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Time for the Poles from the UK to go home

tornado2007  11 | 2270  
17 Mar 2008 /  #61
the only thing i will ask of you then is, with all this freedom it seems to me that the advantages, oppertunities and positives all go to the Poles (in this case, as we are specificly alking polish) what do the UK get in return??? Where are our oppertunities, advantages and positives???
TripTic  3 | 95  
17 Mar 2008 /  #62
Tide is turning Tornado. Soon thousands of Poles will return back home. I'm pretty much sure!
isthatu  3 | 1164  
17 Mar 2008 /  #63
Its not a case of "tide is turning"! He asked a valid question. Is it one sided? Sure,Polish workers have gained a lot from this,what has the average British worker gained? A chance to up sticks and move to a decrepit former communist satelite? Or far less job security than one should expect from the nation of your birth ?Wow,fair trade there!

Lets all get the violins out for the hard time the poor Poles have had in the past and lets all laugh our t its off at the poor British now.

hu_man  6 | 131  
17 Mar 2008 /  #64
the only thing i will ask of you then is, with all this freedom it seems to me that the advantages, oppertunities and positives all go to the Poles (in this case, as we are specificly alking polish) what do the UK get in return??? Where are our oppertunities, advantages and positives???

Well i am from london and couldnt like the poles more i cant believe you havent thought you coment through enough to realise how much money the poles have made for your country....staight up to be perfectly honest if i were to go through all the intracasies of why the poles aint bad for the county i would fill pages i could think of at least 5 other nationalties (immarants) that i would prefer the poles over but i wont start that conversation...

and most off the people that start the whole argument about poles stealing common rights and liberties are usualy people who have a **** job and cant be bothered to sum up enough hunger to take a better one....

daily mirror washed brain dead souls...

Where are our oppertunities, advantages and positives???

they all lay in the excuses you use to not find a job...

im 21 years old from a working class background born and raised in southeast london and i left school with nothing and have never been out of work the whole time these poles were so called stealing our jobs....and the funny thing is i have just moved to the country they were leaving because there wasnt any work and mannaged to get myself a job after a week of bieng here ....(and i dont teach english)

sorry back to the point i dont think they are taking anything from you apart from what you are willing to lose..

ps sorry for the long post :)
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
17 Mar 2008 /  #65
Tide is turning Tornado. Soon thousands of Poles will return back home. I'm pretty much sure!

i don't mind there being Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Greek, Italians, Spanish or whatever there are just to many 'immigrants' in my opinion, we should be picking and choosing the ones we need not letting every tom dick and harry in :)

Its not a case of "tide is turning"!.

thanks for realising my earlier point, i wasn't trying to be offensive by it, just raising the question. We allow all the countries into the EU and offer them what they need, is it not allowed, that we might expect something in return??? :)

Well i am from london and couldnt like the poles more i cant believe you havent thought you coment through enough to realise how much money the poles have made for your country....staight up to be perfectly honest if i were to go through all the intracasies of why the poles aint bad for the county i would fill pages i could think of at least 5 other nationalties (immarants) that i would prefer the poles over but i wont start that conversation...

as i said above, i don't care about 'singular nationalities' i care about 'immigration overall' so while what you said is probably true mate, i don't care because i'm not talking about just poles or just indians here.

they all lay in the excuses you use to not find a job...

well actually if we spent money on the UK, not on the EU, we could afford to kick these lazy people and give them the jobs instead of letting the immigrants take them, dont you think, clever boy??

im from a working class background born and raised in southeast london and i left school with nothing

we need mor people with your attitude towards finding a job, maybe then we wouldn't need the influx of immigrants.

ps sorry for the long post :)

no problem, if you need to make a point, make it :)
hu_man  6 | 131  
17 Mar 2008 /  #66
the apparent peoples government signed up for this blame them not the immagants....
and there were allways lazy people way before the immagants came marching in...
the fact is and you cant deny it if some one cant be bothered in england to get a job they will have everything handed them on a plate..

i hate to sound like a broken record but they get free housing and money for food
if i didnt want more out of life i would be in heaven

no problem, if you need to make a point, make it :)

