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Time for the Poles from the UK to go home

Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #211

Posts: 990
Joined: Jun 26, 0


All good things come to an end, every dog has its day, make hay while the sun shines...do you want me to go on?

And on and on!

Your arguements are all over the place, I would have to include every possible proviso into the discussion to preempt refs or beliefs you may have re the Irish condition, you say it was a dirty job and someone had to do it, what? stealing and enslaving indigenous peoples only qualifies as being classed as " A dirty Job" how sad for you.

It's been a long and expensive war for such a tiny country to finance, but Im sure the troops are okay.

If it was too expensive why go there in the first place or were you expecting big Daddy Bush to bail you out? And I don't think all of the good Men serving over in Iraq would concur!

Are you in Northern Ireland? in which case you are!...ya cock!

Cock is spelled with a capital c ! Queens' English . Couldn't you at least use a better descriptive term without showing your class? And where the Hell did You get the idea I'm from Northern Ireland? I cannot see where I even intimated I was.

Unless you can make out my accent from my typing and if so you're a genius.

In the world, in Europe, in the EU? please be clearer - you might add that we have some of the best training facilities in Europe..and people come from all around the world to train as doctors and to specialise here...but I guess you're just looking at the negatives. As for gun crime, now thats quite amusing an Irish man telling me all about violence...hmmm

Maybe so but how many leave causing your NHS to go on recruitment drives worldwide? MRSA, SOUND FAMILIAR?

My intent was not to concentrate on negatives but my response was in relation to the negative remark regarding Irish Men digging etc. There are fabulous aspects of British tenacity and inventiveness, hard work and loyalty, my ref was not to you it was to another individual who made the remark and I'm sure he can defend his opinion without Nanny Shellys helping him out. You're not Winstons Sister by any chance?

amusing an Irish man telling me all about violence...hmmm

You prove the point that most ill informed people of your ilk, assume that everyone on the Island of Ireland supported violence then or now, we didn't and we don't.

It probably would never have happened had Britain been satisfied with her lot in the first place, it amazes me how she gave up India etc but held on by tooth and claw to such a tiny piece of land as NI. What a cost both in terms of lives lost on both sides and financially to the Great British taxpayer. But I guess that was offset, the financial aspec that is, by inadvertantly training terrorists and other n'er do wells that are causing the world so much trouble and also by selling weapons of destruction to whomever wanted them. Hmmmm.. filthy Lucre.

We live on a tiny Globe in the Universe and I hate to see such a useful tool as this Forum descend into personal attacks, as there are others from other Nations viewing let us attempt to appear convivial, understanding and objective.

The post was about time for poles to go home and I disagree. All nations have diaspora throughout the world and we would all like to be treated with respect please don't allow a few bad Apples ruin it for everyone.

It amazes me how we Humans behave on this Planet, antagonism, hurtfulness etc but if ever there were a threat from outside we would all band together what a funny lot we are.

On that point I won't respond to any more of this as I would be a hypocrite and only adding fuel to an already incendiary discussion, not cowardly but tired of the niggles and jibes at people. Negativity and misery loves company so you're on your own.

8 Apr 2008 /  #212

you need to chill out Kev:). This forum is not to be taken seriously.

Long live Ireland!!!!!!!
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #213
Sorry Miranda,

Forgot my happy Pill this morning lol.
How U doin this morning?
Guess that'll be the most reserved response I'll get today.

8 Apr 2008 /  #214
Forgot my happy Pill this morning lol.How U doin this morning?

better than you, I took mine;).

Guess that'll be the most reserved response I'll get today.

I wouldn't know. Enjoy.
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #215
Judging by ur English pal, maybe that's why u r on half ur wage. Be thankful the other half wasn't swiped too.

Jeez Seanus, just read your Post, I've been crackin' up here for the last half hour!!
I feel like kopying it, I mean copying it, it's the best laugh I've had in ages.. Ta soooo much.

Marcus911  3 | 102  
8 Apr 2008 /  #216
Time for you all to leave.
We dont want you here and thats all there is to it.
Good bye

Winston, you are a Prick, I am a UK National and if it were not for the Polish people coming here to do the jobs that the Lazy asses in this country would not take then there would have been hundreds of companies would have either closed their doors Or moved to Poland, what good would that have done for the UK economy. What you are saying Winston is thanks for helping us improve the economy in the UK, Now bugger off back to Poland. You have a very tiny mind and I am glad that the majority of people here do not see it your way. There is a problem and that problem is people like you and the companies who expect the Polish people to work for the minimum wage with no increase in rate for overtime and who treat these people like ****. Reminds me when I came from Ireland to work in London years ago, I was treated like I was a lepper, **** money too and was called an Irish B**tard and Paddy by people who were Real authentic English with such names of Hanzeros and Marangoudakis.
Wroclaw Boy  
8 Apr 2008 /  #217
go home you are not welcome in uk anymore , im on half the wage i was on 3 years ago due to you eastern european .

