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Why do Americans (and Canadians) hate Polish people?

Forumsuser13  1 | 11  
26 Jul 2014 /  #181
There is a stereotype of Polish people being unintelligent. Of course, this is unfair because as we know Poland gave to the world the genius of Marie Curie and Copernicus, and, as I learnt today, Adam Mickiewicz (poet) and Jan Matejko (painter) as well.

In the Polish language there is no article "the" or "a." So a Polish person might say "doctor talks to patient" instead of "the doctor talks to a patient." Often English-speakers consider this a sign of unintelligence on the part of Poles, not realising that their language has seven grammatical cases and more than enough ways to specify which doctor sees what patient, if more detail is required.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
26 Jul 2014 /  #182
If Americans were able to learn a 2nd language, you would see mass exodus back to Europe

not sure i understand. "back" to Europe?

also, what do you mean by "were able to" learn a 2nd language? are you suggesting that Americans are incapable of learning languages?

Often English-speakers consider this a sign of unintelligence on the part of Poles, not realising that their language has seven grammatical cases and more than enough ways to specify which doctor sees what patient, if more detail is required.

in my opinion, this is a bad theory. Russians talk the same way and they're not looked at as dumb. Asians notoriously speak without articles and almost everyone looks at Asians as being anything but unintelligent.
jon357  72 | 22979  
26 Jul 2014 /  #183
There is a stereotype of Polish people being unintelligent.

Remember that not everyone from one country is the same and Poles are no exception to this. Many of those who left for America were looking for a better life. Others did not leave because they had a perfectly good life at home. Of those who emigrated a certain percentage were from relatively unsophisticated rural communities. Others of course were not, however some were more visible than others.

Perhaps this helped to give rise to the stereotype which would doubtless be different had the cultural and educational makeup of emigrants and the communities they ended up in abroad differed.
Forumsuser13  1 | 11  
26 Jul 2014 /  #184
^ Yes, most immigrants into new countries are not famous scientists, astronomers, poets or painters...

Regarding the point I made above, one forum user said: In my opinion, this is a bad theory. Russians talk the same way and they're not looked at as dumb. Asians notoriously speak without articles and almost everyone looks at Asians as being anything but unintelligent.

It depends on whether the person who's looking at them considers linguistic fluency a sign of intelligence. What is your opinion on the stereotype of the "stupid Polack"? There are intelligent people and unintelligent people in every race. I see this point come up again and again in every discussion about whether nation X is better or worse than nation Y.

And yes, it was just a theory... I've never been to America or Canada so I couldn't tell you the full story about why or even whether Americans and Canadians hate Polish people. Anyone else got more ideas?
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
26 Jul 2014 /  #185
It depends on whether the person who's looking at them considers linguistic fluency a sign of intelligence.

now you're changing your discourse.

you theorized that people thought Poles were unintelligent because of their lack of article usage and that it made them sound dumb. i pointed out other countries where their people speak English without articles as well and are not looked at as dumb because of it, debunking your theory. your follow up to this doesn't pertain to your original statement. moving on.

What is your opinion on the stereotype of the "stupid Polack"?

i have no opinion.

And yes, it was just a theory... I've never been to America or Canada so I couldn't tell you the full story about why or even whether Americans......hate Polish people.

Americans don't hate Polish people. This forum needs to just drop that entire idea. England? Maybe. I've heard plenty of animosity towards Poles from the English. In America though? No way. Granted, I've never lived in Greenpoint or the Polish sections of Chicago or Detroit, but Poles in general are simply not hated on in the states. I'll throw this in, too....my wife is Polish and she's never so much as mentioned anyone being biased towards her because she's Polish.
26 Jul 2014 /  #186
Poles in general are simply not hated on in the states.

I second that,the only exception is certain highly influential minority which hates Poland and Poles with passion.Other than them you may be looked down upon from time to time if you are Polish but not hated.
jon357  72 | 22979  
26 Jul 2014 /  #187
What is your opinion on the stereotype of the "stupid Polack"?

In the country I originally came from, this stereotype just doesn't exist.
solidarity  - | 14  
26 Jul 2014 /  #188
Could you explain it a little bit more?You know,what can I make (I am uneducated) and what is the cost of living.I am VERY curious!

