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How to get Drivers license in IL without social security?

11 Feb 2009 /  #31
Not accepted in Ilinois, this one cop told me its like having a license from Walmart..lol

Dont you buy food there ?
9 Mar 2009 /  #32
everyone talking all this negativity about immigrants needs to get better acquainted with the laws ILL has...obviously you have nearly a clue of their rights...

I' am a lawyer...and everything on here is nonsense...
pgtx  29 | 3094  
9 Mar 2009 /  #33
I' am a lawyer...and everything on here is nonsense...

elaborate, please...
Peepops  3 | 45  
28 Mar 2009 /  #34
LOL just do what the wets do, get your license in Wisconsin. U always see mexicans livin in IL with WI tags. Wi dont check if the SS# is real or not they just want your money. So get a fake SS# and head to WI. lol
sledz  23 | 2247  
28 Mar 2009 /  #35
LOL just do what the wets do, get your license in Wisconsin.

Are you just making this up as you go along, like on that Chicago thread?

U always see mexicans livin in IL with WI tags


Wi dont check if the SS#

More B.S. why are you making up lies?

All states are connected by a nationwide database, IF you are stupid enough to try this, the first thing they do is have you sign a piece of paper stating that all the info you are giving is true.

Then they will charge you with perjury and arrest you on the spot...Good Luck:)
Peepops  3 | 45  
28 Mar 2009 /  #36
Wow sledz, are u serious you really think the US is that smart. You must live in a all white community where everyone has picket fences. If your Gov is so concerned why is there millions of illegal mexicans living in America? Have you even ever been to a bordertown or Mexico? You can believe what u want but I use to work with some that did. If u have that much faith in ur goverment I feel sorry for u.
sledz  23 | 2247  
28 Mar 2009 /  #37
Wow sledz, are u serious you really think the US is that smart[/quote]
Evidently Im smarter than you, The US government has nothing to do with issuing Driver Licenses, its up to each State to enforce the laws.

People get arrested everyday trying to do what you seem to think is so easy.

I hope Illegals read this and follow your advice:)

You must live in a all white community where everyone has picket fences. I

Quite the opposite, my neighbor is the united nations, all messed up:)

Have you even ever been to a bordertown or Mexico?

Ive been to Juarez, Do you know where that is?????
What a toilet!!
1 Apr 2009 /  #38
Well I am mexican.
I currently attend high school and take the bus, but now I will be a senior next year and will be getting out of school early with early release.

I really do hate how you have to have a SS to get a license but that's how life is,unfair.
What I hate more is for people to be racist.
Someone was recently asking for help on a question and then white or black or maybe even hispanic citizens are being racist to the guy,offending him and the mexicans.

I speak perfect english, have a nice 3.6 GPA average, attend school everyday, and yet can't get a license.
I really do wish someone could help me get through this, President Obama promised he would do everything as possible, so far nothing has changed, we have to give him some time, but in the meantime i would like for him to work on laws that can get me to drive.

Any response is acceptable. I dont care if you curse me out or not, I know there is ignorant people in this world.
Thanks for reading :]
sledz  23 | 2247  
1 Apr 2009 /  #39
I really do hate how you have to have a SS to get a license

I think its a great idea:)

What I hate more is for people to be racist

What is so racist about keeping Illegals out of the country? These people are breaking the

I speak perfect english, have a nice 3.6 GPA average, attend school everyday, and yet can't get a license

Youre getting a free education of the expense off the American taxpayers back
and you keep wanting more, you shouldnt even be in the country?

President Obama promised he would do everything as possible, so far nothing has changed,

Hahahahahaha, you believed him, the election is over, dont hold your breath.

life is,unfair

You want to know what unfair is:
My hard working tax dollars going to support Illegal fuks sneaking into my country gettiing FREE educations, food benefits and medical, and what about all the gangs,guns and drugs that come over the border and infest our cities like cockroaches!!

I have no sympathy for you
1 Apr 2009 /  #40
Youre getting a free education of the expense off the American taxpayers back
and you keep wanting more, you shouldnt even be in the country?

Ha, no shit. Reminds of this Polish girl I know in Florida ,got a scholarship playing basketball (even though she sucks). Complains incessantly about the States, work, on and on. I'm like oh yeah, "when are you going back, Magda?". She always like "Oh well, I'll give it a few more months.." Like she's doing us the big favor.

Look, if you come over here and you don't like it (or us) you know where the airport is.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
1 Apr 2009 /  #41
I have no sympathy for you

sledz, cut some slack, Like I said, alot of people read this stuff, hes in high school
and maybe his father came over a long time ago, kinda like our grandparents did?
ehhh? take these issues up with the local congressman not a high school teen.

