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Why do Americans (and Canadians) hate Polish people?

OP zetigrek  
22 May 2010 /  #61
It's just the way it is. Not all can be winners.

You mean yourself? Tell me what loser can constantly sit in the internet to troll around. You dont have a life, do you?
A J  4 | 1075  
22 May 2010 /  #62
Polengggs: The fact you're asking me speaks volumes already. Why don't you ask around? It's very easy to find a shady or unscrupulous employer these days! Why don't you go ahead and try working with immigrants for a few weeks? See how you like being treated like garbage. Why not? You can walk away every second of the day, because you can get out of that situation any second! They don't have any of those options, and they don't have any of your opportunities, so they can't! So why don't you? Maybe you'll actually understand what it feels like to be a slave. Maybe you'll see that these people are just like you.

OP zetigrek  
22 May 2010 /  #63
See how you like being treated like garbage. Why not? You can walk away every second of the day, because you can get out of that situation any second! They don't have any of those options, and they don't have any of your opportunities, so they can't! So why don't you? Maybe you'll actually understand what it feels like to be a slave.

Oh, he's already a garbage. You see, he has no life, thats why he's constantly sitting on this forum and trolling. He just tries to boost up his low self-esteem.

A lot of Polish people have those traits, they are envious yet do nothing to improve themselves, they spit venom at others yet have not much be proud of.

Is it in english? Sorry could someone translate?
Its very suprising accusation, because it was you who have called Poles a bunch of losers.

I've already gave you an example of a polish loser living in USA: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Siemionow
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
22 May 2010 /  #64
Your sister lives in Poland - is she Polish?? What about you???

she has never left Poland:). How is that relevant to the conversation we are having, she is a Polish citizen.

She said, what's translates into "sick nation".

yes, and her husband who is Polish has been saying that for years:). SELF CRITICISM I suppose.

As if "ogłoszenie stanu klęski" (announcing the state disaster) could stop the floods!!

it cannot and you know it, but it will mobilize better help for people who are in trouble, thus far according to Polish news, 12 people have died because of that disaster. More will.

Polish people are not dumb, they don't need annoucement of disaster to start preparing for expected floods or fight flood .

so it HELPS people after ......I am looking at the whole picture. People will need that in order to pay for the damages.

Who cares what politicians are doing at this time in Poland .They have the rights to prepare for the presidential election.

well, there has been a controversy about that and I am basing it on what it is POLISH press and I agree with what Darius said that how the disaster is handled will have an impact on the presidential election in the future. Simple stuff really.

Aren't you wasting your time???
Przygarniał kocioł garnkowi!

no, I am not. If I were in Poland, I would be helping with the disaster. I am too far away.
5 Oct 2010 /  #65
because polish people, in general, are dishonest, and narcissists. never wrong, always right. Know at all's from a conquered race.
richasis  1 | 409  
5 Oct 2010 /  #67
Know at all's from a conquered race.

It takes one to know one, eh?
guesswho  4 | 1272  
5 Oct 2010 /  #68
Why do Americans (and Canadians) hate Polish people?

I never heard anyone here saying that he hates Poles. Actually, where I live no one is even talking about Poles. The only negative comments I hear sometimes are about Mexicans, that's it.

This forum is not showing the real situation in the US. OK, I don't know how people feel about Poles around Chicago. Maybe it's different because there are so many Poles and some of them definitely ruin your reputation. I wouldn't worry about it, no one hates you here at all and those very few that might, ain't worth even mentioning.
richasis  1 | 409  
5 Oct 2010 /  #69
There's factories in the US

A hamburger flipper is a factory worker in Amerika.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
6 Oct 2010 /  #70
A hamburger flipper is a factory worker in Amerika.

That is truth, government is classifying it as such so they can show a growth in manufacturing jobs, but the saddest statistic is the stupid Americans buy this bulls*it.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Oct 2010 /  #71
Some do, some don't. I guess imagined supremacy plays its part.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
6 Oct 2010 /  #72
the stupid Americans

You sound like an expert man. Your profile shows that you live here but your attitude shows that you suffer being here. My question is, why suffer? You got one life man. Run back home from this misery and be happy for Christ sake. I did that too, I lived in Europe (Poland included) for a while and I'm very happy being back home.
richasis  1 | 409  
6 Oct 2010 /  #73
the stupid Americans

You sound like an expert man.

Does it take an 'expert' to qualify this?

Americans buy anything (literally and figuratively) - like the genius of 'service economy' and 'jobless economic recovery'.

HERE'S AN EXAMPLE: In Pennsylvania, a steel refinery was demolished (like the WTC) to build a gambling casino complex.
The project will be delayed BY YEARS due to the LACK OF STEEL REFINERIES needed to supply the needed steel. Genius!

I'm very happy being back home.

I'm glad things worked out. :)
guesswho  4 | 1272  
6 Oct 2010 /  #74
Does it take an 'expert' to qualify this?

Americans buy anything (literally and figuratively) - like the genius of 'service economy' and 'jobless economic recovery'.

I'm American and I don't take everything for granted. No one in my family does. Many of my friends don't either. Something's wrong with your theory. Your problem guys is that you just love to generalize (Americans are stupid, Germans are Nazis etc). I could post so many funny things that happened while I was in Poland and that wouldn't make Poles look very smart either but am I doing it? No and why, because the behavior of some Poles shouldn't reflect on the reputation of your entire nation.

