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Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events

p3undone  7 | 1098  
25 Oct 2012 /  #31
People have always discussed prices this is nothing new.You have all these Iphones everywhere you look as well as Ipads everywhere you look.Whenever the new products come out people line up in droves to buy them.When I'm talking about stores I mean high end stores and they are packed.There was a difference at first and this is because the media hyped everything and people were afraid to buy.I'm not saying that there hasn't been a recession,but it's not as bleak as you make it sound,It's not because my eyes are closed,it's because I pay attention.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
25 Oct 2012 /  #32
it's because I pay attention.

I'm talking about regular groceries’ stores here, the food items with couple of pennies price difference for an average family of four who don't have their carts filled to the brim as they used to, the clothing stores, the school supplies for the kids. Like I’ve said open your eyes on the average family that go to regular stores not the affluent snobs shopping in boutique, the recession is not felt by this class of people neither is their habit of having the latest toy be taken away from them by the economic reality that most people struggle with on every day basis. Sure people are shopping at a Porsche dealer as well after all you see those around too not haggling on the price, but how many of those cars do you see on the American roads? They are not the majority of car buyers out there and sure as hell not an indicator as to which direction the country is moving on as whole.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
25 Oct 2012 /  #33
I'm telling you that I have lived here all my life and if the economy was as bad as you were saying the snobs would have taken a major hit as well.The average person in this country has always had a hard time;this is nothing new.The streets were never paved in gold and never will be here.It is a little tougher,but nothing like you're saying.

I forgot to mention;you take a look at the average car on the street in any major city and you won't see many cars that are more than 5 yrs.old.In Boston you see new luxury cars all the time.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
26 Oct 2012 /  #34
Walk through the aisles see how they discuss prices substituting one brand for another because the price is cheaper or vs. those in the other store

It's been always like that, people were always comparing prices and were buying wherever it's cheaper. It would be dumb not to do it.

Americans are getting poorer and poorer and that's a fact.

someAmericans just like some Poles, Canadians etc. This is not an American phenomenon.
MoOli  9 | 479  
26 Oct 2012 /  #35
200% AGREED!

but how many of those cars do you see on the American roads?

More then i see in Poland,dude you sound your 10 year visa is cancelled:)) dont worry one day there will be NO visa for you !
Meathead  5 | 467  
26 Oct 2012 /  #36
We are part of the dying blue collar middle class.

Interesting comments about medical costs in the US. Yes, medical care in the US is expensive but all medical care isn't created equal. Doctors in Poland make the same money as janitors. Below is a guy (from another thread) who planned on visiting his inlaws in Poland for a year. His visit was cut short, because in that time he got a blood clot and lost his hand. In the states that would be a pretty radical procedure. Medical care (like everything else) you pay for what you get. There are no free lunches.

OP perkujki  4 | 26  
26 Oct 2012 /  #37
Interesting how this thread has gone. Some of the comments must be from some of the 1%. I work in logistics. I go in to many companies and factories. I see how our heavy industry is a shell of its' former self. I read the bulletin boards listing employees insurance payroll deductions. Many are paying 30% of their pay for premiums. That is unsustainable. Many working families are a paycheck away from bankruptcy. Anyone who suggest we have a good social safety net system is uninformed. We have a child that qualifies for assistance. Budget cuts by the state and the fact that we are living above the poverty line means no help. I am not suggesting imminent disaster. But, those in first class are too far above the water line to notice that the water is rising. Pax Americana is waning.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
26 Oct 2012 /  #38
perkujki,I know that we're having problems,but to hear ShortHairThug tell it,we're about a year from third world status and this is simply not true.I't's not like this is insurmountable either.I have noticed a difference;just not to the degree that has been suggested.I am no where near first class btw.
pip  10 | 1658  
26 Oct 2012 /  #39
Anyone who suggest we have a good social safety net system is uninformed. We have a child that qualifies for assistance. Budget cuts by the state and the fact that we are living above the poverty line means no help. I am not suggesting imminent disaster. But, those in first class are too far above the water line to notice that the water is rising. Pax Americana is waning.

