My horses sleep outside at night!!!!
- Isn't this a climate difference rather than culture? Culture of.. what?! Horses' sleeping habits or farmers negligence;)?!
Cars have air-conditioning!!!
- I could never happen in Poland as there is no air conditioning, especially in cars. Maybe in next 100 years or so.
Hot water is on the left!!!
- Gee. I would't know how to use it!
Everybody stops at a stop sign even when there is nothing coming!!!
I do that too. So does most drivers. Am I by mistake an American? Should I apply for US passport already? Is this unique American feature?
In Polish grocery stores you have to bag your own groceries, in the US they ask "paper or plastic". Another shocking experience!!!!
I always get my groceries packed (in plastic unfortunately, but always). Go shopping somewhere else.
his sisters were crying, his mother, his nieces
- I am truely shocked. I think I need to cry now too.
Culture Shock!!!!
4-way stop signs!!
nobody steals the mail!!!
he doesn't get it!!!
fences in yards!!!
You are my official shocking (i.e. culture-shocking!!!) Master of Punctuation and Shocking.