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Time for the Poles from the UK to go home

oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #121
true very true:) want me to bring my clippers over you look like you need an haircut:0
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #122
I've heard of ur male pubic hair trimming credentials so I'll stick to the professionals to shear me. Anyway, u r off thread
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #123
I've heard of ur male pubic hair trimming credentials so I'll stick to the professionals to shear me. Anyway, u r off thread

do you mean your male???? I am def off thread:0 in fact I have lost the plot:0 did you see the vid of me trimming pubes then?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #124
No, I don't think it's time for the Poles to go home.
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #125
good cos I like em here. at least we can keep an eye on em:):)
SouthOfDaThames  - | 87  
25 Mar 2008 /  #126
No, I don't think it's time for the Poles to go home.

I bet ola123 will be SO happy to see all the Poles come home.

At least until they all start buying property with the money they saved up, and house prices go sky-high in Poland as well. Then she will moan about Poles pricing her out of the property market, not the English! hahaha!!!! Personally I think Poland is so over, which is why I'm moving to Ulan Bator :D <g> lol
UKGUY  3 | 87  
27 Mar 2008 /  #127
I think one issue is that the British don't understand the POlish culture. I mean to say, they look different, act different, have different values and opinions. Of course there are going to be a clash of cultures. If you put too many rats in a cage they fight!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Mar 2008 /  #128
Give 5 good reasons why they should Winston and let's see the objectivity of PF members in replying 2 u
Mister H  11 | 761  
29 Mar 2008 /  #129
Some will stay and some will go.

Personally I would have thought that most would want to go home eventually as that is where they are from originally. Whether it's called national pride or just missing the streets that are most familiar, I don't quite get why many Polish would care so little about Poland, that they never want to live there again.
bringthepoison  2 | 23  
30 Mar 2008 /  #130
dont be so disrespectful...you should be ashamed

Oh f**k off will you

the nazis murdered millions and you use it like a joke...disgusting

Look who's talking! The Poles dont talk about us like this so what gives you the right to talk about them like that? If you wanted to move there you'd expect them to let you! Thats what they expect from us. If you dont like Poles moving over here then you probably dont want the rest of the immigrants that come over here. Ever heard of the declaration of human rights? I'm actually shocked that someone who's probably older than me can't even think rationally.
rafik  18 | 589  
30 Mar 2008 /  #131
Reports in the papers today are saying what most english people are now thinking. We have had enough of the Poles in the UK and would like you all to go back to Poland.

sorry for stealing your job mr W.i won't do it again.in august im going back home so that you can get off the dole and benefits and finally find a job.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
30 Mar 2008 /  #132
get off the dole and benefits and finally find a job.

my friends partner was unemployed and actively looking for a job and she told me that the work centre paid for new shirts for his job interviews, new shoes and when he made a joke about it being cold outside, they asked how much money does he need for a new jacket! being jobless is like heaven in this country! lol. i dont see why some people here moan that Poles stole their jobs, its so much nicer not having one and still being paid for doing nothing!
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
30 Mar 2008 /  #133
Reports in the papers today are saying what most english people are now thinking. We have ha....

Is that full stop meant to be there?

coz seriously, i live here and i can tell you, most English people dont think at all!

he he
danwyer  - | 2  
3 Apr 2008 /  #134
Hang on.. have I read this thread correctly?! Some nut case is complaining about people having the freedom to move around as they please? ..and complaining that there aren't enough jobs?! AND people are agreeing?

What on earth is wrong with you?!
We are part of the EU, which means, should you choose to, you can pick up your bags, and move your ass over to Germany, France, Holland or even Poland, without having to **** around with visas and work permits.

I personally think everyone should experience life in a different country for a while; it certainly cures the problem of being a narrow minded fascist .
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
3 Apr 2008 /  #135
my friends partner was unemployed and actively looking for a job and she told me that the work centre paid for new shirts for his job interviews, new shoes and when he made a joke about it being cold outside, they asked how much money does he need for a new jacket

Then your friend is a liar, he may have received a crisis loan, which he would have to pay back on a weekly basis out of his giro, but there is NO way that he received money for a new shirt for an interview because the Social are so good hearted..FFS....I would suggest you get the facts correct before writing such things.
3 Apr 2008 /  #136
I personally think everyone should experience life in a different country for a while; it certainly cures the problem of being a narrow minded fascist .

