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American people attitude towards Poles in the USA

4 Jun 2015 /  #91
Since I won't be getting a job at an MEN inspected and approved school I will be good to go as a free lance.

You don't have the qualifications to get a work permit to work anywhere that requires you to have a work permit (i.e. anywhere other than an MEN approved school). And it's not possible to get a work permit as a freelancer: work permits are only good for a specific job at a specific employer.

And what law would I be breaking to get arrested Harry ?

You would be working illegally as an illegal immigrant.
It's always amusing when you Americans think that as you're American Polish employment and immigration law doesn't apply to you, and then you find out the hard way it does :D
johnny reb  49 | 8077  
4 Jun 2015 /  #92
Don't be frettin' Harry, I won't be taking food off your table.

And it's not possible to get a work permit as a freelancer

You don't seem to get it Harry.
#1. I am not charging money for my services
#2. I am not working in a MEN approved school
#3. I am not working, I am having fun teaching Polish people American Southern butchered English slang.
#.4 I will not have an employer as I will not be working

You would be working illegally as an illegal immigrant.

No, no, no, I would be offering a free class to Polish people who want to learn to speak American English.
I would not be compensated for my enjoyment.

It's always amusing when you Americans think that as you're American Polish employment and immigration law doesn't apply to you,

It always amuses me how you (and your English friends here) tactics are to intentionally misconstrue the point someone is trying to make so you can make your point that is totally irrelevant.

I have repeatedly told you that I am qualified, that I will not me charging money, that I will not be teaching in a
MEN approved school, that I am going to do it just for personal enjoyment yet your brain has a fixation to
tell me that I am not qualified and will be breaking the law if I do things that I have no intention of doing.
I think you are just jealous that I may teach with skills that show the Polish people that teachers in Poland are really not the little gods that they think they are by welcoming them to challenge me instead of how dare you suggest that you know more then the teacher attitude.

So when you are sitting in your local Pub and hear a native Pole order another beer with: "Yo nurse, I be fixin' to have another down yonder" you will know it is one of my students. :-)

Just an update on my endeavor Harry.
I was talking to my young friends in Krakow last night and they already have four or five friends
that want to expand upon the little bit of Englsh they already know.
I figure within six weeks of classes I will have them speaking English like 'real rednecks' from the
southern United States of America. :-)
I can't wait to meet them.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 Jun 2015 /  #93
I will have them speaking English like 'real rednecks' from the southern United States of America.

Nobody in the US is able to understand the Swahili that you call "southern accent", so how can you expect the poor Poles to understand?
Atch  22 | 4299  
5 Jun 2015 /  #94
Nobody in the US is able to understand the Swahili that you call "southern accent",

As an Irish person, I can understand it. Perhaps some arrogant individuals pretend they can't. And it sounds beautiful and musical to my Irish ears.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 Jun 2015 /  #95
As an Irish person, I can understand it.

Nobody understands the Irish either. So if you meet a southerner, it's like the Tower of Babel all over again... :)
Atch  22 | 4299  
5 Jun 2015 /  #96
"We'yall fixin' to Q some poke ? Bring u'ren childins" with ya. Y'ont some shine ? Pass yer plate."

Love it Johnny. Let's hear more of it please! Reminds me of Elvis and Poke Salad Annie. How she'd go on down and pick herself a mess of it every day...........and yes you should definitely go to Poland and introduce them to English southern style. God, some people on this forum really have a total sense of humour bypass and a complete lack of appreciation of other cultures.
GdanskCheese  - | 1  
13 Jun 2015 /  #97
In the South, no one here cares if you're Polish to be honest. Im 6th generation Russian and Polish and ive had no problems. Im apart of the Memphis Polish Society as well. Now if a recent immigrant came to the South, they would be treated differently than a person whose family had been there since the 1700s. Theyd stand out more in my opinion.
10 Nov 2015 /  #98
In American English the name Polelock is synonymous with idiot similar to redneck.

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