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31 year old Polish man causes accident under influence of alcohol and kills 8

jon357  72 | 23668  
14 Sep 2017 /  #151
Revoked licence

Really? That adds an extra layer of complication. Certainly there would be no valid insurance without a valid licence.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
14 Sep 2017 /  #152
Revoked licence, over the dd limit and asleep on the motorway. But he's Polish, so he's being victimised.

Considering that there were two to the party and focus is on this dude who happened to be Polish it is only right to err on the side of caution rather than jumping to the conclusions. There is no doubt that he'll be punished. People here exchange their opinions and there is nothing wrong with it. If you are looking for tribalism look no further then that shithole you call your place of origin. Maybe that would save us yet another limey on PF who is proudly strutting about with a big chip on his shoulder and an itch to lecture others.

That driver is clary a disturbed individual with alcohol/ shelf-control problem. Not so rare in Poland. Either raised by a single mother or his father was not really there, some type of women are plainly stupid when it comes to rising their sons proper.

Polish women saying/thinking "the man knows best

That rises a question do they know any Polish women at all or do they brazenly lie?
jon357  72 | 23668  
14 Sep 2017 /  #153
Considering that there were two to the party

Two drunken lorry drivers?

this dude who happened to be Polish

Who happened to be drunk.

err on the side of caution rather than jumping to the conclusions

I'm sure the police and courts will take all factors into consideration.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
14 Sep 2017 /  #154
Two drunken lorry drivers?

Well the fact that one of them has been over the limit doesn't exclude guilt in the other. That is easy to grasp, simply try.

Who happened to be drunk.

The reason for this thread to be here on PF is not a fact that he was drunk but that he is Polish. You know it as you and your buddies are trolling this forum this way.

If they don't want to ban you they should move your threads and posts into a special category - Mussings of Littlefinger and his sidekicks.
jon357  72 | 23668  
14 Sep 2017 /  #155
Well the fact that one of them has been over the limit

Is the one thing for which he has no defence. None at all.

but that he is Polish

What's the name of the forum? Remind me...
spiritus  69 | 643  
14 Sep 2017 /  #156

Fair enough
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Sep 2017 /  #157
they should move your threads and posts into a special category

Why are you so determined to cover up the crimes of Poles?
spiritus  69 | 643  
14 Sep 2017 /  #158
And why are you so determined to only highlight the wrongs that Poles do ? The reason Ironside, myself and others feel the need to argue with you and your friends is that there is no balance in your "reporting". You're like a biased journalist.
jon357  72 | 23668  
14 Sep 2017 /  #159
that there is no balance

It would be very boring indeed if there had to be balanced reporting. Not that it would be that balanced anyway - it's hard to keep out nuances that betray a point of view.

It's a forum, anyone can and does make threads and comment on them. That's the real balance, two sides on a weighing scale, one opinion in a thread balancing another.

When people talk about bias, they usually mean an opinion far from their own.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Sep 2017 /  #160
is that there is no balance in your "reporting".

Sorry, but I don't find much balance in a drunken unlicenced driver murdering 8 people.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
14 Sep 2017 /  #161
You don't know that, so far as anyone knows it was a duo - two drivers actions that lead to their deaths. Which you happily overlooked, let face it, you don't give a fiddlestick for those people. You're just enjoying stirring the pot.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
14 Sep 2017 /  #162
Drunk, asleep, parked in a lane on the motorway, unlicensed, uninsured
Careless Driver

Who do you think is going to get punished the worst?
Ironside  51 | 13109  
14 Sep 2017 /  #163
Who cares? As long as both of them gonna be punished because both of them are guilty in this case.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 Mar 2018 /  #164
The court has reached a verdict:
"Ryszard Masierak, 31, was at twice the drink-drive limit and had stopped in the inside lane when he was involved in the crash with a minibus and another lorry near Newport Pagnell. He was found guilty of eight counts of causing death by dangerous driving. The jury at Reading Crown Court is still deliberating charges against the other lorry driver, David Wagstaff. Masierak was also convicted of four counts of causing serious injury by dangerous driving after the crash last August. Wagstaff, 54, of Derwent Street, Stoke-on-Trent, denies the same charges."


Sentencing hasn't happened yet. presumably it will be a hefty one. The same for the other guy if he is found guilty.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
6 Mar 2018 /  #166
Look! Jon's regular positive post about Poland. Lmao!
But we need to admit he does his best to prove we're right about him. Thank you, Jon :)

To make it clear, whoever drinks and drives, Polish or not, should be given serious sentences. If anyone gets killed in an accident caused by a drunk driver, the driver should be accused of murder.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 Mar 2018 /  #167

Feel free to laugh your arse off, however this is a pretty big news item and the surviving family members of the victims, especially the 4 year old girl who lost her whole family, are probably not laughing as hard as you claim to be. Perhaps you'd prefer it if one of the drunken lorry drivers wasn't Polish.

If anyone gets killed in an accident caused by a drunk driver, the driver should be accused of murder.

