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Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events

27 Oct 2012 /  #91
Where? In Anyhow-Cowtown America, just perhaps, but scarecely in the larger urban centers! No, Romney/Ryan want to turn the clock back pre-New Deal, to a Coolidge or "Hoover(ville)- style America where it was L:ITERALLY every man or woman for themselves. Those who couldn't swim, sank to the bottom of Davey Jones' Locker (no key necessary!!!)LOL

Is that the kind of America you want? You can have it. Hopefully I'll be long dead by then:-)

Remember what Bill Clinton said at the Democratic Convention! "We're ALL in this together.." He didn't mean JUST the top 1% minority^^
TheOther  6 | 3596  
28 Oct 2012 /  #92
Where? In Anyhow-Cowtown America, just perhaps, but scarecely in the larger urban centers!

Sounds as if you don't know how neighborhoods and communities in the US work. I happen to live in one of the largest metropolitan areas of the country and see neighbors supporting each other on a daily basis. On top of that, people volunteer everywhere - in homeless shelters, schools, hospitals ... you name it. Be honest: how often do you see any of that in Europe?
Meathead  5 | 467  
28 Oct 2012 /  #93
I don't disagree with your political comments but NYC isn't represented of America. It's the most Un-American of America's cities. It's more like a city-state. The Other's views are quite correct for everywhere else in the States.

I know of a case where a charity took over the bill. There are thousands of charities all around the US

Nope what usually happens is that they don't pay the bill so the hospital raises the bill on people who can pay. Thus the reason for high insurance costs.

What we have in the States is a single tier health system (i.e., it's the same care regardless of your economic plight). Europe has a two tier system, if you don't like the government healthcare you buy the private stuff. If your poor, Government healthcare for you.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #94
(4 eigner is parroting the US TV attack adverts, they are being bombarded with them at the moment and its having its affect, so yes - he's brainwashed)

I told you before, unless you're willing to discuss and not bash, don't talk to me.

That the accident wouldn't have happened in the first place if the driver would've had health insurance doesn't count?

accidents happen either way. There's no way to determine whether it would or it would not happen. (Not a good example).

Pity we here in the good 'ol USofA never adopted the European 'vote of no confidence', as they have in countries such as Germany, for example! If the electorate are dissatisfied, they don't have to go through arduous impeachment proceedings, they merely vote the buzzard (or buzzardess) out of officeLOL

if you like Europe so much, why don't you live there? I lived there long enough to know that it's not for me . Too much government involvement. All decisions are being made without asking people what they want.

completely, he reiterates US media on Muslims too, hes a chip off the old block. totally gone.

If anyone is brainwashed than it's you guys, following blindly your government decisions. I can't say much about the UK but I was in many other European countries and especially in Germany, people don't have anything to say at all.

I think they should keep him in the media- he will simply explode with all the stupid garbage he says....he has already discredited 47%...he really only has 4% more to insult....let him do it.

if anyone throws insults around here than it's you and your brothers in arms. None of you can debate unless you gang up on somebody.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
28 Oct 2012 /  #95
Peterweg,I'm curios,do you live in the U.S. or have you ever lived here?
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #96
Germany is a major world leading economy, you dont hear to many complaints from German citizens, like it or not two devestating world wars which cripplded the country for them only to bounce back and achieve what they have achieved!! Germany has so many things right. For me they have almost the perfect balance between socialism and capitalism. If youre going to attempt to discredit a nation it would make more sense to choose one less succesfull.

You keep talking about goverment involvement as if its a major negative, tell you what lets ask the people if they would all llike complete tax relief for 6 months, im sure that would be fine - problem is it would cripple the economy and downgrade everybodies lives. The point im trying to make is that people arent capabe of making these types of decisions. Especially with all the biased agendas around.

Youre goverment involvement theory (in Europe) is complete bollox anyway, goverment are basically the same the world over, IMO the US media promotes freedom in the press under false impressions in order tro secure its agendas....and thats basically the whole point which you seem to be missing.

