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31 year old Polish man causes accident under influence of alcohol and kills 8

johnny reb  49 | 8003  
30 Aug 2017 /  #121
whose job it was to secure the helicopters

In which they failed and possibly put the lives of the entire ship in jeopardy.

apart from being canned for a while

They should have been court martialed and given twenty years of hard labor to set a precedent for the next self centered drunks that thought it would be cute to endanger innocent lives.

deliberate flaming with similar threats.

Most of the time as a guest poster.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
30 Aug 2017 /  #122
In which they failed

No they certainly were not shining examples of her majesty's navy

Back to the topic EVERYONE please
jon357  72 | 23668  
30 Aug 2017 /  #123
Either his country of origin is relevant or is not relevant. You cannot have it both ways.

To this forum and trhis section of the forum, his countries of origin and residence are relevant. Even very.

warmed boot polish through toast and drank it.

In America it's gel fuel through a sock. In Poland, there's something with hyper-concentrated tea that people in gaol and occasionally homeless make. As far as I know it's a stimulant so less of a problem driving.

This is a related issue, long distance lorry drivers coming through Poland, often as far as Britain with clocked tachs and staying awake by using speed. They usually originate in Russia or the Baltics and there have been accidents in both Poland and the UK due to this. Highly illegal, however the police can't check every lorry.


I know a lorry driver in Poland who drinks this. The category of his driving licence means he's unlikely to be doing international routes however it is still dangerous. One slip and we have a tragedy like this - 8 innocent people dead and the driver's life destroyed.
spiritus  69 | 643  
31 Aug 2017 /  #124
So once again your are completely biased against the accused only because he is Polish

I'd say your statement is a pretty accurate description of Jon and his friends on this forum.

Sometimes I seriously wonder if they're not tolerated by the board as they stimulate debate.......
jon357  72 | 23668  
31 Aug 2017 /  #125
pretty accurate

Well, Spiritus, this is a forum relating to Poland, this section of the forum is about people from there living in the UK, and this is the biggest news story, the biggest talking point right now in that matter.

When I've got a bit of time later, I'll post some links to the Polish language media, especially that published in the UK - you'll find some very strong opinions indeed about Matysiak and about the export of drinking culture and the culture of poor driving skills.

Not having a thread on it would be pretty weird, wouldn't it now...
mafketis  38 | 11277  
31 Aug 2017 /  #126
the biggest news story, the biggest talking point right now in that matter

I think the vicious attack and gang rape by illegal aliens against a Polish couple in Rimini is a bigger international issue (and certainly widely covered in the UK press too). So arguably it's the biggest Poland related story in the UK media at present.
jon357  72 | 23668  
31 Aug 2017 /  #127
There's a very good article in Fakt on this: fakt.pl/wydarzenia/polska/pijany-kierowca-z-polski-zabil-mu-ojca-poruszajace-wyznanie-syna/470d3sw

It is very sympathetic to the victims. The comments on the various articles are sometimes extremely strong about the idiocy of getting into a lorry while drunk and driving it on a motorway.

is a bigger international issue

There's a thread on that already here to discuss that. This is the section about UK/Ireland.

o arguably it's the biggest Poland related story in the UK media at present.

No, it isn't " the biggest Poland related story in the UK media" at all. And you know that.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
31 Aug 2017 /  #128
gang rape by illegal aliens against a Polish couple in Rimini is a bigger international issue

Exactly. It is precisely the reason for the existence of this thread. The biggest story about Muslim Arabs in Europe has to be counter by some criminal act of a Pole. According to jon and progressives.

He doesn't see differences he doesn't see nuisances. He doesn't see that he is comparing apples and origami to use that overused expression. lol

On the other hand he condone violence on the streets. So who sane cares about his opinions.
jon357  72 | 23668  
31 Aug 2017 /  #129
has to be counter by some criminal act of a Pole

That's about as far from the truth as you can get.

There will doubtless be plenty of coverage of the case when it comes to court. Right now, his family have gone to ground, to avoid media attention within Poland.
jgrabner  1 | 73  
31 Aug 2017 /  #130
A homeless Polish-born lorry driver accused of killing eight people had stopped in the slow lane of the M1 for 12 minutes before the crash ...
Their vehicle had to swerve to avoid Masierak's stationary Scania lorry ..


Pictures from the crash site:
front: thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/nintchdbpict0003481307282.jpg?strip=all&w=960
above: worcesternews.co.uk/resources/images/6758773/?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreen

So the polish driver actually was not "driving a truck that crashed into an innocent family" but parking his truck in lane 1 of the highway. It is still a criminal offence, esp. in combination with being drunk, but for me his personal guilt is much lower compared to would he actually been driving and hitting somebody. It seems that he realized that he was too drunk to drive and parked his truck in - if the pictures indicate his actual position - the most safest spot on that highway.

It is on the other side rather questionable why the van was there in the first place, since there is an exit ramp right before the place of impact. But even if he were to stand in the slow lane, every motorist shall only drive as fast as for him it is possible to stop when he recognizes an obstacle on the road, even at 3am. Other drivers were obviously able to avoid hitting his truck, considering that he was already standing there for some 12 minutes and the M1 is a busy motorway even at 3am.
31 Aug 2017 /  #131
parked his truck in - if the pictures indicate his actual position - the most safest spot on that highway.

