Question. In order to travel from Poland to England, does one need a Polish passport? Is it enough to travel on just a dowód osobisty? As far as I know, it is easy to travel within the Schengen zone on a dowód osobisty, but since England is outside of Schengen, maybe a dowod osobisty is not enough. And then would there be any problems with getting back into Poland or another EU state on just an dowód osobisty? Thanks for the help!
Traveling to UK using only dowód osobisty?
In order to travel from Poland to England, does one need a Polish passport?
Is it enough to travel on just a dowód osobisty?
24 Jun 2011 / #3
In order to travel from Poland to England, does one need a Polish passport?
We also accept national identity cards for EEA citizens.
Are you Schengen?
24 Jun 2011 / #5
He's got a dowod osobisty, he must be Polish.
I think he could be ex-Schengen. A Pole would never ask this question.
If he is ex-Schengen....dump him.
If he is ex-Schengen....dump him.
No, not ex-Schengen, whatever that means. I'm of Polish descent with a dowód osobisty and I was wondering if that's enough to travel to Britain.