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Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please?

25 Feb 2012 /  #1
The fact is that many Poles abuse the system - they come to the UK with no language, they can't or want to find employment and stay on benefits, live in the council house or they do some odd jobs. Why won't they just go home to Poland where they speak the language, have their families there, their children can learn and have friends (not like in the UK) and have normal life. They are underdogs in the UK with no aspirations and no future.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
25 Feb 2012 /  #2
So I take it you aren't part of the Welcome Wagon Committee. That and if they are really skint, they can't afford the plane ticket. Oh, and I think they like pissing off losers like yourself.
irishguy11  6 | 157  
25 Feb 2012 /  #3
You prob read the daily mail,receive benifits and are just pissed that you do not have the balls to take control of your life.

I have ****** up my life but I got back on track with the love of a good women
OP Phil-2345  
25 Feb 2012 /  #4
No need to call names.

Trust me - I see what's happening. Many people chose "temporary" life in the UK below their skills and education (low manual work despite MA degree!), deepening isolation, loneliness and depression.

It's one life only. I'm not saying that all Polish people live off benefits but many do.
25 Feb 2012 /  #5
Because benefits in Poland are far worse. And they are over after half a year of unemployment, anyway. Did I answer your question, Phil?
irishguy11  6 | 157  
25 Feb 2012 /  #6
If you have a comment why dont you register
25 Feb 2012 /  #7
Too much of a bother. I dont want spam in my mailbox, so I'd have to create temporary email first....
teflcat  5 | 1024  
25 Feb 2012 /  #8
The BNP website is so boring that their pathetic members have decided to infest PF. Any other explanation for the recent barrage of similar posts? btw BNP members, your lardarse leader is enjoying his MEP salary like you wouldn't fkin' believe.
25 Feb 2012 /  #9
I dont want spam in my mailbox

I've never gotten spam from this site. Why don't you break a sweat and commit to something fully, rather than kvetching in a half-ass fashion?
25 Feb 2012 /  #10
Every site that requires email address during registration, is going to sell these addresses to countless spammers. This is the order of things.
irishguy11  6 | 157  
25 Feb 2012 /  #11
yeah Bill, your going to get offers for periogi and sausage if you give you email
EM_Wave  9 | 310  
26 Feb 2012 /  #12
Phil, I wouldn't worry about some of these people. They don't like it when Poles are criticized because according to them Poles are perfect angelic beings.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Feb 2012 /  #13
Any other explanation for the recent barrage of similar posts?

Probably someone pointed it out as a nice home for lonely BNP members who got bored of discussing what they'd do to Poles.
26 Feb 2012 /  #14
Every site that requires email address during registration, is going to sell these addresses to countless spammers. This is the order of things.

You are talking out your backside as any credible site doing this would be blacklisted right away, or maybe you have had issues with the dodgy self-gratification sites you visit lol
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
26 Feb 2012 /  #15
No need to call names.

I will abstain from doing just that, just one question; how many Poles do you know personally in the situation you have described in your opening statement?
OP Phil-2345  
26 Feb 2012 /  #16
Far too many - at least 10 families in one small local area.

BTW I am Polish myself.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
26 Feb 2012 /  #17
BTW I am Polish myself.

Anyone who speaks both Polish and English can read your posts and know that is a lie.
sa11y  5 | 331  
26 Feb 2012 /  #18
Phil, if you are Polish why you ask questions like this? You know perfectly well that benefits in Uk are better than in Poland. I agree, this shouldn't be about milking system, but some people are like that, and that's not only true for Poles. If someone works below their qualifications and prefers that to going back, it's completely different thing. In many cases they would be working below qualifications in Poland too.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
26 Feb 2012 /  #19
Why won't they just go home to Poland

maybe the amount of money they get from it isnt enough to get them home, ever think of that, some govt sub dont
give enough to pay all the bills, and keep people above water, you think they enjoy it, I cant imagine just existing
on it and not living comfortable.. you need to realize they might not enjoy living like that either.
pawian  224 | 27153  
26 Feb 2012 /  #20
The fact is that many Poles abuse the system -


they come to the UK with no language,

They prefer to learn English from real Brits.

they can't

It is not their fault because

want to find employment


stay on benefits

When they can`t find, they stay.

they do some odd jobs.

Good. It means they try to remain active, not like other unemployed couch potatoes.

Why won't they just go home to Poland

Probably they have chosen emmigration for life.

where their children can learn (not like in the UK)

Can`t they go to school in the UK?

They are underdogs in the UK with no aspirations and no future.

If they do what they do, it is their choice.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #21
That and if they are really skint, they can't afford the plane ticket.
Plane ticket? There are no runways at bay 19, Victoria Station, London.

Bill....you are havin' a flippin' laugh are you not? You're seriously advocating that unemployed reprobates from Poland should come to the UK and collects benefits because it is equal to or more than 6 months of work? Do you give me strength or what!! Thank you!

I tell you what I do Bill and I wasn't going to mention this since most here are debating at a reasonably intelligent level and I did not want to offend. Racism is illegal and is defined as offensive hate crime but it must be at a level which others can hear and witness.

Just stand very close to those you suspect (and they are easy to spot) and whisper in the woman's ear 'get the f*** out my country you effen bleep,bleep. Men might react in which you may have to pull off an actors innocent shock, horror pose ....women on the other hand those that bear the children that the NHS deliver, will become worried and pressurize their man to leave fearing worse reprisals which will endanger them when they are on their own.

