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The secret Polish gay men in the U.K

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jul 2010 /  #91
Torq or ironside

I suspect them both of sitting fully naked behind their computers when visiting this forum, arousing themselves with the thought that they do and nobody knows about it.

I'm not gay

We've decided you are. You just don't know it yet.



M-G (la vache quiri)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
17 Jul 2010 /  #92
I suspect them both of sitting fully naked behind their computers when visiting this forum, arousing themselves with the thought that they do and nobody knows about it.

"Iron" means homosexual in London rhyming slang (iron hoof = poof) lol :D

We've decided you are. You just don't know it yet.

You lot can "decide" all you like :p
time means  5 | 1309  
17 Jul 2010 /  #93
I suspect them both of sitting fully naked behind their computers

We can safely add Sokrates to this list as well. Arseless chap sales must be booming in Polska.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
17 Jul 2010 /  #94
We can safely add Sokrates to this list as well.

Indeed. With the extra feature that Sokidoki wears a too tight c*ckring which he thinks is cool. That's why he is also a bit uptight mostly.


M-G (tiens)
17 Jul 2010 /  #95
"token gays" into all its programmes - the ones I've seen, anyway!

I know only two:
Michał Piróg
Tomasz Jacyków
tygrys  2 | 290  
17 Jul 2010 /  #96
you would be suprised. that means u dont know ppl at all, just label them.

Sounds like you are talking about yourself, like sending me PM's calling me a twat and other names and I don't even know you so stop telling Mareaea that he doesn't know people. He knows more than you do coming from his and your posts.
polishmeknob  5 | 154  
18 Jul 2010 /  #97
I heard that a lot of gays and lesbians did flee Poland to go to the UK and elsewhere. Crazy stuff.
18 Jul 2010 /  #98
I'm speaking about my father.
I have lots of gay friends, go to gay clubs with them and see no problem with them being openly gay. I even met my school teacher there ;P

And yes I think u r a twat... and I mean here also ur conservativness towards women. Didn't u call me a prostitude earlier?

and other names

btw. what other names I called u? I don't remember calling u other names.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
18 Jul 2010 /  #99
I am a bi female and agree with that :)

Well that explains:

Your doing a very good job

What you going to say, that Satan has possessed them?

Okey that's it, your either brainwashed or want someone to assassinate you
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
18 Jul 2010 /  #100
Your doing a very good job

It's amazing how ppl who spill the most hateful things towards other groups are usually the ones to start crying first when the favour gets returned.


M-G (yay!)
Stu  12 | 515  
18 Jul 2010 /  #101
when the favour gets returned

And, unfortunately, it is mainly those among us who claim to be Catholics/Christians and should therefore be preaching tolerance. But what can one expect, when the Vatican has said last week that the ordination of women priests is on the same par as paedophiles in the Church (see The Independent newspaper) ... :(
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
18 Jul 2010 /  #102
the ordination of women priests is on the same par as paedophiles in the Church

So they are not objecting to it?


M-G (yay!)
Stu  12 | 515  
18 Jul 2010 /  #103
So they are not objecting to it?

Ohhhh ... you ARE naughty, aren't you ... ;)!? ROTFL.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
18 Jul 2010 /  #104
Sorry, it's still early on a Sunday morning, I'm slightly hungover as I, despite of my resolutions, did drink a pint or two and this was just too easy a joke :)


M-G (yay!)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Jul 2010 /  #105
No, there are no gay animals. And nobody is born gay. 'Gay' is an ideological, cultural and liefstyle concept that has nothing to do with genetics. Gay means a poltical agenda which inlcudes pro-homosexual propaganda, activities and PR campaigns.

The correct, generic and emotionally neutral descriptive term is homosexual. Fag, pansy, queer, etc. (in Polish: pedał, ciota, dupojebiec itp.) are pejorative terms. Part of the homosexual agenda is to make the misnomer 'gay' synonymous with homosexual which it is not.
18 Jul 2010 /  #106
'Gay' is an ideological, cultural and liefstyle concept that has nothing to do with genetics.

who said it has something to do with genetics?
As far as I know its claimed to be a fault of woman's hormonal disorders during pragnancy.

Gay means a poltical agenda which inlcudes pro-homosexual propaganda, activities and PR campaigns.

Would u become a homosexual if it was a fashion?

I'm slightly hungover

I've noticed that u pretty often write to have a hangover... dont drink so much! ;P ;)
enkidu  6 | 611  
18 Jul 2010 /  #107
Gay means a poltical agenda which inlcudes pro-homosexual propaganda, activities and PR campaigns.

That is how they procreate!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
18 Jul 2010 /  #108
I've noticed that u pretty often write to have a hangover... dont drink so much

It might suprise you, but I actually don't. Last few weeks were exceptions though, with the WC and all. I normally never drink during the week and only seldom more than I can handle on a Saturday evening.

No, there are no gay animals. And nobody is born gay.

