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Time for the Poles from the UK to go home

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Apr 2008 /  #181
Its called economics.

That's right.

wages of the low skilled manual workers in Britain have gone DOWN in the last few years.

And... ?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
3 Apr 2008 /  #182
If a girl has cute shoes I always notice (and sometimes ask where she got them)

lol i guess its like guys talking about the best football boots to get:) thats the only analergy i can think of!!!

I definitely prefer to look at other people's faces over shoes, but I see my mug all the time so I figured putting up shoes will be a good idea. Plus, I get bored having the same pics up so I'll probably be changing both soon :)

i wasn't slagging it off just asking why, thats all, no harm or offense meant
Mali  - | 300  
3 Apr 2008 /  #183
lol i guess its like guys talking about the best football boots to get:) thats the only analergy i can think of!!!

Yes, thats probably a good analogy. I just hate it when they say they got it years ago :(

i wasn't slagging it off just asking why, thats all, no harm or offense meant

Don't worry, I know you didn't mean to offend and I wasn't offended.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
3 Apr 2008 /  #184

awful spelling of course what i meant there was anal energy, uuummm no actually i think i'l stick with analogy, hahah.

I just hate it when they say they got it years ago :(

ouch, that hurts, its like when you say to your mate, 'thats a new shirt is it mate, who are you trying to impress tonight??' and he goes 'nah, i've had it for ages you just haven't seen me wear it'
Kilkline  1 | 682  
3 Apr 2008 /  #185
wages of the low skilled manual workers in Britain have gone DOWN in the last few years.

And... ?

OOOkay. I'll draw the dots for you.

The wages have gone down because Poles are cheaper. Employers employ Poles because they are cheaper. Business doesnt need to do this but it is desirable for them to do so. Laziness of the locals is an irrelevant argument. There are many lazy Poles like people in every other country. The difference is that Poles are cheaper.

Therefore your original arguments that a) the British economy needs Polish labour and b)that British pepole arent being employed because they are lazy, doesnt hold water.
Mali  - | 300  
3 Apr 2008 /  #186
awful spelling of course what i meant there was anal energy, uuummm no actually i think i'l stick with analogy, hahah.

LOL! How do I mistaken analogy for anal energy?

ouch, that hurts, its like when you say to your mate, 'thats a new shirt is it mate, who are you trying to impress tonight??' and he goes 'nah, i've had it for ages you just haven't seen me wear it'

and you know its a lie. Just fess up people! :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Apr 2008 /  #187
Employers employ Poles because they are cheaper.

Yes and that's why...

a) the British economy needs Polish labour

But you just don't get It.

British pepole arent being employed because they are lazy

In some way yes. If instead of working for a bit less they rather want to sit on their asses and do nothing then yes, they are lazy.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
4 Apr 2008 /  #188
Employers employ Poles because they are cheaper.

Yes and that's why...

a) the British economy needs Polish labour

But you just don't get It.

You 'need' to look up the meaning of the word 'need' in the dictionary.

In some way yes. If instead of working for a bit less they rather want to sit on their asses and do nothing then yes, they are lazy.

£6 an hour may enable you to live like a king in some village in Poland. Not in London.
poly  - | 17  
4 Apr 2008 /  #189
Not again cheaper Polish labour........
Kilkline  1 | 682  
4 Apr 2008 /  #190
If you dont want any thats fine.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
4 Apr 2008 /  #191
If instead of working for a bit less they rather want to sit on their asses and do nothing then yes, they are lazy.

This is a prime example of the differences bewteen Polish and English mentality.

The Poles see it as the British sitting on their arses being lazy.

The British see it as getting some other mug to do the sh!tty work.
sapphire  22 | 1241  
4 Apr 2008 /  #192
Its not a question of being lazy, its about knowing what you are worth. If you are more skilled than someone else then you wouldnt (or shouldn't)feel happy accepting a lower wage or even the same wage as them.. and why should you? Employees who look for cheap labour will generally get what they deserve.. inexperienced workers and/or a shoddy job. The amount of cheap labour flooding the workforce in the UK is providing choice and competition but is also undoubtedly forcing some professional tradespeople to change profession as they do not want to work for a pittance.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
4 Apr 2008 /  #193
The amount of cheap labour flooding the workforce in the UK is providing choice and competition but is also undoubtedly forcing some professional tradespeople to change profession as they do not want to work for a pittance.