USA is gigantic. For example towns are built from the ground up centered around a Prison. There is an abundance of (marginal) jobs, the 3 most popular jobs in America are: retail salesperson, food preparation & serving workers and cashiers. Cost of living differs depending on which State you call home. Which is why so many Californians moved to states like Arizona & Texas. They got tired of renting apartments and decided to purchase a home.

The more inland you go, the lower the cost of living.

not sure i understand. "back" to Europe?

- Every single White American has ancestry from Europe or Australia.

- Many White & Black Americans struggle speaking proper English. Whether it's incapability or laziness, I'll let you decide. Most Americans never step outside US soil so they view it as pointless.
26 Jul 2014 /  #189
Polish people come to America ands Canada and don't bother to learn the english language, they don't obey the laws, many don't pay taxes because they get paid cash by some other illegal Pole, they come and overstay their visas, many steal, cheat and lie.

Yet you are here posting from 2007. Would you go one more step and said you hate Polish people?
26 Jul 2014 /  #190
If you are uneducated, it's still a great place to make money and return home.

There is an abundance of (marginal) jobs, the 3 most popular jobs in America are: retail salesperson, food preparation & serving workers and cashiers.

LOL.You are joking,right?Do you know what these jobs pay?LOL. And of course you know that you won't even get 40 h/week.These are high school (except maybe food prep.which is Mexican's job) teenagers jobs.Have you ever actually lived in the US?I don't mean 3 months with W&T or something like that,I mean lived.Hey,good luck with making money doing these jobs,you are going to need a lot of it.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
26 Jul 2014 /  #191
Whether it's incapability or laziness, I'll let you decide.

Possibly a combination of both, but I mainly blame public schools. They push these kids through, regardless of how uneducated they might be.

- Every single White American has ancestry from Europe or Australia.

OK. So where would this mass exodus head to? Would millions of Americans, born and raised in the USA, leave everything they know and move to.....Italy? Spain? Ireland? Poland? Russia? Czech Republic? Where would they all "flea" to if they spoke these languages? What European countries offer so much more than the USA that would cause these Americans to leave the USA entirely?
Crow  154 | 9260  
27 Jul 2014 /  #192
Why do Americans (and Canadians) hate Polish people?

how couldn`t they hate Poles, when Poles are Slavs. For Slavs are reserved even genocidal feelings, not just hate.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
27 Jul 2014 /  #193
how couldn`t they hate Poles

Don't be silly, Crow. Nobody here cares about Poland. You're actually lucky if people know where Poland is... :)
JurekBenelli  - | 10  
27 Jul 2014 /  #194
One is not liked because of country of birth or color of skin,but for who you are and what are you representing as a human being.

Keep smiling,
Hungry Fat Cat  
27 Jul 2014 /  #195
yet the colour of your skin and country of your birth influences who you are and for that you will be judged
Forumsuser13  1 | 11  
27 Jul 2014 /  #196
Fuzzywickets, I really hate theorising and I only have so much tolerance for educated guesswork, but I wanted to contribute something to this discussion anyway, so please bear with me... We were looking at the following statement: English-speakers look at Poles who do not use the article "the" or "a" as unintelligent. The question that arises, of course, is: which English-speakers? Should we list names? Or record incidences from movies or television?

It is necessary to bring statistical analysis into the discussion in order to shoot down outrageous statements such at the thread title and perhaps my initial generalisations too. The title of this thread assumes that all or at least a significant majority of Americans and Canadians hate Polish people. Your answer: they don't. My answer: I don't know, I'm not Canadian or American.

This is why I hate theorising, because I have to think too hard :)

Poles sound funny to me sometimes, hence my intial statements. To be fair, I once tried to pronounce a Polish name when talking to a native speaker and she thought it was very funny. I wonder if my Australian accent would arouse laughter everywhere in Poland? Do English-speakers sound "funny" or "unintelligent" to Poles?
JurekBenelli  - | 10  
28 Jul 2014 /  #197
Good and honest people are in every country and there is no need for judging them.If one is not known to the other,then the first should get to know him or her to see what that someone is like.

10iwonka10  - | 359  
28 Jul 2014 /  #198
It is amusing that American consider polish to be unintelligent. I always had impression that this description quite matches lots american. Except North with lots money, universities south of USA is rather poorly fed and educated speaking with awful accent.