I really do hate how you have to have a SS to get a license but that's how life is,unfair.

everyone has to have one, no matter what.. it is used to identify you..
in some points sledz is right on saying we cant have people come from other
countries without some type of identification.
when both my girls were born, I went right away to get social security cards
and recently, my daughter needed to have this for her license.. so now
shes on the road ( everyone please restrict your activity to the sidewalks :) LOL )
all kidding aside.. its up to your parents to get these things started..
2 Apr 2009 /  #42
I know sledz is right
ive been here since i was 4 years old
and no,i dont get free or reduced lunch
i pay 1.25 like any other white boy does,well not every white person pays haha,theres some with free thats kinda funny.
Theres also a point to were u can say whats wrong and whats right but sledz is kinda being racist about the subject so yeah.

they can't deport us all is a slogan for a chicano artist
we all can approove of that.
sledz think back.where did your grandparents or grand grandparents come from?
so there you go.
might not be mexico but from another country,so im guessing he wouldnt like his relatives getting a license
freebird  3 | 532  
2 Apr 2009 /  #43
and she got a license in texas and she was german.

Yeah, Germans can get DL without any problems, no SSN needed
sledz  23 | 2247  
2 Apr 2009 /  #44
sledz think back.where did your grandparents or grand grandparents come from?

My grandparents came through Ellis Island( New York) legally and eventually became citizens. They didnt sneek through a tunnel, climb a fence or swim across a river to live here Illegally.

sledz is kinda being racist about the subject

I dont think so, I have several Mexican friends that came here Legally and they cant stand the fact that Illegalls are coming here and giving the honest people a bad name!
espana  17 | 947  
2 Apr 2009 /  #45
My grandparents came through Ellis Island( New York) legally and eventually became citizens

3 Apr 2009 /  #46
Dude seriouslly
I came here legally
i didnt jump any border or swam across the river
I passed through the bridge like any other LEGAL person would...
15 Apr 2009 /  #47
Wow, I cannot believe how ignorant and immature most of you people are. Some of these responses are ridiculous and irrelevant to the main question. If you have a legit answer to the question then post and answer, but if you want to argue with someone then go somewhere else.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
6 May 2009 /  #49
Dude seriouslly
I came here legally
i didnt jump any border or swam across the river
I passed through the bridge like any other LEGAL person would...

good for you, I think its those who are skipping the middle process .

and I feel the same, because to many come over to American soil and complain
but no one makes people stay here.
AnnieRose  - | 11  
20 May 2009 /  #50
Wow. I dislike illegal aliens who take advantage of the "host nation" and don't have to follow the same rules as legal immigrants. For very personal reasons, I think I could honestly say I hate them -- but I could never respond to the question the way most of you did. I am darned embarrassed by you all, so if you ever run into me, don't bother to thank me for my service to our country, because your remarks make me think you don't understand its freedoms.

I suppose we are talking about Illinois IL and not Israel IL. Don't know about the latter, altough I think your International DL (if you have one) will work there. And in the USA, you can get a DL without an SSN - a valid visa helps. An invalid one usually works, too. I know this is so, so don't bother cussing at me that you don't like it.

You can get a state ID (not valid for driving motorized vehicles) wihout photo or SSN if you are a member of a recognised Amish community within that state.

And, of course, you can buy forged documents (nope, can't help you) which is done, not only by aliens, but by American citizens, who for various reasons are trying to hide their identity. This is against the law, but if you are already illegal, what difference will it make? Reminds me of passing laws "to fight crime" by restricting the RKBA of law-abiding people -- by definition, criminals break laws - so they ain't gonna (sic) obey anti-Second amendment rules...or else Chicago and New York are free of crimes committed with firearms.
krysia  23 | 3058  
20 May 2009 /  #51
And in the USA, you can get a DL without an SSN - a valid visa helps. An invalid one usually works, too. I know this is so, so don't bother cussing at me that you don't like it.

You do need a SSN# but if you're a non-citizen, they will give you an application to fill out to get one. And you will never get a license with an invalid visa.
rollercoasting  1 | 1  
10 Jul 2009 /  #52
One year and fifty posts later, no correct answers but plenty of racist diatribes. Either this was a tough question, or this is a polishforums thread.

The answer is Yes, Sandy011 or whoever cares about the topic now.
If you are authorized to stay in the States for over a year, in Illinois you can apply for a Temporary Visitor Driver's License. You have to show that you are ineligible for an SSN. The TVDL looks similar to a regular DL, but is marked "not valid for identification". Have a look: tinyurl/mcrdsb

A foreign visitor with a valid driver's license from their home country, however, doesn't need a TVDL. Obtaining an IDP (a legal translation of the license) before traveling may be a good idea, though.

