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Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism

HAL9009  2 | 323  
11 Oct 2009 /  #211
Hmm, haven't got time to read the whole thread, so reply is based on Ksysia start post. apologies if I offend anyone else's deeply held beliefs etc because I didn't read their post - it's not meant to be a racist or any other kind of slur...

In Finland I was branded a f***ing Russian (I had bad Finnish and they didn't speak English). White with dark hair, can't speak Finnish properly, = must be a Ruskie.

In England I was a Paddy (and other negative comments), subhuman.
In Paris I wasn't a Parisian (and therefore subhuman of some kind).
In Harvey IL, USA (a black suburb of Chicago) I was a honkie, subhuman.
In Romania they thought I was a Hungarian as I was too white and had bad Romanian, subhuman.
In Sweden they decided I was a Finn (I was with Finns), subhuman.

I hasten to add that this was a small minority of people in each country. Most people are basically ok. We notice those who aren't.

In all of the above personal experiences of racism, it was occasional and generally the exception.

I do get a constant trickle of innate anti-Irish racism from many English acquaintances, mainly those who can't understand why Ireland ever wanted to be independent of the UK. It's a sort of post-imperial thing or whatnot.

They don't even realize that they are being racist, and certainly don't mean to be so.

Of course we the Irish have lots of nice words for the English too :D
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
11 Oct 2009 /  #212
Sometimes you say things and sometimes you don't, this is a post of the latter.

That's because you forgot to quote what was written:) Try harder. Bye.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
11 Oct 2009 /  #213
In England I was a Paddy (and other negative comments), subhuman.

Paddy is an Irish name... :D

I do get a constant trickle of innate anti-Irish racism from many English acquaintances, mainly those who can't understand why Ireland ever wanted to be independent of the UK.

They're a tad thick then.. Take no notice... The person that started this thread, however, is really thick!


Where the devil have you been??
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Oct 2009 /  #214
In Poland if you look white you don't have any problem because they think you come from Ukraine or Russia.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Oct 2009 /  #215
In Poland if you

Southern, you write such silly things and you told us before that you had been in Poland once for a very short period, yet you have an encyclopaedia to write about it.

I know you hate blacks but why do you go on and on about it?
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Oct 2009 /  #216
Today I passed from the region around polish church,I noticed they were staring at me,so I had to go.A foreigner has nothing to do with a polish church,it is better to keep away.I also never go to polish restaurants(except accompanied by polish girls) because there you have to speak polish and foreigners are not accepted.This is the reality,I just get on with this.

Of course my knowledge about Poland is limited.Yesterday a drunk Pole got very angry at me seeing me with two polish girls,so I gave him money to buy vodka.In my opinion you have to give Poles always money.Then all problems magically vanish.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
11 Oct 2009 /  #217
A foreigner has nothing to do with a polish church,it is better to keep away.

That'd be a Catholic church and you are mistaken about foreigners not welcome.

I also never go to polish restaurants(except accompanied by polish girls) because there you have to speak polish and foreigners are not accepted.This is the reality,I just get on with this.

This is kinda true, from a Westerner's point of view, restaurants are unfriendly places that seem as if you are bothering them by being there but in actual fact it is just the lack of customer service.

Yesterday a drunk Pole got very angry at me seeing me with two polish girls,so I gave him money to buy vodka.In my opinion you have to give Poles always money.Then all problems magically vanish.

I would say the opposite.
you gave him money now you're marked as a trick.
southern  73 | 7059  
11 Oct 2009 /  #218
ou gave him money now you're marked as

You have no idea about the dynamics.He thinks you steal our girls,you own me money.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
13 Oct 2009 /  #219
"illegal Pole in the UK"? What's the definition?
Just curious?

derrr. pre 2004 worker natch.

Santander..."Why would you assist illegal poles, ?"[b][/b]
Because I was related to them..:)
27 Oct 2009 /  #220
Diego Maradona playing football with oranges as an impoverished kid.

If he was that impoverished, wouldn't he have eaten the oranges? :D
27 Oct 2009 /  #221
In Poland if you look white you don't have any problem because they think you come from Ukraine or Russia.

yes . because Polish people are blue
truebrit  3 | 196  
28 Oct 2009 /  #222
Racism exists in all countries but genuine racism is less present in Britain than other nations.
Honest George  1 | 105  
11 Jan 2010 /  #223
.I know lots of Polish folk who do not experience the problems you seeem to. I am not saying it is your fault but it is not the full truth, not the full picture.

Couldn,t agree more !

Think about your statement Krysia, and then tell us what opportunities Poland has given any minority of migrants. Exactly ! ..... I dont see any foreigners in Poland holding high positions.

They work on markets, clean toilets etc.

And I have heard on many occasions Poles telling these people " if you dont like it, you know what you can do ". So you see, Poles and Brits are alike.

What do you expect ? The UK did not want the influx of Poles it got, they did not invite or have job offers for Polish people ( who couldn,t even speak the language ).

Admit it, your people invaded western europe seeking pastures green, thinking the world owed them.

Well, wake up, because anything anybody,s got in the west, they had to work bloody damned hard to get it. ( and in their own country )
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
11 Jan 2010 /  #224
They work on markets, clean toilets etc.

Are they educated? Do they speak the language well? Even better: are they legal Immigrants?

" if you dont like it, you know what you can do

I am sorry, but if you ,cleaning toilets, are making more money than in your 3rd world country and still complain all the time, you are free to leave.

Well, wake up, because anything anybody,s got in the west, they had to work bloody damned hard to get it.

bullfrog  6 | 602  
11 Jan 2010 /  #225
and all other things that make up a fascist or a Nazi.

