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Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain!

hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
23 Oct 2011 /  #1
Here are some Polish websites designed to educate you Poles, on how best to receive from the UK taxpayer

Wherever you want to send home British tax money to Poland in the form of "child benefit", or you just want to be a "job seeker" and live for free. it's all here in these websites :)


im sure if i look hard enough there are some websites in urdu, punjaba and swahili hehe

I welcome polish to UK, bring your finest tracksuit, and come and live in the land of Milk and Honey

Cheers :-D
teflcat  5 | 1024  
23 Oct 2011 /  #2
Could you just send me a few quid? I can't be arsed getting on whizzair.
hudson. If you want to have a pop at someone, you know where to go. It's got a big clock tower and subsidized restaurants. Who can blame ordinary folk for playing the system? I'm sure if Poland were daft enough to offer generous benefits payments to the British, with webpages in English, there would be plenty of English shellsuits on the way here.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
23 Oct 2011 /  #3
touge in cheek post really

i don't think theres that many polish benefit scroungers compared to the Indians and Pakistanis.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Oct 2011 /  #4
The Poles are well ahead of the game there, hudson. They are yesterday's news, those webpages.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
24 Oct 2011 /  #5
We spend £140.5BILLION a year in welfare handouts.

I do not deny we have alot of lazy scrounging native Brits taking this money.. But i wonder how many foreign nationals are taking UK money..

And we cannot even afford to put planes on our aircraft carriers


i do not need to help you. just turn up to UK, maybe have stay few days with family member..

then go to job centre and say you are unemployed etc
Englishpoznan  4 | 99  
24 Oct 2011 /  #6
We spend £140.5BILLION a year in welfare handouts.

an example of all that is wrong with the UK today!
24 Oct 2011 /  #7
And we cannot even afford to put planes on our aircraft carriers

I don't believe it since Ark Royal is only one fifth size of Nimitz class carriers,so you have more like mini carriers than carriers.Aren't you going to get rid of them anyway?
24 Oct 2011 /  #8
then go to job centre and say you are unemployed etc

Thanks for advice, is it the possibal to claim the benefit and then to move to Poland..my friend still recieve disability pension from Londyn and lives good life in Poland.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
24 Oct 2011 /  #9
Yes my friend ;) similar situations exist with single mothers getting paid UK money for kids that never set food in the country :D
BBman  - | 343  
24 Oct 2011 /  #10
And those are just the Polish websites....I wonder how many indian, pakistani, arab, bangladeshi, etc. benefits websites there are...
rt3d  10 | 46  
24 Oct 2011 /  #11
it all works out both ways for every one
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
24 Oct 2011 /  #12
I don't blame them i guess

Im curous about Germanys benefit system.. im guesing its not a push-over like the UK

why else would the Polish travel so many more 100's of miles + English Channel to settle here? Why?

Can the polish gypsys not settle in Germany and rape their tax money?
modafinil  - | 416  
24 Oct 2011 /  #13
Tax-dodging cash-in-hand types are draining UK coffers more, and still claim benefits. Still, less violent theft than mugging me in the streets. Yet somehow I still feel mugged.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
24 Oct 2011 /  #14
Yet somehow I still feel mugged.

do you feel mugged by corruppt politicians and greedy banks? Cos they have ripped u off alot more than some loser with their benefits. Open your eyes.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
24 Oct 2011 /  #15
Cheers :-D

edit Please tell me why British plebs keep coming here and speading some crap about "benefits" etc. ? What do you expect from us ? These are your people and your problems, do whatever you want with them, start a civil war or something. Thank you.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
24 Oct 2011 /  #16
These are your people and your problems

These are YOUR people but OUR problem,edit .
The Poles in london only came behind the jamaicans and somalians when it comes to numbers arrested during the london riots so take your self righteous pity party and fook off.
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
24 Oct 2011 /  #17
The Poles in london only came behind the jamaicans and somalians when it comes to numbers arrested during the london riots so take your self righteous pity party and fook off.


