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SMART MOVE! Thousands of Poles are leaving the UK because 'life is a piece of s*** here now'.

Shitonya Brits  
28 Feb 2019 /  #1
Read all about it: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6755433/Net-migration-UK-rises-slightly-283-000.html

An honest article from the Daily Mail about the great POLEXIT. Not from the EU but from the UK.

- 'Thousands of people have gone already and thousands will follow because of the cost of living here - everything is so expensive, all your money goes on rent on apartments that are like cages for rabbits...life in Poland is getting much better."

Lyzko  44 | 9730  
28 Feb 2019 /  #2
As I said around the first rumblings of BREXIT, "It ain't gonna be long now!"
Told ya so:-)
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
28 Feb 2019 /  #3
An honest article from the Daily Mail

No such thing......The Mail is one of the most biased newspapers in The UK.
Very few Poles I know have left......but there are much fewer coming in.
There you go....an honest and truthful report.....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Feb 2019 /  #4
Read all about it:

Poor guy is obsessed.

The Daily Mail whipped up plenty of anti-Polish hysteria in the past, so all this is doing is playing to their readers who will cheer the alleged exodus of Poles. Those in the UK know that there's no real movement of Poles back to Poland, because if you moved abroad to earn better, you're not going to return to a place where the minimum wage is still considerably lower than the UK, without even mentioning the tax free limits.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
28 Feb 2019 /  #5
I read something similar in the NYT. Haven't seen the London Times though, I will admit. Wonder too what the German press reports are about that.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
28 Feb 2019 /  #6
. Those in the UK know that there's no real movement of Poles back to Poland

Lyzko  44 | 9730  
28 Feb 2019 /  #7
Won't be the first time the press got it wrong.
OP Shitonya Brits  
28 Feb 2019 /  #8
Very few Poles I know have left

The article was addressing thousands leaving due to the poor value Britain offers in terms of quality of life for Poles.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
28 Feb 2019 /  #9
But it was a typical Daily Mail stirring up job.....and just not true.....this is the problem with countries you are not completely familiar with,they all operate in different and strange ways.You obviously don't know The UK that well.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Feb 2019 /  #10
the poor value Britain offers in terms of quality of life for Poles

Britain offers a high tax-free amount, generous social benefits, the 5th highest minimum wage in the EU (three times the Polish amount, but that doesn't take into account the tax-free amounts, which are over 50,000PLN in the UK vs 3000PLN in Poland) and many more things that make life better.

Milo, the guy is Canadian with an obsessive hatred of the UK. Pay no attention to him, because he's got an agenda in that he wants to portray the UK as bad - when we know fine well that it's one of the best places to live in the world.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
28 Feb 2019 /  #11
Milo, the guy is Canadian with an obsessive hatred of the UK. Pay no attention to him,

Why are we agreeing on one thread and disageeing on another?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Feb 2019 /  #12
Because while there are some things we can disagree about when it comes to the UK, it's still an attractive place to live, and the amount of Poles living there proves that. You and I both know that for the typical working class Pole, the UK just offers so much more in life, and that won't change anytime soon.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
28 Feb 2019 /  #13
You and I both know that for the typical working class Pole, the UK just offers so much more in life

Slavictor  6 | 193  
28 Feb 2019 /  #14
Those who influence (i.e. bribe, blackmail) western politicians for more "liberal" immigration policies must be held to account including the political leaders themselves. The meddlers must have their wealth confiscated and be made to pay for the incarceration and custodianship, plus any damages to the victims, for any immigrant let in to the UK as a result of this policy alteration who causes a serious crime.


Every single one of these types should have an "accident" in the clink. No one will care and the tax burden for their housing will be relieved.

  • All Pakis
OP Shitonya Brits  
28 Feb 2019 /  #15
plenty of anti-Polish hysteria in the past

You mean like one of your old posts made on PolishForums which called for thousands of Radio Maryja listeners to be hanged annually?

he wants to portray the UK as bad

You are British and you have been doing that single-handledly on here since 2008.

when we know fine well that it's one of the best places to live in the world.


Everyone on here knows you were born and raised in Blighty. But you couldn't cut it despite acting like you are always the smartest person in the room.

If Poles have had enough of British xenophobia and the hopelessly poor standard of living on offer in your homeland then you are in no position to comment.

After all you personally abandoned that 243,610 square kilometre landfill over a decade ago.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
28 Feb 2019 /  #16
Wonder if pushing LGBT sex Ed starting at age 5 and no parent opt out has anything to do with it... I sure as hell wouldnt let some drag queen or transistor read books about gay penguins to my kids...
OP Shitonya Brits  
1 Mar 2019 /  #17
Yes, Dirk, that too would be a quality of life issue.

High taxes would not just be going to fund schools with a curriculum parents would find objectionable.

It is a sinister trap.

These same high taxes along with high rents and high cost for food and other goods and services would make it nigh impossible to move to better area with better schools which focus on important subjects like STEM.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
1 Mar 2019 /  #18
A murder rate higher than NYC without even guns, areas that look more like the middle East than Europe, Paki rape squads, ridiculous censorship and UK thought crime certainly adds to it too.

