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31 year old Polish man causes accident under influence of alcohol and kills 8

Ironside  50 | 12941  
28 Aug 2017 /  #61
If someone gets into the cab of an articulated lorry

No, they are both being charged with dangerous diving that what I mean. How come? Polish one gets rap for being over the alcohol limit. The English one wasn't over the limit but he is not an innocent bystander either, otherwise wouldn't be changed.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #62
Ironside has a point,. two men have been charged with causing death by dangerous driving, not one. A Brit and a Pole. The Brit wasnt over the limit but still it does make you wonder about reporting doesnt it?
jon357  72 | 23482  
28 Aug 2017 /  #63
but still it does make you wonder about reporting doesnt it?

Their names and details were both reported in the same way, at least in the newspapers I read.

Polish one gets rap for being over the alcohol limit.

Rightly so.

The English one wasn't over the limit but he is not an innocent bystander either, otherwise wouldn't be changed.

Also rightly so.

The difference is that the sober one has a potential defence (and has been released on bail). The drunk one has no defence at all or possibility of one. He was remanded in custody, although this can be for various reasons including to prevent self-harm.

One of them was involved in an accident with or without some degree of culpability. The other got into the cab of an articulated lorry while drunk and drove it down a motorway. Something that can't be explained away. Even if the other lorry driver, the minibus driver, a flock of geese, the wrong type of snow or Uncle Tom Cobbley were factors in the accident, the blame falls on the drunk lorry driver.
Ironside  50 | 12941  
28 Aug 2017 /  #64
The Brit wasnt over the limit but still it does make you wonder about reporting doesnt it?@ rozumiemnic

Not what I meant.
One is a foreigner, drunk and presumed the main culprit. Focus on him. That is clear.
The thing is the other driver although not drunk has been charged as well with all the changers the first diver minus alcohol overuse.
It means - they both caused that accident. Is drunk guilty in 40% or 80% is immaterial. Seems to me that all jumped to conclusion condemning that dude (dumb drunk) for causing this accident when in fact it is possible that he is not the main culprit. If only theoretically.

Lets wait for the judgment.

Even if the other lorry driver, the minibus driver, a flock of geese, the wrong type of snow or Uncle Tom Cobbley were factors in the accident, the blame falls on the drunk lorry driver.

Maybe legally but nit in reality. You seems to have difficulty to disthgiush between reality and your wishful thinking especially if you have an opportunity to exercise your holiest than thy attitude. Stop preaching and moralizing you sound like a bigot.

Are you high?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #65
The drunk one has no defence at all or possibility of one. He was remanded in custody, although this can be for various reasons

its because he is homeless. Police will never bail to NFA.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
28 Aug 2017 /  #66
because he is homeless

how is he driving a truck and homeless.... don't the english pay truck drivers?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #67
oh for gods sake maf., 'the English' lol.
no , he broke up with his partner and moved out of houseshare and was sleeping in his car.
jon357  72 | 23482  
28 Aug 2017 /  #68
foreigner, drunk and presumed the main culprit. Focus on him.

Foreign is irrelevant there, Drunk is relevant.

its because he is homeless.

Really? They gave an address in the initial reports - perhaps that was his partner's.
G (undercover)  
28 Aug 2017 /  #69
as should the scum you've yet to denounce that brutalized a Polish couple in Italy.

Denounce ? The homos are apparently running an action to cover it up with a road accident and some dude smuggling cigarettes. I wouldn't make it up.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
28 Aug 2017 /  #70
Be fair, jon said he felt very safe in southern Europe.
jon357  72 | 23482  
28 Aug 2017 /  #71
Hard to see what holidaymakers on the Med have to do with the 8 people killed by a drunken lorry driver.
28 Aug 2017 /  #72

Worst accident on british roads in 25 years? I guess they forgot about the London Bridge incident just 2 months ago... 8 victims dead, 48 injured of whom 21 critically..
jon357  72 | 23482  
28 Aug 2017 /  #73
Worst accident on british roads in 25 years?

Yes. 8 people killed in the same vehicle.

the London Bridge incident

Wasn't that deliberate?
johnny reb  49 | 7926  
28 Aug 2017 /  #74
no mitigation, no defence, regardless of any factors involving the other

That's the way it works here in America too jon.
If you are drunk, you are automatically at fault regardless.
jon357  72 | 23482  
28 Aug 2017 /  #75
Same in the UK - there isn't really any defence if the alcohol test shows a reading. People have tried, saying the alcohol level rose between an accident and the test, however it's never worked before a jury.
28 Aug 2017 /  #76

Such an irrelevant country you chose to form a company there, you orrible ocker...
The driver being Polish is not a determiner in this case, any HGV driver should be subject to physiological and personality tests.A loaded wagon is a dangerous weapon in the hands of the malicious intention ed...