Yes, that or manslaughter, and as you say, this should apply regardless of nationality and indeed it does.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
6 Mar 2018 /  #168
I'm laughing at how predictable you are (read #151 in the thread about the gas explosion) not at the accident. Nothing funny about it. I can't think of anyone who would justify driving drunk.

As for another Poles-are-terrible-post, it's really sad how petty and bitter you are. I guess I shouldn't have laughed at you.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
6 Mar 2018 /  #169
And it will happen again, given the social acceptance of drink-driving in Poland.

We have to remember though when we point our finger at someone we have three pointing back at ourselves huh delph.

Sentencing hasn't happened yet. presumably it will be a hefty one.

You can bet that they will be making a high profile example out of this guy.
Thanks for the update jon.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 Mar 2018 /  #170
I'm laughing

Feel free - however on an uncensored forum about somewhere, something or someone, people are going to post about issues that are headline news, whether you'd prefer they were censored or not.


You said that, not me (who is a Polish citizen, happily married to another Polish citizen).

However much you hate free speech, this is a pretty big news story.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
6 Mar 2018 /  #171
Why so much drama, sir?
When did I say you're not allowed to post anything you want to? Have I tried to 'censor' you? Who denies your right to free speech?

Will I get answers to these questions or will you shun them just as usually.

But it works both ways. I'm also free to point out how inconsistent and petty you are. And the things you post just prove it.

I'm also free to question your opinions. And I do. That's what free speech is about.
I also believe it's absolutely immoral to take a part of somebody's opinion out of context and use it as a 'quote'. But I'm not surprised you did it. Yet another thing that proves your petty.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Mar 2018 /  #172
not me (who is a Polish citizen, happily married to another Polish citizen).

Good news! All the best for you and your Polish husband.

Perhaps you'd prefer it if one of the drunken lorry drivers wasn't Polish.

You're wrong, it doesn't make any difference who is the murderer.
O WELL  - | 150  
6 Mar 2018 /  #173
your Polish husband.

Did Poland legalise gay marriage???I thought Poland ia a catholic country?
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 Mar 2018 /  #174
Why so much drama, sir?

I see quite a bit of histrionics in your post, however the real issue here is the drunken lorry driver who killed an entire family, something sadly mirrored in Poland where the driving standards are very poor. It's quite an issue when poor driving is exported. Not long ago I watched a news programme on Polish TV, where, even though the procedure for driving tests has been computerised to try and reduce corruption, the undercover reporter still managed to get a price from a driving examiner for getting a licence without a test. The question is whether under those circumstances, Polish driving licences should be accepted in the UK.

Good news! All the best for you and your Polish husband.

Thanks Wulky, we do indeed have all the best.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Mar 2018 /  #175
The question is whether under those circumstances, Polish driving licences should be accepted in the UK.

And the question is also should UK driving licences be accepted in Poland

209 convictions in the UK, makes you wonder how many get away with it

jon357  72 | 23668  
6 Mar 2018 /  #176
And the question is also should UK driving licences be accepted in Poland

Very much so, not least because the UK has one of the lowest number of road deaths per million in the world. Poland has one of the highest in Europe.

I remember when I used to teach in PL, and one of my students was talking about the high number of road accidents there. When I asked him why, he replied "it's the roads". No it bloody well isn't, it's those who drive on them - if the roads are bad, people should drive more carefully.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
6 Mar 2018 /  #177
Very much so, not least because the UK has one of the lowest

Na Jon you have jumped ahead of yourself I was pointing out that the same fraud you highlighted in poland also occurs in Britain, funny that the metropolitan area suffers most wonder why lol.

poland accident stats are bad thats for sure.
jon357  72 | 23668  
6 Mar 2018 /  #178
the same fraud you highlighted in poland also occurs in Britain

Hopefully far less. I've heard of people turning up with other people's photo ID to do it (in PL and in UK). Perhaps biometric data would help that. A friend was caught over the limit in Warsaw. Whay surprised me is that he wasn't banned - he just had to pay a fine and turn up for a session telling him not to do it.

poland accident stats are bad thats for sure.

Yes it's sad. Not long after I moved there, someone was telling me about a particular part of town (in Poznan as it happens) and said it was "45 minutes away, though a good driver can do it in 30". A better way to say it would be that it was 30 minutes away, however a good driver would do it in 45 ;-)

Too many road deaths in PL, even now - driving standards are very poor.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
7 Mar 2018 /  #179
To make it clear, whoever drinks and drives,

As far I understand he parked his vehicle where he shouldn't have. His vehicle caused and an obstacle. Plus he was drunk at the time but at least he wasn't drink driving. That factual, legally it makes not difference.

hopefully they

They, who are they, him and his fleas?
kaprys  3 | 2076  
7 Mar 2018 /  #180
No one denied the post is about a drunk lorry driver. No one defended him.
Still 'quoting' someone in that way makes you lose your credibility.

As for driving licences, I think there should be some tests both for British drivers entering Europe and the other way round. Right/left hand traffic may cause some confusion. Even for pedestrians.

As for drunk driving, if someone is irresponsible enough to drink and drive, taking another driving test won't change a thing. If they're good at driving and sane enough to be sober during the test, they'll pass it. Still there are people who would try to take it drunk, like that German last month.

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