Good post. Thank you.
26 Feb 2012 /  #22
Threatening women, you're just pure class, aren't you.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #23
Sally and Paticja....your comments are astounding, they just blow me away. You tell me why the hell this country should take on and handout benefits to Polish people who up until 2004 would have had a hard time trying to pin exactly where UK was on the map. they know now alright courtesy of their Benefits handbook they receive on the National Express coach.

People like you have no idea that British scroungers here (long term unemployed) arn't exactly discouraged from their slothful activities since the army has to recruit from somewhere. You may find this hard to believe but the army recruitment process is much more successful in depressed mining valleys in Wales,Scotland and the bleak housing areas of north east England than Hampstead Heath in London.

Now, as soon as there is a call up where do you think your average Pole scrounger will be . Poles don't join armies, they don't box, they don't play rugby. they are not noted much for doing anything that is physical.

What is wrong with you people. If I didn't understand your communist background, I would swear you were all sub-human.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
26 Feb 2012 /  #24
Recently, I grown tired with about everything. Tired of living.
If I quit my Polish job, go to UK/Ireland, and buy a flat there, can I claim benefits right away? Is it that easy? If not, how to achieve it, with minimal effort?
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #25
No threats 'arry. Just a ploy knowing that they in turn will pressurize their 'men' 24/7 and I use the word lightly, to leave.

Women have their offspring to think about and must weigh up all the odds before thinking of money.
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
26 Feb 2012 /  #26
can I claim benefits right away?

oxon should be able to provide you with a comprehensive list of what you can get as soon as you set foot on British soil (on Victoria Station, to be precise).

thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
26 Feb 2012 /  #27
Oxon, just reading your comments above makes me realize perhaps man is no so different from monkey after all

"'My territory-go away! Not wanted! not wanted!"

Polish people who up until 2004 would have had a hard time trying to pin exactly where UK was on the map. Pure and utter rubbish. The Polish system of education is as good or better than much of Europe, including the UK who seem insistent on dumbing down A -levels, and indeed Ireland who are doing likewise with the Leaving Certificate.

Now, as soon as there is a call up where do you think your average Pole scrounger will be . Poles don't join armies, they don't box, they don't play rugby. they are not noted much for doing anything that is physical. Again, another vile outburst of pure bullshit. But par for the course with your posts I'm afraid. There was Poles in Iraq, there's Poles in Afghanistan and Christ knows they fought hard enough in WWII. As for not being noted for doing anything physical, I am, as you so quaintly put it, astounded at your level of ignorance. Even a quick trip on wiki would have educated you somewhat but I guess that's beyond you. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_in_Poland

And hey we all seen last week how great British boxing is eh? Two of them scrapping like children after the fight. A fight it must be pointed out against an Eastern European who hammered both of them.

What is wrong with you people. If I didn't understand your communist background, I would swear you were all sub-human.. Again it's hard believe anyone with a modicum of intelligence would write something like this, but hey, I guess you BNP keyboard warriors think you are some kind of medieval knights on a crusuade against the barbarians. In reality you're a nobody whose beliefs are outdated and whose xenophobia belongs firmly in the past.

Just stand very close to those you suspect (and they are easy to spot) and whisper in the woman's ear 'get the f*** out my country you effen bleep,bleep. Men might react in which you may have to pull off an actors innocent shock, horror pose ....women on the other hand those that bear the children that the NHS deliver, will become worried and pressurize their man to leave fearing worse reprisals which will endanger them when they are on their own. Brave man aren't you? A real class act. Though typically anyone who feels the need to spout such rubbish is a physical coward, seeking safety in numbers like a pack of wild dogs (and with about as much common sense). On your own you wouldn't have the balls to even dream of saying such a thing. You just lie there at night, idly dreaming of such fantasies before waking in the morning, cringing at even the thoughts of it.

If, as you claim, you can't get a job because of those damn Poles (you complain if they work, you complain if they're on welfare, nice one) it's no wonder as how your mind works is a sickening example of narrow mindedness. Who would want to employ such a person?
Avalon  4 | 1063  
26 Feb 2012 /  #28
You tell me why the hell this country should take on and handout benefits to Polish people who up until 2004 would have had a hard time trying to pin exactly where UK was on the map.

Easy, they had a personal invitation from the Labour Party.
oxon  4 | 164  
26 Feb 2012 /  #29
Bad monkey.....oh I don't doubt that there were some poles who were daft enough to join some army somewhere. There were poles in Iraq and Afghanistan were there? And whose uniforms were they wearing?

Yes I know that there are polish heroes.....

sorry ...I didn't mean to post that link. Ignore this and look at this.....

Wrong link ? No worries, I've deleted them for you.

..sorry ,wrong link again, this is the one I seek.

Bad Monkey....i could not give a dam if Poles and other EE's were on welfare, working or swinging from trees. I don't want them here full stop. They are not like Germans, French, italians, Aussies etc. They come to milk the system and subsequently reduce this country to a nightmare doing jobs for the elitists that no self respecting person would do. They are communists for Gods sake. They see this as a paradise.
26 Feb 2012 /  #30
Talking about tarring everyone with the same brush...

All of my Polish friends that have gone to England have their own company's now or work for highly successful one's, and I think our blinkered racist friend here oxon just wants to grind his narrow minded axe in public.

Now what was that phrase?....... Oh yes, don't feed a troll...!!!

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