Lukasz  49 | 1746  
17 Mar 2008 /  #67
you can always leave EU ... Germany and USA promoted our membership in EU not UK ...
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
17 Mar 2008 /  #68
the apparent peoples government signed up for this blame them not the immagants....

i'm not blaming the immigrants i'm blaming our 'immigration' policies.

there were allways lazy people way before the immagants came marching in...

your not wrong there mate!!!

the fact is and you cant deny it if some one cant be bothered in england to get a job they will have everything handed them on a plate..

i agree and thats why the money is better spent on getting these people of their asses and into jobs irispective of whether they want to or not!!

i hate to sound like a broken record but they get free housing and money for food
if i didnt want more out of life i would be in heaven

the only thing i will say is that if you are British, then your are entitled to British benefits, i don't think we should be housing 'foreign nationals' for free, its just my view
hu_man  6 | 131  
17 Mar 2008 /  #69
your contradicting yourself...............

i agree and thats why the money is better spent on getting these people of their asses and into jobs irispective of whether they want to or not!!

the only thing i will say is that if you are British, then your are entitled to British benefits,

so you will spend money to make a person work and then pay them (they should want to work to earn there money)

and the money spent on making them work can be spent on health care and schools..

and because your britsh and lazy your entitled to benefits..

im confused do you want them to work or not..?
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
17 Mar 2008 /  #70
and because your britsh and lazy your entitled to benefits..

what i'm saying is 'british people' should be the only people allowed to have 'british benefits' and what i'm talking about are the people who can't work, injured or whatever, i think you know what i mean.

and the money spent on making them work can be spent on health care and schools..

yeah true, i totally agree so lets stop giving our money to brussels to hand out to countries that say they need it!!!!

im confused do you want them to work or not..?

ow yes
isthatu  3 | 1164  
17 Mar 2008 /  #71
im 21 years old

Ok,come back to the debate when you have actually lived a little.Tried to get a house in the UK ,tried to raise a family etc etc,not just shot off on a jolly to a far off land with naff all responsibilities and,frankly,naff all to lose. Im guessing you dont have a morgage in the UK so once it all goes t its up its a case of straight back to mums. Well,I admire your idealism but,lets see it still in place in a few years time eh.
hu_man  6 | 131  
17 Mar 2008 /  #72

your a joker i left home early and learnd the hard way i seen more in 1 year then you could in a lafe time ... lol....telling me to live a little ...

o' you want me to start a family in england and sponge off the govenment like all the rest..
no thanks

ive had homes and flats and poped off to get some more in another country while you sit and moan about the poles...
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
17 Mar 2008 /  #73


now now ladies, let's have a discussion where it dosen't get personal :)
isthatu  3 | 1164  
17 Mar 2008 /  #74
well,I was thinking maybe your a mature 21.,but,your reply proves otherwise....Ive 12 years on you buddy,and you have zero idea of what Ive seen and done,probably turn your hair white kid...ah well,another chil' with a chip on ihis shoulder and a me is best attitude,how very unusual in Britian today,you really are a stand alone type a guy aint you,real one of a kind..........or should I say,the average BS spreader so commen on the net....blah blah bought loads of homes...blah salt o the earth workin class boy me....apples n pairs whistle n flutezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
17 Mar 2008 /  #75
Its not a case of "tide is turning"!

Being a member of EU creates opportunities, and it is only up to the individual to make a good use of them. Obviously, as with everything, there are also downsides of the whole situation but makig it sound as if Poles are the only ones benefiting from this transaction and are not affected by any negtive aspects of the influx of Polish nationals to the Uk is plain wrong. The so called "brain drain", loosing the young generation who work for your pension and not mine, people with higher education which was paid, inter alia, from my taxes and not yours. I really pity the poor brits that have it hard. But it's really not true that the poor pole has it any better in life. The really poor Pole is stuck with Poland for good and bad. Not all of us can afford to leave everything behind and go to the UK. Only the not so really poor, adventorous and desperate ones make that step. The rest 36 milions is still here. :)