If anyone is brainwashed than it's you guys

i think we are all brainwashed to a certain extent by our relative governments, its the extent of that brainwashing that concerns me and judging from the issues you talk about and the opinions you have - you basically reiterate what the US media publishes. Deny it all you want but we have noticed.

None of you can debate unless you gang up on somebody.

Its more a case of frustration with you really, but i guess its difficult changing someones opinions especially when they sincerely believe how right they are.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
pip  10 | 1658  
28 Oct 2012 /  #97

And the brainwashing and propaganda works best when those don't know it is happening. you are a fine example. somebody watches too much fox(faux) news.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Oct 2012 /  #98
Peterweg,I'm curios,do you live in the U.S. or have you ever lived here?

Nope, worked there for nearly two months in different states and locations.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #99
how can you possibly criticize Americans, not knowing anything about us? All you know is what you hear from others and whatever your media is reporting about the US. Don't you think that if anyone is brainwashed then it's people like you, who don't have any first hand information and just follow opinions of others? WB's and peterweg's opinions are based on short visits to the US, not a credible source of information either.

Assuming is not knowing! Don't criticize or bash people just because their opinions don't match yours, especially in a case where it's mainly our future on the line, not yours. We have to vote for the right man for us, not to please you guys.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #100
We have to vote for the right man for us, not to please you guys.

you have two options and neither are the right men, come on man anybody that hadn't been brainwashed by the media would know that. So Romney has off shore accounts and you still back him? Fcuk me im thinking at this point that you would basically make up excuses even if was caught red handed stoning a women to death. and thats not a joke the drivel you've spouted on the US health care issue proves this.

All you know is what you hear from others and whatever your media is reporting about the US.

and lets not forget - talking to real Americans such as yourself. Its the same story again and again we can only draw certain conclusions and one of the front runners is that you are brainwashed.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #101
I never said, Romney is a perfect candidate but he's definately better than Obama. The fact that he's rich and has off shore accounts doesn't disqualify him either. Look at your politicians, do you seriously believe they don't have any off shore accounts? They all have, in any other country too. The reason I'm voting for Romney is because he has a much better plan to get us out of this financial mess we're in at the moment. No one needs to brainwash me to see what Obama did in his 4 years in the office.

You're ignoring facts simply because Romney isn't what you want and why you don't want him, simply because you're brainwashed by the European mainstream media, which is clearly for Obama. Now, who's really brainwashed here?
pip  10 | 1658  
28 Oct 2012 /  #102
actually, I have a step sister in Florida and my husband has a cousin in Greenpoint. I hear loads first hand.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #103
and I bet, they're all blind Obama followers. So much about first hand, unbiased information ;-)

no I don't live there, I live in Poland- but I would like people to understand the realities of the health care system and the actual costs in the US.

you're full of it girl.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #104
I never said, Romney is a perfect candidate but he's definately better than Obama.

I never said that either, i quoted you when you wrote "the right man".

The fact that he's rich and has off shore accounts doesn't disqualify him either.

well in my opinion the fact that hes rich does make him a bad candidate all by its self, the offshore accounts business make him a tax evader and that bascially equates to anti patriotic, power and greed.

Look at your politicians, do you seriously believe they don't have any off shore accounts? They all have, in any other country too.

Some may but im not aware of it, if they do they would be out of power almost straight away, most wait until after public office to make their fortunes anyway. Its a bit ironic for a President or Prime minister talking tax and patriotism when they themselves hold off shore accounts. So no, i dont think they do.

Ive noticed you love that reverse psychology thing, its not working here im afraid.

They all have, in any other country too.

can we just calrify that point. Are you stating that all political leaders have off shore accounts?

No one needs to brainwash me to see what Obama did in his 4 years in the office.

Obama is a front man for the powers that be, Romney will be the same to.

