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Time for the Poles from the UK to go home

Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Mar 2008 /  #91
Here's a good video, I appreciate his honesty. He sounds more Scottish than me, LOL

youtube.com/watch?v=3Zs2o908ZFk, reasonable and rational
isthatu  3 | 1164  
18 Mar 2008 /  #92
are you in Poland?

Nope,but it feels like it when I nip to the shops lol More bloody wendel than cadburys around here :) No,Ive never tried to pretend to live in Poland,I have spent a lot of time there and have many close friends in Poland,all native Poles,thats why I take with a pinch o salt all the backwoods,bigoted imature garbage that gets spouted on here by net tysons and gobby little girls.
hu_man  6 | 131  
18 Mar 2008 /  #93
Do you speak Polish?
What kind of job does a 21 yr old foreigner, with no post-secondary education, get in Poland that is worth the trip over?

I speak a little cant write it but i dont have to...fortunant for me im quite good with computersso i work in IT and most of the clients are english or speak english..
britishman101  - | 1  
18 Mar 2008 /  #94
Before i begin: I am not racist or a daily mail reader however i think the polish inflex was to great into are country. we should have had tighter imigration controls before letting poles into the country but now its too late! There are simply too many!! While you maybe helping the british economy you are putting strains on schools and the NHS. I think i speak for many when i say BRITIAN HAS HAD ENOUGH!
hu_man  6 | 131  
18 Mar 2008 /  #96
i'll second that....
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
18 Mar 2008 /  #97

mate you would have a valid statement there if you put 'immigrants' instead of where you put 'poles' it just makes you sound like a biggot. I can see that you are clearly concerned about the immigration policies of this country like myself but don't give anybody fuel for the fire
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
18 Mar 2008 /  #98
Before i begin: I am not racist or a daily mail reader however i think the polish inflex was to great into are country!

And there's far too many moaning British people who'd rather come here and try and stir a little trouble. If immigration bothers you so much, why don't you start campaigning to the government? Nah, you'd rather come here and moan.

I said somewhere before that the schools and the NHS were stretched before Polish people came here. That's also the fault of the government as they've been steadly closing down schools and hospitals for years.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
18 Mar 2008 /  #99
Before i begin

Judging by your spelling, your school was closed down long before Polish people moved here.
osiol  55 | 3921  
18 Mar 2008 /  #100
Let's think of Britain as a party.

Anyone present at the party is entitled to nibbles. These are the vol-au-vents of health-care, education for children and law and order.
Everyone is expected to bring a few drinks and bites to eat. These comestible provisions are work, labour, employment, the paying of tax.

Once you reach the 'I need to take it easy on the sofa' stage (retirement), you no longer have to provide drinks - they are provided by those who are still up on their feet partying.

Of the people who have been at the party since seven o'clock (the start of working age), there are more who are now ensconced on the sofa of retirement than at any time before. They still need their drinks. They still need their finger buffet.

Now, if the attendants of this party were breeding like rabbits, there would be enough newcomers to keep everything going on their own. (Rabbits have a very short gestation). Many of these party-goers seem to be more like giant pandas than bunny rabbits.

This means more people need to be invited to the party, just to keep the whole thing going - without booze and bites, there is no party.
hu_man  6 | 131  
18 Mar 2008 /  #101
hahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahaha....................That was fu*king funny
isthatu  3 | 1164  
19 Mar 2008 /  #102

butt bandit greek boy.....are you in the UK? no.so fek off.
theres only 2 types of greek in this country...One who shags the queen and the others who make crappy kebabs. Give me a Turk any day.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
19 Mar 2008 /  #103
If Polish people leave the UK it is for one of two reasons:

Look at the Exchange rates (£1=4.49ZL and £1=1.27Euros). It may be financially more beneficial for them to work elsewhere in the EU now that the limitations on A8 citizens working in EU countries other than the UK and Ireland are being relaxed.

The second reason is much more sinister. There is a new category of UK citizen who will be fighting for the jobs that all categories of Polish workers have made their own. No not the workshy chav but the banker. (the b and w are interchangeable). Following the melt down of the world's financial markets we now have hoards of them wandering around. Obviously the Polish have an advantage in that most of them are better educated and have a strong grasp on reality. But do not underestimate the banker's ability to use incomprehensible language and charm birds down from the trees.

