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Time for the Poles from the UK to go home

winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #1
Reports in the papers today are saying what most english people are now thinking. We have had enough of the Poles in the UK and would like you all to go back to Poland.

Apparently there is more and more incidents of Polish being attacked or having bricks thrown their windows, even fire bombed.
Whilst I believe that any violence is wrong I can understand why it is increasingly happening. Im afraid there is just too many poles here now and the English want them out.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
14 Mar 2008 /  #2
Another Daily Mail reader per chance?

So, what brings you to this forum, Winston?
osiol  55 | 3921  
14 Mar 2008 /  #3
No. The English want them to stay and keep paying the rent.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
14 Mar 2008 /  #4
Another Daily Mail reader per chance?

Took the words right out of my mouth (or off my fingertips anyway :)
OP winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #5
Im afraid not. I live in Cambridgeshire where many many Poles have settled and public opinion is turning against them. There have been many incidents of attacks against them,which I deplore by the way.

The fact is most people were I live have had enough and want them out. Im sorry to say that is just the way it is.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
14 Mar 2008 /  #6
so you are a sheep? Meeeeeeh meeeeeeh....
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Mar 2008 /  #7
Polish being attacked or having bricks thrown their windows, even fire bombed.
Whilst I believe that any violence is wrong I can understand why it is increasingly happening. Im afraid there is just too many poles here now and the English want them out.

Perhaps these violent twits should take it out on who's at fault. Are they mentally ill or something not to realize that the PL are there by invitation.

Another noimmigration has joined the forum :/ yay
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
14 Mar 2008 /  #8
Another noimmigration has joined the forum :/ yay

Yep Friday evening begins in the UK - TrollTime!
OP winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #9
The Poles are not welcomed anymore its as simple as that.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Mar 2008 /  #11
The Poles are not welcomed anymore its as simple as that

Zzzzzz.... Ok then. Take this to your govt!!!!!! Don't any of you know that a forum will not help?

Some of you are reeeallly slllowww.
OP winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #12
I think it is good that some poles have settled here but unfortunately there are too many that have come. and more and more english nationals want them to go home
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Mar 2008 /  #13
English nationals...lol

Is thsat the British Nazi Party?
OP winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #14
dont be so disrespectful...you should be ashamed
osiol  55 | 3921  
14 Mar 2008 /  #15
Have you found any similar forums to post on that might get your message through to all the Slovaks, Czechs, Lithuanians, Latvians and so on?

When my flatmate moves back to Poland in September, I will still need the money, and having a Polish teacher around can be quite useful (especially on the odd occasions when I learn more than just swearing). We'll need to replace him at work and at home with another Polish person (preferably female next time).
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
14 Mar 2008 /  #16
and more and more english nationals want them to go home

Yeah, we'll not get into all that. Ah, well, they are welcome here in Scotland.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Mar 2008 /  #17
dont be so disrespectful

The Poles are not welcomed anymore its as simple as that.

Whos being disrespectful? You come to a Polish forum talking like this and ypu want respect from me?

Joke thread is somewhere else.
osiol  55 | 3921  
14 Mar 2008 /  #18
they are welcome here in Scotland

Remember where our regular trolls are from, PD.
Mali  - | 300  
14 Mar 2008 /  #19
Be friendly....consolidate
OP winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #20
the nazis murdered millions and you use it like a joke...disgusting
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
14 Mar 2008 /  #21
Jeeeez you really are dense.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Mar 2008 /  #22
So, are these all lies or the truth?

Why all of the association with white power?
OP winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #23
you think using the reference to nazis is funny Londonchick...you should be traced by this forum and found out.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
14 Mar 2008 /  #24
Remember where our regular trolls are from, PD.

One. The rest are predominantly from the other side of the border.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Mar 2008 /  #25
Can you stop playing innocent? You came here talking shite and now you feel like a victim?
OP winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #26
I have nothing to do with the BNP. Yes its true they are gaining support everyday but I for one will not be joining although I know many that have
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Mar 2008 /  #27
Well, it appears that they do influence you or you wouldn't have mentioned them. Good day sir.
OP winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #28
The BNP are gaining support because people have had enough with the huge numbers of immigrants entering the UK and they feel they have nowhere else to turn but the extremists like the BNP.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Mar 2008 /  #29
Yeah....turn towards the extremests :) fantastic idea. Fight it instead of making the best of the situaton and learning to live with each other.

I live the way some people think.
OP winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #30
It was you who first mentioned them Zgubiony. But the BNP are free to voice their opinion like everyone else and some of their policy makes perfect sense to me.

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