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Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events

Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #121
I didn't expect anything else from you,

so what does that statement mean, you said it, now answer the question... No answering with a question, no dodging - just answer it, plain and simple.

What does this mean exactly?

If we judged candidates for presidents (in any country) by their morality, there would be no presidents at all

I also want a straight answer for this:

Serious question: can the most serious of reccesions be cured in less than 4 years? If you think the answer is less than 4 years, which it seems that you do, you must have an answer as to how it could have been achieved. So lets hear it.

p3undone  7 | 1098  
28 Oct 2012 /  #122
4eigner,look at how many of the business's filed for bankruptcy.The press has been fairly quiet on this issue.People can say what they want about Romney and Bain,but they can't deny that he is business oriented.The time for blaming Bush is over.There is no way that you can borrow the amounts of money that Obama has,add the fiasco of the banks and then tell me that Obama hasn't raised the deficit.This is common sense.
28 Oct 2012 /  #123
The point here is, Peterweg and others, is NOT that Europe is somehow "better", but that taking away some degree of New Deal socialism is the opposite end of the spectrum. Sure, there are some Sam Waltons and Bill Gates' out there, but not everybody can (or chooses to) do that!! Why then should the country discriminate against certain Americans? Obama, like FDR, believes that EVERYBODY is entitled to the SAME chance, be they a middle-aged nebbishy librarian from Middletown USA or a big-shot junior exec from Los Angeles etc....
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #124
This is common sense.

Common sense has no part in this discussion, what would you have done? even with the benefit of hindsight
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #125
Serious question: can the most serious of reccesions be cured in less than 4 years? If you think the answer is less than 4 years, which it seems that you do, you must have an answer as to how it could have been achieved

Serious, not the most serious of all recessions can't be totally cured in 4 years but there should be clear indications of him putting us back on the right path. Increasing of our debt by 5 trillions (not only that) isn't exactly what I call a recovery.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
28 Oct 2012 /  #126
WroclawBoy,my point is that He's trying to pass it off as he lowered the deficit and this is bs.He inherited a mess and this is true,but the time for blaming Bush is past and he did portray himself as the man for the job.I think that Romney has the upper hand in business skillsand this is needed right now.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #127
isn't exactly what I call a recovery.

in context it is not recovery but it may be the road to recovery, MAY be the road. You still didnt answer the other question.

I think that Romney has the upper hand in business skillsand this is needed right now.

there is a very fine line between succesfull business men and organised crime.

and on that note gentleman i will bid you goodnight, its late here and Monday morning awaits. Im sure we'll pick up later.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #128
in context it is not recovery but it may be the road to recovery, MAY be the road.

If this is his road to recovery, he needs another 100 years for a full recovery (if at all) and we don't have the time or means to go through this process. We need someone who'll start saving instead to spend even more money, Obama isn't that guy.

You still didnt answer the other question

Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #129
Wroclaw Boy:
You still didnt answer the other question


this one - you wrote this :4 eigner: If we judged candidates for presidents (in any country) by their morality, there would be no presidents at all

My answer was that your statement means either all presidents have poor moral abilities or that we all do, so which is it?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #130
My answer was that your statement means either all presidents have poor moral abilities or that we all do, so which is it?

all of us have the potential to be immoral.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
28 Oct 2012 /  #131
WroclawBoy,why does having off shore accounts mean that Romney has to be some major criminal?
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #132
all of us have the potential to be immoral.

question dodging again, with another sweeping generalisation. Surprise surprise, youre a slippery one arent you. You also didnt explain the wild accusation you made about me automatically disliking rich people. I guess that one will not be answered either as you really dont have a leg to stand on and you know it.

why does having off shore accounts mean that Romney has to be some major criminal?

I didnt say nor imply anything related to criminal activity - let alone major criminal activity.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #133
question dodging again, with another sweeping generalisation. Surprise surprise, youre a slippery one arent you. You also didnt explain the wild accusation you made about me automatically disliking rich people. I guess that one will not be answered either as you really dont have a leg to stand on and you know it.

why do you keep asking all these questions? I think, we're discussing whether Obama deserves another term or not and I clearly answered this question (many times), he does not.

I didnt say nor imply anything related to criminal activity

Emigrate from the USA

So Romney has off shore accounts and you still back him?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
28 Oct 2012 /  #134
WroclawBoy,Then why did you say there is a fine line between successful business men and organized crime?This seemed like you were trying to imply criminality.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #136
why do you keep asking all these questions?

thanks for answering the question with a question again, i dont suppose i/we can expect much else. You can reiterate and abuse but when it comes to thinking on your own, its a real problem.

My answer is that you need to be held accountable for the nonsense of which you type.

I think, we're discussing whether Obama deserves another term or not and I clearly answered this question (many times), he does not.

How can we arrive at that assumption when you clearly dont have an argument for the critical issues? There really isnt much point debating anything with you to be honest.

Then why did you say there is a fine line between successful business men and organized crime?This seemed like you were trying to imply criminality.

assume away, the words are what they are based on my beliefs and personal experiences.

Im not saying hes a criminal but whats your stance on his off shore accounts? do you have off shore accounts?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
29 Oct 2012 /  #137
pip,You say that Romney is a complete idiot,what do you base that on?

Questioning why you can't open the windows on an aircraft was proof enough for me.

.He inherited a mess and this is true,but the time for blaming Bush is past and he did portray himself as the man for the job.I think that Romney has the upper hand in business skillsand this is needed right now.