Have you lost your job to an out of work banker. If so contact honest John c/o the Daily Muckraker.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
19 Mar 2008 /  #104
yes,like locusts who have picked one field bare,they move onto another......the bankers that is....
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
19 Mar 2008 /  #105
Matyjasz,I agreewith your points, just,do you really think that makes a difference to the average working class brit who has seen a freeze on wage increases since 04 and in many cases a falling wage?

I’m sure that me giving a speech about the importance of being competitive in today’s global market to him would make the same effect as trying to explain to my aunt that now she will have to make four times the way she used to go to her local hospital, as the one near her was closed because of the lack of staff who emigrated to the west.

I know that it’s easy to say to that average brit that he should be more competitive and that it is how the free market works when the case doesn’t concern me personally but, as banal as it may sound, it’s just the way the world spins. Not much I can really do about it aside for feeling for him. The worst thing is that you really don’t have to have an influx of foreign workers to your country to lose your job being working class. The case of Nokia relocating it’s plant to Romany due to cheaper costs of production (2 300 German workers jobs at stake) is the best example for that.

The only groups to benifit from this visably are the immigrants and big buisness.

What exactly do you mean by big business. A pub owner employing polish bartenders? A shop or restaurant owner employing polish staff? A brit who hires polish plumbers to help him out in his house?
SouthOfDaThames  - | 87  
20 Mar 2008 /  #106
More bloody wendel than cadburys around here

Wedel's is owned by Cadbury's lol :)
isthatu  3 | 1164  
21 Mar 2008 /  #107
Yey,Brum still rules the world :)
grahambarb  - | 21  
23 Mar 2008 /  #108
yes i agree enough is enough our country is changing so fast enough of eastern european immigration it's sending the uk to the dogs no wonder so many people want out , lower wages higher cost of living un controlled immigration rising youth unemployment , they can't even get low paid jobs in their own towns because of the poles
oliver twist  - | 121  
23 Mar 2008 /  #109
they can't even get low paid jobs in their own towns because of the poles

They couldn't get jobs long before the poles came here and most of them don't want jobs anyway... why is everyone blaming the poles???

I'm english and have never had a problem getting work.. don't know anyone who seriously looks for work who can't get a job..

why are those who seem to hate the polish so much, on a polish forum???????
probably a stupid question but then I am a donkey,
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Mar 2008 /  #110
lower wages higher cost of living un controlled immigration rising youth unemployment , they can't even get low paid jobs in their own towns because of the poles

spiritus  69 | 643  
24 Mar 2008 /  #111
You know, I would have a lot more time to listen to Brits complaining about Poles if they had also voiced their objections to Pakistanis and Bangladeshis entering the UK as well as Poles.

Poles in the UK seem to be suffering from a form of "white racism". Poles are only doing what hundreds of thousands of Asians have been doing and that is coming to the UK to try and make a better life for themselves. Very few people seem to mention this and there seems to be an acceptance or ignorance of this fact. Is it perhaps easier to tell Poles to go home because it's not seen as overtly racist as telling someone who is coloured to go home ??

Comparing these two types of immigrants you would think the Poles should have had the easier time winning the hearts and minds of Brits.

Poles come here to work and work hard. Consequently they pay taxes and contribute to our economy.

Many Asians have come to the UK to join up with their extended family. The Asian culture is culturally wired so that the women do not go out to work. The women overwhelmingly stay at home, have an above average no. of kids (by Western standards) and then claim social benefits for the family.

Poles are Christians and have come to live and work in another Christian society i.e. the U.K. I have nothing against multi faith communities but with Poles you won't get anybody being "offended" for having the word "Christmas" in "Christmas lights" nor do they live in ghettoes like so many Asian communties do in Northern England.

You're also not likely to get a fanatical Pole trying to blow British people up in the name of his religion.