You're ignoring facts simply because Romney isn't what you want and why you don't want him, simply because you're brainwashed by the European mainstream media, which is clearly for Obama. Now, who's really brainwashed here?

I realy dont care enough about eithers campaign or their policies, they are basically the same. I had hope for Obama four years ago - real hope, i admit i got caught up in all the hype back in 2008.

Obama is a puppet from the moment he became president elect but im of the opinion better the devil you know with regard to this election.

If Romney achieves office we'll come back to this thread in a year or so and see how well hes getting on. I fear not much would have changed and another two years down the line and all you yanks will be hanging him out to dry the same as you are now with Obama.

Romney just looks like a complete @sshole.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #105
the right man

well, according to what choice we have, he's definately a better man for that job.

Are you stating that all political leaders have off shore accounts?

let's say, most of those that really matter in politics. None of them is clean, I'm sure. Unlike you, I don't automatically hate rich people, simply because they're rich.

Romney will be the same to

and yet, his plan to rebuild our economy is better.

I had hope for Obama four years ago - real hope, i admit i got caught up in all the hype back in 2008.

just like millions of other people too and most of them are disappointed now.

Obama is a puppet from the moment he became president elect


but im of the opinion better the devil you know with regard to this election.

unfortunately, our asses are on the line and we can't afford 4 more years of thoughtless spending and printing money. I think, Romney will mainly concentrate on fixing our economy. Foreign issues, don't matter for us here at the moment and I hope, this won't be an issue in the near future either.

If Romney achieves office we'll come back to this thread in a year or so and see how well hes getting on. I fear not much would have changed and another two years down the line and all you yanks will be hanging him out to dry the same as you are now with Obama.

Romney just looks like a complete *******.

the time will show. Why not give him a chance?

I see two choices, one that already proved to be wrong and one that can prove to be right and I'm not willing to pick what proved to be wrong already, we can't afford it.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #106
None of them is clean, I'm sure. Unlike you, I don't automatically hate rich people, simply because they're rich.

Excuse me? i hate rich peple, simply becasue they are rich? where the hell did you get that from? Jeeze man do you have serious comprehension problems or what. This isnt the first time youve jumped to absolutely ludicrous conclusions about me or other posters that disagree with you. I had hoped that you'd actually managed to stop that shite, but obvioulsy not.

our asses are on the line and we can't afford 4 more years of thoughtless spending and printing money.

thoughtless spending and printing money no less, ohh boy do you have a way of over dramatising something to suit your agenda. Funny but i thought Obama had a long term contingency plan, a plan which will take years to bear fruit. Look at other critical economies and make comparisons, its all long term austerity measures. Some pump money in others make cuts - most try both.

Please tell me what policies Romney is going to implement in order to improve living standards in the US?

just like millions of other people too and most of them are disappointed now.

yeah so you would think that people would have learned the most valuable lesson of all, and that lesson is that the monetary capitalist system simply does not work.

I see two choices, one that already proved to be wrong and one that can prove to be right and I'm not willing to pick what proved to be wrong already, we can't afford it.

No thats what the media is telling you....

Serious question: can the most serious of reccesions be cured in less than 4 years? If you think the answer is less than 4 years, which it seems that you do, you must have an answer as to how it could have been achieved. So lets hear it.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #107
i hate rich peple, simply becasue they are rich?

so why do you keep constantly reminding me about Romney's off shore accounts? Does it mean, he can't be a good president?

ohh boy do you have a way of over dramatising something to suit your agenda.

overdramatizing, really? Ballooning the deficit, failing to fix the house market, overpromising on the economic recovery etc. etc. and you call it overdramatizing? What else can he do wrong before you see his failures?

Please tell me what policies Romney is going to implement in order to improve living standards in the US?

His plan is to rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility. It relinquishes power to the states instead of claiming to have the solution to every problem.

Whether he'll accomplish it all or not, we don't know but what we do know is what Obama failed to accomplish in his 4 years in the office and that's why I won't vote for him. Why give someone a chance to waste another 4 years when we can vote for someone who can maybe do it better?

