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Tale of a Polish Family on Isle of Man

ma101nx  4 | 20  
21 Nov 2011 /  #1
A young Polish family living in the IOM. The actual story is sad, and so are some of the reactions to it


Although he receives medical care on the NHS, in a sad indictment of the Isle of Man's much heralded 'prosperous and caring society', three-year-old Rafal Adamniack is forced to live in cramped, inappropriate conditions that are possibly thwarting his chances to thrive.
hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
21 Nov 2011 /  #2
My heart is bleeding.

Maybe they should move back to Poland and benefit from their health system?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Nov 2011 /  #3
She wants a free gaff after working in a country for one year?

And is receiving benefits for four years?
hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
21 Nov 2011 /  #4
Benefits and Free housing is their birth right lol

I think they only have to work for 3 months in the UK before they get free housing and benefits to live off due to "unemployment"
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
21 Nov 2011 /  #5
Isle of Man isnt in the UK ,AFAIK.
In the UK we should have the same 10 year rule for economic migrants,if you come here and cant make it,tough,go home,but,there should always be room for exceptions. Guess what, "we" could easily afford those exceptions if "we" were not so profligate with benefits.
22 Nov 2011 /  #6
I agree with is2 the uk should have the ten year rule.
22 Nov 2011 /  #7
forced to live in cramped, inappropriate conditions

I think this will become the norm for people across the UK in the future.
22 Nov 2011 /  #8
I think they only have to work for 3 months in the UK before they get free housing and benefits to live off due to "unemployment"

Plenty of Brits have never bothered to even work 3 months before settling into a nice life 'on the sick', what's your point?

Isle of Man isnt in the UK ,AFAIK.

Yep, it's outside the UK. One reason I'm not particularly sympathetic towards this couple is that the Manx themselves (unless they have a proven connection to the UK - 5 years residency or parents/grandparents from there) don't have the free right to live/work in the EU.

I'd actually go further and say that no-one should get such benefits unless they've worked for a certain amount of years in the UK - I'm just totally, utterly against anyone freeloading, British, Polish or otherwise.

I know one particular case of abuse where a certain internet ***** was claiming sickness benefits, housing benefit, etc etc just so she could concentrate on her career as a blogger. Worse still, despite numerous reports, they did absolutely **** all about it.
hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
23 Nov 2011 /  #9
Plenty of Brits have never bothered to even work 3 months before settling into a nice life 'on the sick', what's your point?

Erm... they're British? IE My countrymen??

I'd rather be paying for my own people than some foreign scumbags :)
23 Nov 2011 /  #10
Erm... they're British? IE My countrymen??

Are they? Plenty of Irish did just that, and they certainly wouldn't regard you as being their "countrymen".

I'd rather be paying for my own people than some foreign scumbags :)

That's okay, those of us who know a thing or two know how Britain begged for money from others in the past, too.
23 Nov 2011 /  #11
My heart is bleeding.

give it a rest and do one
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
23 Nov 2011 /  #12
Cannot afford children, dont have them.

If you do have them, in a oreign nation, dont leech.

Aint the IoM's fault.

The parents gave this kid a shiiiite life.

The useless mother is on welfare.

Get a job, whilst daddy aint working.

Ironside  51 | 13113  
23 Nov 2011 /  #13
No benefits at all.
Only for 12 months if somebody lost job and thats that.
Only then tax should be lower and politician would never allowed that.
You vote doesn't really count if you cannot vote on taxes. Benefits are just the way of buying masses out - like in the ancient Rome.

I'd rather be paying for my own people than some foreign scumbags :)

I bet you ain't even working!:)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Nov 2011 /  #14
The useless mother is on welfare

no she is not she is supported by her husband in the normal and traditional way.
How is she 'useless'?
They are not asking for a council flat, they needed help finding a bigger flat, and rather foolishly perhaps sold their story to the paper.

They came to IOM or UK or whatever it is to work.
At the age of 22 a Downs baby had probably not crossed her mind.
FGS what happened to humanity?
hythorn  3 | 580  
23 Nov 2011 /  #15
@ Revoke

get used to it because freeloaders are starting to see Ireland as the real soft touch in Europe for benefits

a friend lives in Donegal and a BMW pulls up at his pub and four Romanian guys come in and start playing pool
they had each been given 20 euros each to integrate with the locals

another story

a woman from Nigeria had her hair done and then told the hairdresser that the dole were going to pay for it
in order to enable her to integrate into the community. the hairdresser did not believe her so called
the dole office. they told her to send the bill to their office and order her a taxi

now I was not there so I do not know if this is true or not but the guy who told me is not a bullsh*tter

look at the dole 195 euro per week as opposed to 63 quid or something in the UK. also in the UK
you are expected pretend to look for work. but not in Ireland oh no

you want to blame that on the banks?
23 Nov 2011 /  #16
Cannot afford children, dont have them.

And yet your parents never put condom on creating you, an adult leech with an unfullfilled willy.
OP ma101nx  4 | 20  
23 Nov 2011 /  #17
Cannot afford children, dont have them.