Didn't know that. Very disappointing.
Ironside  51 | 13125  
24 Oct 2011 /  #18
These are YOUR people but OUR problem.

Actually hes right !

Very disappointing.

great expectation huh ?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
24 Oct 2011 /  #19
Surprised me too to be honest.
But, high number of shaven headed tyskie quaffing young Polish lads living in crappy areas of London, sorta to be expected.
I have to happily report that our 10-15 thousand Poles behaved perfectly during the riots....OK, we didnt have any riots here,but.... :)

edit, to clarify, that was 3rd in foreign born people arrested...the totals for non British people arrested is *only* 13 % of all arrested.
PWEI  3 | 612  
24 Oct 2011 /  #20
similar situations exist with single mothers getting paid UK money for kids that never set food in the country

Which, if you think about it, is much better for the British taxpayer than the kids moving to the UK (and much worse for the Polish taxpayer).

on pretext of teaching english and living a cheap high life

A cheap high life? Sorry Deepak but a take-away curry from Namaste Clay costs more than a take-away from the curry house nearest to my mother's house in the UK. Even that laughable joke which is Royal India charges more! Cider here is 35% more than in the UK and decent beer costs more in Warsaw than it does in the UK. With such a masterly grip of what things cost, it's no wonder that all of your superb business plans come to nought.
Ironside  51 | 13125  
24 Oct 2011 /  #21
Please tell me why British plebs keep coming here and speading some crap about "benefits" etc. ? What do you expect from us ?

Hard to say really, I think some people are living their life on a different plane of reality. Their gov and their people set rules and they are surprised somehow that people are taking advantage of that (probably they number is in fact negligible ).

I cannot get it too. ?I thing it just a way of whinnying and moaning.

Surprised me too to be honest.

Why ? Are Poles supposed to be special by the virtue of being Polish ?

I have to happily report that our 10-15 thousand Poles behaved perfectly during the riots.

Whats about Brits did they behave perfectly too?
modafinil  - | 416  
24 Oct 2011 /  #22
do you feel mugged by corruppt politicians and greedy banks? Cos they have ripped u off alot more than some loser with their benefits. Open your eyes.

I was expecting WroclawBoy to bring that in. Politricians cleaning their moats as a perk etc. Anyway;
But mugged, no, not really, that is how thay have always worked. UKs corruption in Politics is mild compared to everywhere else and don't think that because someone is craftier in scamming honest people makes them worse. Our low-lifes arn't more innocent just because they too stupid to run banks or talk crap. Only difference is level of intelligence not ethics.

Whats about Brits did they behave perfectly too?

He said in the edit 87% were British Born. Didn't mention their ethnicity, though ;)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
24 Oct 2011 /  #23
Whats about Brits did they behave perfectly too?

er,yes you blind pilock.....there were NO riots around here...as made perfectly clear in the post you quoted from...get a grip.

Hard to say really

Easy to say really....unlike your country we dont have a history of parasitical behaviour towards our own state.....we never had the mind set of take what you can...........as unlike you lot we were not being propped up by communism and fake non jobs etc....so now, with hundreds of thousands of parasites descending on britain from all corners its starting to get slightly tiresome.
PWEI  3 | 612  
24 Oct 2011 /  #24
Are Poles supposed to be special by the virtue of being Polish ?

You claim to be Polish and you seriously ask a question like that?!
Ironside  51 | 13125  
24 Oct 2011 /  #25
er,yes you blind pilock.....there were NO riots around here...as made perfectly clear in the post you quoted from...get a grip.

er, well , I'm just being sarcastic.

Easy to say really.

really ? it seems mouthful ..

unlike your country we dont have a history of parasitical behaviour towards our own state.

