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Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please?

thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
26 Feb 2012 /  #31
Hard not to react to such malignant misinformation tbh.
26 Feb 2012 /  #32
Absolutely, but he is only getting his jollies out of this - makes you feel quite dirty TBH lol
kondzior  11 | 1026  
26 Feb 2012 /  #33
They come to milk the system and subsequently reduce this country to a nightmare doing jobs for the elitists that no self respecting person would do. They are communists for Gods sake. They see this as a paradise.

I suggest that you should reduce UK's wages to the level of Estern Europe's ones. As long as it is possible to earn ten times more then in home, for the same job, some people will keep coming.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #34
All of my Polish friends that have gone to England have their own company's now or work for highly successful one's

1. Why should they be in the UK working when there are 3-6 million unemployed Britons here. If they are that clever why are they not putting their monumental work ethic to the benefit of their OWN country?

2. What do you define as a successful company? A media/marketing/advertising conglomerate? Part of the reason that these heinous industries exist is because they have poles in low level positions propping them up doing all their dirty work. If you all went home there would be such a shift here. You are actually destroying this nation even further with your blind obedience abd cringe worthy subservience all for a few quid.

You have absolutely no pride other than believing that if you are in gainful employment you must be a success. This is the folly of your communist breeding. Big bosses love you for sure but what you take out of this country in terms of welfare, infrastructure, health, education is far more than what you put into it .
26 Feb 2012 /  #35
You have absolutely no pride other than believing that if you are in gainful employment you must be a success. This is the folly of your communist breeding.

I wonder if bright lad here has actually realised that 90% of the people answering him are not Polish. :)
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
26 Feb 2012 /  #36
I suspect 'realising' things is something of an alien concept to him.
pawian  226 | 27364  
26 Feb 2012 /  #37
I wonder if bright lad here has actually realised that 90% of the people answering him are not Polish. :)

I could say sth as a Pole. But I won`t. :):):):)

Why? It would be a boring discussion as he/she is not a teacher. Teachers are the best partners for a funny discourse. They are witty, with a great sense of humour, learned, with multiple interests etc etc.:):):):):):)
boletus  30 | 1356  
26 Feb 2012 /  #38
Teachers are the best partners for a funny discourse. They are witty, with a great sense of humour, learned, with multiple interests etc etc.:):):):):):)

Absolutely, Professor Sir!

  • Teachers are the best partners for a funny discourse
sa11y  5 | 331  
26 Feb 2012 /  #39
Oxon, where did I say that Britain should allow for such exploitation of the system? I only gave answre to OP's question, which I find pretty naiive. I actually believe that there should be no financial benefits whatsoever, when you work you pay insurance to private unemployment fund and when you loose your job you use the fund. Pretty much like private health insurance. Same rules for everyone, no matter where you are from.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Feb 2012 /  #40
when you work you pay insurance to private unemployment fund and when you loose your job you use the fund.

you could call it national insurance.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #41
I did not know this ukpolak. Here was me logging on to a Polish forum site with the names of the people having one vowel between them (rcjzzllinski) and it turns out no one is Polish here.

I should really have guessed all along shouldn't I ?

Careful how you go, oxon
sa11y  5 | 331  
26 Feb 2012 /  #42
Wroclaw boy, i know that technically that's what it's supposed to be, if only such a big part ofvit wasn't abused and wasted.
pawian  226 | 27364  
26 Feb 2012 /  #43
I did not know this ukpolak. Here was me logging on to a Polish forum site with the names of the people having one vowel between them (rcjzzllinski) and it turns out no one is Polish here.

Yes, isn`t it great? After spending a few years in Poland, those guys think and act like Poles! :):):):)

It is to counter balance those Poles who left for the UK and are trying to be like British. :):):):) Sort of exchange.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #44
To the Mod who deleted my link. I posted that link re the Polish criminal for a reason.

Poland opted out the prisoner transfer scheme and it seems like Poland simply sent their worst criminals to the UK. that is not anti-Polish, but simply a statement of fact. Castro opened the jails & nut-houses, deposited the criminal & insane on to boats and sent them into the waiting & compassionate arms of Uncle Sam.

I believe the authorities in Poland are working along similar lines, with soft-touch Britain molly-coddling Poland's human refuge, they still arrive daily even though they know theres no work.

I can't see how the establishment of Polish ghettos across the British Isles can aid our cause, as times worsen and with the arrival of the Polish mafia only the truly blinkered can fail to see what fate awaits our own people.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
26 Feb 2012 /  #45
I’m sick and tired of lazy a** Limy whining! You really need to be Bi*ch slapped to snap you out of it. You have a bug up you’re a** fine! Have your tantrum fit your entitled to do that but FFS man be clear as to what is really bugging you.