No thats what the media is telling you..

no, it does not, it's what we see around us. We're facing his mistakes on a daily basis.

Serious question: can the most serious of reccesions be cured in less than 4 years? If you think the answer is less than 4 years, which it seems that you do, you must have an answer as to how it could have been achieved. So lets hear it.

Serious question: does someone who already wasted 4 years on increasing our debt, and making many other mistakes (posted earlier), deserve 4 more years to continue his destructive agenda?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Oct 2012 /  #108
WB, you shouldn't care who gets elected in the US, neither of them will be able to make much difference. Romney will probably do nothing, for all his talk.

Obama will get elected because its almost impossible to remove an incumbent president, which is why they sent a pea brained, previously rejected, candidate to have a go.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #109
does someone who already wasted 4 years on increasing our debt, and making many other mistakes (posted earlier), deserve 4 more years to continue his destructive agenda?

Didnt the latest figures show growth of 2%? Cant be that bad.

so why do you keep constantly reminding me about Romney's off shore accounts? Does it mean, he can't be a good president?

You didnt address the question. At least you didnt make another rediculous untrue statement. No in this case you answered a question with a question - the cheapest trick of the lot.

Ok again, THE FACT THAT HE HOLDS OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS makes him a bad candidate as it proves he is unpatriotic, a tax evader and a bit of a law dodger. So yes it means he would be a BAD president. Have you got that now? how many more times do i have to say the same thing?

overdramatizing, really? Ballooning the deficit, failing to fix the house market, overpromising on the economic recovery etc. etc. and you call it overdramatizing? What else can he do wrong before you see his failures?

Basically all those linked and relivant issues have one goal in mind - bringing back growth, as much as i hate the current political system it is a no brainer as to his austerity measures coupled with long term goals. Not stabilising the housing crisis and increasing public debt is a long term goal in order to bring back growth. If you have growth and the economy is soaring the housing market will come back to growth, exports will increase to create the revenue to pay back the debt.

Basically i could go on and on, but i think you catch the drift, in case you dont - we can summarise in long terms goals in order to overturn a serious reccession and stabilise the economy. Rome wasnt built in a day....

Directing blame is so easy.

A national health system would ultimtaley save Americans money, more money in Americans pockets translates to more spending on things other than health insurnace thus helping the economy. But you even crucify him for that.

rebuild the foundations of the American economy on the principles of free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan seeks to reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. It seeks to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility. It relinquishes power to the states instead of claiming to have the solution to every problem.

bollox, bollox, bollox. and its a copy and paste i want YOUR words, your own personal opinion as i am privileging you with mine.

Serious question: does someone who already wasted 4 years on increasing our debt, and making many other mistakes (posted earlier), deserve 4 more years to continue his destructive agenda?

Ohh look he answered a question with a question again. My answer is yes, as the measures he implemented take time to yield results, i also sincerely believe Obama to be a good man, and as the leader of the most powerful country on the planet that goes a long way in my opinion.

I answered your question i expect the same with mine.
pip  10 | 1658  
28 Oct 2012 /  #110
this is actually quite cute. And interesting. And those who don't want to believe never will, just hope they are not in the 47%.

Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #111

Ohh man nice choice of words, lots of f words and such. Im thinking they dont like Obama much. That site has a page rank of 3/10 quite disturbing really considering it doesnt have any decent content. Only in America....
pip  10 | 1658  
28 Oct 2012 /  #112
I took it as sarcasm- meaning he actually has done a lot. The real site is called what the feck- but I couldn't link it.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #113
Didnt the latest figures show growth of 2%? Cant be that bad.

The economy grew faster last quarter because consumer spending rose at a 2 percent annual rate, up from a 1.5 percent rate in the second quarter. Way too early to talk about real growth. Besides, it could be just as well, another election trick, only time will show.