!! It is Britain and the US who saved the world from nazism and barbarism.. I lived in the Uk for 8 years, and my overall impression was very positive. It is a nation of tolerant people, and in my view, the justice system is extremely good, with the notion of 'fairness' ingrained. My wife, who is a Pole, went to court against the borough of K&C for a parking fine, and won.. And before you ask: I am neither british nor american!
Rogalski  5 | 94  
11 Jan 2010 /  #226
And if one meets a genuinely nice person, they are usually so nice that one wants to shove them in the bushes and make sweet love to them.

Do they have split personalities?

Generally not. Some do. But more to the point, have you been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, by any chance?
king polkakamon  - | 542  
11 Jan 2010 /  #227
because anything anybody,s got in the west, they had to work bloody damned hard to get it. ( and in their own country )

This is not true.Most get their priviledges through heritage.(about 80%).
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
11 Jan 2010 /  #228
i read your initial post and some of the following ones

im surprised but maybe i live in a different reality

personally - and being Polish in the UK - i cant believe it - on one hand

on the other hand - i can
and I put it down to Poles not knowing things - be it culture, not beeing assertive - you name it

for me -not knowing and and lack of knowledge abt the country you live in puts you in a position you may be bullied (seemingly)

some may call it - taking an advantage

be a person - know your value - and rights - that's it
decor_ating  - | 10  
18 Apr 2010 /  #229
visited Poland and it is trash of Europe, female prostitutes and prnstars everywhere. To have a polish girlfriend now is like an insult I hear as it is translated as having a wh0re (or ex wh0re) for a partner. I have now resorted to shag as many agnieszkas and Magdas in London and nothing else to do with them, easiest women to takeaway from clubs and shag!

The men are mainly criminals, steal cars I hear from all over Europe and change the plates to polish...apparently many polish cars cannot be driven outside Poland as a result.

Taxi drivers are corrupt, police are daylight robbers, bars want to fleece you if you are foreign. Many of my western European friends don't want to hear polish being called whites, they say you are more like Gypsies, Albanians, some sh1t stuff.

Social welfare office say 200,000 are on benefits collecting even for kids in Poland and dead relatives!

Some sick pole hid his relative's dead body for few weeks so he could collect their pension for as long as possible.

Apparently like Irish and Jamaicans, polish have largest number of prisoners in UK.

You come to UK and work for pennies, driving many out of work, friend told me a pole was sick and thought he would lose his job so he sent his brother to work the day for him.

Sick people that I can't stand any day, on top of that I go to that dirty filthy country and they have time to be racist on the street to Asian and black students to extent I had to stop and fight a few idiots who think they are white like me!!!

How you joined the EU I don't know but I will try and find out, what is the criteria for disgusting countries like Poland?
Arg_  1 | 27  
18 Apr 2010 /  #230
if some english say some of that to me i just blow his face brother.
DannyJ  - | 129  
18 Apr 2010 /  #231
decor_ating has issues

Seanus  15 | 19668  
18 Apr 2010 /  #232
Although I cannot be sure of the truth of the matter, I really don't see many whorish types on the go. I'd have no problems saying it if I saw it but I don't. Maybe you see the clubbing types and they are the same across Europe and the world.

Many still steal cars, yes, and my students say it is the most common crime in Poland today. I thought it was a thing of the 80's and 90's but they put me straight.

Some taxi drivers can be, yes, but I've never had any problems with them here. You just need to be alert and speak Polish to show you are onto them if they try any fast ones.

They are white for the most part. Just not as white as me ;) ;) Why mention race?

Yes, many even admit to taking advantage of the system in Britain in double claiming. It is not the Poles that are stupid, it is the British system which can't seal off its loopholes.

I don't believe in such stories without proof.

Prisoners? You have access to police and prison websites. Care to show us some stats?

Yes, many are driven out of work but remember that it is British employers that hire them. We must put our hands up too and see the greed that has existed in our culture for a long time.

You can hear racism in many places. Stats don't help in this matter, this is not counting home owners or unemployment. Most sources say that NI, Denmark and Spain are fully worse. Give it time and France and Germany will be even higher due to tensions. Poland will only be near the top 10 when radicals start coming here and doing what they have done/are doing in Norway, for example. Then Poles will rebel.
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Apr 2010 /  #233
Many of my western European friends don't want to hear polish being called whites, they say you are more like Gypsies, Albanians, some sh1t stuff.

For sure you are not white.
DannyJ  - | 129  
18 Apr 2010 /  #234
You have access to police and prison websites. Care to show us some stats?

I don,t like sticking up for c*cks, but he was rite bout that, Printed in some papers about a month ago :(
decor_ating  - | 10  
18 Apr 2010 /  #235
Prisoners? You have access to police and prison websites. Care to show us some stats?

DannyJ  - | 129  
18 Apr 2010 /  #236

Look you can,t even get that rite,, Now go find the one from this year that has Poland 3rd.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
18 Apr 2010 /  #237
Well, the Telegraph is known as a right-wing broadsheet so where are the objective stats? Many uneducated morons went across to the UK and are not representative of many Poles. I am not trying to defend anyone here, just state the truth.
decor_ating  - | 10  
18 Apr 2010 /  #238
Look you can,t even get that rite,, Now go find the one from this year that has Poland 3rd.

They can't be bothered to do one this year because 2 million poles have since joined the other criminals and we have lost track of the crimes they commit. Try drugs, benefit fraud, car theft, sex offences, rape, racism and domestic violence. Atop the crimes we already have here!

go figure!
DannyJ  - | 129  
18 Apr 2010 /  #239
I,ve figured u have issues
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Apr 2010 /  #240
To have a polish girlfriend now is like an insult I hear as it is translated as having a wh0re (or ex wh0re) for a partner.

Hm.I also avoid to tell I have polish gf.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - RacismArchived