thank you for writing this. some still don't get it.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
26 Oct 2012 /  #40
pip,do you live here?I get exactly what he's saying and I don't disagree with him at all;the picture is just not as bleak as it seems some people here want to believe.That's all I'm saying.
pip  10 | 1658  
26 Oct 2012 /  #41
no I don't live there, I live in Poland- but I would like people to understand the realities of the health care system and the actual costs in the US. The middle class get screwed. Too poor for prime insurance and too rich for subsidies.

And the middle class is the majority of America. or at least it used to be.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
26 Oct 2012 /  #42
but I would like people to understand the realities of the health care system and the actual costs in the US

so you believe to know it better than people who live here, right? ;-)


MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA According to the 'Cost & Benefits of Individual and Family Health Insurance Plans' report, released today by eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH), the average premium paid for individual health insurance coverage in the United States in 2011 was $2,196 per year ($183 per month); families paid an average annual premium of $4,968 ($414 per month). The report also found that the average deductible for individually-purchased health insurance plans in 2011 was $2,935 for individuals and $3,879 for families.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
26 Oct 2012 /  #43
pip,what makes you think that we we;living here do not understand the realities?What is it exactly that makes you think that people on both sides of the aisle do not agree that we need a Healcare plan.Did you know that Romney had a big hand in getting the Mass Health or "Romneycare plan" through in Massachusetts.When Romney became Governor he put things that Celucci had cut from the program back in?Obama's plan is based on Mass health.Romney has backed off on it because of political expediency,but don't think for a moment that he will eliminate it if elected;he will revamp it.I don't understand why people think that because Americans don't want Obama's plan that this means that we don't want a plan.Americans don't like the fact that Obama rammed it down our throats or the pork that's been loaded into it.People also don't like the fact of being forced to buy something.He wants to increase the IRS;which is absolutely not necessary.He went against the people on this.If Romney gets elected it will not be eliminated and this is what the Obama camp would have you believe.I am not thrilled with either prospect as President.But don't think that we need to be schooled when it comes to the realities of our country.The only thing I have objected to is the picture ShortHairThug has painted;it is simply not true.Some of the things that Romney wants to do is scary,but so is some of the things that Obama has done and plans to do.Believe me;we will have a heath plan either way.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Oct 2012 /  #44
Unfortunately, pip is correct and I don't understand how you can't see that.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
26 Oct 2012 /  #45
excuse me??? LOL Is she really?


MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA - November 2, 2011 - According to the 'Cost & Benefits of Individual and Family Health Insurance Plans' report, released today by eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH), the average premium paid for individual health insurance coverage in the United States in 2011 was $2,196 per year ($183 per month); families paid an average annual premium of $4,968 ($414 per month). The report also found that the average deductible for individually-purchased health insurance plans in 2011 was $2,935 for individuals and $3,879 for families.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
26 Oct 2012 /  #46
pgtx.did you read my reply?
pip  10 | 1658  
26 Oct 2012 /  #47
I don't pretend to be an expert- but this is my thought. Insurance companies have too much power to say who gets care and who doesn't--and that is the issue. If health care was something like Polands private health care- where the hospitals and clinics offered packages- no middle insurance man, then, I think it would be beneficial for all.

Canada pays through taxes. Polands public is also paid through taxes. Polands private is run by the respective healthcare companies/hospitals- there is no insurance, so to speak.

Americans pay insurance companies who then pay the hospitals. Prices are hugely inflated because both the insurance and the hospitals need to make profit.

In my opinion, the gov't is going about it the wrong way. They should be regulating the insurance companies.