I don't agree with fascism myself, but most of these problems have nothing to do with fascism. Now, from your reaction I've gathered that you probably don't have that much responsibilities yet?

Unlike you, some people actually have children who need to go to school, some people have family they need to care for, and some people just want to live in the region they grew up in because they happen to like where they live and lead a ''simple'' life..

Family life is a simple reality. You need stability. Not some grand adventure because you can't drag your children with you all over the globe.. That would be harsh..

If you're young and you want to work abroad and there are a few jobs for you, fine, I have absolutely no objections. But this whole development of labour-migration (In most cases, just for one lousy euro an hour more!) is wrong.

Can't you see? The people who invented it in Brussels, they laugh. Because people everywhere see their rights taken from them one by one. Wages drop everywhere. And this also affects the people in Poland on a longer term..

But I guess you haven't worked it out yet. I'm convinced that on the long term, this will affect every country negatively. Now, I can't speak for everyone, but I can assure you that in my case, it has nothing to do with fascism, more with common sense..

We are part of the EU, which means, should you choose to, you can pick up your bags, and move your ass over to Germany, France, Holland or even Poland.

True, but it's easier for a Polish person to migrate to Holland, because this will benefit him in most cases, and he or she will be sure to find a job. But if you're going to be completely honest with me here, then surely you can agree with me that it's not profitable for a Dutch person to move to Poland in most cases, and that most Dutch people who would travel to Poland will not be able to find a job..

That's why I have problems with the situation, because such things should work both ways.

I'm sure you understand..
isthatu  3 | 1164  
3 Apr 2008 /  #137
but there is NO way that he received money for a new shirt for an interview

Actually,although my earlier post regarding her barmy remark that it is easy to be unemployed in the UK were,surprise surprise deleted out of the blue,Im afraid yes,there is money available for things like new clothes for interviews etc,but only if you have been unemployed for over 6 months.

I personally think everyone should experience life in a different country for a while; it certainly cures the problem of being a narrow minded fascist .

blah blah blah...Im agreeing with arien here,grow the fuk up and come back when its not just you and or mummy and daddy arnt at the end of a phone line ready to bail you out.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
3 Apr 2008 /  #138
Not some grand adventure because you can't drag your children with you all over the globe

Taking your children to experience first-hand different countries and different cultures is one of the greatest gifts you can give them, along with a second or third language.

You are right in saying many people do lead a very simple life, a life of conformity. Stepping outside of this 'safe' life can be incredibly rewarding, a life changing experience. Its not hard to do but it takes courage and people who lead these simple safe lives often lack the courage, desire or motivation to make the step.
danwyer  - | 2  
3 Apr 2008 /  #139
So Arien, if we ignore the fascism comment from me, as this may be a little extreme (and you isthatu), exactly how many jobs have you lost as a result of immigration?! How unstable has your life really become?

Wages are going up.. How does this have a negative affect? Am not trying to cause trouble here, but want to understand your point of view.

I agree that currrently someone in Holland moving to Poland may have a hard time, but surely this will change over time as more and more people move around? (or as the population of poland decreases?)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
3 Apr 2008 /  #140
Im afraid yes,there is money available for things like new clothes for interviews etc,but only if you have been unemployed for over 6 months.

I have never heard of them "giving" money away, surely this money is deducted from the weekly giro...or has to be paid back when the person starts work...great isnt it in this country.

Wages are going up

Wrong, wages if anything are lower in blue collar jobs and have remained stagnant in other areas.
3 Apr 2008 /  #141
Wages are going up..

No they aren't..

You are right in saying many people do lead a very simple life, a life of conformity. Stepping outside of this 'safe' life can be incredibly rewarding, a life changing experience. Its not hard to do but it takes courage and people who lead these simple safe lives often lack the courage, desire or motivation to make the step.

