I really do hate how you have to have a SS to get a license
I think its a great idea:)
What I hate more is for people to be racist
What is so racist about keeping Illegals out of the country? These people are breaking the
I speak perfect english, have a nice 3.6 GPA average, attend school everyday, and yet can't get a license
Youre getting a free education of the expense off the American taxpayers back
and you keep wanting more, you shouldnt even be in the country?
President Obama promised he would do everything as possible, so far nothing has changed,
Hahahahahaha, you believed him, the election is over, dont hold your breath.
life is,unfair
You want to know what unfair is:
My hard working tax dollars going to support Illegal fuks sneaking into my country gettiing FREE educations, food benefits and medical, and what about all the gangs,guns and drugs that come over the border and infest our cities like cockroaches!!
I have no sympathy for you