The only reason I can think of behind Poles being targetted for this abuse is that they have come so quickly and in so many numbers to the UK. Other immgrants have come to the UK in far greater numbers but spread over a longer time.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #112
Competition is competition. Being British is certainly no guarantee of getting a job ahead of a foreign national. The Poles do a lot of work on their CV's, it's quite a task making a job application in Poland so they are glad to see that we need less paperwork.

The reality is that many Poles have become accustomed to life in the UK. Despite the falling value of the pound, they are staying put. They are leaving behind food that they love and many good things. All this tells u that the job market is fairly bleak here in Poland.

Everyone knows that the Poles have a right to be there and that they are often moving to better circumstances, I'd do exactly the same. Many Poles have lost confidence in the predicament here. It's a crying shame that their govt didn't value job creation enough. Money from the EU, development grants, seem to have been pi**ed away. Tusk needs more time to make changes but I'm not holding my breath.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
24 Mar 2008 /  #113
an English friend of mine had to quit her job in the end cos her company kept hiring more and more Polish people and she didnt have anyone to talk to most of the time, as those Polish preferred to stick togeher... I dunno how that company got away with it (and it still does), but they pay less money to Poles than they would to Brits.
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #114
Everyone knows that the Poles have a right to be there and that they are often moving to better circumstances, I'd do exactly the same. Many Poles have lost confidence in the predicament here. It's a crying shame that their govt didn't value job creation enough. Money from the EU, development grants, seem to have been pi**ed away. Tusk needs more time to make changes but I'm not holding my breath.

I may be wrong here seanus but many English papers are saying that a lot of Polish people are going home cos the moneys better over there? is this true?? what I don't understand is why do Polish people continue to come to the uk if the moneys better there? If I could earn more at home surely it would make sense to be at home.. by the way seanus where about in Poland are you?? whats the weather like over there?

but they pay less money to Poles than they would to Brits.

Funny that it,s apparently different here our employers pay less to poles then to brits, apparently poles are better workers as well??? I think it's pretty f****d up if somebody works sureley they should get the same money as alll the other workers? just a thought but if you had your own business wouldn't you pay the best workers more?? I see now your friend worked in uk. sorry to much wine:) but still I think it's **** the way things are equal pay for all:)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #115
Many Poles have headed home but figures are exaggerated. Property prices are pretty high here so that's a disincentive to returning. The money isn't better here for the most part.

I'm in Gliwice, Upper Silesia. It's a little cold and snowed a bit today. It has been so changeable tho
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
24 Mar 2008 /  #116
Funny that it,s apparently different here our employers pay less to poles then to brits, apparently poles are better workers as well??? I think it's pretty f****d up if somebody works sureley they should get the same money as alll the other workers? just a thought but if you had your own business wouldn't you pay the best workers more??

Yes, i thought everyone should be paid the same, unless they are trainees etc. I heard that Polish builders also get paid less than the British ones, and its not because they're crap, in fact they are very good workers... That company where my friend used to work gets all these Polish people through some agency. They get really rubbish money, i wouldnt bother leaving Poland for that, but they just keep coming and they scarily outnumber the British lot, thats why everyone non-Polish is leaving. The company doesnt care, they will just get some more cheap Polish labour...
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #117
I'm in Gliwice, Upper Silesia. It's a little cold and snowed a bit today. It has been so changeable tho

thanks, I am going to Krakow on thursday and wa swondering what clothes to pack, never been abroad before:) I think I will just putbthe wardrobe on the plane: joking aside though what footwear do you recommend, no joke about getting new shoes on my hooves either:) this is the first sensible conversation we have had:) do you think it's love?:0
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #118
Take some warm clothes for sure. Take some hiking-style boots for warmth, Gore-Tex if u have them. 15-love to me maybe
oliver twist  - | 121  
24 Mar 2008 /  #119
15-love to me maybe

now you are just being romantic:0 thanks for the advice though. still think your a puff though:)

I heard that Polish builders also get paid less than the British ones, and its not because they're crap, in fact they are very good workers...

it's true. I read that many polish plumbers get paid half the amount of british plumbers. and thay do much better work??? But to put things intoperspective my mate just got ripped of by a polish plumber:) but there is good and bad everywhere!!lol
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Mar 2008 /  #120
It takes one to know one I guess, LOL

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