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Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events

p3undone  7 | 1098  
27 Oct 2012 /  #61
Lenka,I know this is standard,have you read this thread?People make it sound like there's no help available for anyone here.
Meathead  5 | 467  
27 Oct 2012 /  #62
What is the Guardian 4eigner?

The Guardian is a Manchester Daily and is to England what the New York Times is to America.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
27 Oct 2012 /  #63
Meathead,what were you wanting to point out?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
27 Oct 2012 /  #65
Meathead,Didn't you post that link to the Guardian earlier in this thread?
Meathead  5 | 467  
27 Oct 2012 /  #66
yeah, but it didn't work the first time as 4eigner pointed out.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
27 Oct 2012 /  #67
meathead,I know that;I just thought there was a particular article that you were wanting to supply.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 Oct 2012 /  #68
The Guardian is a Manchester Daily and is to England what the New York Times is to America.

Is the NYT a socialist newspaper owned by its workers and read mainly by semi-communists/socialists?

There is nothing wrong with the Guardians news reports but ridiculous opinion pieces like your link, are worthless.

The author complains that the left wing journalist were sacked... because nobody read the paper. A typical ex-communist who think that their opinions should be forced on the public and are outraged by capitalism where people choose to buy newspapers. Or not, if its boring left wing crap.

Another flaw in the article is the whine about the lack of anti-capitalist protests in Poland protesting the 'austerity'. Problem is there is no austerity in Poland and has not been, spending is going up with wages.

How terrible for the communists, capitalism is giving Poles higher incomes and there is no place for the communists to get back in power.

All of Europe is imploding due to austerity measures

Except Poland, the subject under discussion.
Lenka  5 | 3484  
27 Oct 2012 /  #69
Lenka,I know this is standard,have you read this thread?People make it sound like there's no help available for anyone here.

I read it all,laughed (bacause of the way this tread changed it course) and only then decided to replay.I know you can get help in U.S. but the discussion is about the prices.I've never been in the States so I cannot say how it really is but the argument that in life threatening situations you can get help is useless.Surely you'd get a bill afterwards?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
27 Oct 2012 /  #70
Lenka,Once again,it's not the picture painted here by people who haven't lived here their whole lives.If someone gets treatment in an emergency,they get a bill,but way more times than not the Hospital eats the bill.They have money allocated for just such a purpose.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Oct 2012 /  #71
ok, that is an emergency situation but what if somebody gets diagnosed with cancer and doesn't have insurance and can't afford treatment or tests? then what. who pays then? xrays, mri's, exams, follow up treatments, tests and the who bit- who pays if a person can't afford insurance?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 Oct 2012 /  #72
then what. who pays then?

I know of a case where a charity took over the bill. There are thousands of charities all around the US.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
27 Oct 2012 /  #73
pip,and this is why we need a plan.The only thing I have said is that the picture is not the same as some posters are trying to suggest.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 Oct 2012 /  #74
There are thousands of charities all around the US.

How sweet, so the USA does have free healthcare for everyone?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 Oct 2012 /  #75
listen, we know we need a better health care program but we also know, we're not gonna be forced to it (Obama's style) like you guys in Europe, where they make decisions over your head and you have to accept it. I was in Germany when they changed their currency to Euro. Anyone I talked to was against it but the government didn't care, they did it anyway. You guys live in socialism and this is something we don';t want over here.

I'm willing to discuss with you peterweg but if you're gonna try to act like a big mouth, smartass (as you usually do) then don't waste your time because I certainly won't reply to any of it.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Oct 2012 /  #76
I don't really understand the irrational fear Americans have over health care. Do you prefer paying through the nose to unregulated insurance companies? I don't get it.

and then the whole bit about Americans can decide for themselves--well they can't. Constant back and forth and lies and then the billions of dollars spent on advertising by insurance and drug companies- there is no way any body can make an informed choice- for what is the best for the country.

of course insurance and drug companies have the most to lose if health care becomes regulated- and if you dig deep you can find out where all the political funding comes from.

billions are spent on advertising trying to fool Americans. Billions.

In Canada it is illegal for drug companies to advertise so our healthcare is run differently.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 Oct 2012 /  #77
I don't really understand the irrational fear Americans have over health care.

No, what you don't understand is that we don't have a problem with health care, we have a problem with being forced to it, big difference.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Oct 2012 /  #78
we don't have a problem with health care, we have a problem with being forced to it,

I don't have a problem with car insurance, but I have a problem with being forced to it ... if you know what I mean.

Where are the Republicans when we need them? ;)
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 Oct 2012 /  #79
Driving a car without insurance is dangerous, especially to other drivers who won't get paid in case of accident while not having a health insurance, punishes you and no one else, if you know what I mean...
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Oct 2012 /  #80
forced to it- what a load of garbage. having health care that is available for all people no matter what your income, having the best care available for everyone--is something that Americans don't want to be forced into??