THE FACT THAT HE HOLDS OFFSHORE ACCOUNTS makes him a bad candidate as it proves he is unpatriotic, a tax evader and a bit of a law dodger. So yes it means he would be a BAD president. Have you got that now? how many more times do i have to say the same thing?

It was your first comment explaining why you feel that way so no need to ask "how many more times do i have to say the same thing?"

If we judged candidates for presidents (in any country) by their morality, there would be no presidents at all. I'm not voting for him because I think, he's a great guy, I vote for him because I trust him to fix our problems.

If you have growth and the economy is soaring the housing market will come back to growth, exports will increase to create the revenue to pay back the debt.

the problem with that is that he didn't do anything that's worth mentioning in the past 4 years. Quite the opposite (not gonna repeat my list).

bollox, bollox, bollox. and its a copy and paste i want YOUR words, your own personal opinion as i am privileging you with mine.

well, I read it and I hope he'll do his best to follow his plan. At least he has a plan that sounds good. Obviously, we don't know if he'll actually do what he promises (Obama didn't, so much is for sure). I'm not happy with Obama (for obvious reasons), I prefer to vote for someone who has a better plan and who hasn't messed up yet as a president.

My answer is yes, as the measures he implemented take time to yield results, i also sincerely believe Obama to be a good man, and as the leader of the most powerful country on the planet that goes a long way in my opinion.

the measures took already 4 years and nothing has really changed. The 2% growth, you've mentioned could be just as well another election trick (they usually do it, short before elections).

I'm not saying, Obama is a bad man, I'm saying, he's a bad president, that's all.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #114
I took it as sarcasm- meaning he actually has done a lot. The real site is called what the feck- but I couldn't link it.

So its a pro Obama site then. Weird.
pip  10 | 1658  
28 Oct 2012 /  #115
how does Obama dig the country out of 8 years of Bush. Why do so many people think he is able to snap his fingers and fix everything. He has constant opposition for absolutely everything he does- wether it will help the country or not. they do it for spite.

How can a man, who has proven himself to be a complete utter fecking idiot, be able to manage a country if an intelligent, educated man, such as Obama- is having a hard time doing it.

The problems in the states are something that cannot be fixed in four years.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #116
How can a man, who has proven himself to be a complete utter fecking idiot

not liking Romney is one thing but spouting bs about him is another. Romney has a Juris Doctor MBA from Harvard. Actually, he merged Law and Business at Harvard. Educate yourself before you say something else or even better, don't post anything, you're not doing yourself any favors, trust me.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
28 Oct 2012 /  #117
pip,You say that Romney is a complete idiot,what do you base that on?
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Oct 2012 /  #118
If we judged candidates for presidents (in any country) by their morality, there would be no presidents at all

that statement either means all people have moralty issues or that all politicians have morality issues. Either way its complete bollox. Sounds impressive intially though.

election trick

Humm yes of course the old election trick.

could be just as well another election trick

Humm ohh yes another election trick.

Do election tricks work both ways?

Dude so far you have dodged my questons with rediculous misinterpretations, sweeping generlaistions among other cheap tactics such as answering a question with a question, for me to keep listing them would be equally rediculous and confusing for anybody follwong this thread, i have to say in summary - you cant reason with unreasonable people.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
28 Oct 2012 /  #119
This speaks to Obama's business skills

4 eigner  2 | 816  
28 Oct 2012 /  #120
that statement either means all people have moralty issues or that all politicians have morality issues. Either way its complete bollox.

I didn't expect anything else from you, since you're opposing me all the time but if you scroll up a little bit and see your reaction to pip's post (which you misunderstood at first), it was different and why, simply because she's your private parrot and as long as she says what you want to hear, you'll be OK with whatever she says. This is how you operate, my friend. Very credible indeed.

Humm yes of course the old election trick.

you don't know, none of us does, only time will show.

This speaks to Obama's business skills

yeah, give him another 4 years ;-)

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of eventsArchived