414$ is still a lot for a family to pay to an insurance company. what is eHealth? insurance related. I am skeptical.

and the constant dem vs rep is repulsive. it must take its toll and the average American. the constant air of negativity- who is right, who is wrong is disgusting. and then that hideous troll pig coulter calls Obama a retard. Unacceptable. this is ok in your world? or is this freedom of speech?

nobody is making valid points- they are constantly mudslinging and b*tching and whining and complaining.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
26 Oct 2012 /  #48
414$ is still a lot for a family to pay

it's relative, it depends on your income.

Many families here have financial problems because they can't budget (just like Obama btw.). The solution is simple, don't buy anything (other than a house, for obvious reasons) if you can't pay in cash (at least, that's what I'm doing and I don't complain about my life).
p3undone  7 | 1098  
26 Oct 2012 /  #49
pip,I wouldn't call Obama a pig.What I was saying to you is that we do understand the realities about Healthcare in our country.Another thing that we have is called Cobra;if you lose your job and thus your insurance,you can apply for Cobra and this will cover you for a reasonable time to find a job.Did you know how many walk in clinics there are in the U.S. that will charge you a sliding fee?If you go to a Hospital in this country with a life threatening injury or ailment;No Hospital can refuse you care.Theres a lot that people don't know about the U.S.Things are not as dire as portrayed in this regard,but we do need a plan.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
26 Oct 2012 /  #50
I wouldn't call Obama a pig

yeah, he probably hates pork to begin with, LOL
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Oct 2012 /  #51
4eigner... Insurance you pay doesn't depend on your income. Maybe if it's too much or too low. It depend on your gender, age and if you're single or pay also for your family. You pay $400 if you're single, most likely. Women always pay higher insurance and older people. And if you're adding your wife and a kid to your insurance, it get to $1000/ month and up.

No it is not cheap. It wasn't even cheap for my boss who makes $200 k/year.
You pay it every month and still dedictable applies.

Yes, middle class hurts and it sucks. It slowly disapears. We will see more poor and rich people.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
26 Oct 2012 /  #52
Insurance you pay doesn't depend on your income

It's not what I said. I said that it depends on your income whether $414.00 is a lot or not.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Oct 2012 /  #53
That is exactly what i meant. If you like throwing money away, your business, just don't force it to others :)
4 eigner  2 | 816  
26 Oct 2012 /  #54
what are you talking about? I'ts a matter of affordability. There's a difference between someone who makes 2 k a month and someone who makes 4k (for example) a month. I'm not suggesting that just because one makes more, he has to spend more.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
26 Oct 2012 /  #55
Nevermind 4eigner, just pay your insurance if that is ok with you :)
Lenka  5 | 3526  
26 Oct 2012 /  #56
If you go to a Hospital in this country with a life threatening injury or ailment;No Hospital can refuse you care.

It's a standard in half civilised countries.If it wasn't like that in U.S. I would indeed call it a third world country. :)
Meathead  5 | 467  
27 Oct 2012 /  #57
Nevermind 4eigner, just pay your insurance if that is ok with you :)

PGTX I am not a cheerleader for life in the States, but healthcare is available even if you do not have insurance. Why do you think so many people don't have health insurance? When they need healthcare they go to the Emergency rooms in the Hospitals. in the States they have to admit you regardless of your financial ability to pay. That's why your insurance is so high, because they charge people who can pay more money, to make up for those who don't. The rubber hits the road when you have a chronic illness and you need constant care. But how would be in Poland if you had a chronic illness? Like the guy with the blood clot? Go to Poland for 6 months and when you get back you're less one hand?

Interesting how this thread has gone.

I have no problem with people leaving the states to live overseas but go to Poland because you like the culture or the way of life, but if you're going for economic reasons you'll be in for a surprise. All of Europe is imploding due to austerity measures. A good article from another thread:

p3undone  7 | 1098  
27 Oct 2012 /  #58
What is the Guardian 4eigner?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
27 Oct 2012 /  #59
Meathead  5 | 467  
27 Oct 2012 /  #60
link error (at least where I live)

yeah, I noticed but I left it anyhow. Nothings perfect.

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of eventsArchived