This guy may be iliterate but that certainly does not mean he is a bad worker or tradesman. If he is a chippy or bricky or any kind of tradesman in the skilled labour industry he had the brains to Google this forum and find a place to post his anger at being undercut and probably in serious debt as a direct result of mass immigration by Poles and other Eastern Europeans. In my local Pub back in the UK I had many a friend and highly skilled friends i might add that could not even use a mobile telephone let alone work a key board. But ask them to install a swimming pool build a fire place, change a complicated gear box plaster a wall etc. etc. etc. and they wre masters of their trades.

Who are we to comment on their language or spelling skills when most members of this forum are not FINANCIALLY affected by the immigration issue.

In addition there was a small amount of anger from my mates at the local in the UK back in 2005, i dread to think what that has escalated to now.
Marcus911  3 | 102  
8 Apr 2008 /  #218
On that point I won't respond to any more of this as I would be a hypocrite and only adding fuel to an already incendiary discussion, not cowardly but tired of the niggles and jibes at people. Negativity and misery loves company so you're on your own.

I Like it Kev....
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #219

Whataboutye! ta. You married a Polish Lady or a Lady that speaks Polish?
Sorry for the stereotyping! lol.

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
8 Apr 2008 /  #220
Couldn't you at least use a better descriptive term without showing your class?

I thought that term quite classy...my bad!

My intent was not to concentrate on negatives

you did.

As for the NI situation, because of you whinning I assumed you were from that part of Ireland most people in the South / West dont usually whine!

You prove the point that most ill informed people of your ilk

A number of my Ilk are from Mayo! or are they excluded?
Marcus911  3 | 102  
8 Apr 2008 /  #221
Whataboutye! ta. You married a Polish Lady or a Lady that speaks Polish?
Sorry for the stereotyping! lol.

Yes, I did..best move I ever did.. don;t be put off the forum because of the idiot, there are some great guys on here and can be quite interesting..

Cheers Buddy
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #222
As for the NI situation, because of you whinning I assumed you were from that part of Ireland most people in the South / West dont usually whine!

You see, there you go again, assuming, that's twice now, want to make it three in a row? My family are also from Mayo. I'm really curious to see where this is going to go now. Now, you're only bad if it's in a good way...

Love you too!

Marcus911  3 | 102  
8 Apr 2008 /  #223
As for the NI situation, because of you whinning I assumed you were from that part of Ireland most people in the South / West dont usually whine!

Whinners? People from Northern Ireland? I think you may be mistaken. The people here have been through a lot, homes distroyed, places of work bombed and bullets flying on the streets. Didn't hear many people whinning when this was going on, they just tried to carry on their normal lives.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
8 Apr 2008 /  #224
and was called an Irish B**tard and Paddy by people who were Real authentic English with such names of Hanzeros and Marangoudakis.

Is it okay if I call you one, mines a really authentic Irish one :)
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #225
Yes, I did..best move I ever did.. don;t be put off the forum because of the idiot, there are some great guys on here and can be quite interesting..

Cheers Marcus. I found, like many here, this Forum totally by chance and initially thought it was a forum that was beneficial, calm and encouraging. Unfortunately it has it's quota of penile erectaheads. Thankfully not the majority so I'll keep with it.

Ta for the reply.
8 Apr 2008 /  #226
As for the NI situation, because of you whinning I assumed you were from that part of Ireland most people in the South / West dont usually whine!

that is an awful thing to say. Even I (who has never been to Irealnd or the Isles)knows that it is a false statement.
Marcus911  3 | 102  
8 Apr 2008 /  #227
Is it okay if I call you one, mines a really authentic Irish one :)

Are you on your monthly cycle again Shelly? you seem to enjoy trying to **** people off from time to time. Anyway if it makes you happy you can call me what you wish as it dosen't bother me in the slightest.
Wroclaw Boy  
8 Apr 2008 /  #228
Are you on your monthly cycle again Shelly?

Took the words right out of my keyboard
Marcus911  3 | 102  
8 Apr 2008 /  #229
Ha ha,.. Shelley there is medication on sale now for that you know?
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #230
that is an awful thing to say. Even I (who has never been to Irealnd or the Isles knows that it is a false statement.

Miranda, we've been dealing with this degree of ignorance for so long it is no longer an insult whether it eminates from individuals such a Shell, that's your nickname right? or the Americans through their ignorance supplying the "cause" with cash without the support of the majority of irish people and without even knowing the political situation at the time. I use the word ignorance in the context of not being aware, not that they are stupid or anything for fear of getting into another debate.

