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Polish-American Hollywood Celebrities Press Release

sunnyflorida  2 | 13  
2 Oct 2012 /  #1
Polish American Hollywood Celebrities Are Sought By Heroes Group To Help Honor Hollywood Legend Merian C. Cooper and the Famed Kosciuszko Squadron Which He Formed.

2 Oct 2012 /  #2
Perhaps you should think about also looking for English-American celebrities to do likewise? After all, Merian C. Cooper was English-American.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
2 Oct 2012 /  #3
Perhaps you should think about also looking for English-American celebrities to do likewise?

This is a Polish discussion forum. Why the hell is Harry pushing English-American celebrities on here? Perhaps jealousy and an irrational hatred of Polonians prompts him to make this off-topic suggestion.

After all, Merian C. Cooper was English-American.

"After all" Hahahahahaha, what an idiotic non-sequitor! Attention Harry, mention of Polish-American celebrities need not be "countered" by mention of an English-American one.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Oct 2012 /  #4
Perhaps you should think about also looking for English-American celebrities to do likewise? After all, Merian C. Cooper was English-American.

Plent of them here -


None of them will mistake the word for "grandmother", too.
2 Oct 2012 /  #5
Plenty of them here

Plenty of them here too: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Americans_of_English_descent#Presidents_of_the_United_States

As for the OP, instead of focusing only on Polish-American celebrities, why not contact some English-American celebrities and ask them if they'd like to take part in a project which honours one of their fellow English-Americans? Lots of names (300+) here:

Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
2 Oct 2012 /  #6
None of them will mistake the word for "grandmother", too.

Wow I thought Harry's non-sequtor was idiotic but delphiandomine has trumped his mentor yet again! Am I wrong? What does the word for "grandmother" have to do with "Polish-American Celebrities Press release"?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Oct 2012 /  #7
As for the OP, instead of focusing only on Polish-American celebrities, why not contact some English-American celebrities?

Indeed, they're bound to be far more receptive to such a thing than Polish-Americans will be towards a random guy from the past.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
2 Oct 2012 /  #8
far more receptive to such a thing than Polish-Americans will be towards a random guy from the past.

I googled /wiki/Merian_C._Cooper


American volunteers, Merian C. Cooper (left) and Cedric Fauntleroy, in the Polish Air Force's Kosciuszko Squadron
From late 1919 until the 1921 Treaty of Riga, Cooper was a member of a volunteer American flight squadron, the Kościuszko Squadron, which supported the Polish Army in the Polish-Soviet War.

2 Oct 2012 /  #9
they're bound to be far more receptive to such a thing than Polish-Americans will be towards a random guy from the past.

To be fair, while Cooper was English-American, the movie is also about the Kosciuszko Squadron and some of them may have been Polish-American (there were certainly four Poles among the 21 pilots but the names of the ones I've found are none too Polish: Elliott Chess, Carl Clark, Edward Corsi, George Crawford, Cedric Fauntleroy, Edmund Graves, Arthur Kelly, Edwin Noble, Harmon Rorison and Kenneth Shrewsbury, don't sound much like Polonia, do they).

Although I suppose that we should be careful not to place too much faith in names: one of the Pol-Am celebrities mentioned in the press release linked to in the OP is Jane Seymour, who was born born Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg. Admittedly she was born and brought up in London, with an English Jew as a father and a Dutch Protestant mother, but her grandfather was a Polish Jew. Maybe one of those pilots had a Polish grandparent.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
2 Oct 2012 /  #10
From the OP's link:

Merian Cooper, following a distinguished career in the Air Corp during World War I, voluntarily and heroically risked his life to repay America’s debt to the two Polish officers, Tadeusz Kosciuszko and Kazimierz Pulaski , who voluntarily came to America’s aid in our War for Independence. Merian Cooper, in the 20th Century, voluntarily created and formed the Kosciuszko Squadron of American and Polish pilots who fought for Poland in the Polish-Bolshevik War of 1919-1921. Cooper and his fellow pilots risked their lives for freedom, just as Pulaski and Kosciuszko had done earlier.

The Kosciuszko squadron by helping Poland fight off the abomination that was Soviet totalitarianism was repaying a debt that the USA had incurred to Poland when two of Poland's great warriors joined, and greatly helped, the valiant fighters of the American Revolution to throw off the abomination of English monarchical rule.
2 Oct 2012 /  #11
Arthur Kelly

Looking again, while there are still no names on the list of pilots which would suggest Polonia, that name is very much Irish American and so perhaps the OP might want to consider contacting Irish-American celebrities. Irish-Americans are well known for giving money to what they consider to be good causes (even when those causes are in reality terrorist financing scum like NORAID and Clan na Gael).
OP sunnyflorida  2 | 13  
2 Oct 2012 /  #12
illuminateamericasheroes.com ... is the website of the Foundation To Illuminate America's Heroes.

They have a ten minute Video of the story of Merian C. Cooper and the Heroes of the Kosciuszko Squadron within their website. It is entitled "The Greatest Story Not Yet Told!" It has all the details of the heroic and inspirational founder of the Kosciuszko Squadron and their heroic accomplishments in the Polish-Bolshevik war of 1919-20.

