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Time for the Poles from the UK to go home

BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #331
ealousy? Of what exactly? I'm not saying you are right or wrong, I'm just curious. I know how many Brits think and they tend to see Poles as sth less than themselves. The intelligent ones don't judge and try to maintain cordial relations.

Exactly Seanus. I have cause to use a UK chatroom occaisionally and I get so sick and tired of people complaining "taking our jobs" etc etc. It's the same old tired crap as thrown at other people. Fact is that there are Poles over there with lots of skills and qualifications doing jobs way way beneath them cos they are prepared to work. Every single person - and I am not generalising this is fact - who is racist about Poles has been sat on their arse claiming dole money.
time means  5 | 1309  
28 Feb 2010 /  #332
Every single person - and I am not generalising this is fact - who is racist about Poles has been sat on their arse claiming dole money.

BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #333
I dont think it is, I think its just the sheer numbers that are here..There was never any anti Polish feeling after the Poles settled here in the 40s and 50s, there was never any bad feeling towards the Italians and they came in rather large numbers a couple of 100 years ago...The Island isnt that big and with every wave of immigrants it gets smaller.

I think this is rose tinted. There WAS ill feeling towards Poles - for sure, where my dad worked there was a scam artist trying to screw Poles out of their pensions by pretending o befriend them. Your point about the island not being that big is very true, granted, and I was recently told by someone that since I had gone to work abroad I had forfeited my right to ever live in the UK again. When pressed, I was told if I had gone somewhere else or not been "a ******* stupid Pole" (I'd not fancy this guy's chances in an IQ contest) then fine... just not Poles.

Whatever. I am tired of the whole racism thing and to take Seanus' point even further reasonable people are in every country, unreasonable people are in every country. Shrugs.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Feb 2010 /  #334
What's really unfortunate is that people can't see that Poles are merely using their options. It is the globalists who wanted to open things up, diminish national sovereignty and find easier ways to rule people. They can even rub their evil hands as they throw chaos into the mix.

Exactly, Bev. Those that are happy with their lot and comfortable in themselves don't need to resort to digs and futile hatred.
BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #335

I should clarify "whom I have had a run in about this with" since I can't comment about other people (cos it would be generalising, lol).
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 Feb 2010 /  #336
Every single person - and I am not generalising this is fact - who is racist about Poles has been sat on their arse claiming dole money.

Polish is not a race.
BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #337
Oh well done. Have you a term you would prefer where people make sweeping hateful negative comments about someone because they are not from that country? Alrighty then - XENOPHOBIA, happy now? It is not accurate because that in it's own right raises more questions than it answers.

Anyway I am going to post the actual thread I came here for, have fun with your debate, I shouldn't have let myself get sidetracked in the first place.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Feb 2010 /  #338
for sure, where my dad worked there was a scam artist trying to screw Poles out of their pensions by pretending o befriend them.

Thats one scum bag who wanted to take advantage of someone, that kind of thing has happened to English people too, look at those scum bags that target old people.

Polish is not a race.

But people pull the racist card as soon as someone says something negative, its pathetic. Im English, when someone says something negative about the English I dont feel the need to pull the Anglophobe card or a racist card...

Your point about the island not being that big is very true, granted

The population is too large, the numbers need reducing, look at the stats:

Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Feb 2010 /  #339
Don't worry, Amathyst, the globalists have plans for those surpluses ;)

TIT, I'm waiting.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 Feb 2010 /  #340
But the victim mentality encourages such outbursts. This detracts from data or genuine debate.

I'm curious how Poles would feel if a couple million Romanians came to make their home in Poland over the course of 2-3 years and similar fluctuations in rent and wages happened.

That isn't to say that would result in any solutions to the debate you guys are having but it might put the shoe on the other foot in terms of perspective. Of course everything would depend on how thought out and honestly Poles responded...
BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #341
But people pull the racist card as soon as someone says something negative, its pathetic. Im English, when someone says something negative about the English I dont feel the need to pull the Anglophobe card or a racist card...

I am as much English as I am Polish. There is rarely as much bile injected towards the English - well, go to Krakow and you might see it there based on people acting like thoughtles yobbish twats. Why are people on here unless they have some interest in Poland? I am not on forums about Tonga after all.

