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31 year old Polish man causes accident under influence of alcohol and kills 8

jon357  72 | 23668  
28 Aug 2017 /  #31
The newspapers in uk are fake news.

Don't be daft.
Marsupial  - | 871  
28 Aug 2017 /  #32
In uk paper = fake news until i see evidence.
jon357  72 | 23668  
28 Aug 2017 /  #33
What evidence would you like to see? An invitation to come over and view the bodies? Stop trolling, a family died here.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #34
fake news until i see evidence.

oh dont be so ridiculous. Cop on to yourself and dont be so egotistical.
Maybe the authorities here in the UK should send photos of the dead to some little man in Australia, who 'needs evidence'.
Marsupial  - | 871  
28 Aug 2017 /  #35
Sure i just looked at 3 papers from uk online and did not see this on any pront page? Must be important.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #36
it happened two days ago, wont be on todays front pages. Sadly news moves fast.
Marsupial  - | 871  
28 Aug 2017 /  #37
2 days hey? Long time for worse accident in 25 years? Lol.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #38
well yes a lot does happen. If you could be bothered to look, you would find the article.
Not my fault if you are lazy is it?

Such a chip on ur shoulder about the UK . Po' Aussie boy. lol.
Marsupial  - | 871  
28 Aug 2017 /  #39
As if. Uk is irrelevant and a foreign country. Thats why the mps they found here with uk citizenship are off to the high court and will probably be kicked out of parliament because they are foreigners. It's an islamic sh..thole i was there in 2016. As for car carnage....daily news which i skim over.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
28 Aug 2017 /  #40
None at all. Very few (if any) Brits in PL involved in fatal drink/drive accidents.

so... you just want restrictions on Poles? What's up with that?

And how many Brits are driving professionally in Poland anyway?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #41
Uk is irrelevant and a foreign country

well so is Australia for me but i don't spend my valuable time trawling round forums looking for Australian news to be obnoxious about do I?

that is because i really don't care, whereas you obviously, and I repeat, have a massive chip on your shoulder about the UK
jon357  72 | 23668  
28 Aug 2017 /  #42

Hard to disagree with that. Above all, 8 people including young kids dies here, due to a drunk driver, and all he can do is this.

you just want restrictions on Poles

Who said that?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
28 Aug 2017 /  #43
irrelevant dead pommies

Some were sadly Indian nationals, what a horrible thing to say about a family that has been wiped out, a child has been left with no one to care for her.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #44

but it's not irrelevent is it?
There are too many Polish drivers on the road in the UK and its dangerous. There must be a really low standard test, drunk driving is acceptable in a way that it no longer is here, and it needs discussion. Obviously this problem is not relevant for an Australian, but I am not sure why you are being so provinicial about things. Australia is an irrelevance here, but nobody is being that rude to you are they? As I said, cop on to yourself.
jon357  72 | 23668  
28 Aug 2017 /  #45
what a horrible thing to say about a family that has been wiped out

Agreed. A horrible thing to say.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
28 Aug 2017 /  #46
drunk driving is acceptable in a way that it no longer is here,

Its a huge problem in Poland every long weekend it is carnage here, probably the only worry I have to our safety living here, the government has toughened the law on drink driving but it has little or no effect on the staistics.

I can understand the concerns in the UK regarding Polish drunk drivers.

It is a problem that we need to face up to here in Poland and we need to deal with it.

Everyone who lives here will understand what I am saying.

Read the polish press regarding death and injury on long weekend vacations you will se what i mean.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #47
to be honest we had the same problem in the 70s and 80s didnt we?
Marsupial  - | 871  
28 Aug 2017 /  #48
Well not going to defend drunk driver even if i dont care.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
28 Aug 2017 /  #49
to be honest we had the same problem in the 70s and 80s didnt we?

Yep exactly , Turning point in 1970 remember Mungo Jerry's song in the summer time.

"The song's lyric "have a drink, have a drive, go out and see what you can find" led to its use in a UK advert for the campaign Drinking and Driving Wrecks Lives. It featured the first verse against people enjoying drinks in a pub during summer, then stopped to show a fatal car accident caused by drink driving.["

We need something which will have a similar impact in Poland.
jon357  72 | 23668  
28 Aug 2017 /  #50
to be honest we had the same problem in the 70s and 80s didnt we?