If you asked average German, French, Italian....If they find average american intelligent - What would be the answer?
PC_Sceptic  - | 69  
28 Jul 2014 /  #199
I don't even feel like presenting my arguments.
All this is rubbish.

"God invented the war, so the Americans can learn geography"
Mark Twain
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
1 Aug 2014 /  #200
We were looking at the following statement: English-speakers look at Poles who do not use the article "the" or "a" as unintelligent.

not using articles is not why an American, or any other native english speaker, would think Poles specifically sound unintelligent because many other countries speak English the same way. i've already provided examples.
Spirit  1 | 26  
2 Aug 2014 /  #201
I grew up in America, of Polish descent - Golinski/Wisniewski.

I went to school in Greenwich in the 1950's - 1960's, and "dumb Polack" was a common epithet. Yet, I was smarter than many of my classmates.

Intelligence is an individual/cultural thing, discrimination "don't mean nuthin".
6 Aug 2014 /  #202
Where in America do Americans have a
problem with Polish people? Nonsense. I've never ever been treated bad and my last name is very Polish. Polish people have lived in the US for decades many for centuries. My family came here in 1939 at the urging of some German fellas and their tanks. The Midwest is loaded with Poles, Czechs and Slovakians. We're all over Texas and Florida also. I'll admit some waspy types out east can be jerks but they don't like anyone and frankly they are pretty dim with the odd stereotypes they hold. I've only been called a polock my blacks when they found out I was born in Hamtramck Michigan decades ago when it was still a pristine Catholic Polish and Czechoslovakian enclave. Today not so much because Detroit's not a good place for anyone that's looks white. White people couldn't care less about your heritage as far as I've been concerned and I'm not sure black people realize polock is sort of like the n word I never asked and figure it's just cultural ignorance. Cmon in America we have African American culture and Latin American culture we must embrace or else the rest of us are just whites and most new poles speak and understand English and are educated. Besides we have great food and the best weddings. We assimilate just fine because we can appreciate the American culture because we helped create it.
28 Dec 2014 /  #203
Anyone living in Chicago has encountered a female Pole as a waitress, bar tender or in the general public. Not are they just rude, they do not have any common sense. They're hungry for money and it shows. If you are wearing Prada, Gucci, Hernes, or driving a nice car they'll hunt you down. Their attitude completely changes when they realize you are worth more than just a simple dollar. They talk down to Russians, Bulgarians, Albanians, and Ukranians calling them peasants. Polish females are simply dumb- uneducated idiots chasing the dollars. Being blonde, tall and slim doesn't mean a thing if you're dumb.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
28 Dec 2014 /  #204
They're hungry for money and it shows. If you are wearing Prada, Gucci, Hernes, or driving a nice car they'll hunt you down.

Looks like someone is broke, sad...
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
28 Dec 2014 /  #205
I was born in Hamtramck Michigan decades ago when it was still a pristine Catholic Polish and Czechoslovakian enclave.

That is putting it in a very humble manner as I have many relatives that use to live there in the 40's and 50's.
Hamtramck was the cleanest well kept part of Detroit.
The Poles took great pride in their section of the city not only with it's up keep but the meats and sausages
that they made nationally famous. Still a few excellent Polish restaurants there but nothing like the old days.
The truthsayer  
24 Apr 2016 /  #206
My experience with polish Americans is mixed very smart and talented attractive. The problem they know it to the point of narccisism. Then alot of back stabbing and inability to tell the truth omg all the lies no matter the cost and cheating onveach other....similar to sociopathic behavior....
f stop  24 | 2493  
24 Apr 2016 /  #207
All of them?? ;)
25 Apr 2016 /  #208
I wouldn't say all of them do, only the uneducated people who like living in the dark. In the early 1900's in the US there was a bad image portrayed about Polish people. The truth of the matter is that Polish farmers were the best of the world. Hard working people.
Iwona32cph  - | 4  
25 Apr 2016 /  #209
That's sad :)
I was always thinking that Americans are nice 😊
22 May 2016 /  #210
I am a French Canadian and I am 100% fine with poles. They're people too and they help our economy. However, I have met several poles who viewed themselves as superior to other Canadians and even insult my country

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