Are you seriously claiming that?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
31 Aug 2017 /  #132
you dont STOP on the motorway, unless you want to cause an accident, or unless you are so drunk you are not thinking straight. Either way you deserve jail. not driving dangerously,lol, no he had stopped dangerously, on the highway. Just as bad.
jon357  72 | 23668  
31 Aug 2017 /  #133
you dont STOP on the motorway, unless you want to cause an accident, or unless you are so drunk you are not thinking straight. Either way you deserve jail.

That's a fair assessment. A drunken lorry driver involved in a fatal accident has little or no legal defence.

Are you seriously claiming that?

I think he is!!!

It's highly illegal to stop on the motorway - the M1 has a hard shoulder to use in emergencies. Nobody ever stops in a vehicle lane unless there's a mechanical fault that leaves no alternative.
31 Aug 2017 /  #134
A drunken lorry driver involved in a fatal accident has little or no legal defence.

Sad that drunken Polish lorry drivers have no shortage of people here who will defend them.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Aug 2017 /  #135
There will doubtless be plenty of coverage of the case when it comes to court. Right now, his family have gone to ground, to avoid media attention within Poland.

I'm not surprised. He's murdered 8 people through his drunken actions, after all.

It seems that he realized that he was too drunk to drive and parked his truck in

Which is even worse. If he was in such a bad state, he should have put the truck on the grass verge,completely off the motorway.

It makes you wonder just how wasted he was to think that parking in lane 1 of the motorway was a good idea.
G (undercover)  
31 Aug 2017 /  #136
You are clearly turning this accident into Polonophobic porn just to cover up inhuman crimes of your beloved "refugees".

There's at least one similar accident annually involving a Polish truck driver. Given that Poles are over represented in this profession by like a 1000%, it's not surprising at all. If Irish were running half of the trains in Europe, they would occasionally cause (drunk or sober) some accidents. Sad incident happened, nothing to see here, move on. Unlike behaviour of certain sub-humans, It's not a political problem or something that could be prevented with some regulations.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Aug 2017 /  #137
There's at least one similar accident annually involving a Polish truck driver

Which means that something needs to be done.
G (undercover)  
31 Aug 2017 /  #138
What needs to be done ?
31 Aug 2017 /  #139
Which means that something needs to be done.

Well, would you rather they were driving there or here? I know which I'd prefer.
G (undercover)  
31 Aug 2017 /  #140
They are driving across the whole Europe carrying a significant part of cargo in EU.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Aug 2017 /  #141
Even more reason to do something to avoid something like this happening again.

And it will happen again, given the social acceptance of drink-driving in Poland.
G (undercover)  
31 Aug 2017 /  #142
Nothing will be "done" as Poles are carrying out this job much better than most of other nationalities. The whole thing is just a pathetic trolling of clowns, who spit in the faces of those dead Indians in order to... have fun. Get a life imbeciles.
jon357  72 | 23668  
31 Aug 2017 /  #143
And it will happen again, given the social acceptance of drink-driving in Poland.

This culture is changing, as all cultures do, however the change here sometimes feels slow.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Aug 2017 /  #144
as Poles are carrying out this job much better than most of other nationalities

They certainly are doing a much better job of murdering innocents with heavy weapons.

This culture is changing, as all cultures do, however the change here sometimes feels slow.

Do you think so? I notice here that it's very common for drunk men to force their partners and kids into the car, and the partners rarely protest because "the man knows best".
G (undercover)  
31 Aug 2017 /  #145
Again, you are spitting on the bodies of people who dies in this accident. Grow up, pathetic individual.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
31 Aug 2017 /  #146
That's about as far from the truth as you can get.

No, I'm right. That is what you and your buddies (three amigos) are doing here. It is not the first time either. Just fess up and we can move on.

Do you think so?

tsk tsk you need to seek help, you need it, they can help you with your metal problems, you're getting older and your problems are deepening
mafketis  38 | 11277  
31 Aug 2017 /  #147
what you and your buddies (three amigos) are doing here. It is not the first time either

Look at their comments on the Rimini assault by illegal aliens against a Polish couple. They don't care about that or their suffering at all.
jon357  72 | 23668  
31 Aug 2017 /  #148
I notice here that it's very common for drunk men to force their partners and kids into the car, and the partners rarely protest because "the man knows best".

That's something that needs changing soon.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
1 Sep 2017 /  #149
the partners rarely protest because "the man knows best".

What?????? Polish women saying/thinking "the man knows best"???!??!? H AHA HA HA HAHHA funniest thing I've read in weeks. I mean seriously..... that's the kind of thing that people who've never been in Poland believe.... "the man knows best".... ooooo somebody's had a few tee many martoonis
Roger5  1 | 1432  
14 Sep 2017 /  #150
Revoked licence, over the dd limit and asleep on the motorway. But he's Polish, so he's being victimised.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / 31 year old Polish man causes accident under influence of alcohol and kills 8Archived