The Foundation has named Cooper " The Greatest American Hero Of The Twentieth Century " for what he did in heroically and voluntarily repaying America's debt to the Polish Heroes of our American Revolution ... Kosciuszko and Pulaski. The Foundation's mission is to produce a major Hollywood Movie illuminating Cooper and the Heroes of the Kosciuszko Squadron to America and the world.

The Foundation is seeking Polish-American Hollywood celebrities and others who want to honor these great heroes ... to join its Hollywood Advisory Board to help illuminate this inspirational story, mission and project to America and the world. Can anyone suggest specific Polish-Americans and others who might be good candidates to help honor and illuminate this profoundly heroic and inspirational true story ... to inspire current and future generations?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
2 Oct 2012 /  #13
Attention goofballs, the OP calls on Polish-American celebrities to spread the word about the Kosciuszko Squadron, not because it was staffed with Polonians, but because Poles helped Americans throw off the yoke of British tyranny and the squadron is a beautiful example of Americans repaying the favor by helping the Poles fight off Soviet tyranny.
2 Oct 2012 /  #14
The Foundation is seeking Polish-American Hollywood celebrities

Given that neither the man in question was Polish-American and nor, from available information, were any of the American pilots of his squadron, wouldn't you do better to appeal not only to Polish-Americans but also to English-Americans and Irish-Americans as they might well identify with their fellow English-Americans and Irish-Americans who actually flew in the squadron that is the greatest story not yet told?

a major Hollywood Movie illuminating Cooper and the Heroes of the Kosciuszko Squadron to America and the world.

Given that Cooper grew up in Jacksonville in an English immigrant family and the NZ city of Wellington has the nickname Jacksonville and absolutely top-notch film-making facilities and lots of English immigrants, perhaps you'd do well to consider more locations than just Hollywood.

BTW: you do know that major movies often play very fast and loose with historical fact, don't you? For example the 2001 film Enigma had a Pole as the traitorous villain and the 2000 film U-571 has Americans doing what it was actually done by British forces. So don't be surprised if in the film if in the film Cooper is an Irish-American from the Bronx who was thrown out of the military for beating up Jews and is tricked into coming to Poland by a woman he's fallen in love with and claims to be a Russian countess working for Polish-allied Russian forces but is actually a Polish Jewess from German-occupied Poland whose brother later appears as the German-trained and equipped ace of the Red Army Airforce who shoots down Cooper and tortures him before exposing the woman Cooper loves as a Jewess etc etc etc ad nauseam.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Oct 2012 /  #15
The Foundation's mission is to produce a major Hollywood Movie illuminating Cooper and the Heroes of the Kosciuszko Squadron to America and the world.

Wouldn't it be better to focus on real issues rather than pointless glorification of an English-American?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
2 Oct 2012 /  #16
Ah, the problems this forum has with certain posters flooding threads with off-topic posts and idiotic claims:

Harry just has to mention "beating up Jews" and delphiandomine has to stupidly claim that inspiring stories from Polish/American history aren't "real issues".
2 Oct 2012 /  #17
Wouldn't it be better to focus on real issues rather than pointless glorification of an English-American?

Oh come on! People are always going to want entertainment, which is better: that they get their fun from films about vampires that make teenagers act fuccking retarded; or that they enjoy inspiring films about a virtually unknown English-American hero who did so much to help Poland and did it for such selfless reasons? Although that does assume that both the hero's ethnicity and reasons for helping Poland remain unchanged in the film, which is a far from safe bet.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Oct 2012 /  #18
Although that does assume that both the hero's ethnicity and reasons for helping Poland remain unchanged in the film, which is a far from safe bet.

I wonder - should Poland's Jewish minority feature in the film, will the usual suspects embrace or reject it as a consequence?
2 Oct 2012 /  #19
Personally I'd like to see the film being true to life. If any of the American (or Polish pilots) were Jewish (or anti-semites, even if they were English-American anti-semites), the film should reflect that. I'd hate to see something 'based on a true story' where everything is told through the eyes of people from the 21st century. Let the writers and film makers work hard with the material they have, rather than changing everything because they're too lazy and/or talentless to make a film with the excellent story which they have!
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
2 Oct 2012 /  #20
fuccking retarded

Harry's use of creative spelling to bypass the forum's profanity filter is an example of the trolling that plagues this forum

I wonder - should Poland's Jewish minority feature in the film, will the usual suspects embrace or reject it as a consequence?

delphiandomine, following harry's lead, and bringing vague allegations of anti-Semitism into the thread is yet another example of the trolling that plagues this forum.

How much longer will this forum accept this trolling?
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
2 Oct 2012 /  #21
It is getting a little old guys.

Let me paraphrase the thread so far:

Sunny: Hey here is something that might be interesting to Polonia. A press release is asking for prominent actors with Polish heritage to come forward and support film showing American / Polish cooperation during the Polish Russian War.

Harry (with an air of contempt for Polonia): The link between Mr Cooper and Poland is tenuous at best.

Des: Hey, don't you see the connection (although it wasn't well spelled out by Sunny)? I will now get into my usual mode of Calling Out Harry!