It took a lot of campaigning, a lot of naming and shaming, but mostly worked.

It is a problem that we need to face up to here in Poland and we need to deal with it.

It's happening slowly - the police being increasingly less likely to accept bribes is helping. There's still an issue though.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
28 Aug 2017 /  #51
There must be a really low standard test, drunk driving is acceptable in a way that it no longer is here

The test is pretty tough, actually, but yes, it's about mentality. It's like the UK was in the 70s and before. The cops are making herculean efforts to catch drink drivers, in my area, anyway. Every long weekend you see loads of cops out stopping cars. And every time the papers report huge numbers of accidents. If there's any good news, it's that vodka consumption seems to be going down, so you don't get quite as many blind drunk drivers.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #52
yes slowly over the years since then, it has somehow become more and more socially unacceptable.
Marsupial, you already have defended him , you said Indians or 'Poms' getting killed was a good thing.
Dont try to backtrack now.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #53
You really are a sad and repulsive individual with nothing to say for himself apart from spouting hatred.
In fact now I think of it, as a poster you are utterly forgettable. All you do is come on to whine about 'Poms'.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #54
it's not so much about having a 'sensitive soul' but about being a normal human being with normal feelings and empathy. Something you obviously wouldnt know much about.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
28 Aug 2017 /  #55
a normal human being with normal feelings and empathy

There's a high percentage of people here that that doesn't apply to....

At least the likely guilty party in this case was caught and will face justice (may it be impartial and if he's found guilty may it be harsh!). Last I heard the filfth (probably by North African migrants) that attacked a Polish couple in Itlay (and later a transgender person) are still at large.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
28 Aug 2017 /  #56
There must be a really low standard test, drunk driving is acceptable in a way that it no longer is here, and it needs discussion

Drunk driving became socially unacceptable within a year or two in the UK, same could happen in Poland.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
28 Aug 2017 /  #57
within a year or two

tbh I would say it took a bit longer than that. 20 or 30 years.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
28 Aug 2017 /  #58
All it took here in America was ONE MOTHER to organize a group called, "Mothers Against Drunk Drivers" or MADD.
Google it.
She had lost her daughter to a drunk driver and she had enough.
The organization grew leaps and bounds every time another innocent loved one got killed by a drunk anywhere in the U.S.A.
The fines and penalties grew so the courts where getting rich from these arrests.
The jails where getting rich because they were filled with drunks who had to pay for their own housing.
Part of the fines were added to the arresting police officers pension fund every time he made a drunk driving arrest to give him incentive to take these potential killers off the road.

After you get out of jail (usually 30 days for first offense, 90 days second offence, one year for third offence, five years in prison for forth offence) you are required to take classes (that you pay for) on being a RESPONSIBLE driver before you are allowed to renew your drivers license.

Many people lose their jobs because of this.
The car insurance companies are getting rich because once convicted of a drunk driving offense your rates sky rocket by 100%.
If an American is convicted of a drunk driving they are not allowed to enter Canada.
And all this was started by ONE mad mother.
Once Poland sees what a lucrative $$$$ maker this is the system can reap from taking drunk drivers off the road with 100% support from the citizens they will crack down like none ever before.

Being self induced drunk is no excuse for not being accountable or responsible for your actions is the way the courts see it.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
28 Aug 2017 /  #59
That thread is incorrect in presenting the issue. As far as I understand there was two drives that coursed accent and both of them are being charged. The Polish one had been drunk what the other dude excuse?

I'm not getting the whole picture here. Yes, dunks. junkies and such should punished for diving while intoxicated. Severally.
All that had been said many times already. Has anybody noticed something amiss in the story? Some info lost in translation for example?

the polish do not belong in western civilization,

twits like you are actually the same the world over.
jon357  72 | 23668  
28 Aug 2017 /  #60
The Polish one had been drunk

Indeed, which means there's no excuse, no mitigation, no defence, regardless of any factors involving the other, sober driver who it should be said has been released on bail.

Has anybody noticed something amiss in the story?

If someone gets into the cab of an articulated lorry after drinking alcohol and drives down a motorway killing 8 people, I'd say yes, something is very amiss.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / 31 year old Polish man causes accident under influence of alcohol and kills 8Archived