This sounds to me like you have been brainwashed.

you are forced to pay taxes for such things as roads, bridges, parks, libraries, pools, etc,etc---what is the big deal if your taxes cover health care and then you don't have to worry.

the only reason people are saying they are being forced into something is because the drug companies and insurance companies are telling you that. Then of course- they back the opposition so the opposition is telling you that you are losing your freedom of choice. OH--of course my favourite---throw the word "socialism" in there and that gets all red blooded Americans in an uproar. "we don't need no communist telling us what to do."

I don't think Americans understand how broken their system is for the Average middle class American. If you are rich- then you are set and if you are poor- well, it seems as though that is covered too. However, if you are a family of four, with a middle income, you are screwed- and the funny thing is that the middle class makes up the majority of America.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 Oct 2012 /  #81
forced to it- what a load of garbage. having health care that is available for all people no matter what your income, having the best care available for everyone--is something that Americans don't want to be forced into??

This sounds to me like you have been brainwashed.

and you sound like someone who wasn't raised in a free world and always had to follow directives. (socialist thinking = a load of garbage to me).
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Oct 2012 /  #82
while not having a health insurance, punishes you and no one else

That logic is flawed. Just think of contageous diseases for example, or a driver who passes out because - due to a lack of health insurance - a medical condition wasn't treated and he crashes into someone else and kills this individual.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Oct 2012 /  #83
I was absolutely raised in a free world. I don't have a problem paying taxes if they go towards things that I use and need. And both countries that I have worked and paid taxes in have provided me with everything I need.

(socialist thinking = a load of garbage to me).

just as I predicted. Didn't take long.

4 eigner: while not having a health insurance, punishes you and no one else

That logic is flawed. Just think of contageous diseases for example, or a driver who passes out because - due to a lack of health insurance - a medical condition wasn't treated and he crashes into someone else and kills this individual.

but this is what America is. 300,000 million people who thing that they are all number one and nobody else matters.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 Oct 2012 /  #84
That logic is flawed. .

I don't have a problem with car insurance, but I have a problem with being forced to it ... if you know what I mean.
Where are the Republicans when we need them? ;)

this is exactly what I think about your comparison too.

a driver who passes out because - due to a lack of health insurance - ........... he crashes into someone else and kills this individua

and that's why, the driver has to have a car insurance, exactly what I said earlier. You guys don't understand that there's a difference between not wanting to have a health insurance and not wanting to be forced to it. TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. We want it but we don't want it the way Obama wants it. We want to have a say and pick what we believe is good for us.

300,000 million people who thing that they are all number one and nobody else matters

what a load of crap. Just because we don't want any of you to tell us what's good for us, it doesn't mean, no one else matters. We're helping others more than any other country, get your facts straight if you really want to discuss.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
27 Oct 2012 /  #85

Americans live on a different reality plane to the rest of the planet. They will continue arguing their ridiculous dogmas while the country continues its slow death spiral and nothing will change.

Which the reason the OP is bailing out, he knows there is no future for the US.

(4 eigner is parroting the US TV attack adverts, they are being bombarded with them at the moment and its having its affect, so yes - he's brainwashed)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Oct 2012 /  #86
and that's why, the driver has to have a car insurance, exactly what I said earlier.

That the accident wouldn't have happened in the first place if the driver would've had health insurance doesn't count?
27 Oct 2012 /  #87
...which is why the race is still so close; because the undecided many still believe the slick snake oil salesmen Romney/Ryan, lying through their false teeth both of 'em, speaking in empty platitudes, outdated even in Horatio Alger's time, yet strangely appealing to the vast majority of the ignorant electorate!! Oh, Obama'll probably win alright, but it's going to be a squeaker, that I'll tell ya!!

Pity we here in the good 'ol USofA never adopted the European 'vote of no confidence', as they have in countries such as Germany, for example! If the electorate are dissatisfied, they don't have to go through arduous impeachment proceedings, they merely vote the buzzard (or buzzardess) out of officeLOL
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Oct 2012 /  #88
but it's going to be a squeaker

if squeaker means something like close, i cant remember the last time it wast. ooh what drama.......it wouldnt be the election without drama.... i saw some footage yesterday from Romneys campaign and it basically consisited of Americans screaming "yeah yeah" and raising their arms in the air - to everything he said. whats his pitch, isnt it something like "jobs, jobs, jobs"?

he's brainwashed)

completely, he reiterates US media on Muslims too, hes a chip off the old block. totally gone.
pip  10 | 1658  
27 Oct 2012 /  #89
I think they should keep him in the media- he will simply explode with all the stupid garbage he says....he has already discredited 47%...he really only has 4% more to insult....let him do it.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Oct 2012 /  #90
300,000 million people who thing that they are all number one and nobody else matters.

That's not true, Pip. The US society might cherish youth, money and success, and it might also be characterized by a certain "me, myself and I" attitude, but as soon as someone needs help people will reach out immediately - no questions asked. That's actually one of the things I really admire here in the US.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of eventsArchived