Delph (realizing the barrage has started): Wait for me Kimosabe!!! By the way, I won't say Busia because I can get shyte-canned.

Des: Really Delph?

Delph: Yeah, What Harry said!

Some Drunken Irish Priest: Fekkk! Aahhk! Hey get on topic. Tiiiits!

Harry (after having finally read the link and realized the actual connectivity to Poland in the article). Yeah, but Brits. And... aah... JEWS!

Des: Guys - this is what the topic is about. (Explains in simple yet eloquent terms)

Harry (realizing he's dug himself a hole that is a little deeper than he can easily climb out of) Yeah, look at the Irish too!

Sunny (in his best Patriotic Polonian style): This is an important part of history we are talking about here. Here is more info.

Des: Yeah, exactly Sunny! That's the topic!

Harry: But the Brits played a greater role than the Yanks.

Harry: Blah, Blah. By the way: Jews! Polish Traitors!

Delph: Golly here's a great opportunity to show how much contempt I have for Polonia!

Des: Faaahk me! The record's stuck. The record's stuck. The record's stuck. The record's stuck.The record's stuck. The record's stuck.

Delph: Blah

Harry: Blah

Delph: Blah.
2 Oct 2012 /  #22
Harry (with an air of contempt for Polonia): The link between Mr Cooper and Poland is tenuous at best.

Would you mind not posting complete and utter bullshiit and claiming that I said it? Mr Cooper is a hero for his actions in Poland along with the rest of his squadron.

BTW, Dessie's on my ignore list, so I neither am nor can reply to any of his posts.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
2 Oct 2012 /  #23
harry, if he is on your ignore list, why do you report his posts, huh?

OK, holidays ended and the sad time come. The 3 go you (DE, Delph and Harry - i may add others too) will start behaving and stay on topic or suspensions will begin.

NOTE: it is my first and last warning to you guys, this time around. No more bullcrap.
2 Oct 2012 /  #24
harry, if he is on your ignore list, why do you report his posts, huh?

Because, as I have already explained in the thread about that problem (and mentioned in the report), I can still see his posts on the front page.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Oct 2012 /  #25
pgtx - stay out of it. Vincent has already dealt with it and made an agreement with us - should myself or Harry reply to Des (or provoke him in any way) - then it's a long suspension. Des is also under the same agreement - he cannot reply to or provoke us in any way. You have absolutely no need to get involved here, nor were you party to the agreement between ourselves and Vincent. In fact, you weren't even a moderator at the time. Thanks :)
Vincent  8 | 800  
2 Oct 2012 /  #26
You have absolutely no need to get involved here, nor were you party to the agreement between ourselves and Vincent. In fact, you weren't even a moderator at the time. Thanks :)

Delphiandomine, all moderators have the right to suspend any member, who won't comply with the forum rules after warnings are given. Please remember this.
Orpheus  - | 113  
2 Oct 2012 /  #27
That's a pity. About the comma. PGTX and Vincent on duty together? Time for bed.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Oct 2012 /  #28
Delphiandomine, all moderators have the right to suspend any member, who won't comply with the forum rules after warnings are given. Please remember this.

Of course, but in this particular case - it was already dealt with (by you) - there was no need whatsoever for her to jump in here, especially as Des was getting ignored anyway.

Although I must admit - I am completely sick to death of seeing Des getting away with making repeated off-topic attacks on this forum on us.
Vincent  8 | 800  
2 Oct 2012 /  #29
Time for bed.

Safest place for you mate. BTW, don't re-post a message that was moved to the bin back to the main forums. Final warning.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
2 Oct 2012 /  #30
Let me paraphrase the thread so far:

Well done Shawn. Your summary captures the very essence of this thread's trashing.

It is getting a little old guys.

Indeed it is, but we shouldn't stay silent while this forum is turned into a hostile place for the very people it is meant to serve: Anglophonic Polonians.

pgtx - stay out of it.

Don't be giving such orders to any of the moderators, delphiandomine, they are all here to make sure people don't troll the forum.

Vincent has already dealt with it and made an agreement with us - should myself or Harry reply to Des (or provoke him in any way) - then it's a long suspension


Des is also under the same agreement - he cannot reply to or provoke us in any way.

I have made no such agreement with Vincent or any other moderator. I will continue to reply to your posts when I see fit to do so.

You have absolutely no need to get involved here, nor were you party to the agreement between ourselves and Vincent. In fact, you weren't even a moderator at the time. Thanks :)

There is a glaring need for pgtx to get involved in this, and other threads, that are being trashed by th likes of delphiandomine and harry. This is an English language Polish discussion forum and threads like this one should be unsullied by an irrational hatred of Polish-Americans.

Can anyone suggest specific Polish-Americans and others who might be good candidates to help honor and illuminate this profoundly heroic and inspirational true story ... to inspire current and future generations?

I would like to suggest hiring the Polish-American musician Dick Dale to work on the film's soundtrack. He has composed for other films in the past and surf music makes everything better!

  • Spray hate away!

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Polish-American Hollywood Celebrities Press ReleaseArchived