You just don't like homosexuals, do you? You know, you should stop writing this nonsense as you are not giving yourself points to your credibility. Yes - ppl are born gay yes. And yes, sometimes you see a bull jumping another bull. IF there is any homosexual agenda, it's one of equal rights and being accepted by ignorant fools like you. Just keep surpressing ppl who don't fit into your ideal model of how the world should be. That's a very nasty agenda you're keeping there as is promotes an unequal society where everybody who follows the leader and a certain frame of mindset is equal and the rest isn't. And you hate communism? You're promoting actually the same, albeit in a different coat.


M-G (yay!)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
18 Jul 2010 /  #109
M-G, Polonius is a heterosexual white Anglo-Saxon protestant, and that perhaps explains his thoughts ...
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
18 Jul 2010 /  #110
Poland is quiet tolerant to gays. The problem is Age of Consent for sexual activities in general... 18 - that is un-natural. If God created man and gave ability to procreate which ofcourse the standard method is for a man and woman to have intercourse,

the legislation should follow God's laws; allow Sexual relations from when a person is able to pro-create ? No, ? in my opinion it would be fairly conservative and safe to have the Age of Consent in Poland lowered to 13, 15 in the worst case.

As for gay & lesbians being discriminated, Poland would be some kind of libertarian prodigy nation if homosexuality was universally accepted - that said, it existed for as long as the Polish nation exists and there is many more names to describe homosexual behavior in Polish than in English ; maybe this might prove that Polands people actually were more tolerant after all.

A gay couple adopting a teenager from a institution, who has a dysfunctional history???? Haha, I would like to see that, especially if he already got tattoed with crime culture physically and mentally - he would take those two man to hell, than to court and they would end up getting their arrrses smoked in the Polish prison system.

another name for homosexual: cwel

To sum it up, Age of Consent makes engagign in any kind of sex risky, aqnd there have been much a straight ones getting sent down to a Z.K for 'paedophilia' - and thus they getting their beans bottled every other day.

Sodomy laws existed in Common law[in some commonwealth states, sodomy -even when practiced with female was criminal , again in some up till end 1990's ;

far as I know , sodomy laws
never existed in Polish legislature
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
18 Jul 2010 /  #111
M-G, Polonius is a heterosexual white Anglo-Saxon protestant

I was already aware that he was a WASP. But it doesn't hurt to kick some ignorant arse every now and again until they lose these ridiculous thoughts. :)


M-G (yay!)
jonni  16 | 2475  
18 Jul 2010 /  #112
Polonius is a heterosexual

Ostensibly perhaps, but he writes on here about homosexuality so often, one wonders why it occupies his mind so much!
18 Jul 2010 /  #113
The problem is Age of Consent for sexual activities in general... 18 - that is un-natural. If God created man and gave ability to procreate which ofcourse the standard method is for a man and woman to have intercourse, the legislation should follow God's laws;

Don't be daft: fact that you are able to copulate doesn't mean you are able to care for your offsprings and provide for them. And young girls' bodies, even if menstruating, are not ready for child bearing.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
18 Jul 2010 /  #114
M-G, Polonius is a heterosexual white Anglo-Saxon protestant, and that perhaps explains his thoughts ...

no, he is Polish, therefore not a WASP, and btw_ wasp culture tolerates homosexuality the last time I checked.
espana  17 | 951  
31 Oct 2010 /  #115
the mentality in poland is different , england is a very tolerant place , poland no.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
3 Nov 2010 /  #116
Gay means a poltical agenda which inlcudes pro-homosexual propaganda

quite true..... But this does Not mean that there can not be freaks with more hormones of a gender of which they are not a member of and such abnormalities as a hermaphrodite here and there - but yes, I would agree it is political, the liberals would promote tolerance of all kinds of abnormalities and


I hope they will legalise amputation, as it is my lifelong sexual desire to be an amputee and be with an amputee - why are we still discriminated against, have to go all the way to eastern ukraine, pay heaps to black market doctors for an operation in which often it may even be a building to house cattle

then hopefully we do not get infected while we are in the process of getting amputated, when we get back to Poland we get discriminated against and hurled abuse at

to the sounds off "you only cut off your leg so you can get the dole now didnt ya , ya filthy so and so"

I mean.... how backward are we. Abortion is even not legal.
we ought to be called Pathological Republic of Poland

*I let out one, prost
3 Nov 2010 /  #117
liberals would promote tolerance of all kinds of abnormalities

Which is fairly lucky for you: in an country which was not liberal, hate-filled bigots like you would be put up against a wall and shot.
16 Feb 2012 /  #118
How do I meet a nice Polish gay man in the UK?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
16 Feb 2012 /  #119
sign up to gayromeo - plenty of Poles use it, including in the UK.
23 Nov 2013 /  #120
Wow that's has to be one of the most. Anti gay. Remarks. I have ever. Read. All we are asking for and going to get is the same rights as the breakers

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