Which “Pole scrounger” are you having a problem with?

They come to milk the system and subsequently reduce this country to a nightmare doing jobs for the elitists that no self respecting person would do.

Is it the one that’s cutting on your turf and you’re afraid that the benefits will run out very soon to support your lazy a** or is it the one who takes the job that no self-respecting Brit would do as it’s beneath his dignity supporting your lazy a** as a result. FFS man, pick one and run with it!

Speaking of communist system, I myself am sick and tired of a lazy a** chavs like yourself. My hard work supports your lazy a** lifestyle so you can have a luxury of contemplating on life and perhaps even better yourself yet there’s nothing there but chaos. Some random thoughts running through your head in a drunken stupor, what a waste of resources. Life’s not fair, my hard earned money supporting a looser like you and a leach that you are beyond redemption. That’s my pet peeve in a nutshell.

F***en Angol.
pawian  226 | 27364  
26 Feb 2012 /  #46
Poland opted out the prisoner transfer scheme and it seems like Poland simply sent their worst criminals to the UK.

Don`t worry. The popular statistics clearly suggest that the crime rate in Poland is lower than in the UK. So, even if all Polish thugs move to Britain, it still will not be enough to match your native thugs.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #47
your native thugs.

That's right Paiwan........they are OUR native thugs. Like all societies all over the world we have a crime problem and it's bigger than most bar America. (You would have to understand the folly of unfettered capitalism to understand why).

What we sure as hell don't need are polak criminals being fed at the UK tax payers expense.

Since there is a lot of confusion on this site shortHairthug it would help to know what nationality you are as you seem very confused.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
26 Feb 2012 /  #48
Polak, you have a problem with that?
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #49
Do I have a problem with Polaks coming here n the thousands, doing jobs for the elitists so that they can buy bread, sign on welfare, take advantage of all the free NHS goodies on offer, take up rooms and flats that could be utilised by the local people, commit murders and be locked up here at the tax payers expense.

Do I have a problem with Polaks moving into the flat above me armed with their satellite dishes blaring out their programmes and generally being a pest to society.

No, I love 'em. We need more . Whats your beef SHT
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
26 Feb 2012 /  #50
Seems like you have a problem with Polkas’ in general, that can be settled the old fashion way no beef here. The stupidity of your observation is truly astonishing, if you used half of that energy in a more productive way perhaps you could make your country proud but a Troll is a Troll, nothing will change that. If even for a moment you think this is some sort of debate then the confusion you referred to earlier is on you, a ****ing contest at best. Now **** off!
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #51
that can be settled the old fashion way no beef here.

I wonder what you are talking about here. A pole advocating violence? Unheard of. They need assistance in that department as they always choose the easy way out in life. So you are telling me to 'go away' . Can I stay in UK please?

stop flaming
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
26 Feb 2012 /  #52
I wonder what you are talking about here. A pole advocating violence? Unheard of.

Sometimes the old fashion a** whooping is just the ramady that will cure whatever ails you.

They need assistance in that department as they always choose the easy way out in life.

Gather all the assistance you deem necessary, still it will take all but 30 seconds tops.

Can I stay in UK please?

Don't really give a damn what sh*thole you choose to stay at.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
26 Feb 2012 /  #53
What I've learned on PF is that any Brit who airs grievances with foreigners abusing the UK benefits system is a BNP supporter. The fact that they're not only focusing on Brits abusing the British system is the proof of this. It can only be one or the other with no middle ground.

No wonder nothing gets solved, with so many of you spineless cnuts ready to be so flippant with anyone who voices their desire for a change.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
26 Feb 2012 /  #55
Do I have a problem with Polaks coming here n the thousands,

I remember sitting in a bar in Poland in early 2004, reading the news. A certain foriegn minister called "David Blunkett" had made a statement with regard to peoples fears about the number of immigrants expected to arrive in the UK from the A4 countries who were joining the EU on the 1st of May. He stated that between 12-15,000 was the amount from all four countries. When I showed this artical to my Polish friends they were amazed, they said that at least 15,000 would be going from their town alone. It gave everybody a good laugh.

Lib/Lab/Con, whoever you vote for, none have promised to stop immigrants except for UKIP and the BNP. It has to follow that any party which stopped europeans from entering the UK would also have to bring the UK out of the EU as the right to work in any member state is enshrined in EU law, all of the first three parties I named are pro-european so as long as they keep lying to the British public and people vote for them, things will never change.

