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UK weather is most unpleasant - for Poles too!

oxon  4 | 164  
27 Feb 2013 /  #1
This is what our leaders are telling the Romanian and Bulgarian governments to tell their people when the borders open to those people in January in the hope that it will put them coming to the UK.

A shocking documentary on the TV last night pulled no punches when uncharacteristically for our politically correct Marxist media, it informed the nation of the crime statistics perpetrated by Eastern Europeans.

' It is a matter of real concern that there should be such a substantial degree of criminality among those Romanians who have already come to Britain despite the treaty limitations on their right to work'

MigrationWatch chief Sir Andrew Green.

It focused mainly on Romanian thieves but for the majority of people in the UK, they don't differentiate between Poles, Romanians or Latvians just the same as Eastern Europeans wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Irish, Scots or English.

The sensationalist tabloid The Daily Express poured further fuel onto the fire when it announced on it's front page this morning (Wed) the crime statistics perpetrated by these nations citizens.

"The 34,905 arrests in London among Polish citizens in London were for suspected involvement in 84 murders, 129 rapes, 866 sex assaults, 480 robberies, 2,094 burglaries and nearly 7,500 violent crimes."


Will Poles be safe in the UK?
27 Feb 2013 /  #2
It focused mainly on Romanian thieves but for the majority of people in the UK, they don't differentiate between Poles, Romanians or Latvians just the same as Eastern Europeans wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Irish, Scots or English.

That's so ridiculous statement...
Btw do you know who are Roma gypsies?
OP oxon  4 | 164  
27 Feb 2013 /  #3
Not as ridiculous as it seems zetigrek. Very few people here have visited Eastern Europe and for those living outside the major cities especially, they would not be able to tell the difference. I fear for them in the near future.
27 Feb 2013 /  #4
That's weird given that Roma gypsies look is very distinguishable.
Are you serious that people in Great Britain haven't heard about Roma gypsies?
Ziemowit  14 | 4035  
27 Feb 2013 /  #5
This is what our leaders are telling the Romanian and Bulgarian governments to tell their people when the borders open to those people in January in the hope that it will put them coming to the UK.

And ain't it true? Your government knows perfectly well what they are talking about since they are used to British wheather. And you should be appointed the Minister for the Weather, oxon!

"The 34,905 arrests in London among Polish citizens in London were for suspected involvement in 84 murders, 129 rapes, 866 sex assaults, 480 robberies, 2,094 burglaries and nearly 7,500 violent crimes."

Can you provide some overall figures to set the above statistics against the all-national volume of crime?
OP oxon  4 | 164  
27 Feb 2013 /  #6
Not sure what your driving at Ziemowit. Supposing the figure was 20 million in London alone does that mean that 'oh it's ok 'cause there were 20 million crimes in London and only 34,000 were committed by Poles? Tell that to the 34 thousand victims and see what they say.

Fact is UK has stuffed up big time and it looks like slowly, the public here are waking up. Last night's program was real beginning I think.
27 Feb 2013 /  #7
the public here are waking up. Last night's program was real beginning I think.

Good, they will show how hypocritical is British society. We will scrutinize it closely :)
Ziemowit  14 | 4035  
27 Feb 2013 /  #8
Supposing the figure was 20 million in London alone ...

You still don't give the real numbers. Supposing is supposing; it is not the exact figures ...

Not sure what your driving at Ziemowit.

What I'm driving at is: You always blame the British government and British wheather. But what do you personally do to keep the modern invaders of Poland, Romania and Bulgaria out of Britain?
citizen67  6 | 187  
1 Apr 2013 /  #9
Will Poles be safe in the UK?

Will Britons be safe in the UK?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / UK weather is most unpleasant - for Poles too!Archived