I sincerely doubt that either candidate will be able to sort out the mess. Debt has to be paid down and it will take many years. Obama has failed to do many things - like get out of Afghanistan and close Guantanamo so people are entitled to be disappointed about that - not Republicans though, as he's followed Bush's 'war on terror' policies. On the economy he's continued dealing with Bush's mess using Bush's economic policies. Again, what are the Republicans complaining about? US's economy is in very good shape compared with the rest of the West.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
29 Oct 2012 /  #138
My answer is that you need to be held accountable for the nonsense of which you type.

of course it's a nonsense to you and it always will be because as you once said (not too long ago), you have a general problem with agreeing with people, even if you know, they're right (and then your, self admitted, anger management issue ;-)

How can we arrive at that assumption when you clearly dont have an argument for the critical issues?

I'm not gonna repeat myself again and again, posting the same list of Obama's failures because you're ignoring it anyway. You're welcoming however all kinds of nonsense your goons are posting here, as long as they keep posting what you want to hear.

You need to learn how to discuss first before you even try it.

There really isnt much point debating anything with you to be honest.

As long as you believe, I (anyone) have to always agree with you there is no reason for us to debate indeed.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
29 Oct 2012 /  #139
Peterweg,people say stupid things without thinking.This doesn't make them a moron.WroclawBoy,As far as I know I don't think it is illegal to own offshore accounts.It can raise an eyebrow,but I don't know the facts.I think that Romney is better business oriented out of the two.
Wroclaw Boy  
29 Oct 2012 /  #140
I'm not gonna repeat myself again and again, posting the same list of Obama's failures because you're ignoring it anyway

I didnt igniore it and im still not, i questioned your arguments and tried to debate and then you started with your usual BS.

You answer for the sake of answering, you have no substance, merely blanket statements of reiterated copied material.

i am seriously siging off now. Nighty night all.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
29 Oct 2012 /  #141
I didnt igniore it and im still not, i questioned your arguments and tried to debate and then you started with your usual BS.

I gave you my answers accordingly to how I feel about it. You obviously disagree with me (as you even said, you always would because you hate to agree with people) and that's why you call it a bs.

You answer for the sake of answering, you have no substance, merely blanket statements of reiterated copied material.

Copied or not copied (never denied it was copied), it was a clear answer to your question. I told you, I agree with his plan and that's why, there was easier for me to just copy and paste it, not because I didn't want or didn't know how to answer your questions.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
29 Oct 2012 /  #142
Peterweg,people say stupid things without thinking.This doesn't make them a moron

It makes him Presidential material.

Wouldn't be the first idiot in the White House, but fortunately a US President is not the decision maker.

Who actually makes the decisions in the US, its never made clear is it?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
29 Oct 2012 /  #143

what do you mean by nope? I said, I know of a case, I didn't say it's always that way.
MoOli  9 | 479  
29 Oct 2012 /  #144
Wouldn't be the first idiot in the White House, but fortunately a US President is not the decision maker

one good reason im gonna toss a quarter in front of that pressME* illuminated butt oned machine:)
OP perkujki  4 | 26  
29 Oct 2012 /  #145
Would anyone like to offer practical advice on the mechanics of settling in Poland coming from the USA? Why do so many of the discussions deteriorate in to personal attacks between a few people? I suggest another thread be started to discuss the American situation.
f stop  24 | 2493  
29 Oct 2012 /  #146
I know of two different couples, friends of the family, that went back to Poland for retirement, and both came back to US within few years. All were Polish, spoke Polish fluently, One couple came back due to some medical issues, and the other complained of the standard of living (they left a house around Zakopane). I didn't speak personally to any of them, but the fact that they came back, at financial loss, might be telling.
Meathead  5 | 467  
29 Oct 2012 /  #147
I sincerely doubt that either candidate will be able to sort out the mess.

Very true. America is doing better than Europe right now (economically) because of our large debt. We're spending our way out of recession. Europe is trying to reduce their deficits with austerity. It's making everything worse. Take note, 4eigner. The US needs to spend more, not less.
pip  10 | 1658  
29 Oct 2012 /  #148
- whoever wants to post a link about Obamas failures- please make sure you include one to his successes, it is only fair. mitt romney is a business man. taking care of millions of dollars is much different than taking care of millions of people.

As for why I think romney is an idiot- for starters the airplane statement....

strapping his dog to the roof of his car.

lying that his father marched with Martin Luther King- got outted for that one.

he is not concerned about the poor because "there is a safety net there"

"corporations are people"

of course the 47% that he insulted

when he was governor of Mass. he fought for healthcare- now he is fighting against it.

there is so much stuff out there it is mindboggling.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
29 Oct 2012 /  #149
I know of two different couples, friends of the family, that went back to Poland for retirement, and both came back to US within few years.

I have an uncle-in-law who retired in Poland a few years ago. He has a pension of under $20K and works various engineering jobs depending on the exchange rate. He had a medical scare recently, but i can't see how he could afford to goto the US for treatment, he went to a small town hospital and paid for private physio treatment.

He says he misses quiet a lot of things in the US (possibly the 300k credit card debt/bankruptcy/spending spree).
4 eigner  2 | 816  
29 Oct 2012 /  #150
Take note, 4eigner. The US needs to spend more, not less.

Take note, Meathead, one can't spend more money than one has. Spending more money in our case, means printing more money and that means devaluing our currency and that again, leads to the huge economical collapse by the end of the road. This is absolutely not a way to go!!!

I know of two different couples, friends of the family, that went back to Poland for retirement, and both came back to US within few years. All were Polish, spoke Polish fluently, One couple came back due to some medical issues, and the other complained of the standard of living (they left a house around Zakopane). I didn't speak personally to any of them, but the fact that they came back, at financial loss, might be telling.

I know a lady who went back to Poland after over thirty years in the US and now she's crying and wants to go back to the States.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of eventsArchived