I personally think its too late now anyway, many immigrants are now second and third generation so how do you send them "home"? I was already fed up with the UK and left in 2004.

Its funny, but Poland reminds me of how England used to be when I was a child, nice people (generally), its safe, friendly and I have not seen any evidence of drugs (in the small town I live in), probably not able to afford them anyway.

oxon, get to know your neighbours, try a few friendly words in their language, you would be suprised how they grow on you. Supporting the BNP would be a wasted vote, they are too extreme, try and help Labour get back into power, they will definately increase the benefits again.

Good luck to you and I hope you find work soon.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #56
I personally think its too late now anyway, many immigrants are now second and third generation so how do you send them "home"?

Avalon..I left the UK almost as soon as I left school . I was lucky to get a job in Southern Africa with everything paid for. At the time I wondered what the locals thought of me coming to their country and reaping all the rewards whilst they were condemned to their shacks in sprawling ghettoes far away from where I lived. I put it out my mind as they seemed to be happy, smiley people pleased to do all my cleaning etc for a menial salary.

In time, I understood human nature better and realised that while those people were happy to be working for me, they were making the best of a system that was imposed upon them n a capitalist world. They didn't ask for someone to come to Africa and impose a monetary system upon them. A system which benefits few and leaves the majority fearful. I respected their patience, subservience, general good nature. I was naive. But after 1994 when the ANC came to power a lot of people demanded equal rights and when they didn't get them there was bloodshed and thousands of people died, not through warfare but general crime.

Only after the ANC came to power did a lot of people have the courage to say what had been on their minds for decades. The UK now is fearful but if we have the right leadership we can close the doors and start to look after our own before anythng else happens. This is what the elite fear. The 3 major parties don't give a dam who does the tireless, menial work for the corporates. They can be English, Pole, Lithuanian, Czech...as long as they perform.

If we can cease immigration with immediate effect and pull out the EU so that no one is allowed to come here unless they can make a meaningful contribution to our society in the form of skills and qualifications that cannot be fulfilled here for some reason then that is a start. I now live in Britain and i am British. I have a right to a voice over immigrants who come here simply because they can.

I have a right not to walk down the road in a London suburb and not see Polish or somalian woman pushing prams with 2 kids in tow knowing full well that they are on benefits being paid for by working people. I have a right to a dead end job if that is what I desire. I have the right to sustain my life in my own f****n country!
Avalon  4 | 1063  
27 Feb 2012 /  #57
I have the right to sustain my life in my own f****n country!

When I left I had my own company and I was totally disillusioned with the British worker. Carpenters wanted 200 pounds for a 6 hour day, of which, they spent most of the time, talking on their mobile phones ( I have heard from friends that those same pisstakers are scrathing around for work now) I was paying over 100,000 per year in tax and NI.

Near to my cottage, the government moved Somalians into rented houses, 1500 pounds a month and that was 10 years ago.
I could not change anything, but at least I had the choice to not contribute and leave. 41 years of contributions and I have not been back to the UK for 7 years and I certainly have no wish to do so now. If I live to get a pension, great, if not, or should I say "if there is anything left", they can give it to Egypt or whatever country is due some of the 13 billion they give away in aid each year. The next time I am in an airport I can look at the private jets and say that I paid for some of that.

Stop blaming the Poles, its the system that has failed you, not these people. Your anger should be directed at your government.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
27 Feb 2012 /  #58
Carpenters wanted 200 pounds for a 6 hour day, of which, they spent most of the time, talking on their mobile phones

you should have had them on price work. and sacked the gaffer.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2012 /  #59
I now live in Britain and i am British.

Thing is, the concept of "Britain" is dying quickly. I certainly don't identify myself as British, but rather Scottish.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
27 Feb 2012 /  #60
you should have had them on price work. and sacked the gaffer.

Not all work can be done on price, especially, renovation. Sacking anyone when there is an extreme shortage of labour is not a viable option when there are penalty clauses in the contract. In 2003/2004, construction was booming, I was paying 18-19 year olds around 800 GBP a week and they would not turn up for work on Monday as they were too drunk from a Sunday night out.

I had worked hard for 25 years and had had enough of the paperwortk, stupid Health & Safety rules and regulations, preparing risk assessment forms instructing people on how to climb a ladder and to remember to stop at the top. Young labourers who could not count, measure or barely read.

I had enough money so I retired 8 years ago, now I just dabble when I get bored. No stress, people who do as they are asked, work from home and spend most of my time with the family and the dogs. Only regret is not dicovering Poland sooner.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please?Archived