It's the same reasons why poles stopped coming to the us and uk and are returning in greater numbers every year. Most came for a good salary, escaping communism, etc but when more and more of their income is going to fund things they dont agree with combined with the cultural Marxist policies that make 80s socialism look sane, well it makes their original reasons for moving null.
OP Shitonya Brits  
1 Mar 2019 /  #19
Poles had very noble reasons for immigrating.

And they had no reason to doubt that the countries they were going to integrate into would be socially and economically stable.

Sadly, that was never going to be the case.

And, at least in the case with the UK, uncontrolled immigration with millions coming in from all over and resulting in spiraling high crime levels, soaring costs, plunging wages and the disintegration of social trust was all by design by the socialist Government in power at the time and its Cultural Marxist agenda:


- Labour threw open Britain's borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a "truly multicultural" country, a former Government adviser has revealed.

- "This Government has admitted three million immigrants for cynical political reasons concealed by dodgy economic camouflage."

Fortunately those Poles who made the big mistake of going to the UK still have Poland to call home and return to.
3 Mar 2019 /  #20
As I see things to come it will be GRATE exodus of Poles back to old home country.
The reasons is racial tension iposed by mass immigration from north africa to western europe that is executed right now.
In Sweden where I reside things are getting worse really fast, You see change in front of Your eyes, week by week....
Basicaly I feel sorry for natives Swedes beacuse they do not have anywhere to run and in near future eastern europe will be safe heaven for white ppl.

This was recorded last summer, 200m from where I lived and i is central part of this swedish city.. Its the same every week, arab gangs that turn the cities into chaos.

Please take notice of The Father of the Year at 0;27 - Guy with a baby in a stroller just hanging 5 meters from a shot victim while an arab gang is kicking man on the ground while police patrol car in fron of them.

If I remeber right it was total 3 or 4 killed victims on this evening
OP Shitonya Brits  
3 Mar 2019 /  #21
Thanks Rumchajs for participating in the discussion.

Yes, politicians in Western Europe do not care about their native populations.

But don't forget it was the people in these countries who voted over and over again for the political parties which deliberately opened their borders to migrants from all over the world to make "truly multicultural societies" while lowering the living standards for all.

Also, the white women in Western Europe have had control over reproduction for an entire generation. Yet it was these same white women wearing "slut walk" clothing and carrying "welcome refugees" signs who were too drunk on their feminism and demanding ever broader access to abortion while regarding white men as competitors and calling them all rapists.

In such gynocracies men naturally would give up wanting to have children. And their so-called "women" are way too entitled and irredeemably immature to take any responsibility for the all the permanent damage they caused.

So countries like Poland, Hungary, etc. should not give any refuge to these white people (the men and especially the women) from Western Europe.

An important step in treating any disease is to stop it from spreading.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Mar 2019 /  #22
As I see things to come it will be GRATE exodus of Poles back to old home country.

Unlikely. Latest estimates have Poland still behind Western Europe in terms of wages by 2060, meaning that there's no reason for many of them to return.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Mar 2019 /  #23
Money isn't everything. Theres millions of poles who work abroad solely for the purpose of either supporting their family back home, save enough money so they can retire in Poland, or both.

Also, the white women in Western Europe have had control over reproduction for an entire generation.

Yet they don't have control over a migrant 'culturally enriching' them with his pillar of Islam.

That's why a German invented rape proof underwear which is selling quite well. Stores selling mace and sell out of inventory as quick as they get it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Mar 2019 /  #24
Money isn't everything.

I'm not judging them, only that there are many families that left and continue to stay away. Their children have grown up away from Poland, and many of them identify as both x and Polish. You don't really see many Polish kids growing up and returning to Poland without their parents - Poland is...maybe not a foreign country to them, but it's not their home anymore.

I know one Polish girl who moved to Scotland with her family, and we went to high school together. She's got zero interest in moving back to Poland - she finished high school there, she went to university there, she's worked there all her life - there's no way she's returning to a country where she doesn't know how anything works, to a country where she doesn't speak the language fluently enough to work at a high level. All her advanced language is in English, not Polish, simply because she never studied in Poland beyond the 6th class of primary school.

Life in Poland is fine if you're middle class or better, but it's still a miserable hard slog for working class people.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Mar 2019 /  #25
The ones who were born in UK/USA/etc no they're unlikely to return, especially if their parents don't plan on it. The ones that returned or planning on returning are those who were born in Poland though and have strong cultural ties. Also it's not primarily young people that are returning, it's mostly middle aged and seniors who have worked for a while abroad and now want to retire in a less expensive place that tends to be safer and where they can live among their own kind. Young people left to make money abroad so most have no reason to return except for a small chunk that is able to get a good paying job in Poland or has already massed a decent net worth and wants to return. Otherwise IF they return it's going to be once they have savings or if they marry someone who wants to bring them back, or if their parents return and they also go.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words....

BTW where the hell did random chat go? I don't see it either on posted in/not posted in tabs or in search....
10iwonka10  - | 359  
7 Mar 2019 /  #26
You and I both know that for the typical working class Pole, the UK just offers so much more in life, and that won't change anytime soon.

You generalize now. For some yes for some no. I would say as for today it is getting less and less attractive. Especially for working class Poles.

I am not sure many Poles would like to raise family in London where at least 1 stabbing a day seems like standard activity.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / SMART MOVE! Thousands of Poles are leaving the UK because 'life is a piece of s*** here now'.Archived