Just stop buying $hit that you obviously can't afford and you're going to be fine. btw Get a job with a better insurance plan.
buying stuff I cannot afford? where have I ever discussed my 'stuff'?
I have zero debt honey, and I don't wait for handouts. I've been sick a few times in my lifetime (the above experience being 1 time) and I have always paid the doctor with cash without complaining. I even paid the $hitty dentists.
My money was good but their work stank. Not really a fair trade considering how much dentists charge these days. The crown they made didn't even fit not to mention they ordered the wrong type of crown altogether and then expected ,e to pay for that too. i didn't though. I told them they were welcome to sue me for their error and see if they succeeded.
Truthfully, I've found that if I simply stay away from doctors and dentists, and also keep my car away from too many mechanics, life is pretty good here. But only because I opted out of your welfare system many years ago and cut up the credit cards at the same time.
So.. if it seems that issues like this irritate me, it's only because I know for sure that life without government assistance is a much better life yet I am forced to pay to subsidize corporations and foreign interests who do not have my best interests at heart.