Incidentally, I found out these answers in an interesting way. I seriously suggest checking it out, as it answers a lot of the questions that get asked here: tinyurl/ny5ogc
29 Dec 2009 /  #53
to all ignorant people, illegal people also pay their taxes and they no receive money back. they never ask for it, where all that money go? goes to all those lazy people that say they are "american citizen" who does not attempt to look for work just living on food stamps cash assistance madicaid etc; thats stupid all those racist comments.
8 Feb 2010 /  #54
How can ppl like yall be so mean.
Us like Mexicans we have build the. Houses u live now we do the jobs yall don't want to do we came here so we can learn new things new language and a new life..

They used to say that the united states is a place where ppl didn't suffered but for some Mexicans is has been like bein in Hell but we don't give up u don't see us asking for money no the one in the streets you see ppl that have papers in the streets. They just don't want to work and us Mexicans we give them money so think. About us Mexicans
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
9 Feb 2010 /  #55
Perhaps a good question here would be "Why do citizens bother to subject themselves to laws that foreigners can ignore at will?" or "Why are legal citizens now 2nd class in their country of birth?" Hows bout that?
7 Mar 2010 /  #56
how is that the problem of legal americans? ILLEGAL means just that. those who hold that status shouldn't be here... it's that simple.. if you want to be here and have all the same advantages a resident has, you better fill out the correct paperwork otherwise i see no point in letting them stay here. i am all for deportation.


Yeah honey if it was that easy to fill out the correct paperwork and the process didn't take so long i'm sure we wouldn't have a problem with that now would we?
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
7 Mar 2010 /  #57
Is there anyway to get a drivers license in IL without papers. or social security

Looks like a pretty old thread???

Either way, I'm totally against it but here it is:

"...Eleven states issue drivers licenses to illegal aliens, including Alaska, Connecticut, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Washington and West Virginia..."



"...go to this school it's called goal training school one in Skokie and one in Chicago..."

Off the subject - are you a 76 'driver' for ual? (since you seem to live in Chicago)... Just curious.
14 Mar 2010 /  #58
I am illegal, but I pay taxes, I actually legally own a business and employ citizens (No, I don't hire illegals or pay cash, The IRS and INS are all over me all the time, apparently I'm cool as long as I pay taxes)

So I have a driver's license. But still cannot get out of the country. So to all illegals:
You obviously cannot work legally. But you can legally own a business. Just a loophole I found in the US regulations. (I bet sledz is going to secretary of state to ask if this is possible, LOL. SOrry buddy, it is. And I bet you cannot do anything about this. It's all about the money, for me, for you and for uncle Sam. Why do you think we have so many immigrants here, do you think the gov. cannot deport them? Of course it can, they just get rid of them from time to time to shut the citizens up, it's all about politics, the fact is that they support the economy incredibly. And this was reported by the white house. Illegals are good for the US economy. Deal with it buddy. Stop wasting your life and hating in polish forums, WTF? Did a polish girl break your heart? I bet she played you for a fool, just wanted papers uh? Took half of your ****? now you are back living in your parent's basement? Boo ooh, Nobody cares.) Uncle Sam don't care about your status when you pay him. So, just think of a business idea, offer a service, even washing cars can be done legally. Just get a tax ID, register any DBA, get a business license and you are good to go. Nobody is going to mess around with you. And you don't need all the free stuff that the government offers. I've been here years and never use any service form the gov. Even when I needed. Screw that. That's only for lazy people that don't want to work and are full of excuses, Americans or foreigners, citizens, residents or illegals. Lazy people are everywhere. So don't blame it on your lack of education. This country was build immigrants. Just go ask around small stores, most businesses are owned by immigrants. Why? Because we had it hard back in our places, we wanted a place that offered opportunities... so here we are, the land of opportunities. Just leave all the free education and medicare to lazy residents, start working and build your destiny. This country rewards effort.

So, Can you get a driver's license without a SSN? YES YOU CAN. It's just not as easy as you may have thought.
Amanda91  1 | 135  
14 Mar 2010 /  #59
So, Can you get a driver's license without a SSN? YES YOU CAN. It's just not as easy as you may have thought.

How about if you give them some advices, anyone can say, yes you can.
beelzebub  - | 444  
14 Mar 2010 /  #60
jaime you are most likely a troll but in case you are telling the truth you are not very smart....admitting to a crime in a public forum.

I have emailed a saved copy of this page to I.C.E.

The internet is not as anonymous as you think :)

The USA was built by LEGAL immigrants. Your kind have been a burden on the system far too long. You had the ability to do it legally and you cheated the system. You are a criminal and a scumbag.

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