Just tell this to someone who has bought a house, and has a mortgage of 250.000 € and is endebted to the bank.. It's not hard to do?

''Oh hello kids, today I'm going to be a retard-dad, and I'm going to tell your mum we're going to Poland!''

''Dad, we don't speak Polish and we don't think mummy will come with you because she really doesn't want to live there because she has a job, family and friends here?''

''But kids, it's a life-changing experience!''

''How dad? We will get behind in school because we don't speak Polish, you can't get a job there and mummy will also lose the job she really liked, and she will really miss the contact with her family on a daily basis!''

''Yeah, and how about Grandma? We can't just leave her here all by herself! She really needs our help because she can't afford a housekeeper anymore?''

''You're right kids..''

Can you smell the coffee already? I can..

Sorry to be such a joker, but I'm only showing you a few small examples here really, and I'm not even mentioning mortgages, ensurances, pensions..

You name it! When you have a family, things change. You have responsibilities, a partner who needs to agree with you, the future of your children can be at stake and you'll always have friends and people to look after..

It has nothing to do with conformity or being brave.. More with being responsible for your family..
3 Apr 2008 /  #142

Stop being realistic.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
3 Apr 2008 /  #143
Wages are going up..

yawn,at the risk of repeating myself groundhog day like,wages have gone down in most blue collor sectors....£9.60 odd in the 90s for warehousing work...£5.60 odd now.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

have never heard of them "giving" money away, surely this money is deducted from the weekly giro...or has to be paid back when the person starts work...great isnt it in this country.

I was out of work last year for various reasons(nothing to do with the thousands of poles round here) and this is what I was offered,no paying back,just a realisation that the long term unemployed maybe dont have the cash to go out and by trendy/smart clothes for interviews. As Id lost ALL my clothes in the june floods I wouldnt have complained if I had qualified.

More with being responsible for your family..

Exactly,in my case,much as I would have loved to take up the offers I got of work in,oddly enough,Holland and Poland last year I couldnt and still cant just up sticks and leave my disabled mother to fend for herself.....
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
3 Apr 2008 /  #144
As Id lost ALL my clothes in the june floods I wouldnt have complained if I had qualified.

Sorry to hear that, hope the insurance paid out...
3 Apr 2008 /  #145
Stop being realistic.

I will marry the girl(s) (I do need a secret lover to satisfy my needs too don't I?) of my dreams tomorrow!

Is that better for you Shawn?
isthatu  3 | 1164  
3 Apr 2008 /  #146
Sorry to hear that, hope the insurance paid out...

gggrrrr,no,being a responsible person I had insurence,guess what,Im still stuck at my mums house while all the chav fekers are back in their nice refunished homes with sh*t loads of new furniture complete new wardrobes etc etc......
Kilkline  1 | 682  
3 Apr 2008 /  #147
I personally think everyone should experience life in a different country for a while; it certainly cures the problem of being a narrow minded fascist .

It didnt work for Hitler.

yawn,at the risk of repeating myself groundhog day like,wages have gone down in most blue collor sectors....£9.60 odd in the 90s for warehousing work...£5.60 odd now.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

As long as people can get their plastering done for a fraction of the cost and the local Starbucks is fully staffed then the middle class doesnt see a problem. Their quality of life is improved by immigration as interest rates are kept low and services cheap.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Apr 2008 /  #148
It didnt work for Hitler.

lmao,didnt he live in liverpool or somesuch for a while too(probably explains a few things...)
Shelley,can you re post that pm regarding the insurence wottsits please,as you might guess,Im er,a different me now...dont ask...:) Thanks.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
3 Apr 2008 /  #149
lmao,didnt he live in liverpool or somesuch for a while too(probably explains a few things...)

I know he had family there with the name and everything. I remember reading a story in which a local newspaper interviewed one of his cousins during ww2 and the guy was saying how he was keeping a bit of a low profile as "the name Hitler aint too popular round here." Classic British understatement.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
3 Apr 2008 /  #150
Yeah,the lufftwaffe gave up bombing liverpool after a couple of raids....every time they tried to land their bombers back in France they crashed coz some scally had nicked the wheels :)

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