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Better life in USA or Canada? - expats opinions and your comparison

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
12 Aug 2010 /  #61
So I'll say this, US>Canada and Poland>Canada.

ha, ha, that made me chuckle since some of it is true. So it looks like POland was def a winner;) Mr Pitt;)
I live in Canada and I like it for the most parts, what I miss is the enthusiasm, which is present in Americans and Polish people, I guess what I am saying is: it is too laid back to some degree, but sometimes I perceive it as indifference. I like more dynamics in general, but that is a personal preference.
Crow  154 | 9561  
12 Aug 2010 /  #62
Better life in USA or Canada?

today, USA or Canada. Tomorrow, Poland or Serbia
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
12 Aug 2010 /  #63
Day after tomorrow Kosova?? :)
12 Aug 2010 /  #64
And its not just them, but the culture in general.

Yes, Canadians like to see themselves as the ideal of tolerant, equitable, civilized, forward-thinking and multicultural democratic society while Canada is ‘politically correcting’ itself right into the ground. Bashing Americans is the favorite national pastime.
Crow  154 | 9561  
12 Aug 2010 /  #65

its just my opinion. You have right on yours
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
12 Aug 2010 /  #66
its just my opinion. You have right on yours

Was joking, that's all.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
12 Aug 2010 /  #67
while Canada is ‘politically correcting’ itself right into the ground.

how so?

Bashing Americans is the favorite national pastime.

for some and most of the time it is not that serious, since there more more similarities then differences.
Crow  154 | 9561  
12 Aug 2010 /  #68
Was joking, that's all.

i understand your empty jokes. You never experienced free Slavic spirit of Yugoslavia (Jugoslavija). That was country, modern and prosperous. But for us Poland was West. We- Yugoslavs were able to admit it without any complexes and still, we were aware that we (in time of Yugoslavia) are leading force of complete Slavic world. We waited fall of communism to combine with free Poland and other Slavs. That`s why dissolution of Yugoslavia was encouraged by so called west and Islam
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
12 Aug 2010 /  #69
free Slavic spirit of Yugoslavia

Neither did any people who lived in that area...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 Aug 2010 /  #70
Crow, be careful! Josep Tito Broz was the man that allowed much freedom of spirit. He paved the way for peaceful coexistence and only mildly encouraged tensions (he was a little too anti-Serb IMHO). He was a communist! (Milosevic was in part too). The West, through Germany, pushed for separation and that didn't help. However, many were ready for it in those breakaway countries.

It depends which part of Canada and the US. I can't imagine life in Sasketchawan being that prosperous for a non-farmer. However, America has its poorer parts too. Define better!
Simplemind22  - | 1  
9 Sep 2010 /  #71
Dual USA/Canada citizen here. I moved to BC two years ago after living in the USA most of my life.
Cheap medial $57.00 month in BC, no copays
Lower Violent crime
Lots of different cultures here
Better job market than USA
BC has less snow than most of Canada
Easier to immigrate to Canada
Cost of living much higher (EVERYTHING costs more)
Medical doesn't cover dental, prescriptions
Property crime, drugs, organized crime at epidemic levels
Panhandlers and crackheads
Chinese have over run Vancouver- and the govt is in bed with them. The hong kong immigrants have killed the chance for working people to buy a reasonable house.

HST tax implemented in BC and Ontario without the public voting it in.
Depressing, rainy, overcast weather at least 8 months out of the year.
Yes lots of gays, same sex marriage is legal. People smoke weed in public. Prostitution is rampant.
Without the mountains, most of Vancouver is essentially an urban slum.
Canadiens hate Americans, yet they spend their money on vacations to Vegas, California, Florida. The new tax has them shopping in Washington more than ever.

Without th
sascha  1 | 824  
10 Sep 2010 /  #72
Neither did any people who lived in that area...

What do you know about ex YU? Were u even born then? Did u travel to that area, ever? Reed books about YU?

Btw. YU in 1961 was one of the founder of the "block free nations" in Kinshasa.

US&A or CAN? Even with worse weather but nicer people, CAN.
yankee canadian  
29 Apr 2011 /  #73
not true on some points.

if you live in vancouver, it is warmer than chicago or ny in the winter. it is also cooler in the summer. i used to live by chicago, ny and miami, for me vancouver have a nearly perfect weather compare to any place in north america, not too hot or cold. matter of fact, it virtually never snow in the lowlands of vancouver.

chinese is actually good for vancouver. if not because of chinese, vancouver would be just another saskatoon with mountains and no high end condos that sold for a million bucks that a crazy guy from china willingly paid for. (applause to the white guy who started that idea.. lol) saskatoon now how boring is that? bad chinese food and fake sushi if you get where im getting at?

yes lots of gay guys and lesbians, but if your not gay you won't have to worry because they won't be attracted to you. no worries there. imho their actually good for the city. imagine if there was no gays in vancouver, weve probably all dressed like hicks from texas and americans in chicago. :(

true - don't know what's canadian beef hating americans. live here for 3 years, still don't get it. so stupid!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Apr 2011 /  #74
I started going to the US weekly now. Our dollar is stronger than the US$. Bad for our exporters but good for me, and to Canadians the prices in the US feel like those in a 3rd world country - everything is dirt cheap so I buy even groceries. Except for milk which tastes like a mix of PVC, penicillin, and detergents and diluted in some white fluid.

