #44
the failed experiment of tax cuts

Actually the tax cuts have been very successful as there are more people working now then ever, more new home owners, less people on food stamps and less people on welfare so in essence the tax cuts have been a savior to America by creating jobs because of less red government tape for small businesses.

obama was picking your pocket at every turn, Federal Regulations, Federal Paperwork, Excessive Taxation..........all geared to KILLING the Private individual making everyone DEPENDANT on YOUR Taxpayer monies to exist !

Killing JOBS, and small businesses, then offering 'FREE' HAND OUTS made possible by YOUR TAXES !
Since you live in California and it is right in your face of the failures that California is dealing with costing BILLIONS of tax payers dollars all in the name of 'Free' Hand Outs to the indigent knowing they will vote for more Liberal Socialist to support them.

A good example is the Black people that obama made Slaves to the government by making then dependent on the government by supporting them.
Trump came along and told them that they didn't have to live in poverty if they wanted to WORK and now after ONE YEAR with Trump in office there are more Black people working then ever before.

California is the failed experiment my friend, not Trumps tax cuts.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Apr 2018 /  #45
Actually the tax cuts have been very successful

No they haven't, Johnny. Read up on Kansas and Oklahoma before you make such claims.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
19 Apr 2018 /  #46
You are one of those people if Trump found a cure for cancer you would complain that it caused a rash.
We will just have to agree to disagree as the economy is now BOOMING under Trump, the stock market is up over a TRILLION since Trump took office, there are less people on welfare and more people working under Trump, more new home owners, less people on food stamps COUNTRY WIDE and you want to dwell on two States.

Take a look at the over all view instead of nit picking.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Apr 2018 /  #47
you want to dwell on two States

These two states tried your beloved trickle-down economy and massive tax cuts for corporations, and they failed miserably. Why do you think it will work in other states? And why did the RepubliCons abandon the tax cut message in your home state Pennsylvania when it's supposedly so successful?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
19 Apr 2018 /  #48
Lower taxes are the main driver of people leaving states like California and illinois for places like Texas wisconsin indiana etc. The dems constantly raise taxes and theres nothing to show for it... just take a look at education the tens of.billioms going to.just chicago public schools arent going to the kids but to feed the liberal teachers union and its lobby. Have graduation rates increased or test scores any higher? Of course not despite all the money flowing in. They dgaf about students they only use them as an excuse to pull at people.heart strings. They only care about regular pay increases and making sure their pensions are funded - which they of course aren't because dems are terrible at managing money. The state is drowning in debt and cant pay its liabilities or properly fund its pensions so it keeps raising taxes again and again because theyre never able to balance the budget as they constantly waste money, not.that the reps dont but atleast the red states arent bankrupt not filled with cities that had to file chapter 11 - unlike california.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Apr 2018 /  #49
the red states arent bankrupt

They fare quite well only on paper. Take a closer look and you will realize that most of them are largely dependent on federal subsidies. These states often reduce public services to a bare minimum, cut taxes for corporations in hopes of creating jobs (which of course never materialize), and after a few years they are surprised that crime rates go up, the infrastructure crumbles and their teachers walk out. When your revenue stream is reduced to a trickle and you can't even afford cops anymore or pay your teachers a decent salary, it all of a sudden dawns on you that you need taxes to actually run your state. And what do they do? They raise taxes for the regular folks because they have no other option. The Republican tax cuts and trickle-down economy are a scam. Always were, always will be.

That the blue states are overdoing it with public services, pensions and the like is no secret. All nice to have, but there's a price to pay: higher taxes. In my eyes the country needs to find a compromise between austerity and public spending. Create a business friendly environment, but at the same time invest in education, infrastructure and a proper health care system. Cut the military budget in half.
Joker  2 | 2211  
20 Apr 2018 /  #50
Indeed. Now ******* jb pritzker wants to raise illinois income tax... again.. it just ******* went up last july...

I dont trust him at all! I have only one question that I would like to ask JB Pritzker

Why does one of the richest men in the world want to be Governor of Illinois for?

Im willing to bet he's going to try and pull an Obama stunt, get elected to the Senate, do nothing for 4 years and then run for President.

Remember when that caught him sniffing around Blago trying to get Obamas vacant seat before Blago got busted, its all on tape, all crooks!

Ya, I know nothing to do with Cali,,Surfs up dude!

  • il_340x270.110183298.jpg
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Apr 2018 /  #51
I dont trust him at all

The sad thing is he has a good chance of winning. It's whatever at this point.. I was on the southside earlier this week and it was just straight bombed out - thbat's basically the whole state of Illinois.
Joker  2 | 2211  
20 Apr 2018 /  #52
The sad thing is he has a good chance of winning

Rauner hasn't accomplished much and all the Dems are going to vote for JB this time around, get ready:(

I was on the southside earlier this week and it was just straight bombed out

Sometimes, I have to go down there as well. Scary! I never stop unless I have too, gas stations etc......no way!

Illinois sucks almost as bad as California, both have been under Democratic control for decades.

Most of our politicians are in prison or parolees lol
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
20 Apr 2018 /  #53
Yeah I dont think Rauner is going to win. He sucked anyway. Illinois is such a mess its like a malignant tumor that won't stop growing no matter how much radiation or chemo is applied. There's so many liabilities and unfunded pensions I dont know honestly when itll just be too much one day. It almost happened when Moody's threatened to downgrade illinois bonds to junk meaning that basically itd be even herder to borrow money. I dont see anyway out of thay eventuality and theres only so much they can raise the taxes before its just a tidal wave of businesses and middle class leaving for good. It's already the working tax paying north side basically supporting the south side. It's disgusting honestly. I know quite a few poles that moved out to Wisconsin indiana and Michigan.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
20 Apr 2018 /  #54
Illinois sucks almost as bad as California, both have been under Democratic control for decades.

Why not move to Alabama, Kentucky or Mississippi then? All Republican "paradises", bless their little hearts... ;)
Slavictor  6 | 193  
20 Apr 2018 /  #55
A demographic shift to the rust belts are a strong possibility. It is already occuring in places. Early adopters lead, sheep follow when it's safe. Like the pioneers of old. San Fran is going to collapse.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
20 Apr 2018 /  #56
When it comes to domestic net migration, most growth happened in the west with Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington being amongst the fastest growing states. Texas also saw a significant increase in population.
Joker  2 | 2211  
21 Apr 2018 /  #57
Why not move to Alabama, Kentucky or Mississippi then

They might talk a bit funny, but I feel much safer with them. Its better than having a gang of cutthroat illegals living behind my garage.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
21 Apr 2018 /  #58
How bad is it really in your neck of the woods? According to this source (no idea how reliable it is), there are only half a million undocumented immigrants in the whole of Illinois. 25,000 of them coming from Europe, interestingly. Someone's overstaying his or her tourist visa again? Joooooker? :)


SoCal can be pretty bad though when it comes to your "cutthroat illegals". Especially in L.A., Orange County and the greater San Diego area.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
24 Apr 2018 /  #59
Americans leaving democrat states in droves, including California.


NYC is the nations highest cost of living metropolis. Hordes of parasitic government agents have eaten out the substance of the average american. These megacities are bureaucratic crucibles for this sort of activity, the kind that Jefferson foretold.

Can AI replace bureaucracy.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Apr 2018 /  #60
Americans leaving democrat states in droves

Once a location becomes too expensive (like NY or CA), people move to places which offer both jobs and affordable cost of living. Has always been this way.


Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Would you live in California, USA?Archived