PS I have temporarily helped the UK situation since I *could* have sat on my arse complaining when I was made redundant, claiming dole. Sometimes with the nature of work here it is a period of famine when I would be MASSIVELY better off on the dole at home. Guess what? I'd rather paddle my own canoe than sit ******** in a country being sold down the river and sold abroad. LOT of Russian money in the UK.

Happy Sunday!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Feb 2010 /  #342
Good points made by For4 and I've made them before. When the boot is on the other foot, things are different. I can easily imagine the uproar if 1,000,000 gypsies flocked in to find work and get housed.
28 Feb 2010 /  #343
With a name like Winston he sounds like a West Indian himself, now how ironic would that be :)
milky  13 | 1656  
28 Feb 2010 /  #344
I lived in England in the early ninties. They told me there was too many blacks.and pakies and when they got drunk they told me there was too many Irish..The funny thing was these nazi type were sometimes Irish themselves and they were against imigrants who came recently lol.

Forget about logic these people are not interested in truth only hatred as it is the only way they can release pressure from their straw brains due to their limited capacity..

Too manny Poles....
Here in Ireland im hearing the same sh1t...I really fear the rise of the far right..
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Feb 2010 /  #345
Again, Facism is just a subset of a clump of options a the hands of globalists. They want a rise in the far right. The more chaos, the better as they can then step in in whatever way they want.

We can't control the morons, they will do as they will do.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Feb 2010 /  #346
I am as much English as I am Polish.

If neither of your parents are English then you cant be English, you can be British (there's a slight difference)

PS I have temporarily helped the UK situation since I *could* have sat on my arse complaining when I was made redundant, claiming dole. Sometimes with the nature of work here it is a period of famine when I would be MASSIVELY better off on the dole at home. Guess what? I'd rather paddle my own canoe than sit ******** in a country being sold down the river and sold abroad

Thats commendable - but your reasons for moving to Poland were not soley based on money. Also most Brits dont want to sit at home on their ass, regardless of what the press says - the underclass as not the majority, the are a minority.

As for Polish opinion about drunken idiots in Krakow, Im not too concerend...Im sure the money they spend sooths the pain slightly.
TIT  5 | 208  
28 Feb 2010 /  #347
dont expect an answer if you push somebody

I hear many times that if Poles would be put in British shoes and have a bombardment of Romanians or Vietnamise or whatever you want they would understand what Brits think.

The present situation in Europe is a result of Yalta agrements, only 2 nations which did not deserve this fate were sold to commie camp and were completely ruined - Poles and Czechs.
BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #348
Well actually darling I AM as much English as Polish. Yorkshire to be exact, as far back as there are any sensible methods of understanding where people are from. YOU made that assumption. I did say dual blood (more accurately duel blood, but I let the typo stand).

Tough. I am right in the middle of both worlds and can see both sides, I would like to agree with you about the points you make correctly but it's very difficult to warm to someone who is coming from a clearly defined point of "anti".

You don't know my reasons. Here is the rub. I am always opened minded about anyone's lives - what I hear time and time again is "you this" "them that". Glad you're not worried that our lads spread themselves around the world making us look like idiots - personally I am ashamed of their behaviour but I do make sure to say "this is normal in the UK".

Seanus, I have used that argument in work about an influx from other countries, and the answer is unequivilcally "that would not happen here". I am not so sure it won't but then again who knows?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Feb 2010 /  #349
Poles and Czechs.

Then why dont we hear Czechs crying about it all the time?

The present situation in Europe is a result of Yalta agrements,

boo hoo :0( So the inadequacies of your government in present day isnt to blame?

would like to agree with you about the points you make correctly but it's very difficult to warm to someone who is coming from a clearly defined point of "anti".

Im not anti Polish, Ive already stated that - I'm just not going to lie and say that most Brits welcome Poles in the UK, because they dont, immigration is a touchy subject, one most Brits are pretty hot on.

As for your nationality, then if your mum is English then yes you're half Polish, half English, however, being born and raised by 2 foreign parents in Yorkshire does not make you English, it makes you British.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Feb 2010 /  #350
Amathyst has a point here. Poland underwent changes through Wałęsa, Marcinkiewicz, Kwaśniewski and Kaczyński. You can't harp back to Yalta for lack of employment opportunities, it just doesn't cut the mustard. I've heard promise after promise from Tusk but he hasn't delivered either. When the Polish government starts to represent Poles and not globalist agendas or themselves then I'll have some sympathy.