To the moderators, how can you allow members like Delph and Jon to post anti Polish rhetoric. There are two lorry drivers charged with the deaths of these poor victims the second man is British name David Wagstaff. Surely moderators are there to moderate, unless of course Polish forums is a ' fake news forum' sponsored by the Russians based in America...
jon357  72 | 23482  
29 Aug 2017 /  #77
This is the guy, Ryszard Masierak. He's currently in gaol on remand. The other lorry driver, who had not been drinking alcohol, has been bailed until September which often means that more investigation is needed before deciding whether or not to go further.

I actually feel sorry for the guy - his guilt must be incredible.

  • 40eb9eddc0cfb56b6cde.jpg
Bieganski  17 | 888  
29 Aug 2017 /  #78

Wow, someone is showing their advanced age. LOL!

Gaol was the more common spelling [of jail] between about 1760 and 1830


The Guardian long persisted with gaol too but changed to jail in the 1980s, like the other English papers. The Economist Style Guide lists its preference for jail

jon357  72 | 23482  
29 Aug 2017 /  #79
Still used by some of us. You missed the relevant bits of the quote from 'wiktionary' too:

Gaol was the more common spelling between about 1760 and 1830 and is still preferred in proper names in some regions.

(Britain) Alternative spelling of jail

I doubt that Ryszard Masierak is aware of either spelling, thought he would do well to familiarise hiself with them given what is likely facing him for the next few years. Not least because, after failing an alcohol test after driving a lorry in an accident that killed 8 people, he has no legal defence.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
29 Aug 2017 /  #80
Still used by some of us.

In your gated retirement community?

Anyway, the spelling is archaic and no longer standard even in your native British homeland. Your use of it is an unhelpful to Poles and others with English as a second or even third language as is this latest Polonophobic hit piece thread started by your cohort.
jon357  72 | 23482  
29 Aug 2017 /  #81
unhelpful to Poles

So what - the overwhelming majority of those Poles who are interested take part in discussion about this killer on Polish language fora. A lotof talk about him; most of it far more negative than any here.

Neither spelling nor your opinion detract from the incredibly stupid and lethal crime of a guy who gets in an articulated lorry while drunk and kills eight people.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Aug 2017 /  #82
Polonophobic hit piece thread started by your cohort.

Although the above is very true to form for the evil one who wishes only to spread bad news about Poland and Polish people.

This story is big news in Poland, polish reporters are camped outside the uk court and reporting daily on Poish tv.

No harm in debating this issue, we can agree that Alcohol abuse is a big problem in Poland while Terrorism, child grooming and abuse by migrants and/or their decendants is rife in the UK.

Both nations have issues to be dealt with.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Aug 2017 /  #83
we can agree that Alcohol abuse is a big problem in Poland while Terrorism, child grooming and abuse by migrants and/or their decendants is rife in the UK.

yes sure, every country has its issues, doesnt mean its OK for Poland to export its alcohol problem to the UK, daily.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
29 Aug 2017 /  #84
Poland doesn't export the alcohol problem to the UK, Roz. The problem exports itself.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Aug 2017 /  #85
hm well I know what I see, Z.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Aug 2017 /  #86
doesnt mean its OK for Poland to export its alcohol problem to the UK, daily.

No its not ok for drunks to drive into the UK to kill people but how do you stop them?, how do you stop terrorists from going to a European country to commit murder?.

Close the borders to all?

Drunk drivers and terrorist both the same to me, both know the consequences of their actions.

Both of the above don't give a 5hit about the lives they are about to destroy,
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Aug 2017 /  #87
Close the borders to all?

well no of course not. It's a problem.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Aug 2017 /  #88
It's a problem.

The problem is that the Pi55 heads don't see it as a problem because if they had a close friend or family member killed by a drunk driver they would never drink and drive, and they would be first in line to get a baseball bat out pummel the brains out of any miscreant they found doing so.
Marsupial  - | 871  
29 Aug 2017 /  #89
Well if your family is killed it's different. With all the reporting and carnage on telly be it wars, floods or whatever one gets used to it. You know its like '1000 million kids starve in africa' zzzzz, isis beheads some people..yawn, a truck reduces the population of indians...boring, my pet frog has dried out and died omg this is horrible, omg tragic someone help!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Aug 2017 /  #90
one gets used to it

You are talkin some sense here, These horrible things happen each day they get reported in the press for a few days , no one seems to learn any lessons from it , sad old world we live in eh.

Oh sorry to hear about your frog.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / 31 year old Polish man causes accident under influence of alcohol and kills 8Archived