Oh and don't tell me that there are none brtish people that made some money out of this influx. Surely not all land lords, employers, shop owners, ect are foreign, right? :0
TripTic  3 | 95  
17 Mar 2008 /  #76
..so because Tide is Turning soon there'll be less immigrants or as you wish not that many.
Your question wasn't offensive and i didn't take it that way. I totally understand your concerns and so called worries.
Positives are counted in bilions pounds brought to UK economy by immigrants. Maybe my point is wrong but thing is ..from the very begining it was about money.
hu_man  6 | 131  
17 Mar 2008 /  #77
i didnt say ive bought loads of homes i was implying i have lived in loads yeah i paid the rent never missed one payment and earned it all through an honest grafft..

and please dont call me a

BS spreader so commen on the net

im just being honest and im not comparing myself to you read my posts..

and what you think because im only 21 i couldnt have achieved much ive done more in my short 21 years on this planet then alot of other people my age and i intend to do a whole lot more...
isthatu  3 | 1164  
17 Mar 2008 /  #78
Well said Hu man
I doff my hat in an old fashioned english stylee ;)
Matyjasz,I agreewith your points, just,do you really think that makes a difference to the average working class brit who has seen a freeze on wage increases since 04 and in many cases a falling wage? please dont bring up rising minimum wage,Im talkng hard graft jobs that used to be paid close to and over £10 per hour now down to less than £6 p/h because of a surplus of cheap labour flooding the market. The only groups to benifit from this visably are the immigrants and big buisness.
postie  7 | 112  
17 Mar 2008 /  #79
Whilst I believe that any violence is wrong I can understand why it is increasingly happening. Im afraid there is just too many poles here now and the English want them out.

I'm English. I don't want them out. You point is therefore, basically, flawed.

Thank you for your effort.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Mar 2008 /  #80
Oh and don't tell me that there are none brtish people that made some money out of this influx. Surely not all land lords, employers, shop owners, ect are foreign, right? :0

They did and you are right about the pensions being contributed to by those working...the problems start when employeers are quick to realise that they can take advantage of the situation, inflation is high in the UK, but the average salary has actually dropped...But its true we cannot attribute this to one nation, its just the Polish population stand out merely because of the number they came in and the media coverage that this has attracted.

And what Mr M said about the brain drain, this is true but in one sence this has also created a situation where employees have less choice so I would imagine they have to pay more, I wonder what will happen when the young Polish people return to Poland and what effect this will have in the job market, its all about supply and demand.

I also wonder why people are concentrating and berating those that are from EU countries that we opened our doors to whilst totally ignoring the fact that we are besieged by those that do not have the legal right to live and work here.
davidpeake  14 | 451  
18 Mar 2008 /  #81
I agree totally Shelley, I think more effort should be put into finding all the illegal aliens as they say.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
18 Mar 2008 /  #82
(and i dont teach english)

Do you speak Polish?
What kind of job does a 21 yr old foreigner, with no post-secondary education, get in Poland that is worth the trip over?
18 Mar 2008 /  #83
Time for the Poles to go home

Wroclaw Boy  
18 Mar 2008 /  #84

I dont think that would be the case even if you did go.
Buddy  7 | 167  
18 Mar 2008 /  #85
I comment less and less on this forum because of the amount of ignorant ill informed muppets who troll here.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
18 Mar 2008 /  #86
lol,you shall fit in well in the USA,they seem to be full of self deluded young fools like you wyspi....one less waste of space in this country is fine by me and many many others....
Uncle Bob  2 | 82  
18 Mar 2008 /  #87
I comment less and less on this forum because of the amount of ignorant ill informed muppets who troll here.

Many of whom have absolutely no idea what it is like to live and work in Poland.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
18 Mar 2008 /  #88
nnnnnyes,whats that got to do with a thread on polonia UK? ?
Wroclaw Boy  
18 Mar 2008 /  #89
asthatu, are you in Poland?
18 Mar 2008 /  #90
lol,you shall fit in well in the USA,they seem to be full of self deluded young fools like you wyspi....one less waste of space in this country is fine by me and many many others....

Fine. wish to meet you one day and show you whos a fool mr the cleverest on internet.

And even if Americans were dumb I would still prefer that than ignorant and proud Brits. Americans aren't more stupid than you are anyway!

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