The question is also who will replace them when younger people are no being trained into these professions as employers are happy to get ready skilled people from abroad. Ready skilled people who may leave at any moment.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
4 Apr 2008 /  #194
The government were looking at a scheme (I think they are scrapping it now) whereby those that were less, lets say academic would be able to train in skills, they would be like Technical Collages for ages 14 - 16/18 - I personally thought it was a super idea but the Gov has had a change of heart.
nikola  3 | 18  
4 Apr 2008 /  #195
Polish are always welcome to come live with me ;D
not EVERYONE though, I only have one spare room.

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Apr 2008 /  #196
You 'need' to look up the meaning of the word 'need' in the dictionary.

You need to improve your own native language.

£6 an hour may enable you to live like a king in some village in Poland. Not in London.

Well, actually you saved a lot of my time as now I don't have to prove anything - you've just admitted that you look at the economy through the eyes of Johnny the Redneck and that's not how things really work.
bajka  - | 71  
4 Apr 2008 /  #197
Polish are always welcome to come live with me ;D
not EVERYONE though, I only have one spare room.


That'll house about 20 then !

I know of some poles that work shifts and when one comes back at 6am he jumps into a bed thats just been vacated by the other pole that's going to work for 6am.

now thats economics for you, and the bed is nice and warm too.....
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
4 Apr 2008 /  #198
All these discussions about the mass immigration of Poles to Britain and the associated debates that come with it always raise the question "Who created this mess?"
The responses are always either a) the immigrants themselves or b)the British government.

In most cases the conclusion is that it's the fault of Tony Blair and the British Government and yet the last time I checked this forum was not a government one.

Oh well, let us skip this very interesting question for now and focus on a totally different issue, namely could it have been avoided? Could a low skilled British factory worker, or any factory worker for that matter, enjoy his 9 pounds/euro per hour work life for a long time in times when people are working literally for a bowl of rice? How many "Made in China" products do you have in your home? There is quite a collection in my house.

The influx of cheap Eastern European, or as some prefer, Polish labor force to British Isles created new job places whether you like it or not. It also put down the wages for the low skilled workers. You can’t have it all, right?

This year Nokia decided to move it's factory from Bochum Germany to Romania. The Germans lost 2 300 job places as well as tax from that company which will benefit Romanian citizens from now on. It's just time when Poland will became to expensive for the factory owners. I doubt you can stop that process.

So what have we learned today kids? That it’s better to be rich and healthy than sick and poor! Which the former I wish you all. :)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Apr 2008 /  #199
This is a prime example of the differences bewteen Polish and English mentality.

The Poles see it as the British sitting on their arses being lazy.

The British see it as getting some other mug to do the sh!tty work.

Oh,thats a classic,LMAO :)
We didnt build the worlds largeset empire by actualy rolling our own sleeves up ! We got the natives(or the irish) to do all the digging and what not. ;)
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
4 Apr 2008 /  #200
Good heavens man, what do they take us for, fools?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Apr 2008 /  #201
actually,with my spelling in that last post,very probably :)
Kilkline  1 | 682  
5 Apr 2008 /  #202
You need to improve your own native language.

Did you mean "you need to improve your own native language skills."?

That makes sense. What you said, doesnt.

Well, actually you saved a lot of my time as now I don't have to prove anything - you've just admitted that you look at the economy through the eyes of Johnny the Redneck and that's not how things really work.

Again, a random series of words with no real coherent meaning. Are you typing drunk again?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
6 Apr 2008 /  #204
The question is also who will replace them when younger people are no being trained into these professions as employers are happy to get ready skilled people from abroad. Ready skilled people who may leave at any moment.

The question is that If it is part of your culture to come here and discusse this issues.

IT IS POLISH FORUM !!! It isn't my problem. I am Polish I live in Poland I find it primitive that you come here and talk this crap here. Go to British forum and discusse your problems there.