I repeat it again, you guys don't like it here, no one is forcing you to stay.

I'm glad things worked out. :)

The "things" didn't have to work out, it was all fine before we left for Europe already :-)
grubas  12 | 1382  
7 Oct 2010 /  #75
I could post so many funny things that happened while I was in Poland and that wouldn't make Poles look very smart either but am I doing it?

Post just a few.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
7 Oct 2010 /  #76
Dang it!
I didn't get the memo that we were supposed to start hating the Polish. When did this happen? Is it too late to get in on this? Can I hate Canadians too? Dang canuks, walkin around in their flannel cap and talkin real fast. IT JUST AIN'T RIGHT I TELL YA! GO BACK TO CANADASTAN YA DANG HERP-DERPS!
Marek11111  9 | 807  
7 Oct 2010 /  #77
I'm very happy being back home.

I chose to stay and fight, I am Polish after all, I do not run away when others do.
richasis  1 | 409  
7 Oct 2010 /  #78
Something's wrong with your theory.

How's this for 'theory':

In the time China and Poland have transformed themselves from closed, Communist nations to open, capitalist ones,
USSA has transformed itself from the world's wealthiest creditor nation to the most indebted nation in world history.

I repeat it again, you guys don't like it here, no one is forcing you to stay.

As I have stated before on PF, I am, in fact, leaving USSA.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
7 Oct 2010 /  #79
As I have stated before on PF, I am, in fact, leaving USSA.

No longer out of the question for me either. My great-grandparents knew when to leave and so do I.
Ironside  50 | 12904  
7 Oct 2010 /  #80
Problem is that about 10% of Poles are declaired antisemites.

problem for whom and define declared antisemites !
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
7 Oct 2010 /  #81
Just pick the ethnic group.

There will always be a certain element of the country that is prejudice against them.

That's because every country has its good and bad people.
richasis  1 | 409  
7 Oct 2010 /  #82
My great-grandparents knew when to leave and so do I.

So true. And yet, some don't understand this.

Good for us who continue the family tradition!

guesswho  4 | 1272  
7 Oct 2010 /  #83
As I have stated before on PF, I am, in fact, leaving USSA.

Good for you. I seriously wish you all the best in Poland. I'm convinced that in your case, it is the absolutely best decision you could make. I hope there will be more "unhappy" folks to follow you. At least you're acting like an adult. You hate it here so you're leaving. Hat off to you (I mean it).

I chose to stay and fight, I am Polish after all, I do not run away when others do

Stay and fight for what Marek?

USSA has transformed itself from the world's wealthiest creditor nation to the most indebted nation in world history.

This is not quite true richasis, we always lived with debts and we always managed it, just like we'll do it this time. If I was you, I'd rather worry about how to enhance the life of an average Pole in Poland. We all know that the statistics don't show the reality in Poland. A little success here and there still hasn't changed much for the most of you. I was there long enough to know and also I'm staying in touch with my friends in Poland and I know what's going on there.
OP zetigrek  
7 Oct 2010 /  #84
problem for whom and define declared antisemites !

declared antisemites are those who declare themselves as antisemites. For whom? For themselves.

I didn't get the memo that we were supposed to start hating the Polish. When did this happen?

when someone invented polish jokes ;)
richasis  1 | 409  
7 Oct 2010 /  #85
I, for one, have no animosity towards Semites; in fact, I sympathize with the plight of the Palestinian people.
OP zetigrek  
7 Oct 2010 /  #86
so you don't count to this 10%
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Oct 2010 /  #87
As I have stated before on PF, I am, in fact, leaving USSA.

Taking that "USSA" passport with you? If so, remember, as a US citizen, you're taxed on your worldwide income regardless of where you are a resident.
richasis  1 | 409  
7 Oct 2010 /  #88
Taking that "USSA" passport with you?

That's a pretty relevant question.

Quite frankly, I must retain (and carry) my US passport for as long as I remain a US citizen, regardless of where I permanently reside.

As for renouncing my US Citizenship, I won't do it because I don't have to - so, doing so serves no purpose. Now, I would if I had to.

If so, remember, as a US citizen, you're taxed on your worldwide income regardless of where you are a resident.

This is true. I believe, however, that an exemption exists on individual earned income below $86,000/year - so, no major worries there.
Interestingly, I've read that social security accounts can be transferred and credited between the national schemes of both countries.

One can never say never: if the American people ever rise up - ala Solidarity or Tiananmen Square - I'd be the first to join in the fray. :)
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Oct 2010 /  #89
This is true. I believe, however, that an exemption exists on individual earned income below $86,000/year - so, no major worries there.
Interestingly, I've read that social security accounts can be transferred and credited between the national schemes of both countries.

You're right on both counts. If you want to stay legit with the taxman, you'll still need to file even if you're making under $86k. Fun stuff.

Rise up against what btw?
9 Nov 2011 /  #90
Poles in the United States are viewed as an people who don't speak English. People from all over the world who are coming here try to learn english first. Poles, on the other hand, take low paying jobs which not required to use English.

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