They probably could afford one but not a child with Downs Syndrome
hythorn  3 | 580  
23 Nov 2011 /  #18
revoke, I would not be surprised if you believe that they knowingly wanted to have a Downs baby as they might qualify for an additional couple of quid in benefits.

you are that twisted
Teffle  22 | 1318  
23 Nov 2011 /  #19
a woman from Nigeria had her hair done and then told the hairdresser that the dole were going to pay for it
in order to enable her to integrate into the community. the hairdresser did not believe her so called
the dole office. they told her to send the bill to their office and order her a taxi

I have heard several variations of this story from all corners of the country. Urban myth. Total BS.
hythorn  3 | 580  
23 Nov 2011 /  #20
Hi Teff

thanks for letting me know. The guy I was talking to was adamant that this happened
I will need to have words with him and get back to you
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Nov 2011 /  #21
. The guy I was talking to was adamant that this happened

they always are.....its the guaranteed sign of nonsense.
hythorn  3 | 580  
23 Nov 2011 /  #22
as I mentioned, he does not bullsh*t people or at least has not done so far. I need to find out how close he was to the action as it were.

If the Romanian dudes were in his bar or a friend's bar. Which hairdresser it was, etc
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Nov 2011 /  #23
I meant the one about the Nigerian lady's hair..:)
But now y0u mention it....the Romanian story sounds like pure BS as well.
Incidentally I am sitting in a well known pub/diner chain in London, the 'foreign' staff are utterly charming, the one English person is a rude cow with an attitude problem, who has NO IDEA how to talk to customers.

So maybe that's why 'foreigners' are taking 'our' jobs?
My bro who has a cleaning company has not employed an English person for 2O years, he said all they did was complain, skimp on the job or not show up.

These dole stories are just that, stories.
hythorn  3 | 580  
23 Nov 2011 /  #24
These dole stories are just that, stories.

not sure. but I will verify

you seem very sure of your facts

if I were to tell you that if you work for four years in Spain you are entitled to 1000 or it might even be 1200 euros dole for two years,

you might think that was bullshit too
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Nov 2011 /  #25
if I were to tell you that if you work for four years in Spain you are entitled to 1000 or it might even be 1200 euros dole for two years,
you might think that was bullshit too

that's a bit of a silly comparison, as that is a checkable fact, unlike these apocryphal dole stories that remind me mostly of the 'Kentucky Fried Rat' tale that was doing the rounds when I was a mere slip of a girl.

I fail to see how you could possibly 'verify' this nonsense, as its in the league of 'my mate knows this bloke who said that his cousin's sister....'...etc etc repeat til fade.
time means  5 | 1309  
23 Nov 2011 /  #26
stories are just that, stories

Yeah and your post (23) isn't.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
23 Nov 2011 /  #27
those of us who know a thing or two know how Britain begged for money from others in the past, too.

And paid the debt back, Britian has never had a free ride (excluding what they pillaged from ex colonies of course).

My bro who has a cleaning company has not employed an English person for 2O years, he said all they did was complain, skimp on the job or not show up.

What you mean is he's been going for cheap labour for the last 20 years, probably paying cash in hand and under the going rate.

Incidentally I am sitting in a well known pub/diner chain in London, the 'foreign' staff are utterly charming, the one English person is a rude cow with an attitude problem, who has NO IDEA how to talk to customers.

Another jibe at the English...Oh dear!

In the UK we should have the same 10 year rule for economic migrants,if you come here and cant make it,tough,go home,but,there should always be room for exceptions. Guess what, "we" could easily afford those exceptions if "we" were not so profligate with benefits.

Totally agree.
23 Nov 2011 /  #28
What makes me laugh is that none of our proud, patriotic Polonia posters have actually said a word.

Obviously they just don't care about disabled Polish children living in dangerous environments - but then again, why should they? They're not Polish, after all...
hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
23 Nov 2011 /  #29
Are they? Plenty of Irish did just that, and they certainly wouldn't regard you as being their "countrymen".

Irish are the highest "foreign" immigrants in this country. Guess what.. i and anyone else would hardly notice. They integrate so well.
They are cultural VERY similar to "Brits". Speak the same language. Share the same humour, friendlyness... we like pubs, beer and football.

The links between the two British Isles go back 100's of years. Same goes for me, when i hope on the ferry from Holyhead to Dublin for a day trip.. i don't feel like im in a foreign land.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Nov 2011 /  #30
e's been going for cheap labour for the last 20 years, probably paying cash in hand and under the going rate.

not at all he has always done PAYE and has commanded loyalty from his workers.(which he wouldn't have if blah blah blah)
Just that English workers got on his nerves.

Another jibe at the English...Oh dear!

sweetie, I am English, and would be the first to defend us, however I was merely reporting what I saw.
I mean...compare (polite foreigner who smiles and gives attention) "Good morning Sir/madam, what can I get you?"
with..(surly frowning English woman) "Are y0u all right there?"
I think that's what they call a no brainer.

@time means post 23 was simply a report of what happened to me this very morning.

@hudsonhicks .....a Brit in Ireland is a Brit in Ireland...don't kid yourself.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Tale of a Polish Family on Isle of ManArchived