See, I knew it. First error - Soviet's Poland wasn't our own state. And if we assume for a sake of our discussion that it was that the most parasitic behavior was practiced by it masters, military and the police.

we never had the mind set of take what you can..

lucky you I would say but you know thats BS!

as unlike you lot we were not being propped up by communism and fake non jobs etc.

communism ended 20 years ago and what it has to do with anything ?

so now, with hundreds of thousands of parasites descending on britain from all corners its starting to get slightly tiresome.

Well, I think that there is problem with comprehension ability on your part. Why don't you put on your listening ears now.
I don't know about numbers but if those are right that as I have already said , YOU (if I;m allowed to follow in your footsteps and use GENERALIZATION here)made rules, YOU implement them, YOU allowed the system to be used by people from all corners .... and now YOU moan and insult NATIONS making unjust generalization about them based on behavior of few?

I say that YOUR behavior is schizophrenic or is an evidence of a high degree of detachment from reality and hypocrisy. (I would say that YOU are famous for the last one - immortal perfidious Albion)

As for generalizations whats good for a goose ...
I-S (get a grip yourself )


Are Poles supposed to be special by the virtue of being Polish ?

You claim to be Polish and you seriously ask a question like that?!

So, what about an answer to that
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
24 Oct 2011 /  #26
Politricians cleaning their moats as a perk etc.

So because, say, Italian politicians are more corrupt than British, that makes it OK?
the main difference is the vast differences of scale, you have been ripped off for untold amounts, not only of cash but also your freedom, by politicians (and its a bit more than moat cleaning) banks, utility companies and big business. The thing is it's been sold to you as 'lifestyle'.

Really a few people claiming benefits is the least of Britain's problems, these things are thrown our way by the Daily Mail etc to stir up hatred and distract us from the truth. It's called divide and rule, a very old tactic.
24 Oct 2011 /  #27
exactly....know where i would be going if situation reversed...finest shellsuit packed and ready, lol!

We spend £140.5BILLION a year in welfare handouts.

it might not be right but this is the way it is. where would you be going if you could earn in one week what the poles earn in a month? plus our benefits...

very interesting reading everyones posts...obviously a very inflammatory subject.i am english and have many polish friends, all of whom are employed in to .be honest, not very nice jobs .they all work really hard and 12 hour days are nothing unusual. yes some of them are claiming benefits for their children but i dont know any polish people that are here just looking for work and claiming jobseekers allowance. to all the brits that have moaned, if poland were offering same opportunities, you would all be in the queue for easyjet without a doubt. not saying our benefit system is right,or that i condone it,but if you live and work here you are entitled to it...simple as.all i know is that my polish friends just want better lives for themselves and family...who can blame them? stop bloody moaning,uk is a multicultural society now and far richer for it.
modafinil  - | 416  
24 Oct 2011 /  #28
So because, say, Italian politicians are more corrupt than British, that makes it OK?

No, but for me it is unsurprising that people go into politics for their own 'benefit' and manipulations with few exceptions like Tony Benn as the highest example of a genuine leader. To my opinion G Brown was only in it for his intention of heading the IMF, his ministry was a stepping stone. Pretty much all our MPs ***** themselves out as consultants for £1000s an hour to attend meetings and hint at future policy to their boards. A banker that isn't greedy would be surprising their job revolves around nothing but making money. What else interests them but interest.

Funny, most of what you are saying reads like the typical Daily Mail type banging on about rip-off Britain. We are a rich country and have a spectacular distribution of wealth when compared to other prominent countries. Our benefits system, when not abused, is something I consider to be a part of civilisation; that the needy are not ignored, but helped to get them back on their feet. Perpetually living off benefits is an unsavory lifestyle choice for some people in this country of any nationality or ethnicity that I consider low-lifes.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
24 Oct 2011 /  #29
Tony Benn as the highest example of a genuine leader.

top man

Perpetually living off benefits is an unsavory lifestyle choice

have to agree...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 Oct 2011 /  #30
You opened up the snakes cages and are now surprised that the snakes bite is poisonous.

Anyone with a brain could have told you this was going to happen pre-accession.

Of course, they were labelled racist.

Oh, well.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain!Archived