It is discussion for British forum ! ;-)

and your avatar is funny... Mr investigator ;)
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #205
There is a simple answer to all this. Stop letting the eastern europeans into the UK in such numbers and send home all those who are not contributing anything else to Britain that cannot be contributed by the brits themselves.

And where do you suggest sending all the lazy Bastards in Britain who are illegally claiming benefits while decent, hardworking Poles fill the void paying taxes, jeez we're on this planet for such a short time, get a life, are you expecting an influx of expats from all over the world back in Britain because they feel guilty for deserting "your Country" when times are bad.

And yes, I know, the Irish are all over the place so comments re same aren't necessary as we had enough experience with British rule as did half the World.

AAG  - | 8  
8 Apr 2008 /  #206
sound like a hitler............
Kev A  2 | 64  
8 Apr 2008 /  #207
Oh,thats a classic,LMAO :)
We didnt build the worlds largeset empire by actualy rolling our own sleeves up ! We got the natives(or the irish) to do all the digging and what not. ;)

Doesn't that just prove how lazy you were, The Irish are now buying up most of what you got them to build. lmho !
Must be so embarassing to see what has become of the fabulous empire now, what was fat on rape and pillage in the past, robbing nations of their wealth now has one of the worst reputations for health and Hospitals, Gun crime and drug use, Can't facilitate their troops abroad with proper equipment etc, oh yeah i'd be so proud to be British! It's racist comments by you and neanderthals like Winston that give the decent people of Great Britain a bad name!
Kilkline  1 | 682  
8 Apr 2008 /  #208
IT IS POLISH FORUM !!! It isn't my problem. I am Polish I live in Poland I find it primitive that you come here and talk this crap here. Go to British forum and discusse your problems there.

The subject is of massive importance to Poland too.

I'm also not sure why you're getting upset about merely discussing the issue. I think we all accept this is an important subject with ramifications for both countries and that perhaps things are not going quite as smoothly as we would all like. There are problems. Cant we accept this?

It seems that even when a person makes it abundently clear that the problems that have occurred are not Polish people's fault (as I have done) then they will still get shot down for saying anything other than 'my, those Poles are jolly hard workers. Much better than the indigeneous rabble we're used to.'

Are people really not able to have more subtle opinions than that?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
8 Apr 2008 /  #209
The Irish are now buying up most of what you got them to build. lmho

Not quite but Im sure that the economy in Ire is doing just fine.

Doesn't that just prove how lazy you were,

Clever, I'd say :)

Must be so embarassing to see what has become of the fabulous empire now

All good things come to an end, every dog has its day, make hay while the sun shines...do you want me to go on?

what was fat on rape and pillage in the past, robbing nations of their wealth

It was a dirty job but someone had to do it (I might add that it wasnt only the British that hacked up the world - we were just better), It's not like the British were the first to do it, I seem to remember the Vikings and the Romans enjoying such things when they came to Britian.

now has one of the worst reputations for health and Hospitals, Gun crime and drug use,

In the world, in Europe, in the EU? please be clearer - you might add that we have some of the best training facilities in Europe..and people come from all around the world to train as doctors and to specialise here...but I guess you're just looking at the negatives. As for gun crime, now thats quite amusing an Irish man telling me all about violence...hmmm

Can't facilitate their troops abroad with proper equipment etc,

It's been a long and expensive war for such a tiny country to finance, but Im sure the troops are okay.

oh yeah i'd be so proud to be Briti

Are you in Northern Ireland? in which case you are!...ya cock!

BTW It's people like you that make me really proud to be of Irish decent...LF
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
8 Apr 2008 /  #210
I'm also not sure why you're getting upset about merely discussing the issue. I think we all accept this is an important subject with ramifications for both countries and that perhaps things are not going quite as smoothly as we would all like. There are problems. Cant we accept this?

I think those problems should not only be accepted but also dealth with if it such a troblesome issue for the UK. Still I'm afraid that Polish people have no influence over the british immigration policy thus making it more of a british forum subject rather than a PF one. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind discussing it but the amount of topics concerning this issue is second only to WWII threads, which clearly says volumes. At times I have the impression that this messageboard is about Britain rather than Poland.

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