8 Apr 2008 /  #231
well, if I am not ignorant about the issue then there is no excuse for anybody else.
Sorry Shell, I am not directing it at you personally. I am just suprised that it can be portayed in such a simplistic way. I have a lot of sentiment for Ireland's freedom movement and perhaps I am biased because of that.

As for the ignorant people, I think they are simply lazy. There is so much info on Northen Ireland that there is no excuse for anybody to be misinformed, unless thay are doing it on purpose.
Wroclaw Boy  
8 Apr 2008 /  #232
well, if I am not ignorant about the issue then there is no excuse for anybody else. Sorry Shell, I am not directing it at you personally

Thats why you got my vote.
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #233
If you were to lock all of the races of the world into a room you would end up with two individuals arguing over eye colour.

you'll never change everyones idea of what's right, tolerence is the only feasible way to go. Accept change and move on!

Ireland is one of it's own worst critics and takes praise grudgingly. We as a nation have done remarkably well mainly thru inward investment but based on a resource of energetic & good people. We were shocked and sickened by the deaths of the two innocent Polish guys who died. Usually when something happens relating in a negative way to new People you'll find it is usually the same types causing the trouble. With Borders open now you will have undesirables getting thru, then it is up to those we vote into office to deal with that proplem, we don't need vigilantes taking things into their own hands or using a social network to deal with it, questions,ok but to encourage slagging and hateful remarks deserve to be deleted.

We are very tolorent of foreign people despite, unlike the USA, Canada and the UK, having to deal with and understand the huge changes to the assimilation of so many different races and cultures in an incredibly short time.

We make mistakes from an administrational side but the general public are quick to react in the new residents favour, yes we have our share of racists but they are in a minority.

Marcus911  3 | 102  
8 Apr 2008 /  #234
well, if I am not ignorant about the issue then there is no excuse for anybody else.

Here here....
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
8 Apr 2008 /  #235
I am not directing it at you personally. I am just suprised that it can be portayed in such a simplistic way. I have a lot of sentiment for Ireland's freedom movement and perhaps I am biased because of that.
As for the ignorant people, I think they are simply lazy. There is so much info on Northen Ireland that there is no excuse for anybody to be misinformed, unless thay are doing it on purpose.

Im quite aware of Irish history too, but when I get the three stooges here its hard not to take the p!ss

Are you on your monthly cycle again Shelly? you seem to enjoy trying to **** people off from time to time. Anyway if it makes you happy you can call me what you wish as it dosen't bother me in the slightest.

Took the words right out of my keyboard

Ha ha,.. Shelley there is medication on sale now for that you know?

What a bunch of Cocks! (note the Captial C, is that better??)

BTW what has Ireland past history got to do with Poland's current situation? Note that the whinning Paddies have to make it all about them...
8 Apr 2008 /  #236
Thats why you got my vote.

yes, thank you again and since I am fair, I think that referring to Shell with the PMS was out of line for all of you. Honesty guys, this is the worst argument ever and I suggest that you take it out of your vocabularyif you want to get along with women. I though you knew that;)
Wroclaw Boy  
8 Apr 2008 /  #237
Honesty guys, this is the worst argument ever and I suggest that you take it out of your vocabulary.

Ok lads, Retreat
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #238
What a bunch of Cocks! (note the Captial C, is that better??)

BTW what has Ireland past history got to do with Poland's current situation? Note that the whinning Paddies have to make it all about them...

Thought you were of Mayo extraction! makes you a Paddy and a Cock too or is that wishful thinking?

Im quite aware of Irish history too, but when I get the three stooges here its hard not to take the p!ss

Me thinks ShelleyS is on the backfoot now and trying to back out, no point trying to squirm out of it, statements made and on record.

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
8 Apr 2008 /  #239
Thought you were of Mayo extraction! makes you a Paddy

And your point is? I have never lived in the country I merely have an Irish name and some long lost cousins in Mayo..I dont actually claim to be "IRISH" and have never felt the need to sing Danny Boy or Athen Rye after a few GnT's

Cock too or is that wishful thinking

I hardly think so, that my good fellow is reserved for fu*kwits like you!

Me thinks ShelleyS is on the backfoot now and trying to back out, no point trying to squirm out of it, statements made and on record.

Trust me I dont backfoot anywhere! I stand by comments you are a whinning Paddy! who seems to think that a Polish forum is the place to moan about the Anglo Irish situation and who chose to take to heart everything I wrote..no fool like an old fool aye!
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #240
Nice to see you are intelligent enough to check my profile, must be the Irish in you.
Fuckwit, nice one! was that the answer to an IQ test you failed? As for the forum being the place to moan or b i t c h in your case , you seem to be managing admirably.

What's with the aye? you were a Pirate in a previous life?
Still on the backfoot Shell, no matter how much you deny it.

Yah de Yah De yah.

ByE Shell dahlin' Weren't you on Ibiza uncovered?

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