Otherwise the selction of goods is good, even though not all products I can get in Canada are available across the border. Might be just branding though.

I wouldn't move back to the States though. Much of the Buffalo, NY area, inspite of the best efforts, is still pretty much a dump.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
29 Apr 2011 /  #75
the prices in the US feel like those in a 3rd world country

are you still buying smokes in the US? up north, they are more expensive than in TX... imagine that :)
Eurola  4 | 1898  
29 Apr 2011 /  #76
Our dollar is stronger than the US$.

Enjoy it for now. Everybody also does.I hope the legacy almighty US dollar will have a come back before it turns to a yuan. Unless, you prefer to shop for groceries in the US paying with yuans in the future?
guesswho  4 | 1272  
29 Apr 2011 /  #77
and all them other southern states where there is no snow, or once in a blue moon.

like here in NC, I love it :-) I have to say that our weather is great. Even now with all those tornadoes, they all seem to avoid us (thank God) except for some parts of NC.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Apr 2011 /  #78
are you still buying smokes in the US? up north, they are more expensive than in TX... imagine that :)

They are about the same in Ontario and NY, but I like the Canadian smokes better. They don't stink as much. Not that they don't sink at all. When I commuted to work I used to always "smuggle" a few packs across the border for some American buddies of mine who also prefered Canadian smokes, mostly this brand

Enjoy it for now. Everybody also does.I hope the legacy almighty US dollar will have a come back before it turns to a yuan.

It may.
Some predict it will be $1CDN to $1.15USD before it turns around.
Canada enjoys high comodity prices at this point. That's where the US gets most of its foreign oil from.
sledz  23 | 2247  
29 Apr 2011 /  #79
That's where the US gets most of its foreign oil from.

I heard there are bigger reserves than in the mid-east and theres talk about tapping into it in the near future.
I dont know if its true, but I rather see the Canadians make the $$$

I have to say that our weather is great. Even now with all those tornadoes,

Kind of unusual for Tornado`s in your area huh?
Our worst Tornado month is May, but you never know?

imagine if there was no gays in vancouver, weve probably all dressed like hicks from texas and americans in chicago. :(

Still a better look than Ru-Paul...lol
Eurola  4 | 1898  
29 Apr 2011 /  #80
Canada enjoys high comodity prices at this point.

But our gas is still less expensive than yours now. Is it? I filled up with $4.19 a gallon today. It hurts but still ok..$5.00 or $6.00 a gallon will be a pain. Aww, it wasn't too long ago when people complainedd about $3.00 a gallon.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
29 Apr 2011 /  #81
Kind of unusual for Tornado`s in your area huh?

yeah, very unusual indeed. First time in ten years or so (just like snow btw, lol)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Apr 2011 /  #82
I heard there are bigger reserves than in the mid-east and theres talk about tapping into it in the near future.
I dont know if its true, but I rather see the Canadians make the $$$

Canadian proven reserves are allegedly 2nd to Saudis, but then, there were some wikileaks suggesting that Saudis exaggerated their estimates. In reserve to production ratio Canada is also rated 2nd after Venezuela (about 188 years) while Saudis will run out in 75 years.

But our gas is still less expensive than yours now. Is it?

Actually, it's our gas that is less expensive to you than to me :)
Our gas taxes are much higher. Gotta pay for that free health care somehow I guess.

Today I bought at $1.37/liter, i.e. about $5.33/Gal.
sledz  23 | 2247  
29 Apr 2011 /  #83
I filled up with $4.19 a gallon today.

You must of bought it in the burbs, its almost $4.50 downtown, the highest in the nation:(
I cant wait for it to stop raining and warm up so I can ride my motorcycle, you seen it last summer?
50 miles per gallon, no gas problem there:)
Canadian proven reserves are allegedly 2nd to Saudis,

That would be beneficial for both our countries, thats if it can be done while preserving the wilderness.
I doubt most Canadians want huge oil fields?
Eurola  4 | 1898  
29 Apr 2011 /  #84
Really? SC and NC are in the tornado zone. NC gets snow just about every winter. I have a friend in Charlotte. It sure is much better than Chicago but it can get cold too. Besides, I'm not jealous of the 100F in the summer heat, a couple of days of that in Chicago is plenty for me.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Apr 2011 /  #85
I doubt most Canadians want huge oil fields?

brings lots of money to the rich and some to the poor, mostly those from Atlantic provinces who go out west for work. But those fields are indeed a major environmental problem.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
29 Apr 2011 /  #86
I can ride my motorcycle

Yeah, it's a good deal to ride a motorcycle in the summer. Soon, we'll be riding motorcycles and bikes and walk to work, like in Europe.Eekk. I WANT TO KEEP DRIVING MY BUTT! And walk when i want to - not because I have to.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Apr 2011 /  #87
Soon, we all all will be riding motorcycles and bikes and walk to works

I'd probably spend more money on shoes if I had to walk 50 miles a day. Although in winter I might try to ski.
Things are changing. The time is almost here to look at them little 2 liter engine cars.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
29 Apr 2011 /  #88
My round trip to work used to be 42 miles a day. It is 42 miles a week now since i am officially unemployed for a few month now...a victim of downsizing.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Apr 2011 /  #89
the muddafucckers are killing the middle class.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
29 Apr 2011 /  #90
i am officially unemployed for a few month now...a victim of downsizing.

sorry to hear... happens everywhere now... hope you'll find something soon?

the muddafucckers are killing the middle class.


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