Bev, Poland has had an influx of sorts but a staggered one and that makes the difference. I'm talking about the Vietnamese who flocked here but over time. They tend to work in markets and thus serve a highly useful function. They have family businesses and I know this from discussions with a Vietnamese student I had. Many Poles tend to be lone wolves, some use Britain as a cash cow to send money home. I'm not saying that they should or shouldn't do that, I'm just saying that it looks bad in the eyes of Brits.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
28 Feb 2010 /  #351
I think Poles should definitely leave the UK and thus make more room for the eager welfare recipients from muslim countries. Then everything in England will be peachy. OK, perhaps not everything will be peachy but at least all those hissing sounds of the Polish language will be replaced with the soothing voices of muezzins' call to prayer.

Allahu akbar, dear British friends.
BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #352
Amathyst my mother was English. I was born in Yorkshire, raised in Yorkshire and I could pretend I was just English but actually I rather LIKE to celebrate my own diversity.

LOL Darek, behave :)

I dunno about you Seanus but I have yet to find any Pole no matter how bone headed and clodlike who has any problem with the Vietnamese.
TIT  5 | 208  
28 Feb 2010 /  #353
its looks we can blame the Poles ( all goverments after 1989 ) for this mess.
from now on Brits have to play this tune.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Feb 2010 /  #354
This isn't Kosovo, Dariusz, where the Serbs were ousted to accommodate the Albanians. It isn't really a lebensraum issue either. If more Muslims want to come, they will. It's not one at the expense of the other.

The floodgates were opened almost 6 years ago and that's just a fact!

TIT, were the governments of Wałęsa, Marcinkiewicz and Kwaśniewski subject to EU Law and subsidiarity? No. Did anyone stand in the way of the transition from communism to a free market? Not really. Did those governments then have relative autonomy? Yes.

Were Yalta and Tehran decided by referendum in Britain? No. Was it by a pompous British bigot in Churchill? (amongst others) Yes. Kindly refrain from painting the whole nation and start paying heed to the fact that successive Polish governments have stuffed up. An olive branch was given by EU Law. What would those 1,000,000 be doing in Poland now other than hiking up the GUS unemployment stats?

Oh, and kindly quit the crap that there weren't many commies in Poland. Cyrankiewicz, your leader for 22 years, was a commie and had MANY sympathisers. My point is, try and separate leadership from populist sentiment (uprisings etc). Oh, you don't even know what populism is without wikipedia, do you?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
28 Feb 2010 /  #355
I think Poles should definitely leave the UK and thus make more room for the eager welfare recipients from muslim countries. Then everything in England will be peachy. OK, perhaps not everything will be peachy but at least all those hissing sounds of the Polish language will be replaced with the soothing voices of muezzins' call to prayer.

England isnt the destination now, most of the fake colleges have been closed and tighter immigration rules, the flood gates have been closed to them :0) I reckon Poland will be the new destination and Polish women seem to like a touch of the tar brush :D
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
28 Feb 2010 /  #356
and the answer is unequivilcally "that would not happen here"

As I also posed the question the answer really looks to be unequivocally, they'd rather not think about it and not burden themselves with the risk of coming to conflicting conclusions to the ideas they presently hold.

That's the thing with a hypothetical question, you ask it generally to obtain a hypothesis, not to hear the hypothesis dismissed.
BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #357
Seanus I actually agree with you. I just get sick of the lumping together that goes on.

LOL when I am asking a question like that I am trying to provoke an answer - I'm interested in helping people learn the language, that's all.

Amathyst, what a charmer you are with that last comment. Talk about nullifying any good points you make by being so crass.
TIT  5 | 208  
28 Feb 2010 /  #358
well now we have a consensus
reason why there is 1 million Poles in UK in our own fault.
I never thought that way
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Feb 2010 /  #359
You agree with what, sorry, Bev? I made a few points in my last post.

Was anyone holding a gun to their head, TIT? Didn't they just exercise their right to freedom of movement? Are you even aware of Van Binsbergen and Dassonville, TIT? Have you watched any interviews at all with Poles stating their reasons for moving to the UK?
BevK  11 | 248  
28 Feb 2010 /  #360
All of them TBH

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